In some circumstances, the refusal to be defeated is a refusal to be educated. -Margaret Halsey, novelist (13 Feb 1910-1997
Patrick, Flight info confirmed. Am on the way to YVR right now. See you shortly. Hope you're keeping the goils in line!
Hello JDP! Must say that having the window open in the guest room made for a most
comfortable sleep so I awoke around 6:30 am, deeply refreshed to leave
Darlin' Cora's side, transferring my affections for Mistress Keurig in
the kitchen!
Sounds like a great trip, but please fill me in, did you counter offer?? And at what?? Love you, xxxx
Morning, What's going on with sale?? Did the people counter your offer??
Oh they counter-offered alright…with a little Ukrainian “Go to Hell” mixed in! They sent the offer to Dave from my office.
Lol they did did they!!! And I gather they haven't heard back? We countered at $5,000 below asking price and have not heard back. They have until 6 pm tonight. Mom
Another gorgeous morning so I'm more than enjoying the melodious birdsong which breaks the otherwise peace and quiet of the breaking day. We will be waiting for you outside the terminal at the appointed time. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Morning in Paradise!
I had forgotten how beautiful the desert landscape truly is! Winston prefers to sleep at the bottom corner of my bed, naked with little covers by the window with a flat pillow. If you do cover him up, he emerges panting and overheated! We close at 1pm today for the long weekend so plenty of time for dog adventures this weekend! Love to all!
Can't believe you'd brew Keurig when you have fab Armenian instant! How do you think the women grew their moustaches anyway??
I love that Winni gets too hot, he is one of us!! And he likes a flat pillow. Good senior!! xx
Hi Armenian Advocate! Glad to learn that Winston is a nudist at heart! I forgot to mention that I forgot yet another item, my bicycle pump! I believe it is in the closet under the stairs, off the alcove! Not quite sure what we plan to do when returning north. Original plan was to blast to Redding. About a 10 hour drive, from I-10 to 210, (traffic cooperating on this stretch), to I-5. Will prbably take a look at pumps at local bike store today when we are back to airport to collect Peter. If not overly expensive I will buy one, although I can always visit store to have my tires inflated for the short time we are here, if necessary.
Not quite sure when we will leave Palm Desert so that will play into matter as well. At any rate, will know a bit more after Mme Coriandre and I chat about options, date she wishes to be back in Vancouver, etc., in conjunction with talking to Lynne and Peter, over next day or so, about their plans, as well as yours, of course. Will certainly let you know as soon as we have a better idea.
Grand times ahead for Snowy and The Thomson Twins this weekend. I gather their sisters were Armenian and drank thick black coffee! Take the pooch to Disneyland, he'd love the Mad Hatter Teacup ride! Time for a shower as Nana just emerged to have a smoothie freshly blended by Lynne. Best wishes to your Hallmark gang for long-weekend. Did you receive the snaps taken at office? Cheers, Dad Pics: Digs at Casa Sombra Lago!
[Inside Vancouver Cherry blossoms have appeared in Vancouver just after the first week of February (sorry rest of Canada ). Nelson Street.]
Sounds like a great trip, but please fill me in, did you counter offer?? And at what?? Love you, xxxx
Morning, What's going on with sale?? Did the people counter your offer??
Oh they counter-offered alright…with a little Ukrainian “Go to Hell” mixed in! They sent the offer to Dave from my office.
Lol they did did they!!! And I gather they haven't heard back? We countered at $5,000 below asking price and have not heard back. They have until 6 pm tonight. Mom
Another gorgeous morning so I'm more than enjoying the melodious birdsong which breaks the otherwise peace and quiet of the breaking day. We will be waiting for you outside the terminal at the appointed time. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Morning in Paradise!
I had forgotten how beautiful the desert landscape truly is! Winston prefers to sleep at the bottom corner of my bed, naked with little covers by the window with a flat pillow. If you do cover him up, he emerges panting and overheated! We close at 1pm today for the long weekend so plenty of time for dog adventures this weekend! Love to all!
![]() |
with special guest Ryan Boldt of Deep Dark Woods
Saturday, March 21
8pm (doors at 7pm)
CBC Studio 700, 700 Hamilton Street
I love that Winni gets too hot, he is one of us!! And he likes a flat pillow. Good senior!! xx
Hi Armenian Advocate! Glad to learn that Winston is a nudist at heart! I forgot to mention that I forgot yet another item, my bicycle pump! I believe it is in the closet under the stairs, off the alcove! Not quite sure what we plan to do when returning north. Original plan was to blast to Redding. About a 10 hour drive, from I-10 to 210, (traffic cooperating on this stretch), to I-5. Will prbably take a look at pumps at local bike store today when we are back to airport to collect Peter. If not overly expensive I will buy one, although I can always visit store to have my tires inflated for the short time we are here, if necessary.
Not quite sure when we will leave Palm Desert so that will play into matter as well. At any rate, will know a bit more after Mme Coriandre and I chat about options, date she wishes to be back in Vancouver, etc., in conjunction with talking to Lynne and Peter, over next day or so, about their plans, as well as yours, of course. Will certainly let you know as soon as we have a better idea.
Grand times ahead for Snowy and The Thomson Twins this weekend. I gather their sisters were Armenian and drank thick black coffee! Take the pooch to Disneyland, he'd love the Mad Hatter Teacup ride! Time for a shower as Nana just emerged to have a smoothie freshly blended by Lynne. Best wishes to your Hallmark gang for long-weekend. Did you receive the snaps taken at office? Cheers, Dad Pics: Digs at Casa Sombra Lago!
Hi Famiglia Coffaro! Trust all went well with birthday celebrations! Seems like aeons since we were in Healdsburg. Unfortunately, we didn't, as you probably know, stop by, for a number of reasons. We had so much wine, from stashes in both Bellingham and Portland, that we didn't really have room for more. As well, I so enjoy riding in your part of the Sonoma that I wanted to hit West Dry Creek while Mme Coriandre was exploring Healdsburg's shopping opportunities before making for Berkeley to beat rush-hour.
Must away as I've to have a quick shower before we leave to collect Pedro at Palm Springs Airport. Will be in touch anon about a possible whirlwind visit on way home. Dope that I am I forgot my bicycle pump in LA! Will probably take a look at pumps at local bike store today when we are back from airport. If not overly expensive I will buy one, [I do need/want one back in Vancouver but I don't know if I want to drive through Tinsel Town to collect one at Ayn's!], although I can always visit shop down the street to have my tires inflated for the short time we are here, if necessary. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Nice to see that you are having fun. Wayne
Hey Patrick, When you are back, would you be interested in doing a brief interview? We are doing a newsletter for our donors and would like to feature you as a long time volunteer and a donor. It will be a short piece so it shouldn’t take long. Hope you are having a swell time. Ann
Hi again Ann! Glad to see you are still busy at work while we are drinking in the sunshine, bottled and otherwise, around the pool, here in Palm Desert! I'm happy to be interviewed so just let me know where and when, once I'm back. Best wishes to you and rest of gang from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Black Cat, Bucked Out of the Saddle Again Blues: Friday, February 13th!
Backstory: Left for the airport at 10:45 am and were half an hour later. We parked in a shady area, supposedly for taxis, but were not asked by any officious parking commissionaires to move along so we sat and chatted while Lynne went to meet Pedrito at the WestJet gate. Funnily enough, a spiffy BMW convertible parked just ahead of us, driven by a woman about our age, carrying BC plates. By 11:30 am I decided to ask her if she was waiting for a passenger from same flight. Turned out she lives in Coal Harbour and had driven down in early December. At any rate, as we were chatting, Lynne and JDP walked up so I introduced her to them as their chauffeur!
Stopped at Costco on way home and after we shopped there we returned to Casa Sombra Lago for a delicious lunch sur patio! After our more than très bon repas à la maison, I answered a few messages then lubed up for a ride at 3:45 pm, knowing the real heat of the day would be subsiding. Had decided I would ride the substantial hill up Hwy 74, the so-called palms to Pines Hwy, so my route was to take make for Grapevine to take a slight dipsy-doodle on Ocitillo catch the light at Shadow Mountain and then start the very, very long, (5 km I soon discovered!), climb to the point at which the four lane becomes two lanes and heads off, twisting and turning into the hills beyond and above Palm Desert.
Ride wasn't as warm as I expected it to be, primarily due to the fact that I was shaded on much of the ascent by tall hedges lining the roadside, shielded from the still burning, setting sun. Grade was steady but not overly punishing. Once the roadway leveled off, to the left, I crossed the highway quite safely as the there is a tertiary road and turn-off lane leading to the Santa Rosa & San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Visitor Center at this point. Literally swooped back down 74, relishing not having to pedal, as I whizzed through the only two lights on the descent back towards the valley floor. I didn't really break any speed records as with busy traffic alongside dedicated bike lane I didn't want to careen out of control.
Once near bottom, pleased with the earlier, exploratory foray, I decided I'd simply follow much the same route as I'd ridden yesterday morning. On my fourth loop I took Grapevine to Ocotillo and pushed my speed here as I knew, from past experience, I could log over 50 km/hr. Did just that so was feeling pretty good about ride so far, given what I'd accomplished. Spoke to myself too soon, Dear Reader, as Friday the 13th soon made itself known, I'm sorry to report.
Just after I slowed down to negotiate the quiet intersection of Verba Santa and Tumbleweed Lane catastrophe struck! I had stood up to pedal to regain some of the speed I'd lost at the intersection and was had just st down again when the front part of front fender shot ahead of me onto the road. I knew something was terrible wrong but wasn't quite sure hjsut what was happening. I instinctively tried to kick loose my right foot from pedal clip and then, in seeming slow motion I saw that my front wheel wasn't turning and I fell, sideways, to the right, a partially over the handlebars to crash, thumpingly, onto my right side onto the tarmac. Groaning as I went over, [I knew I was in for a nasty fall], I had the wind completely knocked out of me for a seeming eternity. Stats for ride with a forced ending:
Not a pleasant feeling, as you can well imagine. At this point I couldn't even groan just barely able to wheeze. Fortunately my right arm, shoulder and knee absorbed the brunt of the fall although my helmet took a slight bounce after the initial impact with the road. I guess I lay there for a minute or so and then a chap who was doing some work nearbye came running over to ask if I wanted him to call an ambulance. Although I knew I was probably in shock, I really didn't think I was seriously hurt. I hadn't lost consciousness and, surprisingly, I didn't even have any abrasions on my limbs. I croaked out that I thought I was okay and he helped me struggle to my feet. I felt pretty woozy but didn't think I would faint. Leaned on my bike after he picked it up for me and then realized what had happened although not quite sure why.
The rear part of the front fender had been pulled through the forks, the two metal struts supporting it jamming into the brake pads, causing the wheel to lock and setting up the chain of events that followed. All I can say is that I shudder to think of what might have occurred if this had happened roaring down either 74 or Octotillo. Under the circumstances I consider myself to be a very, very Lucky Man!
Once I felt a bit better I tried to disentangle the struts but wasn't able to do so. I thought if I could have done, I would simply have walked bike back home as it was only a kilometre or so. However, another young man working with my first responder suggested I put my bike in the back of his pickup as he was finished for the day and was happy to drive me home. Still feeling pretty shaken I was glad to accept his offer and as we were en route, who should we bump into but Lynne and Cora lee. They were walking to Von's for a few groceries and to The Dollar Store for el cheapo close hangers. I asked my chauffeur to stop and I told them about accident. Shaking their heads they continued on, muttering, I'm sure, about my latest fall.
Terry knew exactly where we lived as he and his wife were thinking of buying in the neighbourhood so I was soon home. Thanking him for his assistance, I took bike inside the front garden and called to Peter. He helped me take off my riding shoes ad then I walked gingerly into the pool. Thought the water might help reduce the coming bruising and swelling. In fact, it felt wonderful to be immersed up to my neck as the pressure was somewhat relieved on my ribs. I'm was not sure I'd broken any but I do know that they and my right side are pretty badly bruised. I didn't feel any acute pain when I tested the sore area so I trust that is a good sign. I do feel pretty uncomfortable if I cough or laugh, (Not much of the latter, except for Pedro's cruel taunts), but standing up from a chair or getting into out of bed isn't too, too bad.
My voice still sounded as if I'd breathed in laughing gas but it started to return to normal after I'd been in the pool for a bit. Peter was to collect the Sistehrhood when they called so I clambered out of the pool before he left as I was afraid I might collapse and drown if he wasn't there to save me. After all, it was Friday The 13th! Once out, he helped me take off my T-shirt and I headed for the shower. Hot water felt very, very good on my injured side and I was somewhat revived by the time I was changed. The Goils and Branson returned a few minutes later and JDP immediately set about mixing Ceasares for everyone, except Mme Coriandre, who preferred white wine. Felt even better after a few sips as you can well imagine!
Gang set about preparing dinner: Jugos Dom Pedro grilled boneless chicken thighs, Cora Lee did a sliced tomatoe/bocconcini salad and Lynne boiled the fresh corn. Before we sat down at the dining room table I polished off the last of the Sauvignon Blanc the others had had for lunch and then we set about working on the dinner reds: 2012 Coffaro Aca Modot, 15%, and a 2011 Val du Vino, Calaveras, Spanish Dragon Tempranillo, 14.5%. Another delicious meal with wonderful wines and more than generous friends. Peter and I had a bit of dessert to go with our snorts of Bruichladdich. By this time it was just after 9:00 pm but I was feeling quite tired after all that had happened. Peter, himself, had had a long day with flight from Vancouver so we bade each other goodnight. Cora Lee opted to sleep back in the study as she knew I would probably be having a restless night. In fact, once I was settled, with an ice-pack against my tender right side, I slept quite well, all things considered, [Even had some vivid dreams, one involving being chased by a very aggressive skunk, of all things, and the other featuring Eveline and Heinz, close friends from Berne, arriving at our place, somewhere, although wherever it was I wasn't familiar with spot!]
And so came to a close the worst Friday the 13th that I've ever experienced. However, once again, I thank my lucky stars and all of the benevolent gods, every time I think about what might have been, that I am still here, alive and reasonably unscathed, and still able to report all the news that fit to print, Dear Reader!
Once I felt a bit better I tried to disentangle the struts but wasn't able to do so. I thought if I could have done, I would simply have walked bike back home as it was only a kilometre or so. However, another young man working with my first responder suggested I put my bike in the back of his pickup as he was finished for the day and was happy to drive me home. Still feeling pretty shaken I was glad to accept his offer and as we were en route, who should we bump into but Lynne and Cora lee. They were walking to Von's for a few groceries and to The Dollar Store for el cheapo close hangers. I asked my chauffeur to stop and I told them about accident. Shaking their heads they continued on, muttering, I'm sure, about my latest fall.
Terry knew exactly where we lived as he and his wife were thinking of buying in the neighbourhood so I was soon home. Thanking him for his assistance, I took bike inside the front garden and called to Peter. He helped me take off my riding shoes ad then I walked gingerly into the pool. Thought the water might help reduce the coming bruising and swelling. In fact, it felt wonderful to be immersed up to my neck as the pressure was somewhat relieved on my ribs. I'm was not sure I'd broken any but I do know that they and my right side are pretty badly bruised. I didn't feel any acute pain when I tested the sore area so I trust that is a good sign. I do feel pretty uncomfortable if I cough or laugh, (Not much of the latter, except for Pedro's cruel taunts), but standing up from a chair or getting into out of bed isn't too, too bad.
My voice still sounded as if I'd breathed in laughing gas but it started to return to normal after I'd been in the pool for a bit. Peter was to collect the Sistehrhood when they called so I clambered out of the pool before he left as I was afraid I might collapse and drown if he wasn't there to save me. After all, it was Friday The 13th! Once out, he helped me take off my T-shirt and I headed for the shower. Hot water felt very, very good on my injured side and I was somewhat revived by the time I was changed. The Goils and Branson returned a few minutes later and JDP immediately set about mixing Ceasares for everyone, except Mme Coriandre, who preferred white wine. Felt even better after a few sips as you can well imagine!
Gang set about preparing dinner: Jugos Dom Pedro grilled boneless chicken thighs, Cora Lee did a sliced tomatoe/bocconcini salad and Lynne boiled the fresh corn. Before we sat down at the dining room table I polished off the last of the Sauvignon Blanc the others had had for lunch and then we set about working on the dinner reds: 2012 Coffaro Aca Modot, 15%, and a 2011 Val du Vino, Calaveras, Spanish Dragon Tempranillo, 14.5%. Another delicious meal with wonderful wines and more than generous friends. Peter and I had a bit of dessert to go with our snorts of Bruichladdich. By this time it was just after 9:00 pm but I was feeling quite tired after all that had happened. Peter, himself, had had a long day with flight from Vancouver so we bade each other goodnight. Cora Lee opted to sleep back in the study as she knew I would probably be having a restless night. In fact, once I was settled, with an ice-pack against my tender right side, I slept quite well, all things considered, [Even had some vivid dreams, one involving being chased by a very aggressive skunk, of all things, and the other featuring Eveline and Heinz, close friends from Berne, arriving at our place, somewhere, although wherever it was I wasn't familiar with spot!]
And so came to a close the worst Friday the 13th that I've ever experienced. However, once again, I thank my lucky stars and all of the benevolent gods, every time I think about what might have been, that I am still here, alive and reasonably unscathed, and still able to report all the news that fit to print, Dear Reader!
Hi Heather and Guiseppe! Trust you are both well! We arrived here, from LA, this past Wednesday.
Picked up Peter from the airport this morning. He was in Vancouver on
business and played bridge with Sarge and Cora Lee's parents on
Wednesday evening.
We were wondering if you two would like to come to Palm Desert this Sunday for a visit, either for a drink or lunch or dinner or all of the above! Bring your toothbrushes and you can stay the night! We will be here until the 18th or 19th, at the latest, so if this weekend doesn't work, perhaps some time this coming week before we head north. We are planning to visit Joshua Tree National Park on Monday but otherwise we are free as of this writing.
At any rate, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics of Casa Sombra Lago: patio bar with two wine fridges!
Heather MacIver Aucoin Meikle Hi Patrick, just received your email. We are busy Sunday morning but would love to come sometime in the afternnoon for a visit. Can you give us the address? Our numbers here. I read your post on the Sarge site but it didn't clue in you were talking to Joe! A little slow!
We were wondering if you two would like to come to Palm Desert this Sunday for a visit, either for a drink or lunch or dinner or all of the above! Bring your toothbrushes and you can stay the night! We will be here until the 18th or 19th, at the latest, so if this weekend doesn't work, perhaps some time this coming week before we head north. We are planning to visit Joshua Tree National Park on Monday but otherwise we are free as of this writing.
At any rate, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics of Casa Sombra Lago: patio bar with two wine fridges!
Heather MacIver Aucoin Meikle Hi Patrick, just received your email. We are busy Sunday morning but would love to come sometime in the afternnoon for a visit. Can you give us the address? Our numbers here. I read your post on the Sarge site but it didn't clue in you were talking to Joe! A little slow!
Hi Patrick, Sent you a Facebook email with a reply. Not sure you would receive this as I have to use hotmail down here and it might go to your junk mail. Heather
Hi Patrice, I do apologize for the long gap in replying to your last email.
The place in Palm desert looks absolutely fabulous and I'm sure you guys are having an absolutely wonderful time. I am jealous and would love to be sitting poolside with you although with our late spring like conditions here it's not too hard to take either. It’s astounding that the snow on the local mountains has vanished and it looks more like the end of June up there!.Hopefully we still get a short cold snap and a dump of snow but it seems a long shot at this point.
I am somewhat disappointed that you didn't send any pictures of the scantily clad blonde and the car photo shoot but perhaps you can send along later !..Just as well I wasn’t there as it is very likely that I would have piled into some stationary obstacle! .
Great to hear about all the bike riding and I'm sure there's some great biking to be had down where you are now and I would love to partake. As soon as you get back I promise I will be ready to head out on a few rides with you . Looking forward to hearing more about your trip and to see you guys upon your return .
hope all is well and you have safe travels back home .Give my love to Corrine and Peter and Linnie.. and we will talk to you soon, safe travels
P.S. Jesse happened to be perusing Google maps and came across this which I thought you’d enjoy:,-122.969816,3a,37.5y,198.98h,74.07t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sZmw82HWeVFhyN6rSQwOfEw!2e0!6m1!1e1 Cheers, Al
Hi Pat, Sorry for being so late in replying. Over here it is as uneventful as ever. Tennis, French conversation, lunches, dinners. Tomorrow I'm throwing a big party for the colleagues who wrote contributions to and paid for the printing of a festschrift in my honor. 12 people coming from all over the place, as far as Catalonia. Started preparing for it a week ago.
Jane is coming here for a bit more than three weeks, arriving on 21 March. She just sold her flat at Illahee. About your move to Naramata, rumour says it's not gonna be, because you and Corinne will be needed as baby sitters for the next fifteen years. True or false? Keep it up, if you can, Marcello
And the grand Poobah Peter night scores were: Roger-Byron 3,840, Peter-Dave 4,610 Roger and I went down 13 times - 4 small slams bid and one made and another made but not bid. A great festive evening and we helped the great quest to rid the world of scotch whiskey. Cheers 2 over 1 Byron Poobah nite
only 32 hands played Lighthall and Bigmac chickened out the moment they got the lead. 2 over 1 Byron Hi Byron, Thanks for the great bridge night. I felt like a poobah, with your wonderful hospitality. You were even kind enough to present me and Dave with a victory through your suicidal bidding. Long live Glenfiddich. Peter Cheers, Paul Choices, choices. Boring talks or booze. For once i can come.
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