The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never
gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with
men and facts, but in all experience retires upon himself, and looks
for the ultimate cause of things in himself. -Albert
Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobelist (14 Jan
Hi Patrick, Do drop by at any time. I’ll be at a meeting from 6:45 to 8. Best of luck. Peter Also, thanks for program. We’ll have to decide on our preferred dates. Hope your bridge skills are sharp for tomorrow night.

Well done to the Rio and Patrick James Dunn for buying some bulbs!!!
[#LightUptheRio is all happening. THURSDAY. And you're invited! Join us for a celebratory reception (free popcorn!) from 5:30-6:30, and watch us light up our newly restored piece of #Vancouver's architectural history at 6:00 pm. To our extended #EastVan community of movie-goers, concert-lovers, and the media for helping us make this happen: So. Much. Thanks. To the 342 generous individuals (from 9 different countries!) who helped use raise $16,320: So. Much. #EastVanLove. (Also, if you were one of the people who donated, you're very welcome to come pick up those awesome perks!)]
- Patrick James Dunn Looks fab!
Corinne, I wanted to let you know that Judith and I had a brief but very productive conversation this evening about my continued involvement in Friends of the Library, and I am hopeful that something will come of it. Will you be at the brunch on the 24th? I understand from Judith that you have been championing me, and I just wanted to express my appreciation - so thank you, I am looking forward to taking part in more Friends activities and projects soon. Patrick, thank you for the beautiful animated Christmas card, and I am so sorry it has taken me this long to follow up! Hope the new year holds some exciting travels, if even just on the bike locally! It is in fact my new year's resolution to learn to ride a bike (have not done this since about age 10). I have a friend who lives at UBC, and campus is fairly quiet on weekends. Long may the weekends be sunny. Wishing you both all the best and warmest for the remainder of the winter. Hope to catch up with you soon. Cheers, Zoe
Hello to our Favourite Extra-Terrestrial Naramtians et al! Had a productive afternoon with Gil Szabo. We arrived at his office, in Penticton, after checking in to our hotel, (the Summerland Waterfront Resort & Spa no less!), at just before 3:00 pm.
Think he will represent us as best one could expect and I must say I do like his personality, to the extent that we have had the opportunity to get to know him. After we signed all the necessary papers we saw three properties, all condos. I could have said I wasn't interested from the get-go, (Simply not interested to move from one condo to another given that our set-up in Vancouver is hard to replicate.), but I suppose it was necessary to eliminate such properties from our list. Long and the short of it is that now, as far as I'm concerned, we will only be looking at houses.
Tomorrow morning we will be seeing three homes in The Naramata. Meeting Gil at his office on Main, near Safeway, and we then will head out to take a look. I assume we will be finished before 11:00 am so if you are going to be home we might pop by for a java, do our laundry, look at evening's menu, suggested wine, etc., and then do some wine-tasting so we can bring some decent wine for dinner! If you are busy elsewhere, just leave the key under the mat and we'll depradate your wine cellar and see you in July, pre-Gran Fondo! I've already registered so does that mean I have priority over Ted if we don't have a property on Upper Bench Road by then!
Once back in Summerland we sat in front of our gas fireplace and played bridge. Loads of fun and Clarisse and I managed a slow rubber. Break for a very tasty dinner: Rosita cooked a chicken yesterday and we did spuds in microwave, along with a mixed salad. Three bottles of wine from Signature store near Safeway as we didn't have time to stop at any wineries: Santa Ana, Mendoza, 2013 Torontes, 13.5%, (perfume with just a hint of minerality); Famiglia Bianchi, 2012 Reserva Malbec, 14.5%, intense violet with a seductive touch of sweetness on the palette and an Ecos de Rulos, Colchagua, 2012, Carménère, 14%, a whooping mouthful of black plum and pepper, wonderfully surprising for what I often find to be a "softer" varietal.
After dinner we changed dance partners and The Dustman and I racked up a slow rubber so The Sisterhood was not amused. I managed to bid and sip a few snorts of Caol Ila Stitchell Reserve, Natural Cask Strength, 59.6% as I raked in the tricks. Surprisingly, nobody else requested a wee dram but I know you will aprreciate the nectar, Jugos Dom Pedro, so I'll bring along what remains in the bottom of the bottle domani! I trust your recent duplicado victory will hold you in good stead as you will need all the Master's points you have managed to accrue, of late, in order to best Il "Quatro No Trump" Conduttore!
Must away as it has been a long day, (Highways, [We took Coquihalla], were clear and dry so am most thankful for that. Bit of dense fog once we neared Okanagan and began descent, on Connector, but otherwise smooth, smooth sailing.), and we have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on the morrow. Chat soon, in person, one trusts, it would seem. We might have time to chat a bit about Inja, tomorrow even, but I assume much of finalization, (Who pays for what given that you are the mightily esteemed, revered and feared, landed gentry in The Naramata and we but 'umble yokels with not even thrupence between the two of us!), might have to wait until Desert Storm! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio, I fought the Malt and the Malt Lost!
Pics: Scandinavian Centre in Burnaby last night. Sarge and I attended the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner; The Good Life at The Summerland Waterfront Resort & Spa!
Hi Patrick, Good luck on house hunting tomorrow. Don't know why Gil would have shown you those nasty condos. Lynne and I will both be out tomorrow until noon, but if you're still around Naramata then you're welcome to drop in for a bowl of Peter's 15 bean soup. Looking forward to bridge and your fine company. The Inja trip is looking good. Don't spend all your money on the house, need to keep travel reserve intact. Cheers, Peter
Hi JDP! We'll probably mootch around The Naramata until we can mootch at your place for soup and java! See you at 12:01pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
You'll be welcome. If you're not totally tied up with real estate viewing in the afternoon, perhaps a few hands??
Hello Floridian and Cactus! Trust you are well! Healthy New Year to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio
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