It's like, at the end, there's this surprise quiz: Am I proud of me? I
gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth what I
paid? -Richard Bach, writer (b. 23 Jun 1936)
Hi Zircon! Sorry
that it has taken me so long to send along a message. Before I go any
further, I wanted to thank you again for allowing us to stay. We
certainly enjoyed the visit, brief though it was.
have decided that we won't be heading back to BC until Monday, June
29th, so you are off the accommodation hook! Thanks again for the offer
of staying on Sunday but we want to be here in order to celebrate George's 63rd birthday that evening. Will drive into Winnipeg on Monday to have lunch with a close family friend, Vera Keys, who met my parents in the 1940's when both families lived in Favourable Lake, a fly-in mining camp in Northern Ontario. Will
spend the night back in Kenton and then drive to Calgary to spend the
night with Betty Hughes. She won't be coming to Falcon until later in
July so it will be fun to have a visit with her. Too, too bad you aren't still in Calgary or Cochrane as we could have had another bridge night!
[Patrick James Dunn Congratulations Jean! Your daughter looks just like you when we met, just out of Liverpool, back in 1970! All the best. Cheers!Jean Homsy Thank you, kind words and you have quite a memory. Glad to see all is fine with you. Xx Patrick James Dunn Hard to forget those days! Fairly significant news for us is that we sold our place in Vancouver, in February, and bought a small bungalow in Penticton, the heart of BC's wine country, in the Okanagan. Moved in May 29th. Come and visit when next in Canada. Penny is coming with her amore, Madcap Mike, in September! Corinne, on our patio, with close friends, Polly and Mick, visiting from Vancouver, the weekend before we took off, driving to Winnipeg. Cheers!!!]
[Patrick James Dunn Congratulations Jean! Your daughter looks just like you when we met, just out of Liverpool, back in 1970! All the best. Cheers!Jean Homsy Thank you, kind words and you have quite a memory. Glad to see all is fine with you. Xx Patrick James Dunn Hard to forget those days! Fairly significant news for us is that we sold our place in Vancouver, in February, and bought a small bungalow in Penticton, the heart of BC's wine country, in the Okanagan. Moved in May 29th. Come and visit when next in Canada. Penny is coming with her amore, Madcap Mike, in September! Corinne, on our patio, with close friends, Polly and Mick, visiting from Vancouver, the weekend before we took off, driving to Winnipeg. Cheers!!!]
Hello Goldilocks People! I want to thank you all, again, for allowing us to stay and for delicous dinner. We certainly enjoyed the visit, brief though it was.
At any rate, we have decided that we won't be heading back to BC until Monday, June
29th, so we were wondering if we might impose on you, yet again, that night. If you agree to have us stay, we'd like to bring something to bbq for dinner. Let us know how many people and we'll plan accordingly.
Trust all continues to go well with you and your busy, busy lives. Cora
Lee sends along best wishes to everyone and encourages a
visit, whenever possible, as do I. Will chat more about that when we
see you, of course. (Very selfish, on my part, as I need all the
engineering/handy-man help I can get for the wine storage unit!)
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Snaps: Dinner with Sally/Filmer/Kaitlyn and Travis this past Thursday at their place in Wildwood Park. Last in series, Rocky X!
Hi Lynette, et al! Sorry
that it has taken me so long to send along a message. Before I go any
further, I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful visit and
delicious lunch you treated us to. Called Darryl last night but
have not yet heard back from him. Will call again, later today and hope
we can arrange a visit at some point.
Trust all continues to go well with you and your painting duties! Cora Lee sends along best wishes to everyone and encourages another visit, whenever possible, as do I. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I think Cora Lee already passed along Jane Lucas' contact information and dates of our trip to India but if not let us know and we'll provide all the details. Snaps: Visit at Burns Street Social House! Compost inspectors; my lunch at Dream Cafe. Fire-pit dinner and farewell! Lunch with Noreen this past Thursday at the Peasant Cookery.
Hi Colin! First message bounced as your email couldn't handle picture file size! Pared down snaps. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Young James Dean and Mighty Grigor! Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along the snaps I took of you in your Grad suit, Dustin. At any rate, I hope we will have another chance to chat over the course of our stay at your parent's place. As well, I can further edit any of the snaps if you want. In addition, I plan to send pictures I took of you, Cody and your parents, at anniversary celebrations but will wait until we are back in the city as process will be easier then, due to WiFi connection here. Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio! PS: Did you hear back from Al, Greg? I was hoping to drop by his office on Thursday or Friday. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Hi Wendy and Stuart! Grand to see you both at the various anniversary celebrations! We expect to be back in Penticton on July 1st. We hope to see you both there, at some point. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Padricchio. We should be able to catch up on 14th July, tragically that's all as R and I will be cruising t Alaska 27-5th. I'll call your local cell before we go. Thks fr news of Gregg, I'll call him - d you have his cell? And for Sarge too.
Love t all at Falcon Lake too. S
Hi Stephano! Just a bit of an update on our stay in Vancouver. I didn't realize that Cora Lee doesn't fly out until the 16th so we probably have both the 14th and 15th to connect. Perhaps we can arrange something over the next little while. Not quite sure, as of this writing, where we will be staying so need to dovetail that with any plans we make with you. Not a big deal but still has to be figured out.
Here are Sarge's cell number and Grogg's home number. Say hello to both of them when you call. You didn't mention how Kathleen is faring. Hope much better. Fond regards from everyone at Falcon. Cheers, Padricchio! Snaps: Some of Dusty's garden and him, hard at work this morning!
Thanks for your email. I had a lovely visit with you and Corrine. I look forward to a taste of winter in Penticton. Adrian and the boys had a 4 day visit with me and just returned home a few days ago. Yes he liked the chairs and will make good use of them. Hopefully you have heard back from my brother by now but if not call Shirley's cell phone. Enjoy the rest of your Winnipeg/Falcon holiday.
Cheers, Lynette Hi Lynette! I called Darryl again this morning but no reply so I called Shirley and reached her. Darryl is away fishing at The Pas so that is the reason we hadn't heard from him. They will both be back at West Hawk for the weekend so we hope to connect then. Glad you enjoyed a good visit with Adrian and his boys. Terrific that chairs are useful. Hello. I do hope you follow up with a visit to Westhawk. Thanks for emails and photos.
Continue to relish being here, aside from food, hootch, company and weather, particularly with respect to cycling. Trust all goes well with you, Lynette. Cora Lee sends along best wishes. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some of Dusty's flowers and the tireless Great-grandfather shingling this morning! Corinne's rustic peppers.
Hello Duhlink! Trust you and Madcap are both well. Not sure if you have seen Jean's latest posts on Facebook but pics are of wedding, somewhere near Beirut, I gather, of her daughter!
Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along a message but we have been on the road since June 15th. Again, hope all goes swimmingly with you two. How are Mad Max and his cousin? Your Goils? Cora Lee sends along best wishes to everyone, as do I. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vittorio Vittoria! Trust you are well. Hope summer is progressing as you envisaged it might. Cora Lee sends along best wishes to you, as do I. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, Thanks for the photos form Falcon Lake. Corinne's parents look extremely well as does everyone else in the photos. I'm assuming the temperature is reasonable if you're able to ride.
I've been working full-on for days with students studying for Provincial exams but things tapered off today and I'm actually free tomorrow. Started scraping and sanding down at the back today for painting tomorrow. Next is the roll roofing job on the carport followed by various carpentry work and further house painting.
Have had a flurry of contacts with old friends in England recently, including Jim Brownlee who is organizing a walk from Seaham to Hartlepool for a group of us. Jim recently did the Via Ferrata climbing at the Lake District and he's still running and in very good shape by the sound of things. Jim Crowe is another who is still running - intervals on the university track where he is studying Chinese. He contacted me yesterday about the name of the electrolyte tablets as he was suffering from cramps.
My fitness program has definitely taken a back seat with the lack of available time for recreation. Must start doing some walking so I'm able to keep up in the UK. Ray
When in Winnipeg, on Thursday, I plan to pop by MEC downtown as I will need
more Nuun tablets, (Are those the ones you mentioned to Jim?), by the
time we are back in Penticton. Fondestos and Cheers,

Trust all continues to go well with you and your painting duties! Cora Lee sends along best wishes to everyone and encourages another visit, whenever possible, as do I. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I think Cora Lee already passed along Jane Lucas' contact information and dates of our trip to India but if not let us know and we'll provide all the details. Snaps: Visit at Burns Street Social House! Compost inspectors; my lunch at Dream Cafe. Fire-pit dinner and farewell! Lunch with Noreen this past Thursday at the Peasant Cookery.
Hi Colin! First message bounced as your email couldn't handle picture file size! Pared down snaps. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Young James Dean and Mighty Grigor! Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along the snaps I took of you in your Grad suit, Dustin. At any rate, I hope we will have another chance to chat over the course of our stay at your parent's place. As well, I can further edit any of the snaps if you want. In addition, I plan to send pictures I took of you, Cody and your parents, at anniversary celebrations but will wait until we are back in the city as process will be easier then, due to WiFi connection here. Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio! PS: Did you hear back from Al, Greg? I was hoping to drop by his office on Thursday or Friday. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Hi Wendy and Stuart! Grand to see you both at the various anniversary celebrations! We expect to be back in Penticton on July 1st. We hope to see you both there, at some point. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Padricchio. We should be able to catch up on 14th July, tragically that's all as R and I will be cruising t Alaska 27-5th. I'll call your local cell before we go. Thks fr news of Gregg, I'll call him - d you have his cell? And for Sarge too.
Love t all at Falcon Lake too. S
Hi Stephano! Just a bit of an update on our stay in Vancouver. I didn't realize that Cora Lee doesn't fly out until the 16th so we probably have both the 14th and 15th to connect. Perhaps we can arrange something over the next little while. Not quite sure, as of this writing, where we will be staying so need to dovetail that with any plans we make with you. Not a big deal but still has to be figured out.
Here are Sarge's cell number and Grogg's home number. Say hello to both of them when you call. You didn't mention how Kathleen is faring. Hope much better. Fond regards from everyone at Falcon. Cheers, Padricchio! Snaps: Some of Dusty's garden and him, hard at work this morning!
Hi Sara, et al [Apologize for dove-tailing/piggy-backing messages. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Time and Internet access, primarily.]!
Must away as I want to go for a longer ride today, to Ingolf, a small
community about 30 km away but has a number of fairly steep hills so a
good workout awaits! Trust all goes well with you. Cora Lee sends along
best wishes to you and Dermot. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads! Of all the people I sent this message to your email client cannot handle file size for pitturas. This being the case you will receive fewer snapoloas!
For today's outing, left shortly after 3:00 pm and rode into Ontario as I made, as mentioned, for Ingolf, a tiny resort past West Hawk, taking the turnoff to the east shore of Caddy Lake and past the Fish Hatchery where Greg Ziemanski, (my brother-in-law), grew up. John, his Dad, was in charge of the place for many years. Enjoyed the ride but not the ferocious head wind, 19.3 kph, (Shades of Iona on a bad day!), and it seemed to be in my face most of the time! Home by just after 6:00 pm. Still, a great calibration for the 140 km ride I hope to do, probably this coming weekend, before we head home on Monday. Must away as Lady Mary is starting to fuss, worried that I won't be ready in time for the rustic peppers she's doing on the bbq, along with Clarisse's hamburgers! Stats for ride:
Hi Lads! Of all the people I sent this message to your email client cannot handle file size for pitturas. This being the case you will receive fewer snapoloas!
For today's outing, left shortly after 3:00 pm and rode into Ontario as I made, as mentioned, for Ingolf, a tiny resort past West Hawk, taking the turnoff to the east shore of Caddy Lake and past the Fish Hatchery where Greg Ziemanski, (my brother-in-law), grew up. John, his Dad, was in charge of the place for many years. Enjoyed the ride but not the ferocious head wind, 19.3 kph, (Shades of Iona on a bad day!), and it seemed to be in my face most of the time! Home by just after 6:00 pm. Still, a great calibration for the 140 km ride I hope to do, probably this coming weekend, before we head home on Monday. Must away as Lady Mary is starting to fuss, worried that I won't be ready in time for the rustic peppers she's doing on the bbq, along with Clarisse's hamburgers! Stats for ride:
Trust all goes well with you two. Cora
Lee sends along best wishes to you both Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for your email. I had a lovely visit with you and Corrine. I look forward to a taste of winter in Penticton. Adrian and the boys had a 4 day visit with me and just returned home a few days ago. Yes he liked the chairs and will make good use of them. Hopefully you have heard back from my brother by now but if not call Shirley's cell phone. Enjoy the rest of your Winnipeg/Falcon holiday.
Cheers, Lynette Hi Lynette! I called Darryl again this morning but no reply so I called Shirley and reached her. Darryl is away fishing at The Pas so that is the reason we hadn't heard from him. They will both be back at West Hawk for the weekend so we hope to connect then. Glad you enjoyed a good visit with Adrian and his boys. Terrific that chairs are useful. Hello. I do hope you follow up with a visit to Westhawk. Thanks for emails and photos.
Continue to relish being here, aside from food, hootch, company and weather, particularly with respect to cycling. Trust all goes well with you, Lynette. Cora Lee sends along best wishes. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some of Dusty's flowers and the tireless Great-grandfather shingling this morning! Corinne's rustic peppers.
Hello Duhlink! Trust you and Madcap are both well. Not sure if you have seen Jean's latest posts on Facebook but pics are of wedding, somewhere near Beirut, I gather, of her daughter!
Pics: Rachel is
actually far better behaved than many "normal" children/young adults,
(Not your grandchildren, of course!), we have encountered, over the
years. Wonderfully loving
and affectionate most of the time and more than a delight to be with.
Pat, Thanks for the photos form Falcon Lake. Corinne's parents look extremely well as does everyone else in the photos. I'm assuming the temperature is reasonable if you're able to ride.
I've been working full-on for days with students studying for Provincial exams but things tapered off today and I'm actually free tomorrow. Started scraping and sanding down at the back today for painting tomorrow. Next is the roll roofing job on the carport followed by various carpentry work and further house painting.
Have had a flurry of contacts with old friends in England recently, including Jim Brownlee who is organizing a walk from Seaham to Hartlepool for a group of us. Jim recently did the Via Ferrata climbing at the Lake District and he's still running and in very good shape by the sound of things. Jim Crowe is another who is still running - intervals on the university track where he is studying Chinese. He contacted me yesterday about the name of the electrolyte tablets as he was suffering from cramps.
My fitness program has definitely taken a back seat with the lack of available time for recreation. Must start doing some walking so I'm able to keep up in the UK. Ray
Hi Raymond! Pleased to hear that you are doing well, busy as ever with tutoring and house-chores. How is your garden? When are you off to England? Great that you will see Jim and other friends. Would appreciate you passing along fond regards to both Chris and him. Hello to Jim Crowe as well, in Chinese, of course! Had a short note from Whirlygig and he sems to be doing well with the addition to his place.
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