Content thyself to be obscurely good. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station. -Joseph Addison, essayist and poet (1 May 1672-1719)
The Penny Black was the world's first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system. It was issued in Britain on May 1, 1840, for official use from 6 May of that year and features a profile of Queen Victoria.
All London post offices received official issues of the new stamps but other offices throughout the United Kingdom did not, continuing to accept postage payments in cash only for a period. Post offices such as those in Bath began offering the stamp unofficially after May 2, 1840.
The idea of an adhesive stamp to indicate pre-payment of postage was part of Sir Rowland Hill's 1837 proposals to reform the British postal system; it was normal then for the recipient to pay postage on delivery. A companion idea, which Hill disclosed on February 13, 1837 at a government enquiry, was that of a separate sheet that folded to form an enclosure or envelope for carrying letters. At that time postage was charged by the sheet and on the distance travelled.
Hi Patrick here are som pictures off my dad's camera from the confirmation, outside church ( photographng durng ceremony not allowed in the churhc)
next mail same.. the huge man in buterfly is Steen. First time in years (decade) picture of the two of us in one place has been taken !!! Boys were thrilled about that! Margareta
Hi Margareta! Sorry we won't see you before we move to Penticton but look forward to you visiting and staying with us there! Trust all goes well with you and the boys. Thanks for the wonderful pictures of the confirmation. Delighted to learn that Steen put aside his more than difficult, (to put it politely!), behaviour to make your sons happy! Cora Lee and Chloë send along fond regards to you, Peter and Johan, as do I, of course. Much love to you and your wonderful lads. Congratulations to them both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
It's too bad they couldn't take one picture together with the boys if they were so thrilled to have both parents in attendance. But I know he's given Maggie a very difficult time over the years.
Hi Ayn! You said it but at least Steen compromised a tad to make their sons' confirmation an occasion to remember for a number of reasons! Will be curious to see them this summer as it was eight years ago that we spent time together in Cyprus. Love Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi Kids: You can cut and paste/forward this to your friends, the ones I don't have email addresses for. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Mike and I would love to come to your farewell party at the Islay inn and presume the flight tickets are in the post. We have booked at the granville island hotel in September at vast expense as we can no longer stay at the inn. Thank you so much for your kind offer of an early get together! Love mike and penny xx Dearest Penny and Madcap! The airline tickets, (First Class, no less!), are winging their way to Mill Hill Broadway, as I scribe! However, due to "vast expense", you'll need to bring 2, (two), bottles of Laphroaig!
With respect to September visit, unless you were kidding or really do wish to stay at the GIH, (a la stay a hotel in Cornwall), we were planning to put you both up at First United, a very upscale shelter for the homeless in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, a neighbourhood noted, worldwide, for both drugs and prostitution. Amsterdam's Red Light District has nothing on our local colour, let me assure you! Unfortunately, you'll probably have to share a bathroom and a blanket unless I'm able to reserve a large cardboard appliance box, (with a stunning view of a back lane, I hasten to add!), complete with killer rats and used needles. Sound tempting?
On the other hand, we have scads of friends who are more than happy to have us/you stay so let us know your preferences and we'll plan accordingly. I assume rest of visit will unfold as planned. As of this writing, Ruthless and Ricardo are not sure if they will be at Little Shuswhap on the 17th/18th as they may well be in Berlin, visiting their son, Alex, to be on a work/study scholarship there, shortly, I believe. Not really a big deal as we will simply arrange to meet in Kamloops and then proceed, from there, to Penticton, to spend two or three nights before heading into Vancouver. Since it's your holiday, you obviously need to set the agenda and we'll simply carry out your wishes so please feel free to suggest whatever variations you'd like. That being said, I know everything will be fine.
Had a wonderful evening last night with close friends, Big Al and Colleen, as well as Flamin' and Sarge. Gather Lady Mary had a bit too, too much industrial strength vino as she forgot to turn off the bbq and it was still on when I went out to clean it this morning! Wondered why there were three homeless people huddled around it, warming their fingers and toes and finishing off the last of the beer I'd stored in the cabinet on patio! They all were delighted to learn of your coming stay with them and promised a tour of some of the best dumpsters in neighbourhood! Who needs Banff? They spit on the Rockies!!! Anyway, loads of fun.
Must away as I'm off on a longish ride to attempt to burn off all the calories, and more, that I managed to consume last night! Fondestos to you, Penny, and Madcap, from Mme Coriandre. She just went next door to The Annexe to do final bit of cleaning there to atone for her forgetfulness. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last night's revels! Big Al and Coleen; Greg; Patrizzia with The rest of The Sisterhood; The Brotherhood; selfie; Patrizzia and Greg, then with Freeloader! Durif with lovely Hydrangea brought by Colleen and Big Al. Silver bowl was a 10th wedding anniversary present to my parents from friends in Cyprus. If you look closely you can make out the reverse of one of the three crests which adorn the bowl. Must needs give it a polish as it really is a lovely piece.
day for a longish ride as it was almost poifect temperature for
cycling, sunny and breezy. Not even fussing about the head wind as I
guess I've accepted it as part and parcel of riding in this wonderful
ocean side/forest environment. North shore looked stunning. With one
thing and another didn't leave until close to 2:00 pm so headed for
Olympic Village as a start since I now know, pretty much, how many
extended didpys-doodles at Concord Pacific parking lot and and loops
of the Science World-Granville Bridge circuit I need to help me on my
way to Kits Point for a few circucyclations before reaching base of UBC
Foreshore Hill with 41 km on the clock.
Saw much evidence of Sunday's coming race, Vancouver Marathon, (Signs indicating temporary parking bans, large orange pylons with "Road Closed" signs affixed, on the sidewalks of various street corners, ready to be deployed on the day of race, I presume.), so as long as one stays away from downtown, Point Grey, UBC and Marine to 41st, things should be fine, although diverted traffic may well clog other routes.] Then it was almost auto pilot with more dipsy-doodles on campus before undertaking the 16th/Imperial/Marine loop. Once back on campus I added a 16th/Tolmie/Blanca loop to have almost enough distance when back on Stadium to think about heading home. Will blame all the industrial strength hootch I consumed last night on the low AVG!
Saw much evidence of Sunday's coming race, Vancouver Marathon, (Signs indicating temporary parking bans, large orange pylons with "Road Closed" signs affixed, on the sidewalks of various street corners, ready to be deployed on the day of race, I presume.), so as long as one stays away from downtown, Point Grey, UBC and Marine to 41st, things should be fine, although diverted traffic may well clog other routes.] Then it was almost auto pilot with more dipsy-doodles on campus before undertaking the 16th/Imperial/Marine loop. Once back on campus I added a 16th/Tolmie/Blanca loop to have almost enough distance when back on Stadium to think about heading home. Will blame all the industrial strength hootch I consumed last night on the low AVG!
Vancouver (West Fairview / Granville Island / NE Shaughnessy) Cycling Distance 101.30 km | Time 5:02:38 | Speed 20.1 kph | Elev Gain 517 m Stats for ride:
Marvin Angelo Mercado Love having this court across the street from me!
Patrick James Dunn Fab snap Marvinator! Almost as dazzling as Nicolina's smile!
....So I can blame the industrial strength wine for my industrial strength hangover today????
Honestly I knew I was enjoying myself immensely last night but I hardly deserve to be dealt this punishment LOL Love you :) Many thanks for a fabulous evening!!!
Hi Babe Industriale and Plywood Man! Sorry to hear about your industrial strength over-hang, Marilyn! [However, pleased you enjoyed yourself before effects of over-imbibing made themselves known.] Obviously, you have not been training. Bit like Big Molly on the bike! Let me know about Sunday's ride, Big Al. Change ice-pack on your forehead, Marilyn! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrizzio Your banishment to the provinces cannot come soon enough. You still owe me the 5 Euros. All is well and I will have to send a photo of the square bread. Hope your move goes well and you can start pestering the naramation Pete and give us some relief. Cheers for now Byron
Dear Oracle! Much to your relief, I'm sure, quasi-banishment will begin this coming Victoria Day weekend. Just heard back from Peter and everything works as far as dropping off our next load of boxes and tubs, as well as spending the night there. Unfortunately, Peter won't be home as he is off to Cuba! Look forward to seeing snaps of square bread. Your €5 is in the mail, c/o Poste Restante! Cheers, Patrizzio!
The Socialist hoard is at the gates; it is we who should be manning the barricades.If you have a couple of hours to spare some time, I can brush up my "Ballad of Eskimo Nell". Cheers, Roger We all look forward to "Eskimo Nell" in close harmony with Clive's Recitation of "Molly's Soliloquy". Happy May Day! Dear Brother Roger These are days reminiscent of 1945 when the Great Clement Attlee stormed Downing Street and created the NHS! Of the Great Harold Wilson and the Welfare State where all shall be fed Yorkshire Apple Pie.
Soon enough we shall be speaking in quiet awe of the saintly "Great Edward Miliband" Saviour of the Poor & Needy revered alongside the Boy King and his five years of benevolence 1547-1552 -- and Saint Augustine of Canterbury.
Bend your soul to the wheel of workers progress and join us from your lofty aristocratic pedestal. We await a suitably adorned Apple Pie as you too embrace the socialist vision! Cry "Metallurgy!" We Workers of the Biblical Tubal Cain and our second oldest profession! Mazeltov Fraternally David
....So I can blame the industrial strength wine for my industrial strength hangover today????
Honestly I knew I was enjoying myself immensely last night but I hardly deserve to be dealt this punishment LOL Love you :) Many thanks for a fabulous evening!!!
Hi Babe Industriale and Plywood Man! Sorry to hear about your industrial strength over-hang, Marilyn! [However, pleased you enjoyed yourself before effects of over-imbibing made themselves known.] Obviously, you have not been training. Bit like Big Molly on the bike! Let me know about Sunday's ride, Big Al. Change ice-pack on your forehead, Marilyn! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrizzio Your banishment to the provinces cannot come soon enough. You still owe me the 5 Euros. All is well and I will have to send a photo of the square bread. Hope your move goes well and you can start pestering the naramation Pete and give us some relief. Cheers for now Byron
Dear Oracle! Much to your relief, I'm sure, quasi-banishment will begin this coming Victoria Day weekend. Just heard back from Peter and everything works as far as dropping off our next load of boxes and tubs, as well as spending the night there. Unfortunately, Peter won't be home as he is off to Cuba! Look forward to seeing snaps of square bread. Your €5 is in the mail, c/o Poste Restante! Cheers, Patrizzio!
The Socialist hoard is at the gates; it is we who should be manning the barricades.If you have a couple of hours to spare some time, I can brush up my "Ballad of Eskimo Nell". Cheers, Roger We all look forward to "Eskimo Nell" in close harmony with Clive's Recitation of "Molly's Soliloquy". Happy May Day! Dear Brother Roger These are days reminiscent of 1945 when the Great Clement Attlee stormed Downing Street and created the NHS! Of the Great Harold Wilson and the Welfare State where all shall be fed Yorkshire Apple Pie.
Soon enough we shall be speaking in quiet awe of the saintly "Great Edward Miliband" Saviour of the Poor & Needy revered alongside the Boy King and his five years of benevolence 1547-1552 -- and Saint Augustine of Canterbury.
Bend your soul to the wheel of workers progress and join us from your lofty aristocratic pedestal. We await a suitably adorned Apple Pie as you too embrace the socialist vision! Cry "Metallurgy!" We Workers of the Biblical Tubal Cain and our second oldest profession! Mazeltov Fraternally David
Hi Patrick, Thank you for the photos. Sorry for delay in sending "thank you note". Yes, it was great to see you again. I wish you " happy move to Penticton". When Ross and I visit the area, we will call you. We might be able to have nice dinner out together in a restaurant of your choice. Ross and I are going to catch an Air France flight to Paris today, leaving the house one hour from now. Thank you again. Atsuko
Hi Atsuko and Ross! Glad you enjoyed the snaps, although sad circumstances. Have a wonderful time in Paris. We adore The City of Lights! Do keep in touch as we'd certainly enjoy a visit anytime you are in Penticton. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Margaret! Had been meaning to send along this message for a few days now but Cruella Coriandre, Harsh Packing Task Mistress, has been cracking the whip of late! Heard from Ruth, in Squamish, and she had talked to her husband, Rick Toews, about connection to you. Turns out that Rick had studied German with Ron so I was confused about piano lessons, obviously!
On a related matter, (inasmuch as message in question reminded me to let you know about UBC connection), had
a note from Atsuko yesterday. Sent shortly before she and Ross were to
catch an Air France flight to Paris, thanking me for the snaps taken at
Wila's memorial, I'd sent along. All the best to you both. Cheers,
Hi Atsuko and Ross! Glad you enjoyed the snaps, although sad circumstances. Have a wonderful time in Paris. We adore The City of Lights! Do keep in touch as we'd certainly enjoy a visit anytime you are in Penticton. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Margaret! Had been meaning to send along this message for a few days now but Cruella Coriandre, Harsh Packing Task Mistress, has been cracking the whip of late! Heard from Ruth, in Squamish, and she had talked to her husband, Rick Toews, about connection to you. Turns out that Rick had studied German with Ron so I was confused about piano lessons, obviously!
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The printing press used to print Penny Black stamps |
PRINTING PENNY BLACK STAMPS: The Penny Black, also known as the 1d black, was
printed from eleven plates, each of which being individually
identifiable. The stamps were printed using the line engraved (gravure,
recess) printing method.
Printing presses
Penny Black stamps were printed by Perkins, Bacon and Petch.
The actual presses used were very old dating from 1819 having been
built by an American from Boston, called Joseph Perkins. However, they
were efficient and continued producing British stamps until 1870.
Stamps for the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Trinidad and Western
Australia were also printed on the press.
Chloe Alexis Dunn shared Aunt Leah's Independent Lifeskills Society's photo. Want to work for an organization that creates meaningful change in Metro Vancouver. Aunt Leah’s Place is looking for caring and experienced individuals to help us positively impact the lives of foster youth and young mothers in need. For more information visit:
Chloe Alexis Dunn shared Aunt Leah's Independent Lifeskills Society's photo. Want to work for an organization that creates meaningful change in Metro Vancouver. Aunt Leah’s Place is looking for caring and experienced individuals to help us positively impact the lives of foster youth and young mothers in need. For more information visit:
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