Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your
aim. -George Santayana
Great photos of the moose Pat! Thursday would be great for our dinner here - do you know where the winery is? Come around around 6 or 7. We'd love to see your place, we'll phone you first. We also will give you a call to explain how to find our cabin at the winery Cheers, Bill & Bouley.

Will continue with un-packing/re-ordering when back and then plan to go for a ride when things cool off a tad. Probably make for OK Falls as basic route is about 51 km but if I tag on a pre-jaunt leg, up to Upper Bench Road, it is around 61 km.
On the dinner front, I'm wondering if you two would like to come here on Saturday for a meal. Have close friends from Vancouver, arriving sometime mid-afternoon, staying the night, en route to Christina Lake so it would be great if you could join us. Of course, you may well be busy but if not let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly. With respect to seeing our place, beforehand, any time you are in Penticton would work as well, if I know when you are coming. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Frazey Ford on Friday night, Main Stage; signing CD's on Saturday; Lurrie Bell, a wonderful blues musician, akin to John Lee Hooker, Sunday morning; The Once, from Newfoundland; Geraldine Hollett, signing my CD's. Her voice is simply remarkable. Bees on Bayswater at Keatings!
Hello Clan Sutherland and Old Oakites! Trust flight home went well, Stefano, and that your back is better, Kathleen. Waiting for you to knock on our door in Penticton, JT. Hope you are back to normal now. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some snaps taken at Folk Fest. Perch Creek with Ash Grunwald and Marlon Williams; The Once; Had not heard of them before. Another credit to Newfoundland music. Geraldine Hollett, signing your CD, Flamin'/Sarge. Her voice is simply remarkable. Dinner with Whirlygig; Jane, Kate, (Charlie's wife), Carlos the Jackal and Giggster.
Hello Heartbreak Terrace People and The Lands Down Under! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful dinner with Stefano on Tuesday. Belated Happy 33rd Anniversary congratulations! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Trust all continues to go well with your busy lives.
Almost forgot, I forget my thermos so I broke into your place to retrieve it! Had wanted to leave a small present, one of The Once's CD's but by the time I got it back from Carlos I knew I had to hard-nose the highway! This way I'll be able to download it before giving it to you! Great to be a Freeloader now! Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan and Paolo! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful stay! Trust all continues to go well with your busy lives. Thanks again or your generous hospitality. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Upper Dunbarites; Arrivederci Paradise! Frazey on Friday evening; Paolo Incognito! Frazey signing.
hi just read your post from your trip home, great pics of the moose. Getting ready to go out to explore under the Manhatten bridge. Dinner tonight with some of Robyn's family. Hot but cloudy thank god Love you and miss you,
Hello Duhlink! Glad you liked your card. You seem to logging quite a few miles, tramping around New York. Must be exhausting, given the heat. Not sure how much news you have heard about wildfire situation here, and elsewhere in BC, as well as in Vancouver. Latter has imposed Level 3 water restrictions and depending on weather over next little while, may go to Level 4, so pretty serious.
Terrible fire near Kelowna, Westbank area I think, started by lightening sometime yesterday. Believe about 70 homes had to be evacuated but so far no buildings have gone up in smoke. Earlier this morning Beckster posted the following link, in case you have not seen it. Some incredible pictures:
Parcel at Greyhound was the vacuum so pleased it has arrived. Next stop at Library and I popped into Museum to take a quick look. Ended up chatting with a volunteer, Virginia. She had an accent and I asked her if she was from Mexico. Turned out she is from Mexico City. She met her husband on Spain on the
Camino de Santiago. Her husband is originally from Flin Flon so I wonder if he, or his parents, knew Jim and Marge McDonald. He is a retired teacher and I hope to see them both at the Farmer's Market on Saturday as they are selling a local history book, I believe.
When I left this morning, Telus chap was up on his cherry picker, yellow umbrella to shade him as he worked, replacing some worn lines. He mentioned that you had called and he has snipped off dangling wire, Lady Mary! He had to move his truck to let me out but was very obliging. Once back I turned on Le Tour and am enjoying it as I scribe. Once I've sent a few messages to thank everyone in Vancouver for stay, I plan to work on shelves in my office. I think I'll ask Flash to help me open up wall to take a look at wiring. Depending on what we find I'll then contact Jason. If Bill and Denise pop by beforehand, I'll see what Bill thinks as he has done a lot of their renovations.
Repackaged all of the pork and chicken I bought at Costco before leaving, once I had all the cooler packs unloaded, yesterday evening.[ Kept out six thighs which I have marinating so will eat them over the course of the next few days.] Didn't arrive until just after 7:00 pm as I didn't actually leave city until 2:00 pm.
Forgot all the CD's I bought at the Folk Fest at Carlos' place. I took them along to show Whilrygig, et al, some of the artists I'd heard and then left them when he drove me home.
I phoned him as soon as I was up but, as it turned out, he was at a meeting, in Coquitlam, all morning and I didn't have his cell number, only his office number. Finally reached the receptionist and she gave me his cell number. Wanted to listen to new music on drive home so delayed my departure, hoping he'd call. Went to BC Liquor store on 70th and Granville first to pick up a case of the 2011 Babio, only store with that much product. Then to Costco. Once I'd loaded the car there I called and he was on his way home so I arranged to meet him there. Decided I might as well drop off Chloë's camera and charger beforehand so did just that and was just parking in front of his place when Carlos pulled up. Picked up my CD's, thanked him again and waved goodbye.
Not too, too much traffic on highway so I missed rush-hour. Stopped at Bridal Falls for gas and picked up a dozen fresh cobs of Chilliwack, (Perch Creek, based in Melbourne, ended up there later on Friday night, for quite a party, it seemed, according to Eileen Hodgkins. Pronounced name "Chillywack" so had crowd in stitches!], corn, from little hut next to gas station, picked that morning, according to young woman in booth. Kept four for myself and took rest to Corey to thank him for watering plants. (Everything seems to have survived.) Had two for supper last night and they were delicious. Will have last two tonight with the chicken.
Continue to enjoy your time in New York. How is your new mini-iPad handling? Much love from Patrizzio, pining in Penticton! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Calum MacCrimmon and Megan Henderson of Breaback,[Scotland], doing a stepdance; Jarlath Henderson, [Ireland, playing Irish uillean and Scottish border pipes], looking on as Megan plays incredible fiddle with one of The Once's numbers; Chloë's view and new bed linen, pictures on desk; Carlos handing over forgotten CD's!
Hello Bayswater Beehive People! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful stay! [As well, many, many thanks for scanned pictures, Elaine.] Certainly appreciated the fabulous java and the more than delicious biscuits. Trust all continues to go well with your busy lives.
Lady Mary seems to be continuing to enjoy her time in New York, according to all reports to date. Thanks again or your generous, unstinting hospitality. Almost forgot, did I forget my pillow? If so, Chloë said she would collect it. She is having dinner with her Mom on Sunday night. Cora Lee is staying with Nancy and David once she is back from NY on the 26th. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lady Mary before heading out to New York; Honey Central: Baywater Bees. Biscuit delight; Princeton wildlife. Antonio!
Hello Heartbreak Terrace People! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful dinner with Stefano on Tuesday. Belated Happy 33rd Anniversary congratulations! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Trust all continues to go well with your busy lives. Thanks again for your unstinting hospitality. Almost forgot, I forget my thermos so I broke into your place to retrieve it! Had wanted to leave a small present, one of The Once's CD's but by the time I got it back from Carlos I knew I had to hard-nose the highway! This way I'll be able to download it before giving it to you! Great to be a Freeloader now! Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lady Mary before heading out to New York with Violet, Stephanie and Laura; Honey Central: Bayswater Bees. Biscuit delight; Princeton wildlife. Almost like being in Newfoundland.
Thought you might like to see my Svalbard pix:
All best. Hope you're enjoying your time in the 'Big Smoke' (after the last few weeks this is now Vancouver; forget NY) Lynn
Hi Lynn! Just a quick note to thank you for sharing your simply marvellous pictures from Svalbard! Wow! Wow! Wow! My moose shots look pretty amateurish compared to your National Geographic quality! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio, Great to hear of the great time on the Gran Fondo! and so glad it went well. very proud of you for that acomplishment once again.
Good also to get the blow by blow of your whirlwind of activities while in town. We had a very nice dinner at the keg last night to celebrate Colleen’s birthday and our friends chris and Lubna and kids for dinner on Sunday for a bbq. and cake to help celebrate as well. Lubna had been in the Bahama’s for a week and then they had been away at a retreat on the sunshine coast so we got a chance to catch up before we continue our crazy summer schedule!.
Been working like a fiend with side projects as well as the NuWave day job but have vowed to have no more projects other than looking after my own things around here for the rest of the summer.
I have taken my motorcycle apart to have it painted in preparation to head down to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota at the end of next week, I’m having it painted plumb crazy purple like the brand new dodge challenger as my friend I ride with joked that my bike looked like Prince’s motorcycle from the movie Purple rain!. I figured I might as well own it and it needed a paint job anyway so what the hell!.
looking forward to coming up and seeing you guys again soon and we’ll have lot’s to talk about I’m sure!. take care and we’ll talk soon. Cheer’s Al
P.S. sorry we missed you while in town but glad that you had a good time visiting friends and enjoying the folk fest.
Pics: Lady Mary en route to NY; remains of her birthday cake and Demon malt! Jane and Kate with Maddison Brothers.
Didn't leave the house until 6:45 pm and it was a poifect time to ride as the heat of the day was over and with a fairly brisk head wind sweeping over the lake it was most pleasant. Once I rode up Vancouver Ave to Upper Bench Road I decided I'd head to Summerland instead of OK Falls, mainly because I didn't want to fight the wind on the return leg. Plugged along 97 and after following Nixon Rd as far as it goes, along the lake-shore, I doubled back and then started the ascent of Peach Orchard Road. Didn't find it all that grueling in the cool evening air so was soon at the top, (1.75 km from bottom to crest of hill), and shooting along Victoria Road. From here on in mostly downhill, although in the failing light I had to be careful negotiating the road surface even though I knew it reasonably well from last few rides over this terrain. Once back on 97 I zipped along, pushed by the wind and was soon back in Penticton. Did a few dipsy-doodles close to home to give me the distance I'd decided I wanted. Great to be back in the saddle again, here in the Okanagan where I'm starting to feel quite comfortable with the topography. Stats for ride:
Hi Patrick Thanks for the pics. The one of the moose jumping over the fence is amazing. I'll forward the one of Tony to him. It was great having you here although we hardly saw you with the folk fest as competition. Your pillow is here and pillow case is washed. Have Chloe call us before she comes. Hope to see you again soon. Cheers Elaine
Hi Elaine! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. I didn't have a chance to actually talk to Tony so please say hello to him for me. I was delighted that I managed to capture the moose in mid-flight. More good luck than anything else but still very happy with result.
Thank you very much for washing the pillow case. You shouldn't have bothered but certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Guess I should have left more dirty laundry! At any rate, thanks so much. As you can see, I've included Chloë in message so she will know to call before she drops by. You could probably leave pillow on your patio if nobody will be home when she can come by
Probably won't be back in Vancouver until the 5th or 6th of August to collect our Danish visitors, Maggie and her two sons. They fly in from LA where they will have spent a few days with Ayn and the boys. Apparently I need new tires for my car so I'm hoping to arrange to have the old ones replaced late on the 5th or early on the 6th as plane isn't scheduled to arrive until 4:00 pm. Will drive back to Penticton that afternoon and they will fly to Vancouver at the end of their stay with us. Hello to Mr Golf! Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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