I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or
bitterness towards anyone. -Edith Cavell, nurse and humanitarian
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The Countess's Morning Levee
Art: William Hogarth (1697-1764)
We arrived at Beau Soleil at about 3:00pm yesterday; flew into Montpellier from Paris (having flown in that morning from KL); picked up a hire car and drove here after some 30 odd hours without sleep! Crashed by 8:00pm and all slept through till 9:00 this morning.
Spent today exploring Neffies and have already had an invite to drinks at 7:00 tonight from a lovely French lady that we met whilst walking around the village. So much for the French being unfriendly! I'll be in touch a bit later with some questions about the surrounding area. Love to all Tina and Trevor
Hello Languedoc! Just back from taking in my Trek to Westpoint and Jeff, mechanic, phoned to say he recommended two new wheels. Since total bill will be $1,000+/- I've rented out your place in Adealide, via Airbnb, until you return, to pay the bill! Extra will go to more malt so not at all unhappy! How about you?
Fondestos from Cora Lee and Cheers, Patrizzio/Scullion, Cat Whisper and Cellar Master, Madroña Manor, where we will house/cat sit for The Millionaires, mid-September when you will be visiting the Saturday market in Pézenas, (Please say hello and give fond regards to Alain, of Cave Alain Reinaldos, (He suggested so many wonderful wines at simply exceptional prices, (€7-€15), that I didn't need to taste anywhere!), across the square from the fountain, and to Patrick and Nathalie, owners of Domaine Terres en Couleurs, (They usually have a tasting booth on the street corner opposite Alain's store and their winery is well worth visiting. It is just outside Pézenas, about halfway, roughly, towards Neffiès. Remind them that my friend Jaimie, from London, collapsed in their tasting room, probably overcome by carbon dioxide from pressings! He was fine but a frightening few minutes as I assumed he was having a heart attack! Nothing to laugh about, especially in light of what happened to Sarge!), and tasting wine at Les Domaines Paul Mas in Montagnac: http://www.paulmas.com/index-fr.php and, upon the insistence of Teens, probably having lunch at their wonderful restaurant!
Don't forget to try Restaurant Les Gautailles, in Neffiès itself, towards centre of village. La boulangerie, around corner from restaurant, if I am not mistaken, is the place to buy bread, etc., in village, but of course you won't have trouble finding that staple! I shopped at the great supermarket, Super U, on D13 on the outskirts of Roujan, (also have a gas outlet, slightly closer to Roujan), one way to get to Pézenas, although I preferred to drive/ride via Caux. You can buy all the staples, and more, that you might need. Great deli as well but again, I usually bought most of my sausages, cheese, vegetables and condiments from market vendors. Look for wine sales there as we bought bottles of a terrific Viognier for €2. (Greener and greener with envy!!!) L'Auberge du Presbytère is a fabulous restaurant in Vailhan: http://www.aubergedupresbytere.fr/
You can reach it via turnoff outside Roujan but I liked to drive/cycle up the "mountain" behind Neffiès and go on the tiny, but safe, "wine" road. You will see a sign/turn off, to the left, once you've climbed up a couple of bends/curves and leveled off for a bit before reaching top. You need to wend your way through the village once you reach it as restaurant is but a short distance outside hamlet, past town square. You should probably book a week in advance. You will discover, if you haven't already, that the distances to places I've mentioned are not great. If you use the various highways and toll roads, of course you can travel much more quickly and directly. Again, I preferred local roads as one sees so much more. However, if making for Carcassonne, per esempio, you might consider local roads going, faster route returning, just to take in a bit more of countryside. We didn't have time to investigate Minervois but it is between Béziers and Carcassonne and another exciting wine appellation/region. I wish I'd known about Domaine de Babio earlier: http://www.domainedebabio.com/en/
Not sure what they have available now but here the Red Wine, 2010, 15%, is just under $20 and I notice prices range from about €5-€11 at the winery itself. Montpellier is certainly worth another visit as I assume you simply left after picking up your car. Anyway, I could go on forever! Let me know what other questions you might have and I'd be more than happy to help if I can, offer other suggestions, etc.
Grand that you have already become "locals"! In fact, I don't think I ever encountered unfriendliness, ever, in France. Even in Paris people would go out of their way to help. One interesting exception was at the olive oil/olive farm just outside Roujan, en route to Vailhan, on your left. Crusty, octogenarian owner was very grumpy as I woke him from his afternoon nap but even he "softened" as we chatted, in my broken French! I really liked his olives but unfortunately all the olive oil was sold out.
Pics: Patrick Goma. (Box wine is a terrific bargain. Took the Viognier on the canal boat.) Alain with Jaimie; Anaïs, Nathalie, Patrick and Vianney; Jaimie, collapse and recovery!
Hi Patricio the Malt Man, Excellent wee tasting yesterday, thanks. Great news that Sarge is through the operation safely.
I discussed with Lynnie your kind offer of the Hun invading Island Inn and we both think it's a wonderful idea. We accept with alacrity, before your offer has a chance to expire. Will call you later today to discuss logistics. Many thanks to you and Corinne. Peter
Hi Alacritous Naramatian Freeloaders! Just back from picking up my Trek from Westpoint and Jeff, mechanic, had recommended two new wheels. Since total bill was $1,017 I've rented out your place, via Airbnb, until you return, to pay the bill! Extra will go to more malt so not at all unhappy! How about you?
Great that you will be staying, but once again, patio, under a torn tarp for the four of you as need Murphy bed for closer, richer friends! As well, sold peaches at GI Market so we would have enough food to eat tonight!
Fondestos from Lady Cora Lee, Countess, Logistician and Chamber Maid, Islay Inn. Cheers, Down-and-Out Patrizzio, Trying, Desperately,To Make Ends Meet!
Pics: Matt, of Westpoint, smiling all the way to the bank!
when it rains it pours!!! visitors all at once!! Perfect, look forward to you seeing the place!
Congratulations Misha! Trust you are well. Giorgio is coming over this coming Friday as he, Carlos and I are riding in the Whistler Granfondo together. If you are free, perhaps you'd like to pop by on Friday evening to say hello. We could toast your anniversary and our ride the next day! At any rate, look forward to seeing your at The NRBC on September 28th! Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, thanks for sharing the good news on Sarge. May the recovery be as planned.
Count Chasy out on the overnight in Squamish. If he fails to secure a ride from Whistler he may catch a ride to Squamish. His issue is that Kate is away and his dog is unattended. Seems like there should be a work around to that but...
I'll pay the full fee at the Islay Inn -- what now, an arm and a wheel? If Murphy is back unexpectedly I will leg wrestle for the use of his bed.
Trek Blues: you should converse with Cobby before accepting the advice from West Point. I expect they are correct about the condition of the old wheels. What Cobby could advise on (including condition) is what you should replace them with -- maybe something stronger, cheaper...
May well join you in September on the Island depending how my garden work here goes. Victoria is much cheaper to get to than the Vancouver side. W did not get pics
Hi Leg Wrestler!! Passed along your good wishes to Flamin' this evening. As expected, Sarge is pretty tired after operation so I think everyone is cutting back on visits. Flamin' thinks he might be up for a few hands of bridge by Thursday.
Sorry to hear that last set of photos didn't come through. According to my Sent mail, they were included but I've attached them with this message. Another friend mentioned the same.
Sorry that Carlos won't be joining us overnight at Squamish as it would be fun to socialize with him. Thanks for suggestion about talking to JTT. Probably a good idea to do it next time. Thanks. Two panniers, one odometre, a frame and four wheels, you get to keep both legs but only one arm!
Be grand if you could make it to Madroña Manor so let's chat this coming weekend. Start hoeing and weeding now!Trust all went well with plans for addition. Cora Lee, Chloë and cousin Cody, (Pam's oldest), are out seeing A Most Wanted Man this evening. Cheers, Il Condutore!
Hi Luna and Groggenheimer! I was just re-reading your last message, Claire, when we received the following wonderful news Sarge had come through lengthy operation extremely successfully! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Zircon! Trust all goes well with sourdough factory! Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi Brenda Louise! Exciting news! Funnily enough I had been meaning to say hello as I realized I hadn't sent any messages since well before we left for Winnipeg, mid-July. Whirlwind of social activity there with Cora Lee's parent's 69th wedding anniversary celebrations and then non-stop here once back. Trust all goes well with Dana. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and Wally. Cheers, Patrizzio!
So sorry to hear that you have had huge cause to worry but glad to hear that your friend, Sarge, is getting all the right attention.
I am at the hospital too and even though the maternity ward is here it is just a practise run. Because of Dana being overdue a week they want to check to see if the baby is coping with his prolonged stay. The test takes about an hour but i get to check out the facilities or lack thereof. I must remember books magazines, treats and my phone. There is a nice view up the valley towards Barriere though.
I am still bearing the after effects of the pneumonia and get to coughing frequently. I wish i could tell people around me who look decidedly
uncomfortable that i am not spreading ebola or any other germ. Hopefully we will all be here for the real thing very shortly.
Hi Ebola Woman! Picked up my Trek from Westpoint, (Wanted to make sure it was in good condition for Granfondo on Saturday.), this afternoon and Jeff, mechanic, phoned earlier, to say he recommended two new wheels. Since total bill was $1,017 I've rented out your place, via Airbnb, while you are taking care of Dana, to pay the bill! Extra will go to more malt so not at all unhappy! How about you?
Sorry to hear about the lingering after effects of the pneumonia you suffered. Personally, I always seem to go for weeks, after even a mild cold, with a persistent, dry cough so I understand what you are going through. Find malt helps as an over the counter medication! Trust all goes well with birth when time comes. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Matt, from Westpoint, laughing all the way to the bank!
Hi Flash/Wedding Planner! Pleased to hear that Deidre's wedding went off so well. Quite disappointed about kitchen as I really needed the $500 since I just learned my Trek needs two new wheels. Latest bill will come in at around $1,000! Spending more on my road bike, recently, than my car!
Trust all goes well with non-return to school! Cheers, Patrizzio/Scullion, Cat Whisper and Cellar Master, Madroña Manor, where we will house/cat sit for The Millionaires, mid-September!
Hi Grad Student! My email account is one of the perks UBC gives to retirees! Where is Brunello headed? Glad the boys are doing what they like or think they like! Be careful what you wish for. Life at a university isn't easy, aside from politics of any given institution.Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Galianoid! Just back from taking in my Trek to Westpoint and Jeff, mechanic phoned to say he recommended two new wheels. Since total bill will be $1,000 the nightly fee at The Islay Inn had gone up accordingly! On way to Westpoint, I drove past the Jackal's Lair and noticed the house has been raised on blocks! You might consider sleeping "rough" to avoid exorbitant hotel charges! In the "Chasy" vein, has he mentioned anything about staying overnight in Squamish? As mentioned, earlier, I'd like to let Ruthless know. Cheers, Patrizzio/Scullion, Cat Whisper and Cellar Master, Madroña Manor, where we will house/cat sit for The Millionaires, mid-September! Any thoughts about joining us?
Sorry to hear that ..hope the operation went well.. is that the neighbor who is or was in the rcmp that i met at your place? thanks for the email during such a difficult time..these situations always hit home too ..life being fragile, precious, and incredibly resilient..good luck and enjoy this weekend..i look forward to seeing you sometime..take care of yourself..
Hi again, Barb! Yes, Sarge is the RCMP officer you met at our place. Like you say, life is "fragile, precious and incredibly resilient"! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Still need your phone number and address!
Hi Paprika, I think you forgot to attach some pics. I only see the one of Sarge and Michelle. He looks like he got into a school fight with those shiners. Glad all is well.
I am writing up my methodology and though I feel good about it, it is much more involved than I thought! Good luck to Team Jackal and luck you guys for house sitting on the Island, I presume! Bruno is on his way to Indiana and then is delivering somewhere in Quebec. Back to writing up my methodology. Bye!
Hi Corinne and Pat Corinne show pat these pictures too. I couldn't find his emsil address readily on my iPhone. Read the hoodie. Sankei in diapers though she learned very quickly to wiggle out of them. xoxo
Hi Methodology Mama! Sorry to hear that last set of photos didn't come through. According to my Sent mail, they did but I've attached them with this message. Trust all goes well with writing. Cora Lee, Chloë and Cody, (Pam's oldest), are out seeing A Most Wanted Man this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for all the good news and the bad, the price of our rent! Hope we get a chance to pay the landlord before too long....Cact.
Hi Cactoosian! Trust all goes well with scrimping to pay the landlord! Cora Lee, Chloë and Cody, (Pam's oldest), are out seeing A Most Wanted Man this evening. Cheers, Slum Landlord Patrizzio!
Hi Gumbo People! Regards to the Fayre Elise! Send some overlefts North!!!
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Arizona Babe! I've rented out your place, until you return, to pay the bill for my road bike! Extra will go to more malt so not at all unhappy! How about you?
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Thank you for the new information. Could you please send Sarge and Michelle's mailing address so we can send a card. Thank you, Mike
Hi Portlandians! Address for Michele and Wayne Sutherland below. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Sorry for the delayed response. We were, or course, taken aback by the news on Sarge. Our thoughts are with Wayne. And please offer Wayne and Michelle our best wishes and for Wayne a speedy and full recovery.
When he’s up to it you could mention to him the challenge is on to beat him at Bridge if he can handle it. BTW, have been watching some old videos of Goren on Bridge ( TV show from the 50’s) so even better a player, if you can believe.
Thanks for letting us know and glad you made it back to Beautiful B.C. Even in this inclement weather we had today. Charlie
Hello Champagne Goren! Thanks for all the best wishes for Sarge and Flamin'. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the update on Wayne. Please give him our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Dawn and Gerry
Hello Terrace! Hope you don't mind but I've rented out your place in Kits, via Airbnb, while you are in Terrace! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Your welcome Patrick: You look like you’re ready to rock it – have fun! Margo
Hi Margo! Thanks for good wishes! I've rented
out Boni-Maddison Office space,
via business branch of Airbnb, while everyone is away for
weekend, to pay for the latest maintenance bill on my Trek! Extra will go to more malt for my whisky
cabinet. Don't tell Carlos! Perhaps we'll see you at Whistler! Cheers, Patrizzio!
- Patrick James Dunn
Hi Laura! No, it isn't running here yet but we are looking forward to it. Our daughter, Ayn, in LA, was here last weekend and, coincidentally, we were talking about it while on a day trip to Squamish to see friends. Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, I may not have to impose further on your boundless energy for Sunday shifts. I have another 2 vols bidding for the set-up/strike shifts on Sunday, except for the final strike, 4:30 pm- 9 pm. Since they need hours to fulfill their minimum commitment, I am likely to assign them instead of you L However, don’t be surprised if I assign you to the final strike shift. That will be nice for the vols. You’ll be more rested and they’ll be eager for your powerhouse direction. KathrynDearest Kathryn! Your wish is my command! Cheers, Patrizzio!Patrick, I'm sure that Cathy A will want to meet with you at some point to go over the details of ice delivery and taking on an early evening event at Studio1398.
Given that you two are so confident about taking two shifts on Wed, Thurs,
Fri & Sat evenings, Jo is happy to bow out....she was offering because she
was worried that you two would be over-taxed. But if you are sure you won't be, then she's happy to be relieved of the opportunity. I will mention your request to Cathy when I see her next, which may be
tomorrow morning. Kathryn
Dearest Kathryn The Great! I'm sure we won't be over-taxed, (I just chat with customers while Cora Lee does all the real work!), but Jo is welcome to "learn the ropes" if she would like to do so. No big deal either way. Let us know when we can meet The Ice Woman! As always, your loyal, ever obedient, subservient, obsequious even, servant, factotum, drudge and adoring lackey, Patrizzio!
Welcome Patrick, Vancouver International Film Festival Shiftboard: https://www.shiftboard.com/viff
Thank you for registering for Vancouver International Film Festival Shiftboard! We are pleased to accept you as a 2014 Festival Volunteer!
Sign-in, create your new password and please ensure all additional profile fields on both tabs are filled in completely to ensure accurate placement, and pay special note to the Availability Tab.
We will be contacting you between now and September 15th with further details on your Departmental assignment, training and other important volunteer information. Please ensure we have you correct and most current contact information while you are updating your profile.
Have a great day! And Welcome to the Future of Volunteering with VIFF......BRADE D. STANTON, Volunteer Coordinator, Vancouver International Film Festival, Office: 604-685-0260 ext: 814, Email: brade.stanton@viff.org
Patrick, Your account has been added to the following Teams: Audience Services - Theatre Operations. You can now log into Vancouver International Film Festival Shiftboard and access your new Teams tools, resources, and information. BRADE
Hello Patrick, The Trek bike you have here for service is complete and ready to be picked up The bill is $1035.20. The mechanic's notes are as follows: "Bike wipped down. Drivetrain cleaned and lubed. New front and rear brake pads replaced as the old ones were over 50% worn. New bottom bracket bearing installed as one of them was loud and rough. New rear tire installed. New front and rear wheels (customer approved) installed as the rear was .4mm worn on one side and the front was .2mm and had some abnormal damaged to the rim (like it had been dragged). New rear derailleur cable and housing replaced to help with shift. All further adjustments and checks made as part of the major tune and the bike test rides well. New wheels discounted 5%"
Service Team at West Point Cycles - West 10th. Ave. 604-224-3536 west10thservice@westpointcycles.com
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