Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)
Hi Patrice, Thanks for the note and the great pictures!. I think it’s fantastic that you’re involved with that group as they look like a lot of fun and like to do healthy activities as well to counteract all the other horrible stuff you /they do.
I must agree with your thoughts on making art and when I see such things I have a desire that wells up in me to start on my long awaited run at making my own art pieces, funky furniture etc. I can feel the time coming soon as there is some light at the end of the tunnel as far as getting some projects done around here as well as a desire to de clutter and off load a couple vehicles as well as other junk in my life and give me some room to try new ventures.
When are you guys leaving for India? how’s Chloe? take care and ttys, Al
Hello Winte-Tasters and non-cyclistii! Glad you enjoyed the outing! We did as well. Great to share the experience with such like-minded friends. Must away as we are off with friends, Nancy and David, to show them some of the surrounding area. Plan to head to Indian Rock first and then work our way back, eventually through OK Falls and Oliver to give them some sense of the gorgeous landscapes there. Look forward to seeing you both on Monday. Greetings and best wishes from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just outright fantastic shots. So fantastic that I would like to have them all! Downloaidng gives me very low resolution. Is there a way you can bring them on a flash drive and I can then put them on my computer? Let me know please.
Cheers, Yours Aarturo, the eternal low flying Flatman Yours, Aarturo
Hey Padrun Inckt, Here are my photos in 2 emails, otherwise I have to make them too small. Cheers, Aart
Dear Pat and Corinne, It is with profound disappointment that we have to renege on our plan to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with you. We are going to attend the memorial service for Ken Millard. We got to know Ken over the past year through our close friends and neighbours, Barbara and Gary-co-founders of the Galiano Conservancy. Ken was the Director of the Galiano Nature Conservancy and hired Amira to work with him over the summer- another surrogate grandparent and mentor for her. She is pretty choked and will come from Kamloops to be at this memorial.
We are sorry for the short notice. We have been looking forward to the
weekend with you. This has been a difficult decision for us to make . We understand you will be in Vancouver on the weekend of the 17th/18th. We would love to see you when you are here if it works? Can you set aside
Friday evening or daytime Saturday or Sunday? W e will host you here at Jane's
-- brunch or dinner, whatever suits you.
We look forward to getting to Tummler's reach sometime soon. It may have to wait until after your trip to India -- assuming you return and do not end up in an ashram somewhere. Fond regards to you both, G & J
Hello Jane and George: Please accept my heartfelt sympathy to you both, and Amira, on Ken Millard's untimely death. Understand completely about not coming for the weekend but please don't give it a second thought, under such sad, difficult circumstances.
On a brighter note, very pleased that we will be able to see you on Friday evening, prior to being ashram bound! If it is any consolation, the bedroom which had been reserved for you has already been re-booked. Chloë, before asking us, had invited Krissy and Mark, along with Porter, their dog, to stay, over the weekend as well! As we thought that you two, along with Morita, would be here, we said No! Didn't mind K/M but having two dogs seemed a bit much. So now they will take your reservation!
Furthermore, Chloë also invited another friend, Lee, with her two hyper-active children! We've seen them in action and I must say I find it difficult not to speak my mind about their ridiculous behaviour. The parents don't seem to think anything is amiss so not really the children's fault, I suppose.
Anyway, we suggested Lee stay at the vacation home her parents own, in Trout Lake, lower Summerland. It is a huge house, 6 bedrooms/bathrooms, according to Chloë who has seen it. The parents are spending Thanksgiving elsewhere, with a sister Lee doesn't get along with! As a compromise we will have dinner there, bringing along the turkey, etc. Lynne and Peter will join us as well so, in spite of what I've described, I imagine it should be fun. At least we won't have to clean-up chaos which I'm sure Lee's offspring will wreak on the grandparent's house
Busy next few days of shelf building so looking forward to finally making a start on wine storage area. Again, much sympathy. Fondestos, Patrizzio!
Re: Our booking at Radisson Blu Hotel GRT, Chennai As requested, here are the additional details of our arrivals in Chennai to confirm the airport transfers.
Peter Lighthall will arrive on Jet Airways India flight 525 from Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, October 27 at 2:00 p.m. Lynne Lighthall will arrive on Air India flight AI42 from Delhi on Wednesday, October 28 at 8:00 p.m. Corinne Durston and Patrick Dunn will arrive on Lufthansa flight LH758 from Frankfurt on Wednesday, October 28 at 11:50 p.m. Please let us know if you require any additional details. Thank you. Lynne
Hola Patricio ( and Cora Lee)--Sorry I was in flagrante delecto (or some such state of undress and wetness) when you dropped by this morning. It would have been nice to say hello to you two and your guests. Timing is everything … so "they" say. I'm just catching up on some desk duties including some Indja stuff.
Yes, you are correct in recalling that the hotel payment in Chennai is due when we get there. I gave them my VISA number to guarantee the reservation but that is all they can use it for unless we don't show up at all! Peter gets there the day ahead of us, as you know, and he will check in and give them his VISA number for payment for our room. You two can pay for your room as it suits you. The current price for your room is $135.00 CDN. There are some additional charges for taxes and service charges, which I think will add about 10-12%. Interestingly, the room is more expensive for the one night that Peter is there on his own than it is for the night when all four of us are there. Go figure …Cheers for now, Lynnie
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