Language is as real, as tangible, in our lives as streets, pipelines,
telephone switchboards, microwaves, radioactivity, cloning laboratories,
nuclear power stations. -Adrienne Rich, writer (1929-2012)
Met Robo Man on Point Grey Road, near MacDonald, at 9:00 am and we headed out to UBC, via Spanish Banks, making, eventually for Iona, via Marine. Was really a delight to have a chance to catch up on each others lives as we'd not seen one another since late May. Talking as we did, distance seemed to evaporate and before we knew it we were past the new Designer Mall, recently opened, I gather, off Grauer Road, very popular indeed if the busy, attractively designed children's playground and almost full parking lot are any indication of interest and spending. Bit of a fight against the strong headwind but enjoyed having it push us along on return leg.
Dear Patrick Great to see you in the Education Library! Please send me the link for your bike ride etc. Enjoy the folk festival and if you have a moment drop by. Cheers for now Jo-Anne
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