Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows with our
social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in
conscience. -Walter Lippmann, journalist (1889-1974)
Hi Laura! Thanks for all the snapolas! Much appreciated. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Kit's Farmer's Market on Sunday. Reminded me of being back in France, Pezenas, last September!
Hi Toshi! Trust you are well and enjoying California! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn Grumpy Nana says we don't need anymore Farmers Markets!
Hi Brenda Louise! Trust you are getting plenty of rest and enjoying Kian!Fondestos, Patrizzio!
Hi Sara Jane! Trust you are doing well with parents, etc. See you in early November although I guess I'll see Dermot on Sunday, at NRBC. Arrivederci, Patrizzio!
Hello Ragazza! Very interesting that your biological father might have been Italian! Cora Lee didn't mention bumping into you. She may well have been preoccupied as I know she had scads of things to accomplish before leaving for VI next day. Impetus for sending along an email was fact that we were just back from Winnipeg and I thought about those years at U of Wpg on many of my rides. Since I'd not heard form you in some time I simply wondered what might have become of you! In any event, trust you are doing well.Cheers, Patrizzio!

- Patrick James Dunn Nana says sign up right now, Chloë Alexis, as you will need Car2Go when I'm in California, Baby Cakes! And probably thereafter!!!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn I have car2go tell Nana to follow my lead!!
- Patrick James Dunn Nana says: "Use it!"
I have been busy with numerous projects as always and I'm currently at the cabin. I came up here solo to deliver a pool table I found on Craigslist as well as replace the felt on the existing one in the community center which has seen better days. Also I am trying to get some lingering projects done at the cabin before the inclement weather Settles in. I wont spend too much time here writing as I have lots to do but will call you in the next day or two to chat.
One thing before I sign off, the artist I was building the spirit trail project for got in touch regarding a ribbon cutting ceremony that I am passing along. Talk to you soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Public Art Person! Trust you are doing well, hanging out with all the art folk glitterati! Great invitation! Would love to see installation but I'm volunteering on Friday, at VIFF, until 2:00 pm and then we are having a fairly large dinner party with folk from Cornwall that evening. Hope to ride by location at some point, however, even if it means touching the Dreaded Burning Ground!
I had though that I might ride over to the AC for a swim but it was raining so heavily that I decided just to return to FCCC and use the elliptical again. Spent another two hours on it and must say I enjoyed it very, very much. Back home for a quick shower and change and then I took Aquabus to foot of Hornby to walk to VanCity Theater on Seymour and Davie. Orientation was pretty basic and since this is my third year I knew most of stuff. Still, I had to collect my Volunteer Pass and T-shirt. Picked up a couple of the VIFF guides so can now start to plan my viewing in earnest. After session was over, about 8:15 pm, I walked back home over Granville Bridge. Bit blustery at times but wasn't raining heavily so rather pleasant. Not a single other pedestrian on bridge, however.
With respect to the road trip, we probably won't be coming back until the 8th of November or even slightly later. Not sure how this figures with your busy work schedule, etc. Let me know when you call. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, Eddy is out. [I got to many things happening...I could only play for 1 hour...see you on Thursday Thanks Ed] Where is your exercise program today? G P, With Sarge along I really don't think we would return. How about we resurrect the magic bus idea? No pics from Chloe. Rain has found us. Had to put the rake away. W My message to Chloe: Chloe, thanks for the pics. I will take it if it can be stored without hassle to anyone. I only bring in my vehicle once in a while. If it is a bother, then do what is expedient. Thanks, G
Hi Rakeless One! Too, too bad about Fast Eddy. Ragin' is on but Mick is playing golf. Polly might be able to come over but won't know until tomorrow. Cora Lee might be around until 5:00ish. I've invited Ragin' for dinner so we might just have to wait until you arrive and play in the early evening. Will see how things work out beforehand.
Chloë has far more room at her place than we have here, particularly at the moment. Any room at Casa Chasy? Perhaps we could prevail upon Robo Man. Anyway, no big deal. We'll work something out. Maybe we could lash it to the roof of the Magic Bus! That way we'd always have our own picnic table!!! Chat soon. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello TechnoBookBook People! Very interesting ad! Trust you are both well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Petition Person! Hope you made the website! Thanks for invitation to stay when next in Toronto. Much appreciated. Hope it is next year but not quite sure as of this writing. Not sure if I mentioned it or not but Andrew ended up in hospital about three months ago now, suffering from a series of strokes. He underwent surgery to insert a stent in his neck and seems to have been doing quite well ever since. I believe he is to go back to work in a week or so. All the best, Patrizzio!
Yegads! What with all the staples and stents, it seems you and your cronies are merely held together. Hope everyone heals and doesn't need to become totally bionic! A bientot! Deborah
Hi Sewing Machine Woman! Gadzooks, you misunderstand, Seamstress! [We might need you for some Frankenstein stitches!] The idea is to become completely bionic, modular, in fact, for easy replacement, on the go, so to speak! Cheers, Titanium Hip Man!
Ah, I did wonder about that... meaning you will become even less human than you already are... truly the sum of your factory-made parts!! Deborah P.S. As long as I still recognize you, then it's OK!
Dear Stitch-in-Time Person! Not-factory made parts, my friend. No assembly line for us, just the best hand-tooled, rare metal parts money and love can buy! Cheers, Frank!
Hi Ruthless! Trust things are not too, too crazy with school just back! How was The Fringe? Too, too bad we were away as it would have been grand to host you two for a change! Fondestos and Cheers to Mr Grumpy and to you, Darling, of course, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrico, We had a great time at the Fringe. We saw four shows and loved each one for a different reason, quite superb really. Next year, I'd love to get the 10 pass early and really indulge in all the amazing performances. We also stopped for a beer tasting part way through and made quick friends with an English couple seated next to us who'd just arrived from Scarborough, England. Later, we had a drink and appetizer at Edible's. Granville Island is a great place to host the Fringe and they always seem to get great weather.
Last weekend, we took the Dunkley's and Blackett's up to the Lake and were delighted that we could still enjoy swimming in the water, paddle boarding, kayaking, canoeing, boating, darts, horseshoes, golf and some great bonfires with tasty smores. It is always so hard to leave, but it's back to school and work.
My sister, Debbie, and I are thinking of doing one of the films at the VIFF. The reviews sound quite interesting so hopefully it works out. I taught today and it was great to catch up with all my students from last year and the teachers. It's going to be a busy fall.
We are glad to hear that Sarge is improving so quickly. It's hard to keep a good man down with the enticements of bridge, football and a possible trip to California for a little red wine and more. Have fun with your Ozzie friends! Ruth
Hi Fringe People! Wonderful that you had such a great time at the Fringe . Next year, let's try to coordinate things so that you can stay here and we can join you for some of the performances, play bridge, out-guess sockage, etc! Glad you enjoyed the Lake as well. Buona Fortuna being back at school!
Let me know which VIFF film you and Deb are hoping to see and when. If my schedule allows I'd love to join you or at least have a brief visit. Cora Lee might be able to join us as well, again, depending on timing.
On another matter, on Saturday, October 18th, we have a table at Aunt Leah's Trivia Night, fund-raiser Chloë is organizing. We'd love to have you on our team if you are available/interested. Need Mr Grumpy for Sports questions. Our rivals are Clan Sutherland! Once again, you are welcome to stay, it goes without saying, for entire weekend, if that suits. Let us know when you've had a moment to consult your busy schedules. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Next Year the fringe is a definite date. As for the 18th, it probably won't work because we're heading up to lake, but thanks for the invitation. I'd like to see the Mark Ruffalo movie, "Infinitely Polar Bear" on Oct. 9th, 6:30, Playhouse. If that suits, let us know, we'd love to see you. Ruth
Hi Ruthless! Too, too bad about Trivia Night but understand. We'll make up for it at Fringe next year! At the moment, October 9th looks free. I'll know more after our friends, Claire and Greg, from Brisbane, arrive and we plan out social events over course of their stay. I've updated my calendar and will be in touch once we've ironed out visit happenings. Cheers, Patrizzio! Sounds good!
Also, we just decided to go to "Of Horses and Men" tomorrow night at SFU. If you're interested and it suit you guys, let us know and we'll meet you somewhere before or after. Sorry, recent update, we might try to get into "Wild" at the last minute with Rush tickets and if that's a no go then we'll RUSH over to our original show to see it. HA!HA! It will certainly build a little extra excitement into our evening and our first show at the VIFF.
Hello Cannot-Make-Up-Your-Mind Film Person! Given commitments for Thursday, Cora Lee cannot join us for either Wild or Of Horses and Me. I plan to try to get in to latter on my Volunteer Pass as I assume Wild might well be back, at some point. Perhaps we will cross paths. Are you going with Ricardo or Deb? No matter, Buona Fortuna. We'll have plenty to chat about, I'm sure! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ruthless! Too, too bad about Trivia Night but understand. We'll make up for it at Fringe next year! At the moment, October 9th looks free. I'll know more after our friends, Claire and Greg, from Brisbane, arrive and we plan out social events over course of their stay. I've updated my calendar and will be in touch once we've ironed out visit happenings. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Yes, there was some confusion going on as we are new to the VIFF, but Deb and I will be out and about in downtown Vancouver enjoying
the evening and hope our paths will cross.
Hi Matt! Terrific that you had such a wonderful visit with your parents. Work can be a drag. Time to retire! Had a friendly message from Christine. I'll have to mention that you mentioned her beating you up a few climbs! Really enjoyed Whistler GranFondo and have included my account, below, if interested. Trek performed splendidly so thanks for that. I'll probably pop by in next week or so to say hello. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Christine! Had a great message from Matt in which he mentioned you beating him up a few climbs! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Ah, the power of the parody. See this company's tongue-in-cheek send up of technology....(who'd have thought I'd be thanking Ikea?)
Experience the power of a bookbook™ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOXQo7nURs0#t=32
fabuloso! an amazing twist on technology....
Hi BookBook People! Trust you are both doing well With respect to planned California road trip, sans Mme Coriandre, we, (Whirlygig and Glasgow for sure, to date!), plan to leave on October 27th. Bay area for weekend of Oct 31st/Nov 1st/2nd. Will you be around or, more pressingly, will Boris and Natasha be at home? More details when I know more! Sarge, if he gets clearance from medicos/travel insurers wants to join Magical Mystery Tour! See you in early November! Probably won't be coming back until the 8th of November or even slightly later, if at all! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Dunners, Thanks a bunch for your generous donation to Autism Speaks Canada on behalf of our son Patrick. We really appreciate your support. Ran into Chloe and Corinne at Stanley Park in June. Great to see them - a real coincidence! You still riding your bike? Staying out of trouble? Cheers, Covey
Hi Pepperoni! Glad to help. Buona Fortuna with walk and fund raising! Yes, Cora Lee mentioned seeing you and Linda, Court and her boyfriend. Chloë had organized a fund raiser for Aunt Leah's for the run/walk. I dropped them off earlier that morning! Had a message from Matt Bassist and I sponsored him for Walk for ALS on same day you are in Autism Walk! Cheers, Il Condutore!
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