Flattery won't hurt you if you don't swallow it. -Kin Hubbard, humorist
Hi Kids! Happy Valentine's Day to one and all. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Trek in garage at home! JDP and Cora Lee this fine morn!
- Patrick James Dunn Rudiger is a pretty good snow mover! Wonder what Winston would have done? Happy Valentine's Day, Chloë! Love Dad!
Chloe Alexis Dunn Happy Valentine's Day D!
Down on love or in love, this is truth, well done Robbie Romu!!! I F*cking Hate Valentines Day We’ve co-opted Christmas and desecrated Easter with our unending consumerism, we’ve perverted Halloween and made birthdays into buying sprees; do we really need to do the same with love?
Patrick James Dunn Well
spoken, Robertito! Talk about unending consumerism. Had to visit the
local mall earlier this morning to buy el cheapo, "joke" Valentine's
gifts for Cora Lee and our host, Lynne, and couldn't escape soon enough!
True love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Patrick! These are the best kind of chocolates....the ones I can't get too!
Thank you for our valentines card!!!! Made my day:) xx Wow! Sounds like you were
fairly lucky on Friday the 13th considering you didn't have any serious
injuries after such a wipe out!! Thank you for the Valentine's e-card xoxo

Krissy Seymour |
Thank you for my Valentine card, I have made these valentine chocolates for you in return 💝 Love Tina xx
Hi Teens! Thanks!
These are the best kind of chocolates, as my friend, Nancy, in Berkeley
says. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks D!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you!! Love you, have a nice rest of your trip!!! xx Wow! Sounds like you were fairly lucky on Friday the 13th considering you didn't have any serious injuries after such a wipe out!! Thank you for the Valentine's e-card xoxo Thanks for this lovely Valentine! Loved the music and watching the chocolatier! Hi Jo-Anne!
How are you doing with respect to your ankle and leg? The Lighthalls enjoyed Colin's parliament of baboons! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Love from "LL". Thanks sweetie, for the lovely card! Kisses, CoraLee
How nice to have a secret admirer when you are 69 years old! I was flattered to be on your list of those you admire. Dawn Hi Donna Maria and Herardo!
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland
View from our balcony - not much snow up there.]
Glad you enjoyed your virtual chocolates! These are the best kind of chocolates, as Nancy, close friend in Berkeley says: "The ones one can't get to!" I've always been your Secret Admirer, Baby Cakes, even though you resist my advances! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Patrick James Dunn Happy Valentine's Day from sunny Palm Desert and Lecher Pete!]
Hi Patrick, Got the card, thanks. Claire and I are still
working far too much and it seems in different places in the country. I
have spent two weeks of the last three in Melbourne, Claire has spent
a week in Perth when of course I was back in
Brisbane and this week I am off to Sydney and Claire is off to Alice
Springs so busy busy. I went for a ride week or so ago with a new
riding partner and am still recovering. He is a 105 kilo’s and it seems
very fit, we did a quick fire 60 Km at an average
of just on 30 Kph lots of hills and it seemed to me it was all up
hill. Any way good to get a bit of blow out.
We are now getting closer to our little trip to
Europe in April and are just trying to make sure we do 20 Km every other
day to get some miles in our legs so should be good. Claire meanwhile
is off to Hong Kong as a guest speaker at the
Hong Kong University in March for four days, all good for her
networking . We will also be catching up with one of her colleagues in
London when we are over there. A hectic life we lead. We hope you and
Corinne had an OK Valentine we of course forgot the
whole thing as we do with most things, must improve on this side of our
lives one day.
I am still trying to work thru the options for
riding in Europe though now it will probably be 2017, starting in
Amsterdam a loop of the Netherlands and then on to Portugal via Belgium,
France , Spain. Who knows we could end up in Germany
the general target is about 3000 km over about 60 to 70 days or if it
rains one day and give up. Cheers from Greg and Claire
Must admit that I felt reasonably pain-free when I raised myself, gingerly, out of bed this morning, just before 7:00 am. Made my way into the kitchen and enjoyed a jolt of java to get me started on day. Rest of gang appeared around 8:00 am and Lynne concocted a delicious fruit salad for breakfast which we ate with yogurt and cereal. Lazy morning, some reading paper, sunning on patio while I sent along JL Valentine's cards. Around 11:00 am we drove to one of the malls, [Before we left, Peter helped my remove my front wheel and once that was off it was possible to untangle twisted fender struts from forks. Will leave fenders off until I take bike into Westpoint back in Vancouver. Bike seems fine, otherwise, front wheel running true as far as we could determine.], not far from house to do a
bit of shopping for Valentine's gifts for The Sisterhood. Basically, they knew what they wanted so we ended up at the watch counter and they each selected a time-piece which The Brotherhood paid for! Once this was accomplished we agreed to meet back at the entrance to mall near where we had parked the car and they set off in search of other President's Day Sales!
After we had paid for watches, [I actually applied for a Macey's credit card in order to receive an additional 20% discount, on top of original 10%, over the course of the transaction, being "approved" in matter of minutes! A Macey's store will open in Vancouver next year and we are in the US enough to warrant having card, for the quite remarkable sales and discounts alone, as long as balance is paid in full each month!], Peter wanted to visit the Men's Department. I was feeling a bit tired after standing at the watch counter, (my breathing was still relatively shallow), so I opted to sit down on at one of many spots in the mall with benches and comfy chairs, while JDP did a bit of shopping on his own.
Earlier, I had mentioned to him that it might be a bit of a lark if we could find two "el cheapo" watches somewhere in the mall and replace the ones The Chrono Aficionados expected to find when they opened their gifts that evening. After I felt a bit better I strolled over to ask a young woman at a nearbye kiosk where she thought I might find some silly watches and she pointed me to Charming Charlie just across the way. I hit pay-dirt there and was able to score two glaringly ugly watches for $10, from the discount shelves, Buy One Get One Free!
Pleased as punch I returned to my seat and a few minutes later JDP appeared. telling him of my successful mission we took a stroll further down the mall to buy some truffle chocolates at See's then to Hallmark for two goofy cards. Met The Babes at the appointed place and time and then back home for a very tasty lunch on the patio followed by a quick, cooling dip in the pool before we returned to the same mall to see Selma at 4:30 pm. Left steaks for Valentine's dinner marinating in fridge!
Not sure if you have seen Selma or not but it is a very, very powerful film. Most disturbing, ultimately uplifting, as the historical record proves, and certainly an essential, important telling of the unimaginably difficult, painfully bloody struggle for civil rights.
The entire cast was remarkable, from David Oyelowo's masterful portrayal as King, to Carmen Ejogo's conflicted Coretta, to Oprah Winfrey's "ordinary" Annie Lee Cooper, one of the first Black women who tried, on her own, to register to vote and then march, to Tim Roth's truly poisonous Governor George Wallace, to Tim Wilkinson's terrific LBJ. Really quite a dramatic analysis of the politics of the time, as well as an insightful look at how the struggle evolved within the Black community itself. See it if you can!
Long film, just over 2 hours, so we were not home until after 7:00 pm. Soon as we returned, Bartender JDP mixed a vodka martini, (Grey Goose), two olives for the Lads while the Shirley Valentines opted for red wine, a Soda Rock 2012 Zin, 15.4%. Lynne wanted baked potatoes to go with the steak diner so she set about doing them in the oven. As they would take about an hour we had plenty of time to chat about the film and toast one another before opening our respective cards and gifts. Peter had received a tasty box of See's truffles and card that morning so I was the first to open my gift. I was very happy to find that Cora lee had seen fit to give me a CD, Cheek to Cheek, Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga. We'd heard them at the Grammy's and I was quite taken. As well, a received Johann Hari's Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of he War on Drugs. We'd heard the author interviewed on NPR on way south so am really looking forward to reading his work.
Next we suggested that the Goils open their gifts and act surprised when they did. In fact, they didn't have to fake complete surprise as they were flabbergasted. I think JDP and I did a masterful job of concealing the hoax, spinning a tale of how the "switch" must have occurred: some clerk in the back mixing up the watches and giving the wrong ones to us. Loads of laughs all around as the Babes fell, hook, line and sinker. Still, they were certainly planning to return to Macey's, on the morrow, to claim the watches they'd selected.
After JDP put together one of his specialty Caesar salads, he was given go-ahead, by Lynne to start grilling steaks as spuds were jut about. Cora Lee set the table and I opened two more bottles of red: a 2009 Soda Rock, Cabbage, The General, 15% and a 2008 Soda Rock Cabernet Franc, 14.5%. Once we were all seated we toasted ourselves, for the umpteenth time and then I handed out the "real" watches! More chortles as we relived the machinations, our wives taking the original discovered "mistake" by Macey's with much good grace and secretly hiding their disappointment. All's well that ends well so a terrific start to a more than terrific meal.
More fun around the table as we savoured the delicious food and tasty wine. Around 10:00 we started to clear the dishes away and JDP loaded the dishwasher. Rest of us went for light sweaters and we repaired to the patio to sit around the fire pit. Lads enjoyed a wee dram of Booker's Bourbon, while lassies kept to red wine. Peter has a fascinating app on his iPad called GoSkywatch and if one points the screen at a particular visible star or planet, the software provides the name of the heavenly body. Quite a treat, particularly with the sky being so filled here in Palm Desert with the lack of ambient light. We chatted for a bit but I was soon ready for bed, still feeling some of the aftereffects of my fall so I bade my fellow Valentinians goodnight and made for bed. Cora Lee very kindly brought in my freezer pack once I'd arranged myself as comfortably as possible and I drifted off before she came to bed.
I've been meaning to write for ages and ages. We will get that
dinner invitation off the ground one of these days, soon I hope. My
parents are having a crisis right now so I've been very occupied with
helping them.
Briefly, my dad's health and vision have plummeted within a very short period - he is being tested and examined endlessly, so far no answers. I feel so sorry for him - he's been pretty fit for a long time and mentally very sharp. Now, he is a shadow of his former self - weak, can't walk unassisted, can hardly read anything but big headlines and is mentally struggling too. Early Alzheimers, near blindness and near deafness is my Mom's situation. I hate all of this but am helping them as much as possible. Which has meant very little cycling!!
Briefly, my dad's health and vision have plummeted within a very short period - he is being tested and examined endlessly, so far no answers. I feel so sorry for him - he's been pretty fit for a long time and mentally very sharp. Now, he is a shadow of his former self - weak, can't walk unassisted, can hardly read anything but big headlines and is mentally struggling too. Early Alzheimers, near blindness and near deafness is my Mom's situation. I hate all of this but am helping them as much as possible. Which has meant very little cycling!!
I'll write again soon, hopefully with better news for my folks, a
dinner invitation for you and Corinne and some bike ride planning!! All the best to you and Corinne, Sara
Hi Sara Jane and Bread Affair Person! Very sorry to learn about the ill health of your parents, Sara, but pleased to learn that Dermot is gainfully employed at Bread Affair. Any day-old loaves available for Freeloaders? Don't worry about dinner invitation with all that you have on your plates, so to speak. We will not be back from California before February 21st so let's chat after that. Mme Coriandre sends along Fondestos and Best Wishes to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Valentine's gifts; Valentine's dinner, sirloin, baked potatoe and Caesare with See's chocolades for dessert!
Hi again, I accidentally deleted your before I read it all. Can you re-send, please? Sara Don't be so quick on the trigger, Sara Jane!
Kirtana, You may recall that I write a Thanksgiving grace each year. I hope you enjoy this year's creation. It has not been a good year, but I hope I have squeezed some beauty out of it.
Things are so very interesting in India now. I wonder how you are finding Modi's India? Or perhaps you are here in California (but I suspect not). We are dealing with the aftermath of the decision not to file charges in Ferguson, Missouri. It is so depressing that racism still seems to be the central aspect of American public life.
My very best wishes to you my dear friend. I hope things are going well for the library (and everything else) in Hyderabad! and a big hug....David
Dear David: Alas, I might have not responded to your annual Thanksgiving grace that you so unfailingly and kindly remember to send to me every year! It means so very much to receive it and to be remembered.
I miss Berkeley so much, i wonder how or why or what i was thinking when i did not make every move necessary to live there forever!!! Modi's India was and
is insufferable, and I am most grateful for the Delhi verdict by the people! It truly has been revolutionary when every institutional, media and corporate machinery and resources were used against the AAP. Regardless of how AAP perform, the victory and the means and methods by which they got it was truly worthy of salutation and hope.
So I am hopeful again. I am convinced once again, as always, that the Indian Diaspora in the US and elsewhere, along with their politics and personalities --
( ie upper caste, pro-Corporate oriented, mostly Hindu Right wingers, read MODI's biggest support base) -- do not represent the India that i believe in and have been formed by. It is the only part of the US experience that i am happy to do without!
It was a mixed year for me too, lots of work and sweat, not much to show for it but i am plodding along, and trying (mostly in vain and desperation) to re-start or re-imagine a semblance of an academic life. May not happen, but i keep trying. I do love my job and the students immensely and have tonnes to be grateful for. But not in the world of reading, writing and research at all! :)
I hope to be in the Bay Area sometime in June, if all goes to plan. I will certainly let you know if i come. Hope this finds you well, and healthy and leading the meaningful and full life you do! Hope you are still swimming every morning! Much love to you and to your lovely wife whom i hope i will meet sometime too. With every good wish, and much love, kirtana
DEAR PATRICK WHAT A SWEET E-CARD YOU SENT! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU,TOO. HOW IS IT GOING WITH YOUR HOUSE SALE? WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE A PLAN FOR AT LONGER VACATION OVERSEAS - I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN WE HAVE MORE NEWS ON THIS (QUESTION IS IF WE CAN MAKE THE EAST AS WELL AS THE WEST COAST IN THREE WEEKS??) ANY HOW WE'LL STAY IN TOUCH. MUCH LOVE, MARGARETA Hi Dottore! Trust you are well and, together with the lads, are enjoying your respective busy lives. Sorry that I've not been in touch sooner. Will certainly be in touch about your travel plans and visit once home. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. Hope you have a pleasant day. Trust all is well with you and that you continue to enjoy life. All is fine with us-other than our cold, blustery weather. Spring can come at any time as far as I am concerned. Thank for the card - they are so nice. Cheers! Roma & Leonard - - or should I just sign off "another smitten admirer"
Hello Roma and Leonard! Trust you are both well and are enjoying your busy, retired, in the cold, blustery weather, lives. Have been in Palm Desert since this last Wednesday, staying with close friends from Naramata, just outside Penticton. Hope your Spring is just around the corner. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you, Roma, and Leonard. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, There ain't no cure, there ain't no cure, there ain't no cure for love as Leonard Cohen sings. Love you too! You are so sweet! Jean
Hello Darlin' Jean! Trust you are both well. Have been in Palm Desert since this last Wednesday, staying with close friends from Naramata. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and John. Leonard's "Crazy to Love You" Love to you both! (Have his Old Ideas along to play while Cora Lee is sleeping or reading as we drive!) Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks, Patrick. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Hope it's filled with love and chocolate. Hugs and hedgehogs, Janet
Hello Hedgehog Woman! Trust you are well, Janet. Received another update from Luxe India and all seems to be going well. However, this reminded us to ask you about name of the driver you suggested we might request. When you have a moment would appreciate contact information. Fond regards from Mme Coriandre to you Janet. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello, Patrizio! Thanks for the card! Hope all is well for one and all. I hear you are about to decamp for the interior of BC...Would love to learn the back-story.. Best, Deborah Hi Deborah! Trust you are well. Best wishes from Mme Coriandre to you, Deborah. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Aren't you a sweetheart!! Thank you for the beautiful ecard. Maggie xo
Thank you for the sweets, Sweetie! Are you stopping by to visit on your way back to Canada? We'd *love* to see you! Patrizzia and the Grumpy Winemaker
is insufferable, and I am most grateful for the Delhi verdict by the people! It truly has been revolutionary when every institutional, media and corporate machinery and resources were used against the AAP. Regardless of how AAP perform, the victory and the means and methods by which they got it was truly worthy of salutation and hope.
So I am hopeful again. I am convinced once again, as always, that the Indian Diaspora in the US and elsewhere, along with their politics and personalities --
( ie upper caste, pro-Corporate oriented, mostly Hindu Right wingers, read MODI's biggest support base) -- do not represent the India that i believe in and have been formed by. It is the only part of the US experience that i am happy to do without!
I hope to be in the Bay Area sometime in June, if all goes to plan. I will certainly let you know if i come. Hope this finds you well, and healthy and leading the meaningful and full life you do! Hope you are still swimming every morning! Much love to you and to your lovely wife whom i hope i will meet sometime too. With every good wish, and much love, kirtana
DEAR PATRICK WHAT A SWEET E-CARD YOU SENT! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU,TOO. HOW IS IT GOING WITH YOUR HOUSE SALE? WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE A PLAN FOR AT LONGER VACATION OVERSEAS - I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN WE HAVE MORE NEWS ON THIS (QUESTION IS IF WE CAN MAKE THE EAST AS WELL AS THE WEST COAST IN THREE WEEKS??) ANY HOW WE'LL STAY IN TOUCH. MUCH LOVE, MARGARETA Hi Dottore! Trust you are well and, together with the lads, are enjoying your respective busy lives. Sorry that I've not been in touch sooner. Will certainly be in touch about your travel plans and visit once home. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. Hope you have a pleasant day. Trust all is well with you and that you continue to enjoy life. All is fine with us-other than our cold, blustery weather. Spring can come at any time as far as I am concerned. Thank for the card - they are so nice. Cheers! Roma & Leonard - - or should I just sign off "another smitten admirer"
Hello Roma and Leonard! Trust you are both well and are enjoying your busy, retired, in the cold, blustery weather, lives. Have been in Palm Desert since this last Wednesday, staying with close friends from Naramata, just outside Penticton. Hope your Spring is just around the corner. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you, Roma, and Leonard. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, There ain't no cure, there ain't no cure, there ain't no cure for love as Leonard Cohen sings. Love you too! You are so sweet! Jean
Hello Darlin' Jean! Trust you are both well. Have been in Palm Desert since this last Wednesday, staying with close friends from Naramata. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and John. Leonard's "Crazy to Love You" Love to you both! (Have his Old Ideas along to play while Cora Lee is sleeping or reading as we drive!) Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks, Patrick. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Hope it's filled with love and chocolate. Hugs and hedgehogs, Janet
Hello Hedgehog Woman! Trust you are well, Janet. Received another update from Luxe India and all seems to be going well. However, this reminded us to ask you about name of the driver you suggested we might request. When you have a moment would appreciate contact information. Fond regards from Mme Coriandre to you Janet. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello, Patrizio! Thanks for the card! Hope all is well for one and all. I hear you are about to decamp for the interior of BC...Would love to learn the back-story.. Best, Deborah Hi Deborah! Trust you are well. Best wishes from Mme Coriandre to you, Deborah. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Aren't you a sweetheart!! Thank you for the beautiful ecard. Maggie xo
Thank you for the sweets, Sweetie! Are you stopping by to visit on your way back to Canada? We'd *love* to see you! Patrizzia and the Grumpy Winemaker
Patrick James Dunn Saw a T-shirt at the mall today: Body by Bacon, so be careful!
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