Hello Peach Lovers! From Mad Hatters to Peach Juice Drippers in the blink of a one-eyed snake! Hard to keep a good man down!!!
Up at 7:30 am this morning to tip-toe into kitchen, not wanting to wake any of the sleeping guests. Closed the spare bedroom door and then went into the Rumpus Room, en route to the garage, as I wanted to collect the wine glasses we'd left on the patio table after we toddled off to bed late last night. Quite surprised to see Little White asleep on the couch! I assumed she'd migrated to the coolness of the air-conditioned room at some point during the wee smalls. At any rate, I returned to the kitchen, at great additional extra effort and time, via the front door, balancing wine glasses and plates all the while.
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Perseid Meteor Shower
Alexis Birkill
Managed to fill two garbage bags, piling leaves on top of household refuse already in bottom. Pleased that I was able to accomplish this chore before garbician came down our lane to empty bins. Back inside to find the Squamoids up and showering so I ground the coffee and put it on so that they could have a mug when freshly scrubbed and semi-awake.
[Patrick James Dunn Congratulations, Bella and Bert! Jaxon is as handsome as Bert but he gets his good looks from you, Bella! Corinne sends her congratulations and love to you both as well. Cheers!
Bella M. Mercado Thank you such Patrick and Corrie, we just miss you both badly
Take care. Patrick James Dunn We only miss your Spring Rolls, Bella! Of course not! Come and visit whenever you can tear yourselves away from Jaxon! Poor Jake! I feel sorry for him. Guess he and Molly can comfort one another! All the best, Grandmother!!! Cheers!]
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Art: Antoine Callet (1741-1823)
Dale said he would be able to do steps/landing in a couple of weeks. Thanked him and after he left we sat down to breakfast. A few minutes later chap from fire-place store arrived to take a look at our living room fire-place. We want to install a wood-burning unit and he needed to inspect the chimney, etc., to see what work needed to be done in order to allow this. Very pleased to learn that most everything is already in place. A stainless steel flue pipe will have to be inserted in the chimney but other than that, the new unit can be fitted into place without any additional masonry/tile work. Will also require a relatively small metal cap to go around existing hearth tile but not a very difficult or expensive job. We plan to go to the store in the next day or so to decide on stove we want. Apparently the installation work can be done within a week.
Thanked the chap and we continued to visit with Ruthless and Ricardo for a half an hour or so before they had to leave, back to their cabin at Little Shuswap. They are still on holiday for next two weeks but are off to Kamloops for a two-day golf event with good friends in the middle of this week. Waved goodbye saying we might take a run to their place when Ayn and Chloë are here, over this coming weekend. Will see what The Goils want to do, once they arrive. If we do go, will probably stay over night as it is at least a three or four hour drive, depending on traffic through Kelowna.
Once The Squamoids were out of our hair, Cora Lee set about doing laundry and I readied my office for coming door installation. Cleared off my desk and once everything was unplugged and moved out of room, covered up bookshelves and desk with sheets and towels as I know everything will be covered with Gyproc dust once the wall is opened up. Now all we need is for contractor to arrive. The team was supposed to be here between 9:00 am-11:00 am and when Cora lee phoned, wondering if she had the day right, she was assured the workmen would be here at 2:00 pm at the latest!
Lady Mary left a few minutes ago to have a pedicure! Must away myself as I still have to do final clean-up on fireplace. Need to use a small whisk, (Since Dallas didn't manage to install in-house vacuum, too too busy on canal tubing with Johan and Peter!), to get all the small bits of masonry that were left behind the electric insert! Some job by the original owner! We'll pack up your now clean laundry and send it to Brandon as you suggested. Glad you enjoyed the peaches. From the sound of it it your pleasure was almost orgasmic! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Peach Lover's Lament: Holy fuck Peters peaches are tasty I wonder if anyone has told him how sweet and delicious his peaches are I've had Peters peach juice dripping off of my chin all day tell Peter he has the sweetest peaches in the whole valley. not over the top at all right ?
Pics: Maggie and the lads had such a good time at the lake that they didn't want to go to Lost Moose Lodge. Rest of us went to Cannery Brewery, a few blocks away, instead! Farewell to The Great Danes! ; Squamish Free Loader wearing my favourite hat and pounding our wine! Living room fireplace after I cleared up insulation and small chunks of brick; Shuswap People refusing to leave!
Mark Cothey may be invading Penticton!!! Dad, Mark may be coming for a visit, thought I should connect you two via email!
Hello Vancouverites! Chloë mentioned you may well be invading Penticton, Marcus Aurelius! Business or pleasure or a bit of both? When might this be? You probably know that Chloë and Ayn will be driving up this coming Friday. Just saw the last of our visitors off a few hours ago. Had hoped that the new patio door was going to be installed today but chaps were just here and were quite taken aback that work required that wall in question be opened up. The dispatcher led them to believe that it was simply a replacement unit so quite a different story. At any rate, they will return tomorrow, at 8:00 am, to begin work and assured me that it would be done by day's end. Tad disappointed about delay but would rather work is done without a mad rush.
Yesterday we returned to Cannery Brewery, a few blocks away, with friends Ruthless and Ricardo, to show them our "local!" Let us know when we can expect to have you knocking on our door. Fond regards from Cora Lee, from The Rumpus Room, with a bottle of Pinot Gris, watching the first of two episodes of Homeland she is behind on, so we can finish off Season Two tonight! Cheers, Patrizzio! Snaps: With Elinor last Monday, at CB; Ruthless and Ricardo, yesterday afternoon, at CB; Is this how you make your beer deliveries, Marcus?
Great pics, Patrizio. They are a wonderful reminder of a most memorable evening. Thanks for including me and Dom Pedro who is now happily ensconced in Chile … where it is so, at least in comparison to here. Cheers, Lynnie XOXO P.S. I'm looking forward to my get-together with CoraLee later this week. Ladies' Lunch--yeah!!
Hi Lynne, and Dom Pedro! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. Great, great time indeed. Trust Juogos is golfing and drinking fabulous Chilean wine!
Must way as I have to have the flat in my rear tire repaired. Have decided I'll take it to Freedom the Bike Shop to have flat fixed as they're open today, while Bikebarn is closed until tomorow. Will proably need to make an appointment for an overhaul no matter where I take it but I'd like to be able to ride it until then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
we have to go here!! best sandwiches ever, maybe they have a gluten free bun Mom!!Il Vecchio's Sandwich And Deli, 317 Robinson Street, Penticton Canada V2A 4M9, Telephone: (250) 492-7610
Hi Kids! We went there two Saturdays ago but it was so busy, Cora Lee wouldn't wait. We'll probably have better luck during the week, especially since Peach Festival is over! Special gluten-free dog biscuits for Winston! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Took my Trek into Freedom about 4:30 pm this afternoon and found a parking spot right outside store. Very friendly young man, Nick, changed my tire as I chatted with him. In and out after only about 15 minutes so very pleased with service. Plan to take one of my Brodie bikes in, at some point, to see what sort of mountain bike tires I might be able to put on one or the other. I'd like to use my newest Brodie on the type of surface that much of the KVR is paved with and don't think that the current, fairly narrow, hybrid tires will be very effective on loose gravel and sand that one can encounter.
Back home to suit up and then did the Upper Bench loop befoer making for the Summerland Flats. Not overly much traffic at this time of day so 97 stretch was not at all unpleasant. Did a couple of dipsy-doodle loops around N Lakeshore Drive and Higgins Ave before heading back to 97. With wind at myback I was able to achieve a 23 kph AVG but that dropped to 22.8 kph once I was back in Penticton itself and had to make the slight climb up Wade and Pickering, along Penticton Creek, for the most part. Try as I might, I couldn't regain the lost .2 kph so I was a tad annoyed that I'd not pushed harder on the flats to give me a bit of a cushion later on. Still, it was an enjoyable ride and wonderfully cool for most of the outing so I cannot really complain. Stats for ride:
Back home to find Cora Lee in the arms of Victor so I took a quick shower while they disentangled themselves. Dinner was overlefts but still very tasty. After setting out the food and making a tasty heirloom tomatoe/red onion/Feta salad, Mme Coriandre returned to gaze longingly into her heart-throb's eyes whiel I chatted with friend and fellow high-school classmate, Erika. She phoned earlier today but I was right in the middle of getting the study ready for the work that was never started so I said I would call her back, at the time. She has invited us for lunch this coming Saturday as she wanted to include both Ayn and Chloë. Perfect timing as we will go to the Farmer's Market beforehand and then drive over to her B&B, The Alpine Rose, around noon. She suggested that we might do a spot of wine-tasting after lunch and since we are keen to visit some of the new wineries on Bottleneck Drive, invitation couldn't have come at a better time.
Wanted to watch the last two episodes of Homeland this evening but for some reason we cannot load the program. Gave up after trying for almost ten minutes. Rather annoying but I have so much to read that it is probably better that I get at my library books anyway. Will do a few dishes and then I'll pick up Dead I Well May Be, the first in an early trilogy by Adrian McKinty, a wonderful crime writer from Northern Ireland.
It is I again, Jim and Rick are still away. This hike is going to be much easier than the previous two were. I have not decided yet where we will go, but it will be out of Summerland. So: · Meet at the usual place at 8:00 am · The southerners may carpool from Pent. (HH parking lot at 7:40) · The destination will be decided on the spot, depending on who shows up and how easy or challenging they will wish to have it · The hike will be 4 hrs max, I cannot last much longer · Coffee and a postmortem at GO at about 1 pm Al
Hi Jake! Certainly appreciate you keeping me posted about hiking group. I'd like to join this Thursday's outing so please confirm that some members will meet at the Rona parking lot at at 348 Duncan Ave W, in Penticton, at 7:40 am to carpool to Summerland to meet at HH? What do the letters stand for? Home Hardware? 10115 Main St? Trust you and Virginia are well. Regards from Corinne to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Pat and Corinne made it home in time to see my T off to work last night Kimbo was home and Alex showed up later with supper from the Chinese Cafe in Hamiota but I think Oscar the kitty was the happiest to see us as he has felt neglected because the girls have been home so little. Went to work today as I had meetings to attend but once those were done I split and came home to find the Jude mowing the lawn.
Went to see Dad tonight to take him some peaches and cherries he was well but lonely while we were away. Of course he says hi but says it was very smart you to move away as the wet coast tsunami is imminent. I would like you to send me some pictures of your house as I did not think to take any foolish as my I pad was often so far from my grasp. Hopefully Corinne is starting to forgive me for church comment thanks for your hospitality and washing and bussing those smelly clothes. Did you have any problem obtaining the necessary paperwork for hazardous materials transportation? speak soon Dallas and Judy
Hi you Okanaganers, Here I am back in my old stomping grounds in Santiago. Went for a walk after arrival on Sunday to photograph what my taxi driver told me is, "el mas alto edificio en Sud America", the Centro Costanero. I had seen it being constructed in previous visits but hadn't seen its final erection (pun intended). See attached photo.
Spent the morning today in presentations at the office of my client, then went out for lunch with their grey-haired eminence Luis Valenzuela. He is a fellow Imperial College DIC graduate, a few years before me.
I got in touch with my former AMEC colleague Caius Priscu today. He now works for Anglo American as their worldwide mining residue director. We made a plan for dinner Thursday evening with him and his wife, which should be fun. Tomorrow evening 3 of us are driving to a coastal town where we'll spend the night then drive to the project site on Wednesday morning. The project is a massive sand dam that the owner wants to raise above its currently planned level to store another 2 billion tonnes of tailings. The objective of the current exercise is to figure out the best way to do it. Home to Santiago Wednesday evening.
Great to hear of all your construction plans at Burns St., Patrick and Corinne. It's going to be a great home. Lynnie, keep up the good work on harvesting the bounty. Cheers, Peter
any body need to get their toes done while we're there? my feet are a disaster and I can't enter the last year of my 30's with disgraceful feet!!! what place is best? will I need a reservation? I can make an appt. just had mine done today! When do you want to go? Ayn you in? Mom When ever is easiest, not sure what plans you've made, but maybe Saturday afternoon after the market? Or even later in the day on Friday? 5?
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