In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the
speaker. -Plutarch, biographer and philosopher (circa 46-120)
Hi Kids!
Well, we are here in Penticton! This is really the first time I've had a minute to sit down and send a message. You have the honour, (And a great one it is, I trust you know!), of being the first people to receive a brief note from Il Palazzo di Patrizzio! (Debate, as to name, is still underway but since I'm broadcasting from my office here at Burns Street I feel I can bloody well call it what I wish!)
Big Al was a godsend beyond belief. He left at just after 8:00 am on Friday, taking Coquihalla. We didn't leave The Islay Inn until just after 10:00 am, given last minute transfer of too, too many items into The Annexe! Fortunately, Flamin', as Strata President, had given us permission to use space as Council has not yet decided upon next rental. Place is almost filled with everything from items in storage locker and apartmento that couldn't, literally couldn't be squeezed into U-Haul or our our two cars. [Of course, all the "essential" items, (cutlery, cleaning supplies, my coffee mug!), were left there. Every-time we needed something, when unpacking or were otherwise trying to settle in, we were reminded that such items were still in Vancouver! Not thinking very clearly by that point, what with lack of sleep, cumulative concern about packing snowballing into an avalanche of mistakes and poor prioritizing judgement, {We have enough spices to start our own booth at the Penticton Farmer's Market but needed to borrow an electric drill from Peter, who, noting our vulnerability, charged more for the rental than a new one would have cost at Rona!}, and more critically, not having been on any long rides for days!] On a brighter note, my driving companion was the large dolly which was invaluable at both ends of the move. She is actually more talkative than Cora Lee, who either sleeps or reads on any road trip, so ride to Penticton went swimmingly! At any rate, looking ahead, we plan to drive back to Vancouver, probably this coming Thursday, to hire another, smaller U-Haul to bring rest of stuff and the three large planters, now in the garden area just off the public walkway, which Cora Lee wants for the start of our minimalist landscaping here. Over next few days we will try to figure out smallest vehicle we need to hire for me to drive back, with the hope that any "overflow" will fit into our vehicle.
As mentioned above, Big Al drove like a demon and was having breakfast in Merritt by the time I talked to him from Bridal Falls. [You'll be pleased to learn that I am now the proud owner of Chloë's used iPhone 4S, although I don't know how to use it!] I had talked to Gil, our agent in Penticton, and arranged to have him give Big Al the key to house as I knew Cannonball Waldron would be there ahead of us. Movers we'd hired were scheduled to arrive at 3:00 pm so we really wanted that process to start on time.
Initially, I had planned to follow Big Al, as support vehicle, but decided to take Hope-Princeton once this scenario had changed. Had a great time, chatting with Dolly. We like the same music and she doesn't require air-conditioning, so I opened all the windows, cranked up the volume for the drivin' CD's I'd loaded and blasted along. Was in Keremeos by 2:45 pm and had a call from Cora Lee to say Big Al was already at the house. I had forgotten to give him the combo to lock on sliding truck door so gave her the numbers to give to him. They had taken Coquihalla and were still on The Connector, I believe. She told me that the movers were going to be late and wouldn't be arriving until 4:00 pm so that worked out well, given our own delay.
Arrived at Burns Street around 3:45 pm to find Big Al sitting on front porch steps, swigging from a bottle of my malt and texting! Soon disabused him of this lolly-gagging and we set to work starting to unload the semi! The Sisterhood arrived not long afterwards and then then the hired help. Big Al had backed the truck, over our moonscape stone/lava rock landscaping, right up to the front patio, almost like a loading dock, so extendo ramp was almost at front door. This made the whole decanting process as easy and as efficient as possible, of course.
The Sisterhood gave directions, (I'm actually not being snide as this is a critical aspect of move as I'm sure you are aware. Who wants to move a heavy piece of furniture again?), as to where to put various boxes and pieces of furniture while Big Al, Dolly and I muled any non-essential boxes into garage for unpacking in about 5 years or more! Lynne and Peter had called on Thursday to say that they would be bringing dinner around 6:30 pm and when they arrived they pitched in so that in seemingly no time the cavern was empty! With everyone's help we'd managed to do it in slightly less than four hours! I happened to be coming back from the garage when Cora Lee announced that the van was empty and I couldn't believe my eyes or ears!
Offered the lads a beer and then Peter and I followed Big Al to return truck, not too, too far away, so we were back by 8:30 pm to have a wonderful, wonderful "picnic", (Actually used our picnic hamper as we couldn't find any plates, cutlery, etc!), of roasted chicken, cole-slaw salad, dips with fresh vegetables and tasty cheeses from Upper Bench Winery and Creamery in the "Family Room", watching re-runs of Disneyland, eating off TV tables and drinking Tang! After that was gone, plenty of hootch, Stellar Jay Sparkling, courtesy of The Narmatians to toast move and then more whites, (Even had a Riesling, first of Peter's home-made wine efforts. Very, very tasty!), and reds and then, for the hardy, malt! Simply unbelievable way to finish the day, given what had been accomplished!
Everyone fell into bed once we thanked the Takeaway Food People. Big Al had never been to Lighthall's so they invited him to stay overnight, preferring the luxury, sheer luxury of their beautiful home in the hills above Okanagan Lake to staying with the hoi polloi on the Flats in Penticton. However, even on the wrong side of the Kettle Valley tracks, things cool off during the evening and so the night was poifect for sleeping. Dropped off listening to the crickets serenading one another. What a sound! Think that alone will draw Chloë back!
Next morning did a bit more unpacking and then I took off to re-claim our migrant worker. Had a to collect two Trek boxes which contained the flat screen TV's we's stored in Peter's garage. Telus was coming at 1:00 pm to hook up phone, wireless, etc., so we needed to have sets ready for that. Also repatriated about seven cases of malt as I was afeard that once Peter knew they were there, (He was in Cuba for that earlier muleage run and I made sure I "buried" the boxes beneath ones labelled "Books. For Garage!", the better to hide them from prying eyes and throats!
Next to Rona to buy a bit of strapping and hardware needed to affix Murphy bed to wall. Peter loaned us his electric drill and stud finder which made the process pretty striaghtforward, at least in the hands as capable as Big Al's! He was a tad peckish when we left Rona and just by chance mentione dthis as we were at the check-out counter there. Young woman whispered to us that although she really shouldn't be sending us to Canada Tire there was a hot-dog vendor in the parking lot there that she visited every lunch break she could manage to do so. Thanking her for the tip, (Can't beat local knowledge!), we drove but a block or two and had an early lunch. Chap, Dave Fraser, is, we think, a former member of the Hell's Angels if the tats on his massive forearms and the Harley, parked beside his hot-dog stand, were any indication. Nevertheless, a tremendously friendly, welcoming sort and he even shared the secret for preparing the cooked onions he serves on the various sausages he offers, as Big Al liked them so much. Another clue as to his gang membership was the fact that when I asked him if he ever rode into Washington, crossing at Osoyoos he said that he couldn't until he was given a waiver for some criminal activity, (not specified!), he was convicted of over 25 years ago. Quite an intro to life in Penticton and on the second day! Think I'm going to enjoy the small town feel. Don't really have to worry about the crowd drinking Chai Lattes made with 2% soy here, from what I've seen so far.
Chuckling and rubbing our more than satisfied tummies, we headed back to the OK Corral. Once there, I started obeying the orders barked out at me while Big Al busied himself mounting the large flat screen in the rumpus room. From "Family Room" to "Rumpus Room" after meeting biker! Telus chaps arrived close to 1:00 pm and did a wonderful job of hooking everything up. They were here for almost three hours. Once of the unexpected problems was the fact that the telephone line had been cut,at some point, during previous renovations so one the the lads had to climb the utility pole to re-string necessary wiring. The wireless router is in my ufficio, (Best place, it turns out for signal broadcast, etc.), so Big Al had to wait until wiring was installed there. Outlet is smack dab in centre of wall where the Murphy bed was to go so when we looked at what needed to be done, earlier that morning, we decided, fortunately, to wait until Telus lads were here and finished before we fastened frame to the wall. As you can well imagine, Big Al did a super job on that and I couldn't be happier. While not something I could not have done, if push came to shove, he had completed the task in no time flat and now the room is ready to be used, so come on up!
By this time it was getting close to 4:00 pm so we suggested he take a break and have a shower. We had bought him a ticket to Vancouver and his flight left at 7:00 pm so Peter, (He actually did online booking on Friday night at the picnic!"), suggested he needed to be ther by 6:00 pm. After Big Al had showered and changed, we all sat around in the living room, such as it is, inasmuch as it is still a work in progress, and talked about what should/might go where, sipping beer and cider, (water with freshly squeezed lime for chauffeur!), until it was time to leave for the airport. But a nine minute drive and we were there. Thanked Big Al profusely as simply don't know how we could have managed without him, everything from driving truck to helping unload to doing so many of the things that needed to be done, once here, so quickly and properly and efficiently.
Stopped at Save-On for some groceries on way home and then once there I cleared up all the empty packing boxes and crumpled newspaper from the front patio where Sistehrood had left these containers as they made there way through those containing, in the main, kitchenware, bedding, etc. Then a luxurious shower while Chloë prepared a fabulous salad, (With greens and tomatoes from the wonderful Farmer's Market, but four or five blocks from our place, along Main Street, she and her Mom had walked to that morning.), and Mme Coriandre did pork loin in the oven. She had intended to use the bbq but the propane container we brought was the empty one! Full one is back at The Annexe, don'tcha' know!
Absolutely delicious meal, eaten again, in the Rumpus Room, while we watched the first episode of Jack Taylor, "an Irish television drama based on the Ken Bruen novel series. Set in Galway, the program features Iain Glen in the eponymous role of Jack Taylor, a former officer with the Garda Síochána (national police) who becomes a "finder" (private investigator) after leaving the service. Taylor looks for clues others have overlooked. He also knows the streets of his hometown like the back of his hand." Can hardly wait until this evening to watch second installment!
Bed by midnight and too tired to do dishes! Brushing and flossing was more than enough after long, full day. Another needed, restful sleep. Up at just before 8:00 am for a mug of java and a look at my overflowing Inbox! Started this message and then took a break for a tasty breakfast of scrambled eggs, tomatoes and overleft pork loin. I did the dishes while The Sisterhood showered and readied themselves for the day. They were off at close to 10:00 am to look for a bed-frame for our King mattress as well as some patio furniture. All alone, I moved some things around in the living room so as to make space for the large TV cabinet that we thought should go in the guest bedroom. Think it will work better in the living room now so we plan to drag it, (Should move quit easily on a blanket over tile floors.), it there, once The Goils return.
Next I unhooked two small speakers in family room, left by previous owners, and attached them to a small radio/cassette tape deck I filched from Sarge a few months ago so now I have surround-sound in my ufficio! Must away as I hear the car doors slamming outside, announcing the return of the Shopping Fiends and know I will be severely castigated for not having done more unpacking. Fondestos to you both and will be in touch anon! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Moving day, Thursday; moving out/in day, Friday; Saturday with Dave Fraser and Telus and Big Al!