Monday, 27 October 2014

Post VWF Blues: Monday, October 27th!

I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made. -Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President (1882-1945) 

Up at 6:15 am to finish last few chapters of The Cold Cold Ground. Can hardly wait to read the rest of The Troubles Trilogy, as well as the other, earlier works by McKinty. In pretty good shape, as far as packing is concerned. Glasgow is to arrive by 8:00 am but not sure about Tom Cat Giggster! Time to make breakfast!

[After starting the week-long Welfare Food Challenge in British Columbia last week, in which she could only spend $21 on groceries, Bif Naked revealed it was anything but easy.]

I would imagine that you are getting Stealth IV ready for launch.
I have not made final arrangements with Barbara although I will surely succeed before you arrive.

We are planning to have the fair Elise over on Saturday night; of course my brother will be here too, so we hope that will be some sort of celebratory get together. We'll see if the circle gets any bigger. Elise's consort Brian is otherwise occupied, something to do with his son and a symphony, so we will get her undivided attention. 

Looking forward to getting updates as you make you way into the southern jungles. I presume you are staying a night in Portland and one in Redding? Our local forecast has rain for Friday, but it doesn't appear to be a big storm and obviously you are thoroughly familiar with those conditions. 

So, onward into the day and week. It's brilliant outside with the whole winter sky overhead, and soon I'll head down to swim. Best to Corinne, Glasgow and Ms. Chloe! Cactus

Hello Villa Vicentians! Lovely to hear from you, Cactus, on the very morn of departure. Portland tonight and then perhaps Williams on Tuesday, but that may change, on the fly. Plans for Saturday sound wonderful. As you say, I'm sure things with Barbara will sort themselves out. Thanks, again, for that. Has been lashing down here, much of this past week, so we won't be fussed by any Bay Area drizzle!
Up at 6:15 am to finish last few chapters of The Cold Cold Ground. (Book needs to be back at VPL!) Can hardly wait to read the rest of The Troubles Trilogy, as well as the other, earlier works by McKinty. In pretty good shape, as far as packing is concerned. Glasgow is to arrive by 8:00 am but not sure about Tom Cat Giggster, just back from Galiano, Sunday evening, with his new amore, Jane!


I know Mme. Coriandre, still in Land of Nod, (after a late night at last VWF event at the Stanley), sends along Fondestos and Best Wishes to you both. Mr Fixit and Sarge will pop by Chloë's place, later this morning, to take a look at her leaky garburetor. Love having "tradesmen" as visitors. Greg, from Brisbane, fixed her toilet three weeks ago! Cheers, Patrizzio The Hapless! 

Fairly uneventful drive to Portland but the time passed quickly as had The Lads to talk to all the way. Arrived around 5:00 pm after stopping to gas up and then pick up some white wine and sunscreen at Fred Meyer. Marilyn had an unbelievable feast awaiting and we tucked into it as soon as we'd unloaded our bags and been assigned our rooms. I took our usual bedroom downstairs, the better to guard my wine in the cellar next door. 

More great good times with our wonderful hosts and plenty of "stashed" wine, it goes without saying. Hootch only encouraged Glasgow and Marilyn to belt out Scotland the Brave, encouraged by Michaelo who brought out a couple of Kenneth McKellar albums from the '50's! Finished off the evening with much too much malt but by the time the bottles came out nobody had any ability to say NO! Trundled off to bed around midnight! What a great start to a grand holiday!           Thanks for the pictures, Patrick. Bon voyage! Steve 

hi Patrick, The 2 Waynes spent a good part of the day taking out the garbarator and redoing plumbing. What scotch would you suggest for Wayne C? thanks
Kisses corinne


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