The pain passes but the beauty remains. -Pierre-Auguste Renoir, artist
[responding to Matisse on why he painted in spite of his painful
arthritis] (25 Feb 1841-1919)
Hi All, Czech Republic trip this June is already full. I look forward to all of you who are coming. We will enjoy all the best that this country can offer us.
There is still some room for Slovakia bicycling trip (June 15 to June 28). If you know about somebody who may be interested, you can forward her/him this information. Thank you! Katarina
P, welcome home and congratulations on selling the business. As usual, your loyal patrons were not adequately apprised of the wheeling and dealing or vetting the new ownership. Do they know we will hold book club there the Sunday after you leave? I recommend renaming it All Star Liquors and 'under new management' as a good renewal of the venture. My business acumen is shining as always.
I do hope you will look at Galiano and the islands -- even Vancouver Island before you get shackled to the bible belt. We would love to join you for dinner Saturday night. Let us know what we can contribute. Hope that the absence of news is good news -- all your bruises are on the mend? Fond regards to C, W
Hi Giggenheimer and Calamity! Didn't
know that you were writing for Terry O'Reilly, Whirlygig. However makes
sense since you are, most days, usually Under the Influence of anaemic
chain climber! Great that you can join us on Saturday. A salad would be
de-lovely if that suits. Mme Coriandre is at an all day workshop at
Knox United until around 5:00 pm but you are welcome anytime. Let me
know your ETA so that I can have the vacuuming done before you arrive.
Better yet, I'll wait and Giorgio can Molly Maid while Fionda and I
tipple porch cleaner and point out missed dust bunnies, chortling, all
the while, at your pink apron and high heels!
Went for the first ride, of any consequence, [Couple of errandos, with my Brodie, on Sunday and Monday, just to see how I felt.], since
my accident, lasterday, and was more than pleased at how things went. No real discomfort or shortness of breath. Legs a bit rubbery but not unexpected. Pleased with 20.2 km/hr AVG under circumstances.
Had a message from Katarina this morning. Czech Republic trip is full but still space for Slovakia, June 15th-28th. I was holding off until things settled, regarding The Islay Inn. Depending on what happens in the OK Corral I'm still very keen on that bicycling trip. As you can appreciate, it would needs be precisely dovetailed with move, wherever that should be, Ukiyo, Madroña Manor or The BC Bible Belt! Timing will be very tight under any scenario so not sure this year is a real possibility, unfortunately. Still room for hope, nonetheless.
I gather squash trumps riding this visit. No never mind. I guess we will see about NRBC. Mme Coriandre sends along her fond regards to you both! Will talk anon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Molly Maid! More cleaning products, fantastic! Ironically, my ribs seem sorest/tenderest when sleeping. Guess that has more to do with bed mate than ribcage! While riding I don't really notice any twinges at all. Still suffering from PTSD on any significant downhill swoops, however. I'm hoping to be nominated for an Oscar next year for soon to be released Canadian Biker! Advance screenings have had very good reviews as Hell's Angels think it is about them, Breaking Bad set in the OK Bible Belt. Meth with a Pinot Grigio chaser is pretty potent porch cleaner. I now spit on anaemic malt! Must away as I Better Call Saul about conveyance details for All Star Hootcherie! Cheers, Walter!
Dear Pat and Corinne, I am looking forward to celebrating the sale of your home with you and George on Saturday, but I am a bit sad that you are leaving the hood😔
You are always welcome at my pad anytime. Do check out Galiano and certainly George's before you make any big decisions. I know you will find someplace wonderful to call home! Hasta luego! Jane P. S. Take good care on your bike Pat. Look like going to Naramata is a good idea.
Next meeting is this Sunday at Islay Inn -- show of hands - Islay Inn sold! The plan is to meet this coming Sunday. Pat has again kindly offered to host at the Islay Inn. Please let me know if you plan to attend -- we are trying to determine if we have enough interest to gather.
George, Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this Sunday :( Let me know if you opt for another date. [ I could do Saturday... ] 8^) cheers, Mark
I will be there. Cheers, Moe Hello gents, hard to believe the Islay Inn as we know it will be no more, but hopefully the next owners will be as hospitable, if not more! I have work until 9p, but if you will still be there that late I will come by right after, get there at 930p Take care, VL
I would like to, however there are some conditions which may prevent me from attending. Sorry I cannot be more definite ds
Oh No! It really is happening. What are we going to do when you leave the Lower Mainland? What am I going to do with all the Bridge prizes? For sure, let’s play bridge here and your place. Set the dates in March or April, if you’re not travelling somewhere. Charlie Hello Bridge Prize People! Pleased to hear that you still wish to play bridge with Prairie Folk! Clara/Dusty return to Winnipeg mid-April so we should be able to fit something in before they depart. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Ocotillo. Matches your personality, Champagne!
Hi Vinnie and LMII! Thanks for best wishes on finding something in wine country. My ribs are still sore but becoming less so with each passing day.
Mme Coriandre sends along her fond regards to you both! Will talk anon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Texas/European Tornadoes, If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium People!
Great to chat with you on Sunday! Trust all continues to goes well with you two and your busy lives. I gather you are in Europe now or soon will be. Have a tremendous time! Thanks so much for the simply wonderful diary entries. How lovely. Talk about time travel. And now I have another moniker for Cora Lee: Coreen! Not sure how much was discussed on phone so have included a bit of a recap. Happy and Safe Travels. Fondestos from Coreen! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Very, very overcast when Cora Lee, Dusty and I drove over to the Loft to take a look at the washing machine there. Chloë had had a maintenance chap over, two times, first to assess situation. He determined that some part needed to be replaced and when he returned, and ordered part was installed, he claimed that no hot water was getting into machine so he said we needed a plumber and left it at that. When Dusty took a look at he fittings he determined that chap had hooked up the cold and hot water hoses incorrectly! Once they were changed, washer worked as it should!
Rather annoyed at dope, but very pleased that solution was so simple, we returned to The Islay Inn. Since it looked like rain which was forecast was not going to materialize, I suited up and headed out, making for Olympic Village. Decided I'd stay pretty close to home in case drizzle started so dipsy doodled near Science World until I had almost 20 km on the clock. Thought I might as well head for Stanley Park by then and just as I passed Plaza of Nations the extremely light drizzle which was barely a sprinkle a few minutes earlier turned into a reasonably light, cold rain. In for a penny, in for a pound, so I determined to keep to my course and made for SP.
Only good thing about deterioration in weather was the fact that the Seawall was almost completely deserted so I tore along. Now without fenders, [West Point is waiting until re-designed ones are delivered to put them on my bike.], I knew I would have a "skunk" strip on my jacket by the time I reached home. Nevertheless, I pushed on and had registered almost 30 km by the time I started the first of three loops of Lost Lagoon. Those tallied I made for home, rather chilly by this point, as wind was quite cool and my leggings and gloves were soaked. Home by 3:45 pm with enough time to change into some dry dud and then short drive to Burrard/2nd to make my appointment for a pedicure at Steve Nails. quite pleased with 21 kph AVG, given adverse conditions. Stats for ride:
Really enjoyed the pampering and managed quite a few chapters of I Hear The Sirens In The Street, Book Two of Adrian McKinty's The Troubles Trilogy, while I was snipped and clipped and exfoliated. Back home for a quick shower and change and then Cora Lee and I walked over to GI to catch Aquabus to Hornby, as we were to meet Chloë at VanCity to attend a fund raiser for Reel Causes. ("Since 2010, Reel Causes has supported more than forty local non-profit organizations, helping them raise awareness and funds by matching their important work with great films and great dialogue.") Chloë was just parking her car across the street form the theatre as we walked up so we all went in together.
Lovely tables spread with tasty hors d'oeuvres and a free glass of wine so we nibbled and sip, looking at the Silent Auction items, (for the most part, tickets to the numerous other film society screenings and numerous film festivals here in town), before watching Attila Marcel, a 2013 French comedy:
I do hope you will look at Galiano and the islands -- even Vancouver Island before you get shackled to the bible belt. We would love to join you for dinner Saturday night. Let us know what we can contribute. Hope that the absence of news is good news -- all your bruises are on the mend? Fond regards to C, W

Had a message from Katarina this morning. Czech Republic trip is full but still space for Slovakia, June 15th-28th. I was holding off until things settled, regarding The Islay Inn. Depending on what happens in the OK Corral I'm still very keen on that bicycling trip. As you can appreciate, it would needs be precisely dovetailed with move, wherever that should be, Ukiyo, Madroña Manor or The BC Bible Belt! Timing will be very tight under any scenario so not sure this year is a real possibility, unfortunately. Still room for hope, nonetheless.
I gather squash trumps riding this visit. No never mind. I guess we will see about NRBC. Mme Coriandre sends along her fond regards to you both! Will talk anon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, will gladly bring salad and more. Let us know. Also pleased to hear you are back on the saddle and feeling good. Look forward to see you both, W
Hi Molly Maid! More cleaning products, fantastic! Ironically, my ribs seem sorest/tenderest when sleeping. Guess that has more to do with bed mate than ribcage! While riding I don't really notice any twinges at all. Still suffering from PTSD on any significant downhill swoops, however. I'm hoping to be nominated for an Oscar next year for soon to be released Canadian Biker! Advance screenings have had very good reviews as Hell's Angels think it is about them, Breaking Bad set in the OK Bible Belt. Meth with a Pinot Grigio chaser is pretty potent porch cleaner. I now spit on anaemic malt! Must away as I Better Call Saul about conveyance details for All Star Hootcherie! Cheers, Walter!
Dear Pat and Corinne, I am looking forward to celebrating the sale of your home with you and George on Saturday, but I am a bit sad that you are leaving the hood😔
You are always welcome at my pad anytime. Do check out Galiano and certainly George's before you make any big decisions. I know you will find someplace wonderful to call home! Hasta luego! Jane P. S. Take good care on your bike Pat. Look like going to Naramata is a good idea.
Next meeting is this Sunday at Islay Inn -- show of hands - Islay Inn sold! The plan is to meet this coming Sunday. Pat has again kindly offered to host at the Islay Inn. Please let me know if you plan to attend -- we are trying to determine if we have enough interest to gather.
George, Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this Sunday :( Let me know if you opt for another date. [ I could do Saturday... ] 8^) cheers, Mark
I will be there. Cheers, Moe Hello gents, hard to believe the Islay Inn as we know it will be no more, but hopefully the next owners will be as hospitable, if not more! I have work until 9p, but if you will still be there that late I will come by right after, get there at 930p Take care, VL
I would like to, however there are some conditions which may prevent me from attending. Sorry I cannot be more definite ds
Oh No! It really is happening. What are we going to do when you leave the Lower Mainland? What am I going to do with all the Bridge prizes? For sure, let’s play bridge here and your place. Set the dates in March or April, if you’re not travelling somewhere. Charlie Hello Bridge Prize People! Pleased to hear that you still wish to play bridge with Prairie Folk! Clara/Dusty return to Winnipeg mid-April so we should be able to fit something in before they depart. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Ocotillo. Matches your personality, Champagne!
Hi Vinnie and LMII! Thanks for best wishes on finding something in wine country. My ribs are still sore but becoming less so with each passing day.
Mme Coriandre sends along her fond regards to you both! Will talk anon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Texas/European Tornadoes, If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium People!
Great to chat with you on Sunday! Trust all continues to goes well with you two and your busy lives. I gather you are in Europe now or soon will be. Have a tremendous time! Thanks so much for the simply wonderful diary entries. How lovely. Talk about time travel. And now I have another moniker for Cora Lee: Coreen! Not sure how much was discussed on phone so have included a bit of a recap. Happy and Safe Travels. Fondestos from Coreen! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Very, very overcast when Cora Lee, Dusty and I drove over to the Loft to take a look at the washing machine there. Chloë had had a maintenance chap over, two times, first to assess situation. He determined that some part needed to be replaced and when he returned, and ordered part was installed, he claimed that no hot water was getting into machine so he said we needed a plumber and left it at that. When Dusty took a look at he fittings he determined that chap had hooked up the cold and hot water hoses incorrectly! Once they were changed, washer worked as it should!
Rather annoyed at dope, but very pleased that solution was so simple, we returned to The Islay Inn. Since it looked like rain which was forecast was not going to materialize, I suited up and headed out, making for Olympic Village. Decided I'd stay pretty close to home in case drizzle started so dipsy doodled near Science World until I had almost 20 km on the clock. Thought I might as well head for Stanley Park by then and just as I passed Plaza of Nations the extremely light drizzle which was barely a sprinkle a few minutes earlier turned into a reasonably light, cold rain. In for a penny, in for a pound, so I determined to keep to my course and made for SP.
Only good thing about deterioration in weather was the fact that the Seawall was almost completely deserted so I tore along. Now without fenders, [West Point is waiting until re-designed ones are delivered to put them on my bike.], I knew I would have a "skunk" strip on my jacket by the time I reached home. Nevertheless, I pushed on and had registered almost 30 km by the time I started the first of three loops of Lost Lagoon. Those tallied I made for home, rather chilly by this point, as wind was quite cool and my leggings and gloves were soaked. Home by 3:45 pm with enough time to change into some dry dud and then short drive to Burrard/2nd to make my appointment for a pedicure at Steve Nails. quite pleased with 21 kph AVG, given adverse conditions. Stats for ride:
Really enjoyed the pampering and managed quite a few chapters of I Hear The Sirens In The Street, Book Two of Adrian McKinty's The Troubles Trilogy, while I was snipped and clipped and exfoliated. Back home for a quick shower and change and then Cora Lee and I walked over to GI to catch Aquabus to Hornby, as we were to meet Chloë at VanCity to attend a fund raiser for Reel Causes. ("Since 2010, Reel Causes has supported more than forty local non-profit organizations, helping them raise awareness and funds by matching their important work with great films and great dialogue.") Chloë was just parking her car across the street form the theatre as we walked up so we all went in together.
Lovely tables spread with tasty hors d'oeuvres and a free glass of wine so we nibbled and sip, looking at the Silent Auction items, (for the most part, tickets to the numerous other film society screenings and numerous film festivals here in town), before watching Attila Marcel, a 2013 French comedy:
Paul is a sweet man-child, raised - and smothered - by his two eccentric aunts in Paris since the death of his parents when he was a toddler. Now thirty-three, he still does not speak. (He does express himself through colorful suits that would challenge any Wes Anderson character in nerd chic.) Paul's aunts have only one dream for him: to win piano competitions. Although Paul practices dutifully, he remains unfulfilled until he submits to the interventions of his upstairs neighbor. Suitably named after the novelist, Madame Proust offers Paul a concoction that unlocks repressed memories from his childhood and awakens the most delightful of fantasies.
Another terrific film and only sorry that Chloë didn't stay for screening. She had a very painful headache and needed to go home to bed so she left just before film started. After the showing we walked home over the Granville Bridge, enjoying the clear night air. Wouldn't have been nearly as pleasant if it had been raining as heavily as when I was riding. Back home to brush and floss and then back to The Troubles. Highly recommend this trilogy as McKinty is an exciting find!
Another terrific film and only sorry that Chloë didn't stay for screening. She had a very painful headache and needed to go home to bed so she left just before film started. After the showing we walked home over the Granville Bridge, enjoying the clear night air. Wouldn't have been nearly as pleasant if it had been raining as heavily as when I was riding. Back home to brush and floss and then back to The Troubles. Highly recommend this trilogy as McKinty is an exciting find!
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