Every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or
expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side. -Ralph
Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

- Patrick James Dunn Sarge will do almost anything to get out of having me as a bridge partner!
Wayne booked for open heart surgery today. Your continued love and support for this next journey is most welcomed.- Patrick James Dunn You have it in Spades, Flamin'!
- Bella M. Mercado My prayers are none stop for Wayne triple by pass heart surgery and recovery as well. We love you lots Michele, hanging there God is with us all.
- Patrick James Dunn He's going to be just fine, Bella, if only to recover, after surgery, on nothing but your fabulous Spring Rolls!
Chloe Alexis Dunn I'm just gonna say it..... I love all Sutherland's young, old, tall, short!!! You are my favorite people!!!! Thinking about Wayne, sending love and positive thoughts!!
Hi Lauren! Thank you for your lovely message. I am certainly sorry that we couldn't connect, if only to offer more emotional support, but I certainly understand how your time would have been taken over the course of your difficult stay. I am so pleased to learn that Tyler's funeral and scattering of his ashes went so well. Some comfort for you, at least.
I gather, from what Ayn, has mentioned, since being back in LA, that she hopes to get together with you, at some point. Trust you are feeling a bit better. Fondestos and Love from Mme Coriandre to you, Lauren. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Have included the following pics as they show "before and after"!
Hi Patrick, Just a quick reply early in the morning. (I got the gist of the message on the phone from Jane before reading your email.) What a miracle Wayne is still alive! What a thin line between life an death! Every day is a gift. And we're getting reminded of it ever more often (I'm thinking of Paul, and others I know). Comes with the age, I suppose. Anyway, please give my deeply felt get-well-wishes to Wayne, and give Michele a hug from me.
I suppose you have now heard all there is to hear about Jane's move to the island. For myself, I plan to come over in the first half of October, to stay for a couple of months. Hope to see you then. Fondestos & bestestos, Marcello
Hi Pat I hope by now that Sarge has has a successful operation and that he is recovering as per the schedule. It's a major operation for sure. He definitely sounds like a fighter. How's Michele? Had a look at your trip map and stats. Very impressive, both the ride and the program. You'll just sail up to Whistler on Saturday. All the best to Sarge, and to you too on the big ride. Jane
Patrick, Thank you so much for letting us know what is going on. It is great to know that Wayne has a good chance. Please let us know how he does and pass on our good wishes we are thinking of him. We will be in touch.
Love to all. Claire
Thanks for the news report on Sarge. That is a pretty scary sequence of events. I am recalling we had a drink Saturday night and he drove me (us) to the airport Sunday morning. I think you offered to borrow his vehicle and then recruited him to drive it because your driving specs were in Tofino. Next trip I take the train. I hope the surgery goes well. It is now 11 years, 4 months and 9 days since they cracked open my chest. I guest pestering of transcendent beings is also in otder. Keep me posted. PS. Keep your driving specs handy. Wayne will need a chauffeur for a while.P, great news on Sarge. May the surgery and recovery continue as hoped. Please wish him well for me. Cobby is here for the weekend and we have been hunkered down building. Lasterday was a gate.Will send pics.
Chasy is over in a few hours to meet with a perspective builder who we may hire to do an addition. I will come over on Friday to register. Is there any room at the Inn? If not I am sure I can bunk with Carlos. He is in the space below my old digs so it is a little tight...W
Hello Menders of Fences! Glad the Galiano Ryokan is getting a face-lift from layabout relatives! News about Sarge just keeps getting better! (Like the accomplished novelist I am, now that I've hooked you, I will subject you to "wading" through the rest of "back-story" text!) Before I forget, please ask Carlos if he will be staying overnight at The Squamish Waldorf. Plenty of room and he is certainly welcome. His wife, as well, if she might be along. She only need drive to Squamish as there will be room for Carlos in our car after event. Anyway, let me know what he has planned. Out of courtesy, would like to let Ruthless and Ricardo know how many Urban Freeloaders to expect.
So that is the latest. I might well give you a call later today if/when I know more. Again, let me know about when you plan to hit town on Friday and what Carlos would like to do. Hello to Jacob Two Two. If he is interested perhaps he could pop by for a snort or two on Friday evening. We, (not JTT!), will have to be abstemious as think we need to be up fairly early as we muster by 6:35 am near Totem Poles at Brockton Point. I suggest we ride over to "warm up" but you decide. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello Dearest Penny! I just sent off a message to Lauren. Unfortunately we were not able to connect while she was in Vancouver. Nevertheless, all seems to have gone well with Tyler's funeral. For our part we had a terrible shock as this past Monday Sarge suffered a massive cardiac arrest early in the morning! Trust all goes well with everyone. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you, Madcap, and rest of gang. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics, Before and After Series!
Hi Glasgow! Thank you both for all the contributions to Chloë for Aunt Leah's. Much appreciated! I apologize for not replying to your last message but we had a terrible shock this past Monday. Trust all goes well with you. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and Catherine. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne! I apologize for not replying to your set of jokes, Colin Trust all goes well. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Flash! Trust all went well with wedding. Any word on kitchen? Not really writing to ask about that as we had a terrible shock this past Monday. Trust all goes well with you four. Bestestos from Coramandel. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Erika and Laura! Thank you, Erika, for the lovely book plates. Very thoughtful and kind of you to think of us. Much appreciated. Trust you are well.
Thank you, Laura, for the lovely evening and fabulous meal at Henning's. It was a delight to meet Edi. He is a terrific little man. Great to see Min and Tommy as well, of course. Glad that Yda and Arne could join gathering. Please thank Henning for his hospitality and wonderful cappuccino! Trust we will see him again before he returns to the Philippines. Again, many thanks from both of us. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Please forward snaps to everyone.
Hi Big Al! Thanks for alert about fresh salmon. Under other circumstances I might have cycled out to pick one, or more up.Trust all goes well with you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Filmer and Sally! Do apologize for not popping by to say hello and goodbye and pick up picture, you so kindly offered. (Please hang on to if that is not too, too much trouble as I don't want you to go to the trouble to mailing it.) No excuses but plenty of reasons. We simply ran out of time and it was a whirlwind of social activity once back in Vancouver.Thanks for the tip on The Knick. Chloë is actually setting up our PVR to record series as I scribe! Trust all goes well with you. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Chloe Alexis Dunn shared The Huffington Post's photo. Corinne Durston this should be your next project!!! xxBeachfront libraries are pretty much the best idea ever: http://huff.to/1kogVnU- Corinne Durston Vpl is doing pop up libraries at second beach and other locations this summer
Hi TNT! I assume you are knocking back wine in Neffiès right now! Exciting news is that Sarge is now undergoing open-heart, triple by-pass surgery, literally, as I scribe! (Surgeon said operation would take about five hours so will be waiting for news, anytime after 4:00 pm, on how he fared.) All this happened very quickly. Trust all went well with flight and train ride. Look forward to hearing all about life at Beau Soleil when you have settled in. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics, After Series, out of ICU and in private room on Cardiac Care Ward.
Chloe Alexis Dunn via The Huffington Post Book Lovers, check this out!!
Hi Champagne and O Susannah! Trust you are well. A whirlwind of social activity once back from Winnipeg. Hope we can play some bridge soon. Best wishes from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Cooler Climes People! Will keep out an eye for Scott Gingles although I'm sure he will be slotted far ahead of our group, given his young legs and faster time. Team Jackal is in the 6-7 hour, (self assigned time to complete course, 20 km/hr+/-), mustering near Brockton Point. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Sangrantino Aficionados! Can hardly wait to go hunting for undamaged wineries! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Simone! Your "dusting" message couldn't have come at a more appropriate time. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi JT or is it RRG! Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lurkin'! Trust you are well. I was just re-reading email from Jugos Dom Pedro when he walked in the patio door, scant minutes ago, delivering freshly picked peaches! Needless to say, a delight to see him. Couple of quick snorts of malt and he had to dash off to see Byron and Ann. Nevertheless, we did have time to chat about coming visit with The Prussians and we put it to Petros that you are all welcome to stay here. Unfortunately, inasmuch as we'd love to see you and meet your friends, we won't be home as we are off to Madroña Manor to house sit for The Millionaires. Will leave it to you to discuss this possibility/offer with Juice Baron. Let us know what you think and then we'll plan accordingly.
News Flash: Just this very moment had a call from Nicole/Flamin' and Sarge did come through extremely successfully, although he had a quadruple rather than triple bypass. His heart suffered very little damage as a result of Monday's arrest so that is also a terrific bonus. All things going well, he will be in ICU for next 24 hours and then the CCU for next five to six days after which he will be discharged. Extremely limited exertion for following six to eight weeks. Per esempio, a milk carton, or equivalent, is all he is supposed to lift, not even using his arms to raise himself from bed or sitting position. So that is the story. What follows is simply back-story, should you wish to read about events leading up to this miraculous news!
Fondestos from Mme Coriandre/Reception Clerk. Cheers, Patrizzio/Scullion and Cellar Master! Pics: Bearer of Peaches, two of three malts imbibed over course of negotiations for stay and Manager of The Islay Inn! Fabulous fruit!
Michele Darrow-Sutherland Coquitlam Wayne had quadruple bypass surgery. I spoke to his doctor who said he did very well . He will be in ICU for 24 hours and then back to cardiac care. We have been surrounded by all your love and know that we could not have made it through this without all of your karma good positive wishes and most especially prayers . Thank you.
Rebecca FrazierThank you to all our friends and family for their prayers and positive thoughts!!!!
Hello Cornwall! I was just re-reading your last two messages Derek when we received, via phone, the following News Flash letting us know Sarge is doing extremely well after surgery! Trust your back is feeling even better, Derek. Chloë thought that it might have been acting up since you didn't know which pub we would be visiting after you cleared Customs and Immigration and which restaurant we would be having dinner at that evening. Choice is yours as far as pub but Krissy will be cooking for all of us here, at the Islay Inn! I suppose you will do clean-up, wanting to stand after sitting for eight hours or so on plane!
With respect to visiting Parksville, unless you are intent on flying over why not go with Cora Lee on Saturday, September 13th? I plan to ride over on either the 11th or 12th, depending on weather, your schedule, etc. Anyway, think on it and let us know. Cheers, Patrizzio, Cat Whisperer, Madroña Manor! Hello Sylvia and Raymond! Trust you are still enjoying your holiday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My God, I'm at a loss. We're just in the car, returning from Rossland where Kirsten's older sister, Deirdre was married. I was placed into the role of wedding planner (as someone had to do it) and it was a very busy time. I walked nearly 25,000 steps on Saturday according to my fitbit and I didn't manage to go for a run. Unfortunately your kitchen wasn't on the short list for the photo shoot, I'm afraid I trust you haven't yet spent the location fee!
Please send Wayne and Michelle (and the while family, for that matter) our most heartfelt warm wishes. I fully expect to hear much more about Sarge's miraculous recovery and comeback. His note was hard to read. They are some of the nicest people on the planet and I shudder to think of what might have been. Thanks for keeping me in the picture. I appreciate the note. And have a great Fondo. I understand you'll be trying for a top-10 finish?? Talk soon, A
Hello Portland! Crib sheet to follow!!!! Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi everyone No, I haven't ignored you. Dana has said all along that she didn't think the baby would come until the first week in September so I guess she is right! Dana is coming here to stay overnight as she has an early morning doctor's appt where she will be given a non- stress test. We have to make sure the vehicle is pointed the right way out and has gas! LOL Can't wait to hear the news. Janice Barbour Moss
Tks for the news. We are now in Arizona. Thinking about all of u. I trust that Wayne's surgery went well. That will keep him under control for a while. Keep well
Hi Golfer Folk! Great life you lead, golfing, swimming! When do you work?Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic:Murphy cabinet bed! Hi Gianna and Marcello! I was just re-reading your last message,Kjell, when we received this wonderful News Flash! Cheers, Patrizzio
P, Great news about Sarge. Please wish him well if you have the chance. Will be thinking of him tomorrow. Piece of cake.
With all of your training I expect you can be in Whistler and return to re-ride the leg from Squamish with us laggards. Thanks for including Chasy in the Squamish plans. I will ask Chasy about whether he is staying over at Squamish. He was typically noncommittal and without alternative transportation plans when we last spoke.
I will let ya know when I am coming in Friday. Both Chasy and I have to get down to register so it will have to be an early ferry. Sorry to learn that the gals got the hook. That hurts. Does that mean one less pair of shoes OR more retail therapy? Thanks for the bed Murphy Friday. Much appreciated. No malt - just heavy carbo loading. W
wish you had been here for the gumbo I made for Elise's party yesterday; she was just here for dinner to polish off leftovers. Please be careful on your bike, and if you can't be careful, at least be lucky. as for luck, let's hope Sarge has buckets of it....let us know the news and thanks for keeping us in the loop....Rodney Strong Cab leftovers with gumbo....not bad but not great! Cact. Hi Pat, I just noticed that your email still says @ubc.ca. How is that?
So sorry to hear about your friend Sarge. I know how much you guys do with Sarge and Michelle. I really wish him a very speedy recovery. Sounds like he got the medical help he needed. Thank God.
Bruno just left on the road again. Thi is settled in in Montreal, but who knows what he will be doing! He is still thinking of dropping out of uni for a while, but he says he will attend classes for two weeks to see if he likes U of M better or if he is just not that into studying music at Uni. Julot is thrilled with his Mandarin and Spanish classes and comes home speaking them all night long.
I worked on my Masters analysis today. It is WAY more involved than I thought. But I am going to keep plugging away and hope to finish it one day! Seriously, though, I love it. Wish I could work on research for a living.....maybe at SFU?? You guys take care and I am so happy Sarge is going to be alright. Love and hugs, Carol xoxo
- Takagaki Toshiko
Hi, Patrick! Finally, my plans are ready! Would you mind if I visit Vancouver from Sep.10 to Sep.18? Sorry I couldn't make my plans earlier. I'm very flexible during the period. My fixed plans are going to Shasta from Sep.19 to Sep.26. Then visiting LA and San Diego for a couple of days before going back to Japan. Can't wait to visit my favorite place and family! Love, Toshiko
- Patrick James Dunn
Hi Toshi -San! What wonderful news! Of course, we can hardly wait to have you stay with us. Let me know what your flight details are so we can collect you at the airport. Lots to tell but perhaps it would be easier in a traditional email. Could you send me your current address just to be sure I have the right one. On another matter, only if you have time, I would very much appreciate it if you could buy me two wonderful knives, like the one shown in attached picture, as I use this one all the time. I insist that I pay for them, should you be able to bring them when you come. However, don't worry if it is too much trouble. Please send fond regards to your Mother. Best wishes from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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