What's done to children, they will do to society. -Karl A. Menninger, psychiatrist (22 Jul 1893-1990)
P, Great to see you even though you cannot remember seeing us. Too bad you retrieved the CDs - I was hoping to copy them and then market them on eBay. Long journey to get here, London, On, headed to Stratford for the day. Weather is quite lovely - not the hot and muggy we expected. Hope the forest fire situation settles down in your area. Kelowna fire is in the national news. Be well. Fond regards to all, W & J
Hola Horatio! What a splendid life you lead, a stunning babe on your arm, culture surrounding you in Stratford, Whirlygig in Love. Sounds like a summer blockbuster:
Alas, poor Patrizzio, I knew him, Giggster, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me in his slipstream a thousand times. Where be his gibes now? His gambols? His songs? His flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar, now that his pate and its sweet memory be addled with many a skinful of bottled sunshine, now raging like Lear on the blasted heath: Some malt! Some malt! My Trek for some malt, you fools, you knaves!!!I must say that Carlos made it rather difficult for me to rescue my CD's so I assume he was in cahoots with you regarding the eBay scam! Guess you'll just have to wait until next road-trip to listen to them.
Quite enjoying being on my own now that I'm back in Penticton, doing what I want, when I want, without Lady mary barking out orders!!! Didn't leave the house until 6:45 pm yesterday evening and it was a poifect time to ride as the heat of the day was over and with a fairly brisk head wind sweeping over the lake it was most pleasant. Once I rode up Vancouver Ave to Upper Bench Road I decided I'd head to Summerland instead of OK Falls, mainly because I didn't want to fight the wind on the return leg. Plugged along 97 and after following Nixon Rd as far as it goes, along the lake-shore, I doubled back and then started the ascent of Peach Orchard Road. Didn't find it all that grueling in the cool evening air so was soon at the top, (1.75 km from bottom to crest of hill), and shooting along Victoria Road. From here on in it is mostly downhill, although in the failing light I had to be careful negotiating the road surface even though I knew it reasonably well from last few rides over this terrain.
[Hi Corinne and Patrick
Lore and I are going to be in Oliver Aug.. 9-12, Barbara and Rudi Kuschel. Maybe we can meet for coffee, let me know by phone to the Kuschels or before by e-mail.
Ciao Gisela]
When back on 97 I zipped along, pushed by the wind and was soon in Penticton. Did a few dipsy-doodles close to home to give me the distance I'd decided I wanted. Great to be back in the saddle again, here in the Okanagan where I'm starting to feel quite comfortable with the topography. Stats for ride:
Have been watching recorded sessions of Le Tour and enjoying the coverage immensely. Aside from the remarkable cycling performances the country-side, villages and cities, with their often astounding architecture, are all so stunning that it makes me hanker to return to this truly wonderful country. Not that I mind where I am, of course, but our holidays in France have been exceptional events.
Bit far ahead but we are hoping to return next year so perhaps you two might give some thought to dovetailing with us. I'm also thinking of trying to hook up with guided tours in Slovakia/Czech Republic while Mme Coriandre spends time in the fashion houses of Paris! Anyway, keep this in mind if interested.
Next door to us is a double lot with a small apartment on it. A few weeks ago, owner knocked on the door and talked to Cora Lee letting her know that he was planning to build a house on part of property next to ours. Construction will start as soon as soon as all the

Going to ask the lads if they want to give me some of the wood. If I can get it for free I will take as much as I can store. At some point we want to remove gas fireplace insert in living room with a wood burning stove. Chimney is already set up to accept such a fireplace and I really want to have such a unit, not only for efficient heating but also for the pleasure of a real hearth. Cora Lee wants to roast marshmallows but I'm keen to make hot rum toddies! Just came back from showing Dave, tree-faller, the neighbour's tree, a Locust. Turned out that Gary was actually at home. His motor home is at the garage having new tires put on. Anyway, after looking at work to be done it will be about $800, maximum, perhaps $650, depending on how much trimming Dave can do from his cherry picker. According to Dave, any branches on our side of the property line are our responsibility so we will share the cost of the job. Not at all unhappy about that. Work on our property will take place next week so timing is right.
Furthermore, I have already managed to freeload two cartloads of firewood, oak to boot! Will likely score much more of the Balsam after lads take a lunch break. Then they will fall last two trees. The rest of the oak they will keep to sell as it is worth a fair bit, given its size, for furniture or the like. Guess I have to be happy about the fact that the chain-saw was my alarm clock! Must away as my endless list of chores seems to be growing rather than shrinking!Trust your holiday is magical. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: More snaps from Non-Remembrance of Things Past, aka À la recherche du temps perdu! Chain-saw Blues!
Penny Doorbar Hi Patrick Getting excited about our trip to Canada and realised I don't seem to have your new address and phone number. Could you email me these please. Hope you and Corinne enjoyed her birthday. Love penny xx
Hello Duhlink, and Madcap! What a delight to hear from you. Trust everyone is well. Here are our new address and phone numbers. Very much looking forward to your visit. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Sad and Lonely, (Hee Hee), Patrizzio! Pics: Chain-saw Blues! Lady Mary at YVR; birthday cake and Demon malt; Ted with their Danish Airbnb boarder; Whirlygig and I, this past Sunday evening, drowning my sorrows in Cora Lee's absence!
hi patrick,i hope this finds you well.how did the folk festival go? we saw several evening acts on friday night. very good. i seem to have lost the contribution site for your Penticton bike ride. can you send it again. you will have me on your answering machine about a lost bike shirt /top. it is no longer lost. sorry about that. thanks again for those days in penticton .we had a great time as we did at the Burrowing owl. hope you are enjoying the bachelor life. take care, matt. Hi Burrowing Owl Boy!!! Must apologize for not sending along a message sooner. I must admit that life has been so hectic since we last saw you that I've not had a moment to think! We certainly enjoyed your stay and pleased to learn that your stay at Burrowing Owl went well. I did receive your call but to tell the truth the message was so faint that I could barely hear your voice so I was going to send along a query via email.
Folk Fest was a blast. I only watched Frazey Ford on Main Stage, Friday night,then moved to Stage to hear tail end of Matuto and full set with Pokey LaFarge. I think group was even better than last time they were here, in spite of the fact that Pokey lost his voice after Friday's performance. However, there are so many other strong voices that their numbers were always extraordinary.
Click the "I am making this gift in honour of someone" button and fill in my name, (Patrick Dunn, 611 Burns Street, Penticton, BC, V2A 4X2), so that it is possible to track how much I am able to raise. Certainly appreciate your support so thanks.
Message is a bit disjointed as over the course of the late morning and early afternoon I was able to get an enormous amount of firewood. The crew bucked two large trees and using a heavy cart, (I had to pump up the tires to take the weight of the sections!), I muled it all to the sunny side of the house. Have stacked it there and am hoping Peter has a chain-saw that I can use to cut up some of the longer lengths. Will need to buy a heavy axe and a splitting maul but am very pleased with my haul. Must away as my endless list of chores seems to be growing rather than shrinking and I want to tidy the place up a bit. Bill and Denise Gross will come by for java tomorrow at 10:00 am to take a look at our new home. I'm invited to their place at Deep Roots for dinner in the evening so that should be fun! Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Sad and Lonely, (Hee Hee), Patrizzio!
¡Hola! - I hope your time down on the coast was good - I’m just checking in about the weekend - are you up for visitors? I see Corinne is in New York right now (lucky her). Let us know how things stand and we’ll go from there. Our schedule is rather loose (thank goodness) and we’re up for pretty much anything that you feel you can tolerate. Talk soon, -A.
Hi Flash! Must apologize for not sending along a message sooner. I must admit that life has been so hectic since we were in Vancouver! Yes, I am looking forward to seeing you four, mid-afternoon on Saturday, so trust you still plan to stay overnight.
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