The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The
hardest is with one. -Joan Baez, musician (b. 9 Jan 1941)
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Illustrations/photo: SAM MOrrison |
Hello Vittorio Vittorino! Must apologize fro being so tardy in replying, regarding Long Table and tasting therein. It seems that The Slingshot Kid out-morphed herself after Whirlygig suggested we meet at Long Table. It now transpires that we are doing a show-and-tell about Vietnam on McBride in North Van instead of knocking back small batch hootch. I am but the tiniest of small cogs in the social merry-go-round wheel so the deal now is that you are more than welcome to join us for the latest iteration of the proposed Saturday gig. I urge you to attend. Show up at The Islay Inn at 1:00 pm, or earlier, (for a snort), and then I will drive assembled company to North Van. La Fionda can sit on your lap, as punishment! We can leave, after the slide show in enough time to have you back to your vehicle in order to make you work deadline. Perry is, according to all accounts, a remarkable cyclist and he will be showing pictures of his latest gig, riding in Viet Nam, but also talking, I am lead to believe, about his rides here.
We need your youth to bring down average age of gathering and your shocking good looks to reduce need for plastic surgery so be a good sport and humour your elders and agree to show at the appointed time and place. If not, you will incur triple, if not quadruple fines, at the NRBC gathering on Sunday. You decide! [Not a threat. Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts!] Cheers, Patrizzio, Keeper of the Piglet and Once again Defeated, Perplexed, Baffled, Undone, Driven to Distraction and Demoralized by the The Sisterhood, Department of Un-Planning and Map Dyslexia. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Laster evening, Sarge's appreciation to those who literally saved his life! Woman who raised the alarm. Blanket presented to him by Aboriginal Police Services; The Move to The Naramata begins!
hi patrick,have booked a table at cafe salad de fruits at 8 pm.hoped we could come for a drink at 6:45 and then walk to restaurant?what do you think?matt
Hi Glasgow Sounds fab! Let us know when you wish to arrive and we'll be here to pour an aperitif! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Greetings from the snowy Okanagan Valley. We're having a rare winter week with snow on the ground. It looks like there'll be lots left for your visit as this week's dump was more than we experience most winters. We're very excited about your move. I'm sure you won't regret it, as life here is very good for people in our stage of life. Lynnie and I poured over today's real estate insert in the Penticton Herald, looking for your dream house. I'm sorry to report that we didn't see it. The selection on the market seems a bit limited at this time of year, but hopefully your agent will have some listings up his sleeve that are suspended for the slow winter market.
I played duplicate with Birgitta as my partner last night. We absolutely kicked butt, primarily on good defense and perhaps some poor opponent play, but also steady bidding and play on our parts. We were first by a large margin on the N-S side, which tends to have many of the stronger players. The bridge club moved last year from a room at the Penticton Library to a hall at the Legion. While it's not the fanciest premise, the advantage is that after the match you can retire to the bar next door for celebration or commiseration. We did the former. Birgitta while a bit trepidatious is looking forward to your appearances at the club, Patricio.
Speaking of the Library, Lynne and I met the head librarian at a New Year's Day Levee at the home of Ernie Ingles. She would be very keen to recruit Corinne to the Friends of Library board. We were careful not to make any commitments on your behalf, Corinne. Looking forward to your visit, Jugos Don Pedro
Ok, naturally I want the best for you and what you want. A Vancouver without you guys is just unimaginable....Also, I thought you had the smartest/ and nicest set up right were you are-especially for retirement, and it is just so sudden for me...
Hi Laura! Trust you are well. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. However, process is underway, although much remains to be decided, of course. Cora Lee sends along her fond regards. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks see you around 4.42. Polly
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