"And she feeds you tea and oranges That come all the way from China"
Still hoping you can find a free day while the sun is shining to ride up the island. The place is spectacular right now. Fond regards to you and C, W
Hi Giggovitch! Yes on all counts! Islay Inn is available for the Great Unread. My shift at VIFF is over at 2:00 pm so we could probably play some bridge with Sargentium beforehand. I assume you will arrive Sunday, or earlier that weekend. You are welcome whenever you decide to cross the Salish Sea. Of things, Kurtish, will he be insisting himself on us as well? We have either the living room couch or an inflatable. I am reluctant, however, to leave him alone with the malt cabinet, late at night, seventeen sheets to the wind!
Thank you again for grand invitazzione to the Fiercely Free, Independent Republic. Unfortunado, think t'will not be possible, given VIFF shifts and Cornish guests, until mid Ottobre, at the earliest. Invasion of Ozzies and Brits starting on October 6th until 13th. But who knows? Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: Heartwood!
hi patrick,count me in for the road trip,oct 27.i will probably come back on the 8 th.take care from matt
P, thanks on all counts. Will get onto Kurtish and find out what his plan is. Mark has also offered accommodation to the homeless of Galiano. So we do have other options if the Islay Inn keeper becomes suddenly more irascible.
There is a chance both my kids may show here next weekend and if that were the case I may come in on the 5PM ferry Sunday. If I have no visitors I would love to come in for some bridge. As it happens I am coming in Thursday morning to play a noon squash match. Maybe we could play some cards that afternoon if you and Sarge are up to it. Not sure if I will make that a day trip or overnight...
Would buy some of that fair trade coffee if I can find the source. I have a soft spot for Guatemala. I travelled around the country 1992 and it was a spooky place at that time. The Ford rangers with the tinted glass and the shot guns were still roaming the roads... RA (my ex) was a lawyer in the refugee community and made connections in G. with whom we stayed. I know the sordid history all too well. Love to travel with Glasgow -- that would be a hoot.
The next NRBC will be next Sunday, 28 September at the Islay Inn. The book we will discuss is Decoded, by Mai Jia (Mark). To follow that: The Island of Crimea (Ostrov Krym)', by Vasili Aksenov (Misha). Moe and then Pat are next up to recommend more un-reading for us.
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming...Oh My God, They're Already Here...Comrades: Nikolai Ilyich Karagodin and Elizaveta Federonov Karagodina (Natalia’s parents/my in-laws) landed at the Vancouver Airport this past Saturday (the 20th) and will be staying with us for a couple of months. We’re happy to see them and are grateful that they did not get tasered to death at the Vancouver airport by the RCMP.
I tried to arrange for a descendant (any descendant and/or relative dead or alive) of Tim Buck to greet them as they landed, but to no avail.
Unfortunately (I’m not too sure for whom), I can’t make it for DECODED as Natalia has planned a number of outings that will require my attendance. Besides, in lieu of bridge/scotch/book discussion I will be feasting on Elizaveta’s handcrafted fresh borscht and pelmeni. Bring on the sour cream! And the Stolichnaya Premium Vodka!
Fortunately (I’m not too sure for whom), I will be attending The Island of Crimea— whenever/wherever that takes place. I will see you then, Comrades. Fatefully yours, --Kurt
That is quite an elaborate excuse for not having read the book! Have a bowl of borscht and the snort of the premium vodka for me :-)
Greetings all...Firstly, does anybody have a copy of the book I could borrow for the week? Secondly, If I bring my own spoon and a bottle of Stoli, can I have some borscht?
Greetings Long Lost Bibliobrothers! Trust everyone is well. While The Islay Inn remains ready to host the NRBC perhaps, given Comrade Kurtov's latest dispatch, we should make the trip to Nanaimograd to feast on Elizaveta’s handcrafted fresh borscht and pelmeni, smothered in sour cream, toasting one another, all the while, as we discuss Decoded, with copious amounts of Stolichnaya Premium Vodka! From there to Galiano to recover! Any takers?
Marcus: Seems a tad ironic for you to be talking about "elaborate excuses" when you were not able to be at the meeting to discuss the very book you selected! Dermot: Hold the spoon, bring two bottles of Stoli! Jianni: How are you? Let us know how goes your new job and what keeps you busy when socializing. Your presence is sorely missed.
Comrade Kurteronov: Fondestos to Natalia and a warm welcome to her parents, Elizaveta and Nikolai. If ever in Vancouver over the course of their stay, we'd love to meet them and have them for a meal at the Islay Inn, should that work. Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio!
Hello Murphy Bed People! Just a "quick" note to thank you for all the lovely gifts/"things" you left. Had a snort of the Edeldestillat and liked it very much so thanks to Hansgeorg and Deswiela,(?). I apologize but I can't quite make out spelling on card they left. Might try the Killepitsch Kraütlikör tonight! As well, thanks, of course for coffee beans, chocolados, smoked salmon pâté, fresh fruit, (I assume from The Naramata, your property!), some cheese, I think, as well, and on and on in case we've not yet discovered other leavings. Glad you enjoyed a few snorts of maltage and that you were able to see Famiglia Bush. Bumped into Patrizzia day I returned from Madroña Manor and she mentioned she'd like to have us all to their place when next you two are in town.
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming...Oh My God, They're Already Here...Comrades: Nikolai Ilyich Karagodin and Elizaveta Federonov Karagodina (Natalia’s parents/my in-laws) landed at the Vancouver Airport this past Saturday (the 20th) and will be staying with us for a couple of months. We’re happy to see them and are grateful that they did not get tasered to death at the Vancouver airport by the RCMP.
I tried to arrange for a descendant (any descendant and/or relative dead or alive) of Tim Buck to greet them as they landed, but to no avail.
Unfortunately (I’m not too sure for whom), I can’t make it for DECODED as Natalia has planned a number of outings that will require my attendance. Besides, in lieu of bridge/scotch/book discussion I will be feasting on Elizaveta’s handcrafted fresh borscht and pelmeni. Bring on the sour cream! And the Stolichnaya Premium Vodka!
Fortunately (I’m not too sure for whom), I will be attending The Island of Crimea— whenever/wherever that takes place. I will see you then, Comrades. Fatefully yours, --Kurt
That is quite an elaborate excuse for not having read the book! Have a bowl of borscht and the snort of the premium vodka for me :-)
Greetings all...Firstly, does anybody have a copy of the book I could borrow for the week? Secondly, If I bring my own spoon and a bottle of Stoli, can I have some borscht?
Greetings Long Lost Bibliobrothers! Trust everyone is well. While The Islay Inn remains ready to host the NRBC perhaps, given Comrade Kurtov's latest dispatch, we should make the trip to Nanaimograd to feast on Elizaveta’s handcrafted fresh borscht and pelmeni, smothered in sour cream, toasting one another, all the while, as we discuss Decoded, with copious amounts of Stolichnaya Premium Vodka! From there to Galiano to recover! Any takers?
Marcus: Seems a tad ironic for you to be talking about "elaborate excuses" when you were not able to be at the meeting to discuss the very book you selected! Dermot: Hold the spoon, bring two bottles of Stoli! Jianni: How are you? Let us know how goes your new job and what keeps you busy when socializing. Your presence is sorely missed.
Comrade Kurteronov: Fondestos to Natalia and a warm welcome to her parents, Elizaveta and Nikolai. If ever in Vancouver over the course of their stay, we'd love to meet them and have them for a meal at the Islay Inn, should that work. Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio!
Hello Murphy Bed People! Just a "quick" note to thank you for all the lovely gifts/"things" you left. Had a snort of the Edeldestillat and liked it very much so thanks to Hansgeorg and Deswiela,(?). I apologize but I can't quite make out spelling on card they left. Might try the Killepitsch Kraütlikör tonight! As well, thanks, of course for coffee beans, chocolados, smoked salmon pâté, fresh fruit, (I assume from The Naramata, your property!), some cheese, I think, as well, and on and on in case we've not yet discovered other leavings. Glad you enjoyed a few snorts of maltage and that you were able to see Famiglia Bush. Bumped into Patrizzia day I returned from Madroña Manor and she mentioned she'd like to have us all to their place when next you two are in town.
Up at 7:00 am to my regular routine of mug of java, CBC 2 and sending messages out through the ether. Listened to some wonderful interview clips with Leonard Cohen until it was time to leave for KFM. What a superb day for it. Chloë picked up Gayle/Derek and Porter while Cora Lee and I took TG. We needed to stop at the bank, en route, and there wouldn't have been room for everyone in one car anyway. After dropping Coriandre off, I parked but a block away. We arranged to meet at Pig-on-the-Street. Strolling through the busy, busy market on my way to the food truck I was more than impressed with the literal cornucopia of fresh fruit and vegetables, stunning in their size, quality, colour, almost unending variety and wonderful display. Markets here certainly don't have to take a back seat to those we've been to, in France, in particular. Not the same range of meats and cheeses but the fruit and vegetables might even outshine their European, Australian, or even Penticton counterparts!
Met gang at PotS and we chatted while waiting for our orders. I had a PigLT which means I can ride to Whistler and back this afternoon and still not feel hungry for a week or more! Gayle also bought me a Twisty Bread, a bacon infused crispy concoction, a relatively new product Krissy is marketing to various local craft breweries. Hardly needed it but it was scrumptious beyond belief. I'm sure a terrific match for when one is guzzling beer!
After we had eaten our delicious food we wandered the market, picking up the things we needed. Gayle and Derek gave Chloë their salad purchases as we will meet at her place for dinner this evening. They were walking Porter back to Krissy's/Mark's apartment and Cora Lee and I made for home. On way to car we bumped into Jim and Jocelyn. Mid-November they will be moving to a duplex near Stephens and 3rd. They have sold their house in Point Grey and want to "downsize" as well as be back in Kits. Trust we can all get together soon.
Once back at the Islay Inn Cora Lee left to see a movie with Robyn. I'll clean vegetables we bought, (lettuce, beets), at market and then head out for a short ride. Need to start burning all the bacon calories!!! After a light dinner at Chloë's all five of us will head to Rio to take in a double bill: Broken, "a 2012 British coming-of-age drama film directed by Rufus Norris starring Eloise Laurence and Tim Roth. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012. It is based on the 2008 novel of the same name written by Daniel Clay, inspired heavily by To Kill A Mockingbird." and Wish You Were Here, "a 2012 Australian mystery film directed by Kieran Darcy-Smith. Set in Cambodia and Australia, it details the aftermath of a Southeast Asian holiday gone awry for two couples." Cora Lee will have rectangles for eyes by the end of the night!
Please pass along many thanks to the German folk. Terrific that they enjoyed the stay. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: KFM this morning!
Headed out around 1:45 pm and knew that I had to be back by close to 4:00 pm in order to be ready by 4:30 pm when Chloë was to come and collect us. That being the case I made for UBC but knew Spanish Banks would probably be very crowded given the simply glorious day. Stretch between GI and Point Grey Road was filled with recreational cyclists, families and such, but I managed to thread my way to 4th without incident. Then continued on 4th to Chancellor to avoid traffic along Spanish Banks. Once at UBC I didpsy-doodled through camus to take 16th to Imperial and thence back to Marine.
After circling the roundabout opposite TRIUMF to gain a few extra km's I made my way back to 16th for another short incursion onto campus and then retraced my steps all the way back to the Islay Inn. Walked in the door just before 4:00 pm so was very pleased with time. Stats for ride:
Quick shower and a change of clothes and I was ready by 4:30 pm, on the dot! Chloë had arrived while i was in shower but as it turned out, Gayle and Derek didn't get back from taking Porter to Krissy's/mark's place until a few minutes later. They wanted to change and freshen up so we didn't actually leave our place until close to 5:00 pm.
Once at the Loft, we set about getting ready for a bite ot eat. Set out tasty appetizers of cheeses, dips, crackers and olives. Opened a couple of bottles of white and Derek made a large salad while we waited for Robbie and Sally, two of Chloë's friends to arrive. Chatted with them once they walked in and but a few minutes later so did Cora Lee. She had been at the 4:00 pm church service at Heartwood. Dined like royalty on appetizers, salad and a large pan of Bella's spring rolls. About 6:30 pm we had to get ready to leave to make our way to the Rio, on Broadway and Commercial. Derek came with me, Cora Lee with Chloë and Sally/ Robbie left in her car. Managed to find parking on the street across from the theatre so pleased about that. We regrouped in front of the entrance and went inside to join R/S who were already seated.
Ian Merkel, founder of Vancouver Foreign Film Society, and organizer of the showing, drew a number of tickets before first film started but none of our group were lucky enough to win tickets to a screening at VIFF. Next we settled in to watch Broken and everyone was quite taken, if not shaken, by the very powerful, upsetting drama. Sally had to leave after the first screening so we said goodbye to her and then chatted while waiting for Wish You Were Here to start. Another set of draws and this time Robbie won a pass! The Australian film was compelling but not quite as riveting as Broken. Nevertheless, both are well worth seeing.
Said goodbye o R/C outside on sidewalk. She was driving him home and we were off to The Islay Inn ourselves. Been a long day for everyone so we said goodnight to G/D outside The Annexe hallway door and headed for our own beds. After brishing and flossing I managed to read a few chapters of The Confabulist before turning out my bedside lamp, dreaming of the PigLT I'd devoured for breakfast!

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