Sunday, 31 May 2015

Hudson's Bay Cherry Lane Blues: Sunday, May 31st!

In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker. -Plutarch, biographer and philosopher (circa 46-120)

Hi Kids!

Well, we are here in Penticton! This is really the first time I've had a minute to sit down and send a message. You have the honour, (And a great one it is, I trust you know!), of being the first people to receive a brief note from Il Palazzo di Patrizzio! (Debate, as to name, is still underway but since I'm broadcasting from my office here at Burns Street I feel I can bloody well call it what I wish!)

Big Al was a godsend beyond belief. He left at just after 8:00 am on Friday, taking Coquihalla. We didn't leave The Islay Inn until just after 10:00 am, given last minute transfer of too, too many items into The Annexe! Fortunately, Flamin', as Strata President, had given us permission to use space as Council has not yet decided upon next rental. Place is almost filled with everything from items in storage locker and apartmento that couldn't, literally couldn't be squeezed into U-Haul or our our two cars. [Of course, all the "essential" items, (cutlery, cleaning supplies, my coffee mug!), were left there. Every-time we needed something, when unpacking or were otherwise trying to settle in, we were reminded that such items were still in Vancouver! Not thinking very clearly by that point, what with lack of sleep, cumulative concern about packing snowballing into an avalanche of mistakes and poor prioritizing judgement, {We have enough spices to start our own booth at the Penticton Farmer's Market but needed to borrow an electric drill from Peter, who, noting our vulnerability, charged more for the rental than a new one would have cost at Rona!}, and more critically, not having been on any long rides for days!] On a brighter note, my driving companion was the large dolly which was invaluable at both ends of the move. She is actually more talkative than Cora Lee, who either sleeps or reads on any road trip, so ride to Penticton went swimmingly! At any rate, looking ahead, we plan to drive back to Vancouver, probably this coming Thursday, to hire another, smaller U-Haul to bring rest of stuff and the three large planters, now in the garden area just off the public walkway, which Cora Lee wants for the start of our minimalist landscaping here. Over next few days we will try to figure out smallest vehicle we need to hire for me to drive back, with the hope that any "overflow"
will fit into our vehicle.

As mentioned above, Big Al drove like a demon and was having breakfast in Merritt by the time I talked to him from Bridal Falls. [You'll be pleased to learn that I am now the proud  owner of Chloë's used iPhone 4S, although I don't know how to use it!] I had talked to Gil, our agent in Penticton, and arranged to have him give Big Al the key to house as I knew Cannonball Waldron would be there ahead of us. Movers we'd hired were scheduled to arrive at 3:00 pm so we really wanted that process to start on time.

Initially, I had planned to follow Big Al, as support vehicle, but decided to take Hope-Princeton once this scenario had changed. Had a great time, chatting with Dolly. We like the same music and she doesn't require air-conditioning, so I opened all the windows, cranked up the volume for the drivin' CD's I'd loaded and blasted along. Was in Keremeos by 2:45 pm and had a call from Cora Lee to say Big Al was already at the house. I had forgotten to give him the combo to lock on sliding truck door so gave her the numbers to give to him. They had taken Coquihalla and were still on The Connector, I believe. She told me that the movers were going to be late and wouldn't be arriving until 4:00 pm so that worked out well, given our own delay.

Arrived at Burns Street around 3:45 pm to find Big Al sitting on front porch steps, swigging from a bottle of my malt and texting! Soon disabused him of this lolly-gagging and we set to work starting to unload the semi! The Sisterhood arrived not long afterwards and then then the hired help. Big Al had backed the truck, over our moonscape stone/lava rock landscaping, right up to the front patio, almost like a loading dock, so extendo ramp was almost at front door. This made the whole decanting process as easy and as efficient as possible, of course.

The Sisterhood gave directions, (I'm actually not being snide as this is a critical aspect of move as I'm sure you are aware. Who wants to move a heavy piece of furniture again?), as to where to put various boxes and pieces of furniture while Big Al, Dolly and I muled any non-essential boxes into garage for unpacking in about 5 years or more! Lynne and Peter had called on Thursday to say that they would be bringing dinner around 6:30 pm and when they arrived they pitched in so that in seemingly no time the cavern was empty! With everyone's help we'd managed to do it in slightly less than four hours! I happened to be coming back from the garage when Cora Lee announced that the van was empty and I couldn't believe my eyes or ears!

Offered the lads a beer and then Peter and I followed Big Al to return truck, not too, too far away, so we were back by 8:30 pm to have a wonderful, wonderful "picnic", (Actually used our picnic hamper as we couldn't find any plates, cutlery, etc!), of roasted chicken, cole-slaw salad, dips with fresh vegetables and tasty cheeses from Upper Bench Winery and Creamery in the "Family Room", watching re-runs of Disneyland, eating off TV tables and drinking Tang! After that was gone, plenty of hootch, Stellar Jay Sparkling, courtesy of The Narmatians to toast move and then more whites, (Even had a Riesling, first of Peter's home-made wine efforts. Very, very tasty!), and reds and then, for the hardy, malt! Simply unbelievable way to finish the day, given what had been accomplished!

Everyone fell into bed once we thanked the Takeaway Food People. Big Al had never been to Lighthall's so they invited him to stay overnight, preferring the luxury, sheer luxury of their beautiful home in the hills above Okanagan Lake to staying with the hoi polloi on the Flats in Penticton. However, even on the wrong side of the Kettle Valley tracks, things cool off during the evening and so the night was poifect for sleeping. Dropped off listening to the crickets serenading one another. What a sound! Think that alone will draw Chloë back!

Next morning did a bit more unpacking and then I took off to re-claim our migrant worker. Had a to collect two Trek boxes which contained the flat screen TV's we's stored in Peter's garage. Telus was coming at 1:00 pm to hook up phone, wireless, etc., so we needed to have sets ready for that. Also repatriated about seven cases of malt as I was afeard that once Peter knew they were there, (He was in Cuba for that earlier muleage run and I made sure I "buried" the boxes beneath ones labelled "Books. For Garage!", the better to hide them from prying eyes and throats!

Next to Rona to buy a bit of strapping and hardware needed to affix Murphy bed to wall. Peter loaned us his electric drill and stud finder which made the process pretty striaghtforward, at least in the hands as capable as Big Al's! He was a tad peckish when we left Rona and just by chance mentione dthis as we were at the check-out counter there. Young woman whispered to us that although she really shouldn't be sending us to Canada Tire there was a hot-dog vendor in the parking lot there that she visited every lunch break she could manage to do so. Thanking her for the tip, (Can't beat local knowledge!), we drove but a block or two and had an early lunch. Chap, Dave Fraser, is, we think, a former member of the Hell's Angels if the tats on his massive forearms and the Harley, parked beside his hot-dog stand, were any indication. Nevertheless, a tremendously friendly, welcoming sort and he even shared the secret for preparing the cooked onions he serves on the various sausages he offers, as Big Al liked them so much. Another clue as to his gang membership was the fact that when I asked him if he ever rode into Washington, crossing at Osoyoos he said that he couldn't until he was given a waiver for some criminal activity, (not specified!), he was convicted of over 25 years ago. Quite an intro to life in Penticton and on the second day! Think I'm going to enjoy the small town feel. Don't really have to worry about the crowd drinking Chai Lattes made with 2% soy here, from what I've seen so far.

Chuckling and rubbing our more than satisfied tummies, we headed back to the OK Corral. Once there, I started obeying the orders barked out at me while Big Al busied himself mounting the large flat screen in the rumpus room. From "Family Room" to "Rumpus Room" after meeting biker! Telus chaps arrived close to 1:00 pm and did a wonderful job of hooking everything up. They were here for almost three hours. Once of the unexpected problems was the fact that the telephone line had been cut,at some point, during previous renovations so one the the lads had to climb the utility pole to re-string necessary wiring. The wireless router is in my ufficio, (Best place, it turns out for signal broadcast, etc.), so Big Al had to wait until wiring was installed there. Outlet is smack dab in centre of wall where the Murphy bed was to go so when we looked at what needed to be done, earlier that morning, we decided, fortunately, to wait until Telus lads were here and finished before we fastened frame to the wall. As you can well imagine, Big Al did a super job on that and I couldn't be happier. While not something I could not have done, if push came to shove, he had completed the task in no time flat and now the room is ready to be used, so come on up!

By this time it was getting close to 4:00 pm so we suggested he take a break and have a shower. We had bought him a ticket to Vancouver and his flight left at 7:00 pm so Peter, (He actually did online booking on Friday night at the picnic!"), suggested he needed to be ther by 6:00 pm. After Big Al had showered and changed, we all sat around in the living room, such as it is, inasmuch as it is still a work in progress, and talked about what should/might go where, sipping beer and cider, (water with freshly squeezed lime for chauffeur!), until it was time to leave for the airport. But a nine minute drive and we were there. Thanked Big Al profusely as simply don't know how we could have managed without him, everything from driving truck to helping unload to doing so many of the things that needed to be done, once here, so quickly and properly and efficiently.

Stopped at Save-On for some groceries on way home and then once there I cleared up all the empty packing boxes and crumpled newspaper from the front patio where Sistehrood had left these containers as they made there way through those containing, in the main, kitchenware, bedding, etc. Then a luxurious shower while Chloë prepared a fabulous salad, (With greens and tomatoes from the wonderful Farmer's Market, but four or five blocks from our place, along Main Street, she and her Mom had walked to that morning.), and Mme Coriandre did pork loin in the oven. She had intended to use the bbq but the propane container we brought was the empty one! Full one is back at The Annexe, don'tcha' know!

Absolutely delicious meal, eaten again, in the Rumpus Room, while we watched the first episode of
Jack Taylor, "an Irish television drama based on the Ken Bruen novel series. Set in Galway, the program features Iain Glen in the eponymous role of Jack Taylor, a former officer with the Garda Síochána (national police) who becomes a "finder" (private investigator) after leaving the service. Taylor looks for clues others have overlooked. He also knows the streets of his hometown like the back of his hand." Can hardly wait until this evening to watch second installment!

Bed by midnight and too tired to do dishes! Brushing and flossing was more than enough after long, full day. Another needed, restful sleep. Up at just before 8:00 am for a mug of java and a look at my overflowing Inbox! Started this message and then took a break for a tasty breakfast of scrambled eggs, tomatoes and overleft pork loin. I did the dishes while The Sisterhood showered and readied themselves for the day. They were off at close to 10:00 am to look for a bed-frame for our King mattress as well as some patio furniture. All alone, I moved some things around in the living room so as to make space for the large TV cabinet that we thought should go in the guest bedroom. Think it will work better in the living room now so we plan to drag it, (Should move quit easily on a blanket over tile floors.), it there, once The Goils return.

Next I unhooked two small speakers in family room, left by previous owners, and
attached them to a small radio/cassette tape deck I filched from Sarge a few months ago so now I have surround-sound in my ufficio! Must away as I hear the car doors slamming outside, announcing the return of the Shopping Fiends and know I will be severely castigated for not having done more unpacking. Fondestos to you both and will be in touch anon! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Moving day, Thursday; moving out/in day, Friday; Saturday with Dave Fraser and Telus and Big Al!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

D-Day With a Penchant Blues: Thursday, May 28th!

Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn, novelist, Nobel laureate (1918-2008)
Hi Guys, Just doing nothing and thought of you getting ready to move this weekend. Sadly we couldn’t get over for the weekend tho as a compensation we are looking after my daughters dog for the weekend this is our only excuse for not coming over to lend a hand.

Any how we have been home a for a week now and are slipping back into routine, Claire has been to meetings and I am back in work doing various training things. It’s actually good to get your own life back after a holiday.

Our trip by the way was pretty darn good (we had some folk from North Carolina on the boat and they were Republicans) but great fun. So we did ten days in the UK (with our friends from here Ken and Lindy) to start with just driving around to Stone Henge, Salisbury, Glastonbury, Stratford upon Avon, New quay, Lands’ End (Cornwall generally) then off to Dover for the trip to Calais and on to Bruges to catch the boat. This part was easy, it was tied up so catching it wasn’t too hard. Then followed 14 days of boating and biking we probably did about 50 to 70 km per day depending on whether the boat was where it was supposed to be, sometimes it had to make various detours due to lock problems but otherwise very good. The meals were very good with Rick the chef doing a splendid job catering for 16 of us. Of course we had a few drinks along the way at night to talk about the days ride.

Highlights were many but the trip into Paris via a tunnel from the Seine upstream from Notre Dame was pretty special about a kilometre long beneath Republique and then we moored up in Paris we were actually a tourist attraction as we travelled along.

We then headed off to St Malo and Mont St Michele. St Malo was fantastic and we stayed for three days to experience the life of the Corsairs. We then ferried across to Guernsey in a force 9 gale, lots of vomit on the boat, not from us I would add, but a bunch a school kids too many lollies and excitement on a school trip I think. Quite nice location and great place for a ride in the future (its only 34 miles around so very hard to get lost).

Then we headed back to the UK to catch up with Claire’s aunt for a few days. Great time had, we even took some golf lessons. Then home via Paris.

We did learn some lessons about bike touring:

Managing 16 bikers is a bit like herding feral cats.

The average speed was a little less than 10 Kph

No one wants to do the same thing or even close to the same thing at the same time

French Café’s generally are never open when you get there

Public toilets do not exist near bike ways generally.

Stinging nettles apparently hurt when they come in contact with soft bits according to some ladies

Maps do not always represent what is actually on ground.

There needs to be a lot of time set aside for drinking beverages of all types.

I have a few more people that want to do the whole ride from Amsterdam to Portugal (bit scary)

I now a have a person that speaks three useful languages that is also a bike mechanic that wants to go.

A doctor wants to go as long as he only drives the van.

A plan is useful

The weather is not co-operative as general rule

I have a bike shop owner that wants to come along

The average age of biker seems to be at least 60

Bladders are a limiting factor in terms of how far a group can travel between comfort stops

Results from this survey:

I am reconsidering the format of “Le Tour de folly”.

2017 is the earliest I think it could be done.

Probable start date Late April

Finish late June

Format it will be camping as a general rule (tho if some want to use more up market arrangements so be it. The bums in the tents will be encouraged to ridicule them however)

Arrive Amsterdam Collect camping equipment and hire van to carry essential supplies and extra gear to save carrying everything when riding ( Cost to be split equitably between bikers pro rata if required)

Amsterdam to be base for three to five days. Bikers can explore the Netherlands in self-selected groups of interest) In three to five days you can ride around the whole country and its flat so not a bad warm up

Then four days ride to next destination (approx. 200 km away as the crow rides). Bikers can either choose to camp with the van each night (50k hops) or select own route and accommodation style. The only criteria is to arrive at the next location (at 200km on the fourth day ( non-negotiable) this maybe somewhere in Belgium the camp to be established for 3 to 5 days depending on location and interest.

Using this process the whole group will be together only on these nights/days where we have an established camp location. All riding will be self-directed I will of course try to get together some riding routes that people might want to try.

My guess is that over the projected 8 weeks we can cover a distance of 2000 km plus all the days riding at our base camp locations when we have a camp established.

I will keep dreaming about this project and see if I have enough energy to get it off the ground it seems at the moment I have about 12 definite starters and maybe 20 so who knows. If the group is big enough we might be able to get groups discounts.

So something to ponder and let me know if you have some thoughts after you have moved into your new digs. Cheers From Greg and Claire
Up at 5:30 am to get ready for a long day!
Hi Jan and Jim! Just a quick note to send along before we begin final packing and loading for Penticton. Lovely to meet you both on Tuesday. Do hope our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

D-Day Minus One Blues: Wednesday, May 27th!

Compassion is not weakness and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism. -Hubert Humphrey, US Vice President (27 May 1911-1978) 

Amy Schumer Pokes Light-Hearted Fun at Obsessive Pet Parents: Ayn P Lol! I got this last week from someone too. I didn't want to tell you but Mom and Dad said they could care less if we come to Penticton in August as long as Winston is there with them!
Patrick James Dunn We have this on a loop on our one flat screen not yet packed as I am answering messages, while Nana and Chloë are out in the garden looking for where Sneaker's ashes were buried. They want to disinter her as they feel she will be quite lonely once we move, especially since the new owners keep rescue reptiles! If we make it to Penticton, she plans to put Pinot Grigio in Winston's water dish, selflessly sharing her prescription medication! Do you think his aggression issues have anything to do with his time as a dog soldier in one of the East LA gangs? Personally, I think he managed to escape from Athens, (When there in 2007 we noticed the incredible number of strays roaming the city's streets.), with refugees from North Africa. When the boat foundered, in rough seas, he was rescued by an American freighter bound, via the Panama Canal, for San Diego, and the rest is history!

Patrick and Corinne, All the best in your new venture. Best regards, Margaret and Ron

 Hi Margaret! Thanks for best wishes! Much appreciated! As part of moving strategy, on the Thursday before the Victoria Day weekend, we drove up to Naramata, with another full car-load, to leave with Lynne and Peter Lighthall. Continued on to Little Shuswap where we spent the rest of the long-weekend with friends, Ruth and Rick Toews, at their family cabin there. Latter is one who studied with Ron!

Pick up U-Haul truck this evening for loading all day tomorrow and then will leave for Penticton, early Friday morning. The new adventure begins! We will be in Vancouver quite a few times over the coming summer so  perhaps we can get together for a quick visit, everyone's busy schedules allowing. Fond regards to you both from Corinne. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pic: View from patio; Ruth and Rick at Little Shuswap; Librarian at work!

when is your day and time of travel.?both of us in bed with food poisoning.stay clear for now ;hope you are excited .take care ;matt 

Hi Glasgow! Sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Must have been last ham dinner at The Island Inn! Hope you both recover quickly. What with "D-Day" just around the corner, not sure how much time I'm going to have to send or reply to messages until we are ensconced in either The Burns Street Social House or Il Palazzo! Must away as the laundry room and the storage locker remain to be dealt with, another decree from on high! Actually under threat of flogging from Cruella! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Jo-Anne and Colin! Thank you both, so much, for joining us at the Farewell Bash, Travel safely. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Patrick Thanks for your note--we are off. I think the name for new place should be Burns Street Bordello! Anyways will be in touch soon. LOL Jo-Anne

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Bokutachi no Kazoku Blues: Tuesday, May 26th!

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. -Paul Valery, poet and philosopher (1871-1945) 

Our Family traces the emotional journey of a four-member family that fails to recognize that it is rapidly growing apart until the mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer, ironically bringing forth a hope for salvation. 

A mother's sudden illness brings together a family on the edge of collapse.
A subtle and beautiful tale about "rediscovery" and "rebirth" in an ordinary Japanese family, humorously and movingly portrayed.

Passing sixty, Reiko is a mother who frets about her radically-deteriorating memory. She easily forgets names of people and things. But this happens to everybody, or so her husband and two grown sons believe. When, however, that forgetfulness causes embarrassment for the family and ultimately concern for Reiko's mental health, a trip to the hospital ensues and yields tragic results: she has a brain tumor and likely has only a week to live.

"I'm terrified of seeing our family fall apart." These are Reiko's last words before lapsing into a dementia-like state that compels her to express her innermost thoughts and feelings about family and an old flame. Her husband and two sons are at complete loss as to how to deal with the situation as all the suppressed problems of an "ordinary family" come bubbling to the surface: the family's heavy debts, a dysfunctional lifestyle, the boys' disaffection toward their parents, and a pathetic reliance of the parents on their children.

With the light of life suddenly about to flicker out on Reiko, the question of "What is family?" looms up to demand an answer… from the father, mother, the two sons and the eldest son's wife. Here is a new family story for a new age, and it comes with an unexpected miracle.

Interesting morning! Think she reacted to the IV drugs got all nauseated and then she passed out on me. Was like a ghost, she seems a little better now. We have seen the doctor in follow up and the cornea looks good and no fluid leaking. Hope her day gets better and better. Uncle George  

Dearest Rachael! Trust you will be up and around, back to normal, in no time flat! Thinking of you every minute of the day until we  see you in Winnipeg! Much, much Love from your West Coast Cousins, both in Tinsel Town, Ayn, Alex and Pierre, as well as Chloë in Vancouver and Aunt Corinne and Uncle Patrick! 

Hello Shutterbug Ricardo and Rampagin' Ruthless! Pleased as punch that you both of you made it home safely after the "hasty exit" from The Islay Inn, early Sunday morn! Never a dull moment with the Wild and Wooly Squamoids! That being said, thank you both, so much, for joining us at the Farewell Bash, it goes without saying. You and your family are inextricably linked, (for better or worse, much like marriage vows, appropriately/apparently!), to our time in Vancouver so I can't imagine what the Farewell Party could/would have been without you!

Furthermore, thank you, Ricardo, for being so generous as to bring all the necessary real estate transfer paperwork for us to sign. Great to know that we have now been defrauded of our future and will become homeless people. Last laugh is not on me, however, as my cycling garb will allow me to blend in on the Mean Streets, while Lady Mary will be the target of intense ridicule for her high falutin' threads when she's dumpster diving! As well, Ruthless, thanks so much for the incredible Haystacks! I plan to save a few for the GranFondo in July as they'll be virtual jet-fuel. After eating just one, I'll probably outstrip the elite riders!

Also, Ricardo, thanks for the great snaps of us with establishment signs. Will need to commission you when we have the Penticton abode moniker writ in stone. At present, the working title is The Burns Street Social House, the name receiving the most votes, Saturday evening, after the dust settled! However, Lady Mary has decreed that we are going to wait and see what feels right, (Please read "What she wants!"), when we get to the Okanagan. Entre Nous, I think she is miffed that Il Palazzo di Patrizzio was a top runner! (I have already launched an independent investigation into ballot-box tampering!)

Finally, Flash sent along a link which contains all the photographs he took. As a sample, have attached
a terrific one of Ruthless and Elise. (There will be an  on-going debate as to parentage issues, I'm sure!). I wanted to make sure that it was fine with him if I forwarded link to those attending bash, and others, of course, and that they were free to download any images they might wish. As you can appreciate, it will make sharing infinitely easier but I didn't want to presume such unrestricted access. Just had a message a few minutes ago: Forward away. Send the link far and wide, and everyone can peruse at their leisure. I hope the move goes well - I look forward to the new Palazzo! Talk soon,-A. 

Photos are here:

Note that Flash is leaning towards Il Palazzo! At any rate, just wanted to thank you both for everything, especially your undying friendship and generosity. What with "D-Day" just around the corner, not sure how much time I'm going to have to send or reply to messages until we are ensconced in either The Burns Street Social House or Il Palazzo! Must away as the laundry room and the storage locker remain to be dealt with, another decree from on high! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Great shots Alastair, thank you so much and great to see you and Elise!

Hi Patrick and Corinne, Thanks for a wonderful farewell to the Islay Inn. It was great to see and chat with you and so many of your friends. Sorry for the hasty departure, but sometimes you must be extreme to make a point to a pushy driven golfer. It's particularly funny because last weekend he couldn't stop talking about his cases and other things to Mom and Dad (with no harassment)
even though we still had a 4 1/2 hr. drive ahead of us and work early the next morning so we got very little sleep. The irony of it all! But this too shall pass! R.

P.S. Good Luck with the Big Move! I'm getting ready for my big hike, but I'll be thinking about both of you as you set up shop in your new town.

Hi Ruthless! Know exactly what you mean about "pushy, driven" people, the crosses which we easy-going, patient, kind and ever-accommodating red-heads must needs deal with, bear every waking minute of our lives! More importantly, just wanted to send along best wishes for a safe and phenomenal hike. What a grand adventure and trust we can share the experience when next we meet, when not on the road to anywhere, as a certain Pushoid would say!

On an even lighter note, due to the Children's Festival, on now at Granville Island, the resident Canada Geese and their adolescent broods have been forced away from the large grassy areas beside the Water Park. Had a number of flotillas waddle past our place a few moments ago , foraging on the greener pastures across the way, the ever-observant parents herding the stragglers and adventuresome ones back to the main groups! Feeling like we live, smack dab, in the middle of a petting zoo! Fondestos from Cora Lee. Travel safely. Have a wonderful, wonderful time. Cheers, Patrizzio!

It was great to meet you Patrick. Pity the Polish-Ukranian alliance was so short-lived (only one night as I recall). Bit like the last real one, actually...And I'm monumentally sorry that I couldn't save you some moving problems vis-a-vis the single malt; but if you're ever up Girvan way, I'd very much like to add to your next one with a rare bouteille from the local distillery (Grant's). Winston

Hi Winston! Terrific to meet you as well, Winston! Sorry I won't be around to play one last round before you are off but I'll certainly keep Girvan in mind. We are planning to be back in Europe in 2016, (After Inja with Lynne and Peter this Fall.), and Scotland is high on the list of the number of countries we'd like to spend time in. Bon Voyage when it is your turn to leave, Winston. Onward! Fight!! Cheers, Patrizzio!!!

Hi Patrick, The big day is fast approaching for the move -I seem to recall May 28th? However, the bad news is that I will be unable to help you load the van. I have had a hell of a time with sciatica which first struck me mildly in January. I have had a couple of more severe attacks since I last saw you in mid-March and I’m struggling to get them behind me recently. So it has all been somewhat depressing lately.

I hope that you have ample people power for the big move and that it goes smoothly. We are still planning to come up to the Ok valley July 18th or so -we are staying near Naramata for a week and later staying in Kelowna for a couple of days. Hope to see you and Corrine then. cheers, Bill. 

Hi Wild Bill! Terribly sorry to hear about your nasty sciatica. Can only imagine how painful it must be. On the bright side, it could have been gout! Seriously, close friend, in Melbourne, was hospitalized recently, for three weeks, with severe arthritis in her spine. She was planning to visit Vancouver this June but has had to cancel her trip. Her husband, Stefano, will still travel as their eldest daughter, Zoe, is here. Perhaps you'll bump into him in Penticton as he will be visiting us in July around the time you plan to be in Naramata/Kelowna.

Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Denise. Trust your back is back to normal as soon as possible, under circumstances. Onward! Fight!! Cheers, Patrizzio!!! 
Dear Corinne and Pat, Just wanted to say a huge thank you as well for a lovely party!! You have such a wonderful daughter and friends!! It was so nice to put a face to the names and meet Ray. Hope your packing is going well.

This is a very last minute invitation because some friends just cancelled tonight so wondered if you two might be interested? I am going to an early evening event put on by Butterfield and Robinson cycling company based in Toronto. It is a complimentary evening with drinks and appies. My friend Tina is joining me. It is from 5:30 to 7:30 at The Refinery restaurant at 1115 Granville near Davie.

I know you have lots and lots to do but if you could break away for a wee bit, I would love you to join us. Have a super day and thanks again for you warm hospitality!! I will miss you but look forward to visiting you with George! Ps If you can come tonight I will send your names in. Hugs, Jane 

Hi Jane,thanks so much for thinking of us but will have to pass on tonight. Lots to do as you can imagine. Glad you were able to be at the party. We look forward to seeing you and George in Penticton soon. Hugs Corinne

Hi Calamity and Frank Lloyd Wright's Lesser Known Brother, the Construction Worker!

If you have not already given away one of the tickets, I would dearly love to join you for the Paul Butterfield Blues event. As is usual, Lady Mary spoke on my behalf, (You will recall, in my address on Saturday eve, I mentioned I was loathe to do such for her!), but I would be more than delighted to attend, for an hour or so, before I make for the Cinematheque, at 1131 Howe Street, just a block or so from The Refinery, to see Our Family, probably one of the last Vancouver Foreign Film Society's screenings I'll see for awhile. No big deal if tickets are gone. I'll just keep packing!

Furthermore, thank you both, so much, for joining us at the Farewell Bash, it goes without saying. You are inextricably linked, (for better or worse, much like marriage vows, appropriately/apparently!), to our time in Vancouver so I can't imagine what the Farewell Party could/would have been without you!

You might know that Ricardo brought all the necessary real estate transfer paperwork for us to sign. Great to know that we have now been defrauded of our future and will become homeless people. Last laugh is not on me, however, as my cycling garb will allow me to blend in on the Mean Streets, while Lady Mary will be the target of intense ridicule for her high falutin' threads when she's dumpster diving! A

Also thanked Ricardo for some great snaps of us with establishment signs. Will need to commission him when we have the Penticton abode moniker writ in stone. At present, the working title is The Burns Street Social House, the name receiving the most votes, Saturday evening, after the dust settled! However, Lady Mary has decreed that we are going to wait and see what feels right, (Please read "What she wants!"), when we get to the Okanagan. Entre Nous, I think she is miffed that Il Palazzo di Patrizzio was a top runner! (I have already launched an independent investigation into ballot-box tampering!) However, thanks to Giorgio, Tummler's Reach, is in the running as well, as far as The Brotherhood goes! A percentage of magnet sales might help sway odds in favour of latter!

Finally, Flash sent along a link which contains all the photographs he took. As a sample, have attached a terrific one of Ruthless and Elise. (There will be an on-going debate as to parentage issues, I'm sure!). I wanted to make sure that it was fine with him if I forwarded link to those attending bash, and others, of course, and that they were free to download any images they might wish. As you can appreciate, it will make sharing infinitely easier but I didn't want to presume such unrestricted access. Just had a message a few minutes ago:

Forward away. Send the link far and wide, and everyone can peruse at their leisure. I hope the move goes well - I look forward to the new Palazzo! Talk soon,-A.

Photos are here:

Note that Flash is leaning towards Il Palazzo! At any rate, just wanted to thank you both for everything, especially your undying friendship and generosity. What with "D-Day" just around the corner, not sure how much time I'm going to have to send or reply to messages until we are ensconced at Tummler's Reach! Must away as the laundry room and the storage locker remain to be dealt with, another decree from on high! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Let me know about cycling event, Calamity, when you have a moment, and we'll plan accordingly.  Cheers, Patrizzio!  

Great to hear you can come Pat! Sent your name in. I am meeting Tina at 5:30 at the resto. We are going by bus. I left you a phone message. Very funny recording by the way!

My phone number is below. I plan to go home and get ready and then I will leave about 4:50 ish. What works for you? Should we meet at front door of resto too? Jane
Hi Calamity! Thanks for phone number. I'm planning to be there around 5:30 pm as well so we can probably meet at front door of The Refinery. If I'm late, I'll give you a shout. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Entaxei Patrizzio as Tina would say!! Looking forward to it!! Could be a bit of a sales thing but we will see! Hasta pronto! JaneHola encora. Leaving now at bus stop In case I am late you can call Tina. Thx Jane 

Hi Calamity! Thanks so much for the terrific reception! Great good fun and simply a delight to meet Tina. Do hope we will have a chance to see more of her, and you, Giggster and Morita, in the not too, too distant future. Really enjoyed Our Family and walk back over Granville Bridge was a treat. Won't be able to pop downtown, at the drop of a hat, at least in Vancouver, shortly, obviously. Well, it was more than a wonderful innings, so to speak. Take care of each other and we'll be in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Dear Pat, Thanks for your kind note. So glad you were able to join us! I had a great time and so did Tina!! She really enjoyed meeting you too! I thought the appies and wine were delish and chatting with some of the other folks was fun too.

Glad you enjoyed your film. You and Corinne have really lived fully here. You have been involved in many interesting activities and have met lovely people! Good luck with last few days of work. You take good care of each other too! I will send you some pics of things at Ukiyo!! Enjoy your new adventure. We look forward to seeing you at your new home. All the best, Jane 

Dear Patrick and Corinne Thanks for the lovely party on Saturday!  You have wonderful neighbors and friends.  It was most enjoyable. As you know you will be missed immensely but the "freeloaders" I am sure will make their way to Penticton to check out your new digs and have a great visit with you.  Your experiences in Penticton will be interesting.

I had hoped that we could stop by on our way home from Edmonton -- we leave tomorrow for my Dad's 90th birthday celebration on Saturday.  Both boys will join us at my brothers so the whole family will be together which is rare.  We will not be able to head to Penticton this time around as I was on a waiting list for physio at St. Paul's and the only appointment time I could get was Friday June 5 and Friday June 12.  I just don't want to forsake these MSP covered physio sessions so will have to miss out on seeing your new place.  Probably better given I think you will be busy and will most likely be better to see it once you have unpacked and gotten settled.

We appreciate the fact that you were so warm in your invitation to come and visit. Please keep in touch and let us know how the move goes. We will be thinking of you. As always, your grateful colleague and friend Jo-Anne

Hi Patrice, I had a moment and talked to Corrine about weather you might want to take my car up but please don't worry about it at all. I realize that it's too
much and it would be stressful and the last thing you need to think about .

Also I think it would be much more relaxing to just spend the day Saturday
hanging out and I can help you guys out with unpacking etc. I will ride back with Chloe to Hope or Vancouver as discussed. talk to you soon. Thanks, Al

Monday, 25 May 2015

Hunter Pitts "Jack" O'Dell/Jane Power Blues: Monday, May 25th

To the complaint, 'There are no people in these photographs,' I respond, 'There are always two people: the photographer and the viewer.' -Ansel Adams, photographer (1902-1984)

Hi Pat and David! Thanks so much for the Victoria Day Weekend wishes. Trust you will enjoy your own Memorial Day! Sorry I've not replied sooner but it has been very busy, of late, as I'm sure you can imagine. Re-sent the invitation, David, so hope you receive it. Thanks for note about John Nicholas. Ride is about 87 km so a pretty good outing, especially as I know there are some decent hills between Healdsburg and the ocean! I'll invite him up to Penticton to coincide with you swanning into town in your spiffy Tesla! Can hardly wait. Will have the re-charge outlet ready and waiting!

Weekend at Little Shushwap was more than a delight with friends/hosts, Ruthless and Ricardo. We enjoyed wonderful meals, played bridge and simply visited. I managed a number of super rides when they were golfing, Cora Lee reading. Very busy week packing when back home. 

Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee, just off to Granville Island to meet with the woman from Burrard Presbytery who has agreed to assume her role as one on the Board of Heartwood who will now be responsible for restaurant. Cheers, Patrizzio

Pics: Dinner with Lynne; Burns Street Social House; Little Shushwap; Ruthless and Ricardo; cabin's resident Bald Eagle; Ricardo snapped this at the start of the evening; wall of magnets; Whirlygig and Jane, his amore; kissing my collection goodbye; empty malt cabinet waiting transportation to Penticton!

Hello Famiglia Coffaro! Pleased to see that order form now acknowledges Canadian addresses! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Have you officially moved? Wow I now have your address, I have my trip all planned out. I charge in Hope, 166 miles from you, charge at your place and drive 162 miles to Best Western in Revelstoke to charge and then on my way to Banff. I see you sitting near water but it looks like your place is not on the water? Was this still in Vancouver? I hope to see you next year..........Dave
Hello again, Bridge Lads! Thank you, one and all, for the very kind words and best wishes on the move. Will certainly miss the weekly gatherings but do hope that we will stay in touch. Beware, however, as Naramata Pete and I plan to hone our bidding skills while sipping The Bench's locally distilled liquor and fabulous wines, all the better to demonstrate 2 over 1 when in Vancouver, from time to time. Once more, all the very best. Take care of each other until we meet again. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Shoeless, shorts-clad Patrizzio, with Cruella, Harsh Packing Task-Mistress; kissing my malt collection goodbye; forlorn, empty cabinet, awaiting transportation to Penticton!

It was great to meet you Patrick. Pity the Polish-Ukranian alliance was so short-lived (only one night as I recall). Bit like the last real one, actually...

And I'm monumentally sorry that I couldn't save you some moving problems vis-a-vis the single malt; but if you're ever up Girvan way, I'd very much like to add to your next one with a rare bouteille from the local distillery (Grant's). Winston
Welcome back Roger! I could make Wed if you need a fourth, but it doesn’t look as though 3 others are forthcoming. C Can't do Wednesday, I'm afraid. :( R. I suspect we are entering the summer doldrums. I am not sure that I can do next Monday. If I can I will host, but I think the chances are slim. Roger

Sorry for late reply; been in Courtenay for the weekend. I could do tomorrow, but would need some kind soul to transport me thither and hither (at least to a Vancouver-side Skytrain station). When Robert takes me, we normally meet @ Homer & Georgia around 5:30 for going to the wilds of West Van.

Let me know if it works for any/all of you. If not: how are things looking for next Monday? (which will be my last chance to prove the superiority of Scottish Bridge) Winston

Hi Older and Wiser, (but just as Dashingly Handsome), Jimmy Olsen! How wonderful to see both you and Elise on Saturday! Sorry that the rest of your Sisterhood couldn't make it but we'll certainly make up for that in Penticton, for sure! It goes without saying, thanks so very much for capturing the event with all your delightful snaps! Muchly, muchly appreciated, as you can well imagine.

With respect to site, I just downloaded a snap, (Ruthless and Elise, so there will be on-going debate as to parentage issues, I'm sure!), and I wanted to make sure that it is fine with you if I forward link to those attending bash, and others, of course, and that they are free to download any images they might wish. As I know you know, it will make sharing infinitely easier but I don't want to presume such unrestricted access. 

Please let me know when you have a moment although what with "D-Day" just around the corner, not sure how much time I'm going to have to send or reply to messages until we are ensconced in The Burns Street Social House, (The name with the most votes! However, Lady Mary has decreed that we are going to wait and see what feels right when we get there. Entre Nous, I think she is miffed that Il Palazzo di Patrizzio was a top runner!)
Must away as the laundry room and the storage locker remain to be dealt with, another decree from on high! Thanks also, to you, Flash, from Cora Lee, and Fondestos, on her behalf, to The Goils! Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: When you say "high-res files" does this mean mega, mega pixels? I assume something of this ilk, showing every grey hair in my beard and lack of same on my pate, able to make blow-ups from, suitable for chucking darts, not verbal ones either, at! Pic: Snap taken by Rikki Ricardo. Watch out for the cut-throat competition, Flash!

Stats for ride:

A long day for Rachael, the surgery took longer than expected. They ended up with a small tear in the basement endothelial layer, which is always a risk of the partial vs full thickness transplant, Dr Baig rolled the edges back down and the new endothelial layer is over top. We see him again tomorrow am at 8,she is patched tonight.

Was interesting as I got to stay for the freezing and block they injected into the orbit and at the lateral lacrimal gland area. She did very well though. She has to be flat as much as possible tonight. The air bubble they inject helps hold the edges in place.

Pat Please tell Rachel that all her cousins in LA send her their love and hugs during her recovery! Our fingers are crossed for the very best results xoxo

Hi All, Exciting beach walk this morning with a rare sighting of a timber wolf!

Dear Jane and Jack! Just a quick note to thank you both for the wonderful lunch yesterday! Aside from the delicious meal it was more than a delight to have time to visit with you both. Unfortunately, you've had such interesting, vibrant lives that we need to spend the next few years, having lunch together, every day, just to scratch the surface! Thank you again.

Of course, we certainly do hope that you both might be able to visit us, in the not too, too distant future. We'd be honoured and would arrange to collect you in Vancouver but you'd have to hitch-hike back! At any rate, we'll keep in touch over the next little while. We will be in Vancouver quite a few times over the coming summer so we'll call ahead and perhaps we can get together again, everyone's busy schedules allowing. By then we should have a better idea of life in Penticton and you might have a better idea of when a visit might work for you. Until then, take care of each other. Trust reunion goes swimmingly, Jane. Lucky I'm going to be in Penticton while you are away as otherwise, Jack and I would certainly get up to no good! Fond regards, and deep thanks, of course, to you both from Corinne. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Evening, Patrick -- We appreciate your lovely appreciation (not to mention the lovely photos of memories). We, too, enjoyed the time together immensely and look forward to getting together before too long.

I'll be heading out to the airport at 5:15 tomorrow morning, but I'll be thinking of you two as you make the move to your next life in Penticton. Best always -- Jane

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Post-Farewell Bash Empty Malt Cupboard and Arrivederci Heartwood Blues: Sunday, May 24th!

 The finest words in the world are only vain sounds if you cannot understand them. -Anatole France, novelist, essayist, Nobel laureate (1844-1924)

Hola de Lima! Bad news, I'm afraid. Susan and Mark will not be attending esta noche. Susan managed to fracture her lower leg quite badly on what was to be our last full day in Peru. Our travel insurance/insurer has been very good, and Susan is in the excellent Clinica INCA in Lima. Initial plans to have the breaks set surgically here were thwarted by a bladder infection which would delay surgery by 4 days, so we opted to come home in the interim. Insurer has flights arranged for this evening and we arrive at YVR noon tomorrow. 

An ambulance will take us directly to Royal Columbian (closest hospital to home, and has an orthopaedic surgeon on staff. We hope surgery will proceed forthwith...Apart from this trauma, we have had excellent adventures in both Ecuador and Peru! Sorry we won't be there to share tips and tales with Colleen and the Stanchion Man. I would be happy to take a rain check for that conversation once the lay of the land is clearer.

Lest you think Susan a malingerer just trying to extend her holiday in SA, I attach a phone-cam photo of the CAT-scan display of the aforementioned fracture. [Viewing suitable only for the non-squeamish]. I have avoided showing it to Susan...

Hi Marcus!Terribly sorry to hear about Susan's nasty, nasty accident! She really didn't want to attend the Farewell Bash did she! Nevertheless, please pass along our best wishes to her for a full and speedy recovery. Trust all goes well with return flight and then hospital visit/surgery. As you can tell, I've included The Once Great Peleton in message in case you didn't have time to send other messages, given your circumstances.

Had a wonderful, wonderful time with a host of wonderful, wonderful  friends last night so sorry that you could not have joined gathering. Of course, you are always welcome in Penticton so once Susan is ready to travel again, come on up! Until then, take care of yourselves, particularly Fracture Woman! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio

Do we have (a) a quorum and (b) a host. I can play but not host. Cheers, R.Ditto – Clive Can’t make tomorrow. I have surgery very early Tuesday morning. Les I'm in San Francisco. David Hi Robert: I may be available but Cynthia is having a book club dinner our home so I also cannot host. Regards: David McCleery Seems we have neither a quorum nor a domum. Next week perhaps. Cheers, R. Gentlemen, I am just back today, fatigued of both mind and body. I cannot do tomorrow, but I will host on Wednesday if we can raise a four for that day? Roger

Hello Lads! Still in the final throes of packing so Monday evening wasn't going to be possible even though I'd dearly wanted to play! Wednesday evening is night before actually moving day and I'm sure we'll be dashing around with scads of last minute chores. However, I do hope you can drum up a quorum.

Finally, another thank you to everyone in the group for making me feel so welcome. I have enjoyed each and every night and the generous wealth of bridge craft shared so helpfully and positively. The opportunity to get to know individuals in the group has been more than a delight. Of course, I trust that our paths may well cross again, in the not too, too distant future. With both Peter and I in the Okanagan, perhaps we'll be able to tempt some to visit for a weekend of golf, bridge and wine-tasting! Once more, thanks to one and all for the wonderful meals, spirited camaraderie and most enjoyable bridge. All the best to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: We will be in Vancouver quite a few times, over the course of the summer/fall, so if you might need someone when dates fit, I'd be delighted to play. To this end, I'll send a message, well in advance, when I know an exact date and if things work, terrific.

Dear Patrick Its been a real delight playing with you these very many weeks and you've surely added hugely to our evenings, appreciated by one and all. Very Best David 

Hello David! Thank you for your kind words! I trust that we might, at some point, again be partners to "avenge" ourselves against the Quick Getaway Artist, Sly WInston! All the very best, Patrizzio! Pic: Once proud malt cabinet, awaiting transportation to Penticton!
Dear Roger Welcome back. Robert can often only arrange Mondays and I rely on a lift but I'm seemingly back from San Francisco and free. I'm not able to get to Brisbane for Wednesday morning when my friend's funeral is rather suddenly arranged and I'll go to a later Memorial event. All Best

Greetings yet again, and tears at missing last evening's farewell frivolities ! We would love to have joined you and no doubt lots of familiar faces we haven't seen in a while! Many thanks for your new Penticton address and Grog's e- mail. Hope all goes swimmingly with the final move without breakage! Please advise mobile numbers when instated. We'll keep in touch. All the best, Anne & Baldrick.

Pat and Corinne, Thanks for your hospitality last evening. I enjoyed meeting up with George and Jane and chatting with Al for a while. Sorry to hear about Susan's accident and it does look like a nasty break. It sounds as though she is well taken care of by the insurance company as was our friend Margaret who suffered a similar fate in Peru. Best wishes for the future. Hope Penticton proves to be an ideal spot for you both. Ray  

Stats for ride:

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Farewell Bash Blues: Saturday, May 23rd!

The only gift is giving to the poor; / All else is exchange. -Thiruvalluvar, poet (c. 30 BCE) 

Hello, Patrick and Corinne: Just back (Thursday) from a fabulous trip to Spain and England. Walked 108 km of the Camino! Catching up on email ... Hope to get to the party. My contribution will likely be store-bought but I will endeavour to make it a high-end sort of store-bought! Bye for now. Janet 

Hi Janet! Welcome home , Pilgrim. Glad you travelled safely and enjoyed the Camino. Hope we can have a chance to hear a bit about it tonight, and your time in England as well! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Colleen Teahan WaldronThe Island will never be the same without you Corinne Durston and Patrick James Dunn...but you cant shake us that easy smile emoticon Here's to new beginnings and adventures in Penticton!!! We you!feeling nostalgic with Alan Waldron. Carol Riera Great photo! So wish that Bruno Sterckeman and I could have been there. Bon déménagement and we'll see you soon at your new digs. xoxo to all four of you. 🍷🍷 Colleen Teahan Waldron We wish you were there too Carolina Choo Choo!!!! XOXO
Patrick James Dunn Thank you both for such a fabulous sendoff! We'll have a reunion at The Burns Street Social House, (Working Title as voted last night!), which can then spill over to Sunshine Valley Spa where we can rid ourselves of overhangs by plunging into the icy waters of the glorious river which runs past your fabulous cabin, nekkid! Colleen Teahan Waldron Great pic of you two ♡ Patrick James Dunn Thanks Marilyn! Ditto on one above, with respect to you and Big Al!
If I'm not mistaken, this is the weekend of THE BIG BASH! Have a great and memorable time. I'm sure it's with some regrets that you leave Vancouver and all the fond memories and friends. I hope you had a wonderful Victoria Day weekend and anniversary celebration. I wanted to send you a card to commemorate those events, but alas, best laid plans and all of that. Anyway, happy belated Victoria Day and 39th Wedding Anniversary, too!

Take care and hope the last week in Vancouver is a wonderful one! I'm sure you'll be super busy saying goodbye to all and packing up the last of the lot.
Fond cheers and best wishes from your friends in the lower 48, Pat and Dave
By Friday we were in pretty good shape for today's Farewell Bash, having rolled up all the carpets and put plywood on the windows! Party itself was a blast. Estimate we had 100 guests or more, over the course of the evening. [Looking ahead, know that I took out three cases of empty wine bottles, half a case of malt bottles and untold beer cans/bottles on Sunday morning.] Heaps and heaps of pot-luck dishes, from appetizers to salads to desserts, brought by friends. Cora Lee had done a large crock-pot of chili, (She wants to be in the next Coffaro Chili-Taste-Off!), and platters of sausages, of various kinds, on the bbq. Very little food and hootch left by 1:00 am when last of die-hard guests left! 

Chloe had surprised us, and delightfully so, by having had two different fridge magnets designed, (by a good friend, a graphic artist, in Winnipeg), and produced here, Hotel Kits, (Kitsilano is the neighbourhood we lived in.), our first house in Vancouver, and The Island Inn, here on False Creek/Granville Island. As well, she had printed out ballots so that people could vote on the new name for Penticton abode. The name with the most votes was Burns St. Social House. However, Lady Mary has decreed that we are going to wait and see what feels right when we get there. Entre Nous, I think she is miffed that Il Palazzo di Patrizzio was a top runner!

Copy of my address, given this evening:

Attenzzione! Attenzzione! Attenzzione! The time has come, Patrizzio said, to talk of many things, of malt and wine and what the Freeloader brings! Thank you, Lewis Carroll and your Through the Looking-Glass. It seems to me that I'm almost like Alice inasmuch as I feel like I'm in Wonderland myself, never having been with so many Freeloaders in one place at one time! At any rate, on behalf of the Management, Cruella, Packing Mistress Extraordinaire, and Staff, Patrizzio, Under-Scullion, of the Island/Islay Inn, and Hanger-On, Chloë Alexis, I'd like to thank you all for coming this evening. Hard to believe when I look out to imagine that 40 years ago, when I first came to Vancouver in September of 1974, to attend Library School, that I knew but one person in the city, Sharktooth Annie's cousin, Lou Favelle, herself a VPL Librarian. The rest, as is often said, is history, for as the years rolled by, what with work at VPL and UBC, and our growing family and squash and Mother Corinna's, (She has yet to achieve sainthood but I understand that Flamin', as a good Catholic girl, is working on the canonization process on her friend's behalf!), involvement with St James and then Trinity, and latterly with The Heartwood Cafe, the circle of friends and family grew larger and larger and larger. And now, with almost 20 years at Hotel Kits and then 16 at The Island Inn, it is time for the next adventure, that is, if I might be so bold as to presume to speak for Mme Coriandre, what we believe the move to Penticton to be.

Initially, when we told family about our proposed move, without exception, everyone asked how we could entertain leaving so many close, good friends behind. Little did they realize that that was precisely the reason for the move! I jest, of course. However, it does raise a difficult  question for the move to the Okanagan will certainly change our lives in many ways, it goes without saying. However, what will not change, and of this I am certain, is the emotional relationship to everyone we leave behind. Without question, the bricks and mortar will be different but the friendship and affection which drew us together, in the first instance, will not change, will surely deepen. This being the case I would like to raise a toast to the assembled company to thank you all for the gift of your generous companionship over the years we have come to know one another and to celebrate with the traditional song, I believe most of you know. However, this version is from us to you so pay attention to the words! For They are Jolly Good Fellows and so say both of Us! Hip Hip Hooray!

Thanks again for such a lovely evening. It was great to catch up! Have a good move, and we’ll be in touch in late July when we’re heading East. We’ll stop in and say hello, for sure. Photos are here:
If you want high-res files, just let me know and I’ll send them along. Take care, talk soon, -Alastair.