Thanks for article & previous film notes. I wanted to
tell you how much our Thanksgiving crew loved the two bottles you gave
me. The Petite Sirah won raves topped only by the Escuro. What a
bottle! I look forward to my next encounter with Coffaro.
Thanks again for the fine gift.--Rod
Hi Sir Rodney! Terrific that the Petite Sirah went so well at your Thanksgiving gathering. Delighted to hear so and will certainly pass along compliments to Pat and David. Unfortunately, for us, our Coffaro "stashes" languish in both Bellingham and Portland, (Gone is the bottled sunshine of Berkeley crawl spaces!), seven cases, (not all Coffaro), in toto! My fevered brain is desperately scheming, planning how to liberate some bottles for Christmas, dodging The Cruel Excise and Customs Taxman at the border!
Hi Sir Rodney! Terrific that the Petite Sirah went so well at your Thanksgiving gathering. Delighted to hear so and will certainly pass along compliments to Pat and David. Unfortunately, for us, our Coffaro "stashes" languish in both Bellingham and Portland, (Gone is the bottled sunshine of Berkeley crawl spaces!), seven cases, (not all Coffaro), in toto! My fevered brain is desperately scheming, planning how to liberate some bottles for Christmas, dodging The Cruel Excise and Customs Taxman at the border!
On the social, as opposed to guerrilla, front we seem to have a permanent seats on the merry-go-round of pre-Christmas happenings. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Here's what I heard from my friend David Harrison:
This article is even better than the Times in describing what we are up to---
On your friend's question, the pledge/calculate/donate website works just for the US. As we develop point of sale technology our schemes will work just as well in Canada. Plus at this point he could be a one person Boomerang project and do it on his own!
On your friend's question, the pledge/calculate/donate website works just for the US. As we develop point of sale technology our schemes will work just as well in Canada. Plus at this point he could be a one person Boomerang project and do it on his own!
We survived Thanksgiving here although I had to be carted off on a plank.
The Escuro was a hit! Cactus That bunny looks hot (and looped)!
Hello Walk the Plank Man and his long-suffering First Mate! Thanks for follow-up on Boomerang. I have forwarded both articles to Chloë so thanks again for the alert. Terrific that the Escuro went so well at your Thanksgiving gathering. (Petite Sirah topped the card with Sir Rodney of Salem's dinner, apparently!) Bestestos from Coramandel to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Poorer in Pocket but Richer in Spirit, Patrizzio!
Hi Plonked if not Planked Man! Bestestos from Corinne to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! I did in fact, cook two turkeys! But I was making some for extra meals for a neighbor battling breast cancer.
Hello Walk the Plank Man and his long-suffering First Mate! Thanks for follow-up on Boomerang. I have forwarded both articles to Chloë so thanks again for the alert. Terrific that the Escuro went so well at your Thanksgiving gathering. (Petite Sirah topped the card with Sir Rodney of Salem's dinner, apparently!) Bestestos from Coramandel to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Poorer in Pocket but Richer in Spirit, Patrizzio!
Hi Plonked if not Planked Man! Bestestos from Corinne to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! I did in fact, cook two turkeys! But I was making some for extra meals for a neighbor battling breast cancer.
Funny that Tris is the same sort of little boy I always imagined Chloe might have some day. He looks like your funny baby shot in the last pic...same impish look of mischief. Love to all
The boys are very pleased to be attending their grandparents open house this Christmas xo Will there be snowballs and shortbread with rainbow sprinkles? Who needs sugar plums.
Dear Tinsel Town: Due to the poor sales over Black Friday there will be no snowballs or shortbread cookies, let alone ones with rainbow sprinkles. Dad's Delight is all that will be offered on the Mean Streets of Granville Island. All the Best, Dreamin' of Sugar Plums!
Dear Tinsel Town: Due to the poor sales over Black Friday there will be no snowballs or shortbread cookies, let alone ones with rainbow sprinkles. Dad's Delight is all that will be offered on the Mean Streets of Granville Island. All the Best, Dreamin' of Sugar Plums!
Thanks for the heads up on Camel Valley but I think I will stick to the bargains at Sainsbury right now. I'm in my frugal cheap mode at the moment after estimating the coast of putting in a new kitchen and bathroom! and thanks for the invite but no we won't be coming to your open house in December unless your kindness extends to sending us a couple of British Airways tickets!
Goodness the two boys are huge. It must cost a fortune to feed them! I'm sure you have budgeted for an extra turkey at Christmas! Good to see your in laws looking so hail and hearty. Must be the good old prairie air. Hopefully one of these days we may get to meet them.
Am feeling much improved thank you although I did eventually have to go back to the doctors to get antibiotics since the chest infection just wasn't shifting. Beautiful day yesterday (at least in the morning) so Gayle and I went for a long walk. Started in Truro and walked up St Clements hill past the house I grew up in as a child. Then to Pencallenick along the river to St Clements and through the woods keeping the river to our left as we headed towards Malpas.
This area hasn't changed since I played and swam there as a child. All the land is owned by either Tregothan Estate (Lord Falmouth) or the Duchy of Cornwall and is protected from any sort of development. Sometimes the aristocracy have there place although I feel guilty saying so since if I lived in Cromwellian times I would have definitely been a Roundhead and not a Royalist! We sat on a bench halfway between St Clements and Malpas for a few minutes rest. It was so peaceful you could hear a pin drop. Just the faint cry of a curlew further up river and two white Herons wading at the rivers edge catching fish. We were then treated to a flock of Canada geese landing on the mirror like river and shattering the peace! Boy they are big birds. They obviously decided this was a good place to rest before continuing on their journey. We watched as they started splashing around in the water cleaning their wings for about 10 minutes then they settled down to rest. At this point Gayle and I continued on our walk to Malpas then on to Truro.
This area hasn't changed since I played and swam there as a child. All the land is owned by either Tregothan Estate (Lord Falmouth) or the Duchy of Cornwall and is protected from any sort of development. Sometimes the aristocracy have there place although I feel guilty saying so since if I lived in Cromwellian times I would have definitely been a Roundhead and not a Royalist! We sat on a bench halfway between St Clements and Malpas for a few minutes rest. It was so peaceful you could hear a pin drop. Just the faint cry of a curlew further up river and two white Herons wading at the rivers edge catching fish. We were then treated to a flock of Canada geese landing on the mirror like river and shattering the peace! Boy they are big birds. They obviously decided this was a good place to rest before continuing on their journey. We watched as they started splashing around in the water cleaning their wings for about 10 minutes then they settled down to rest. At this point Gayle and I continued on our walk to Malpas then on to Truro.
It's the Parade of Lanterns in Truro this evening. This is where all the schools in Cornwall make very large elaborate lanterns off animals and fictional characters which are lit from within and carried through the streets to the Cathedral to start the Christmas season. Usually quite fun.
Had to break off the email since Marnie arrived! Had a great weekend with them Tris is always great fun and keeps granny going! Weather was hit and miss. A couple of sunny days and the rest rather rainy. Still managed lots of walks on the beach with Whizzy who just loves the sea. Marnie caught up on a lot of University work while we occupied the little one.
She is now Manager of a Masters programme for graduate teachers at Winchester University so, although she rarely lectures anymore, her workload has increased significantly. On top of which she is still finishing off her Doctorate. I don't know where the energy comes from! We did manage to get out to a very nice Sicilian restaurant for pizza while they were down and Marnie had a weekend of not having to cook.
She is now Manager of a Masters programme for graduate teachers at Winchester University so, although she rarely lectures anymore, her workload has increased significantly. On top of which she is still finishing off her Doctorate. I don't know where the energy comes from! We did manage to get out to a very nice Sicilian restaurant for pizza while they were down and Marnie had a weekend of not having to cook.
News on the house selling front; the purchaser of Sydney House has pulled out of the sale! Very annoying since we had already spent 1,000 pounds on a survey and solicitor fees. However, we are not too disappointed since I wasn't exactly 100% on board with selling in the first place. We are going to leave it until the new year and decide whether to put the house back on the market or leave it. England is one on the worst places to buy and sell housing since no deposit is placed until contracts are exchanged. In the meantime surveys have to be done and solicitors have to make searches but the buyer or seller can pull out at any time without penalty. A crazy system!
Poor Krissy and Mark have been through a rough time lately with poor old Kokanee and Molson. Very hard loosing a loved pet particularly in those circumstances. Thankfully Molson is now making a good recovery. I think they could use a bit of good luck in their lives at the moment.
Well must be off. Dropping in to see Audrey and Brian for coffee on the way into town. Have a few things to see to before heading off to Southampton next week. Staying there until our cruise to Belgium then heading back to Cornwall for Christmas. Best wishes to everyone Derek
Hi Still Sydney House People! Fab snaps with Tris and Whizzy! Is Whistler a Nova Scotia Duck Toller? Looks like he might well be. Terrific that you are feeling better, Derek. Sometimes antibiotics are needed and obviously, in your case, they were. I trust you washed pills down with some Sainsbury's plonk since you are too, too frugal to buy Camel Valley!
Actually, it does cost a fortune to feed The Lost Burritos so I was wondering if you had any spare change! I understand, from Chloë, that you were the banker again, this time for vet's bills for poor Krissy and Mark! What a terrible, terrible occurrence. Cannot even imagine having to undergo such a traumatic experience. Anyway, perhaps lady Luck willl start to shine on them after everything they've, (and you and Gayle, by extension), have been through!
Sydney House mini-series has been extended for another season, I gather! As you say, perhaps it wil give you a bit more time to re-think what you truly wish to do and where the best place to relocate will be. We are facing a different set of problems ourselves, with respect to housing. Our building is about 32 years old so there are many, many issues the owners are now facing, in terms of upgrades to bring "things", (building envelope, windows, doors, elevator, electrical infrasturcture, and on and on and on), up to code or replace, etc. Probably looking at a number of reasonably hefty assessments, ($2,000), over next couple of years, and that is at a conservative estimate. Still, we are very happy here so I suppose that is the cost of living where we do. Perhaps we'll kick Chloë out of the Loft and let her worry and pay for Harbour Terrace! If only it was that easy!
Back on the elliptical at FCCC yesterday. Had a great workout for two hours an twenty minutes, (latter, 10 minute cool down period), and find that it is really helping my climbing when cycling. Put this to the test today. Gave my Trek a thorough cleaning, late this morning, and set of for SP around 12:30 pm.
First 100+km since I popped a spoke a few weeks ago! Same route as when I couldn't continue so pleased about besting the failed technology! Fierce, fierce wind, (33.8 kph), so strong waves were crashing over Seawall and in places flostsam and jetsam was washed onto the bike path, specifically on the section between the Aquatic Centre and the Inukshuk. Not strong enough to move Canada Geese or their leavings, unfortunately!
Don't think I've ever had to battle such a strong headwind and, I must admit, at times I considered heading for home. For much of the ride I could barely maintain an AVG of 18.5 km/hr, having to stand up to make any forward progress at all. Was actually wondering, from time to time, if some huge branch or entire uprooted tree might come crashing down on top of me so howling were the unrelenting blasts. Fortunately, nothing so dramatic or catastrophic occurred but I did wonder. In fact, I thought back to your wonderfully descriptive, evocative passage, sitting on the bench, listening to the "cry of a curlew" as Stanley Park was anything but quiet! If it wasn't the horrible diesel motors of the two hop-on-hop-off buses making the rounds of the park, it was the roar of both helicopters and float planes overhead.
I think the incredible west wind meant that the latter were taking off into it and flew directly over SP as opposed to the usual flight plan of making for Victoria over the LG. At any rate, the ride was one of the noisiest I've ever experienced. That being said, I didn't mind, in the least, the incredible soughing of the wind in the trees. At times it was so loud that I actually thought there were cars behind me but otherwise it was most acoustically satisfying!
Stats for ride:
Home by about 5:00 pm to have a mug of java. Cora lee arrived shortly thereafter. She's been doing her shift at The Bookmark downtown. She had arranged to have home-made pizza for dinner. Clarisse made two "regulares" and Coriandre did two smaller, gluten-free ones. Had a lovely meal with a bottle of Penfolds 2006 St Henri Shiraz, 14.5%, a present from Claire and Greg, friends form Brisbane. A pretty pricey drop. Haven't bought any for aeons but it was around $45 last time I looked and that had to be over ten years ago! (Google tells me that prices range from $70-$106 or so.)
came up about halfway through our meal and we visited with him as we
ate. Had nor really visited with him since they returned. Michele was having a nap so Coriandre went downstairs when he said she would be awake. Clara and Dusty and I continued to visit and they had me in stitches about their lives, growing up in Dauphin. Even more poignant as we'd visited the town with them this past August. Listening to a wonderful jazz program on CBC, (Tonic with Tim Tamashiro), as I scribe, sipping some Ricard Pastis. Coramandel is reading and slurping a Layer Cake 2011 Primativo, 13.5%, one of the bottles that Los Horridos muled up when they visited a week ago this past Monday. Must away soon as we have scads to do, on the morrow, to ready both the meal we are serving for dinner, (chicken cherry stew on jasmine rice), and the bridge table arrangement, before our volunteer stint. Bestestos
from Corinne to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good to hear from you and to get filled in about your comings and goings. I will have to be on the look out for those films. Imagine Wedgwood picking up on the Main Library!! You are honored indeed to have been allowed to use them!
Our grandson is picking up our social life since his arrival. What with Dana not having any space to entertain at her rental place, friends of ours and hers come here to bring gifts and see him and his Mom. We have company between Xmas and New Year's Day, a luncheon tomorrow and a dinner next week so social events to celebrate are still in the offing. He doesn't want for much!
Hi Still Sydney House People! Fab snaps with Tris and Whizzy! Is Whistler a Nova Scotia Duck Toller? Looks like he might well be. Terrific that you are feeling better, Derek. Sometimes antibiotics are needed and obviously, in your case, they were. I trust you washed pills down with some Sainsbury's plonk since you are too, too frugal to buy Camel Valley!
Actually, it does cost a fortune to feed The Lost Burritos so I was wondering if you had any spare change! I understand, from Chloë, that you were the banker again, this time for vet's bills for poor Krissy and Mark! What a terrible, terrible occurrence. Cannot even imagine having to undergo such a traumatic experience. Anyway, perhaps lady Luck willl start to shine on them after everything they've, (and you and Gayle, by extension), have been through!
Sydney House mini-series has been extended for another season, I gather! As you say, perhaps it wil give you a bit more time to re-think what you truly wish to do and where the best place to relocate will be. We are facing a different set of problems ourselves, with respect to housing. Our building is about 32 years old so there are many, many issues the owners are now facing, in terms of upgrades to bring "things", (building envelope, windows, doors, elevator, electrical infrasturcture, and on and on and on), up to code or replace, etc. Probably looking at a number of reasonably hefty assessments, ($2,000), over next couple of years, and that is at a conservative estimate. Still, we are very happy here so I suppose that is the cost of living where we do. Perhaps we'll kick Chloë out of the Loft and let her worry and pay for Harbour Terrace! If only it was that easy!
Back on the elliptical at FCCC yesterday. Had a great workout for two hours an twenty minutes, (latter, 10 minute cool down period), and find that it is really helping my climbing when cycling. Put this to the test today. Gave my Trek a thorough cleaning, late this morning, and set of for SP around 12:30 pm.
First 100+km since I popped a spoke a few weeks ago! Same route as when I couldn't continue so pleased about besting the failed technology! Fierce, fierce wind, (33.8 kph), so strong waves were crashing over Seawall and in places flostsam and jetsam was washed onto the bike path, specifically on the section between the Aquatic Centre and the Inukshuk. Not strong enough to move Canada Geese or their leavings, unfortunately!
Don't think I've ever had to battle such a strong headwind and, I must admit, at times I considered heading for home. For much of the ride I could barely maintain an AVG of 18.5 km/hr, having to stand up to make any forward progress at all. Was actually wondering, from time to time, if some huge branch or entire uprooted tree might come crashing down on top of me so howling were the unrelenting blasts. Fortunately, nothing so dramatic or catastrophic occurred but I did wonder. In fact, I thought back to your wonderfully descriptive, evocative passage, sitting on the bench, listening to the "cry of a curlew" as Stanley Park was anything but quiet! If it wasn't the horrible diesel motors of the two hop-on-hop-off buses making the rounds of the park, it was the roar of both helicopters and float planes overhead.
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Gaia |
Stats for ride:
Home by about 5:00 pm to have a mug of java. Cora lee arrived shortly thereafter. She's been doing her shift at The Bookmark downtown. She had arranged to have home-made pizza for dinner. Clarisse made two "regulares" and Coriandre did two smaller, gluten-free ones. Had a lovely meal with a bottle of Penfolds 2006 St Henri Shiraz, 14.5%, a present from Claire and Greg, friends form Brisbane. A pretty pricey drop. Haven't bought any for aeons but it was around $45 last time I looked and that had to be over ten years ago! (Google tells me that prices range from $70-$106 or so.)
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Leader, Saskatchewan |
Good to hear from you and to get filled in about your comings and goings. I will have to be on the look out for those films. Imagine Wedgwood picking up on the Main Library!! You are honored indeed to have been allowed to use them!
Our grandson is picking up our social life since his arrival. What with Dana not having any space to entertain at her rental place, friends of ours and hers come here to bring gifts and see him and his Mom. We have company between Xmas and New Year's Day, a luncheon tomorrow and a dinner next week so social events to celebrate are still in the offing. He doesn't want for much!
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Kian |
Hi Patrick, Got your phone message also.
We will be happy to show up at 6:30pm tomorrow. To me this means there
may be less of an opportunity to have you as my partner, which is always
a good thing for the sake of my sanity! Charlie Hello CC! Just for the record, your name isn't Champagne Charlie, it's Crazy Carlos! Cheers, Desperately Seeking a Loco Bidder!
Hi all Getting caught up. Responding to e-mails. Adding our official thanks for the absolutely delicious meal we enjoyed while playing bridge. Great menu planning Elaine and Ted and amazing sous-chefs.
From the picture of Bill and me perusing a bridge hand I think Bill may become nearly as excited as me about the game. Not!! We shall see...Colin, do you think you and I could get Bill and Viola to play with us. We'd be their teachers and encouragers!
Thanks again for planning such a great evening Elaine and Ted. So good to get together with friends to enjoy good food, wine, conversation and bridge...and thanks for the great photos Patrick. They will help us remember the great time we had! Marion
Hi Marion et al! I think you are on the right track. The more players the better! Don't think I sent the attached along earlier. If so, I apologize. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Rent has been transferred ❤️❤️
Hi Chloë! See you domani at Tree Lot! Love, Dad!
Hi Blazing Forward Boring Nana! Fab snaps of Kian. He must have inherited his Grandmother's good looks! For our part, we have more "adult" pastimes! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sunshiners! Thanks for the call, Big Al. We need to win the Lottery. Life is too, too busy not to be independently wealthy! Neverthelss, trust life goes well near The Hope Slide! Bestestos from Corinne to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
From The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power by Daniel Yergin. In the immediate aftermath of World War I, Britain carved the new country of Iraq out of the defeated Ottoman (Turkish) Empire to protect its access to newly discovered oil fields and its imperial possessions in Asia. The new country is an illogical aggregation of factions -- Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds among them -- that are so hostile to each other it almost immediately led Britain to bomb some of its villages. The British recruited an out-of-work king to preside over the ill-fated land:
Hi all Getting caught up. Responding to e-mails. Adding our official thanks for the absolutely delicious meal we enjoyed while playing bridge. Great menu planning Elaine and Ted and amazing sous-chefs.
From the picture of Bill and me perusing a bridge hand I think Bill may become nearly as excited as me about the game. Not!! We shall see...Colin, do you think you and I could get Bill and Viola to play with us. We'd be their teachers and encouragers!
Thanks again for planning such a great evening Elaine and Ted. So good to get together with friends to enjoy good food, wine, conversation and bridge...and thanks for the great photos Patrick. They will help us remember the great time we had! Marion
Hi Marion et al! I think you are on the right track. The more players the better! Don't think I sent the attached along earlier. If so, I apologize. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Rent has been transferred ❤️❤️
Hi Chloë! See you domani at Tree Lot! Love, Dad!
Hi Blazing Forward Boring Nana! Fab snaps of Kian. He must have inherited his Grandmother's good looks! For our part, we have more "adult" pastimes! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sunshiners! Thanks for the call, Big Al. We need to win the Lottery. Life is too, too busy not to be independently wealthy! Neverthelss, trust life goes well near The Hope Slide! Bestestos from Corinne to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
From The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power by Daniel Yergin. In the immediate aftermath of World War I, Britain carved the new country of Iraq out of the defeated Ottoman (Turkish) Empire to protect its access to newly discovered oil fields and its imperial possessions in Asia. The new country is an illogical aggregation of factions -- Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds among them -- that are so hostile to each other it almost immediately led Britain to bomb some of its villages. The British recruited an out-of-work king to preside over the ill-fated land:
"During the war, London had
encouraged Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca, to take the lead in raising an
Arab revolt against Turkey. This he did, beginning in 1916, aided by a
few Englishmen, of whom the most famous was
T.E. Lawrence -- Lawrence of Arabia. In exchange, Hussein and his sons
were to be installed as the rulers of the various, predominantly Arab,
constituents of the Turkish empire. Faisal, third son of Hussein, was
generally considered the most able..."But
his career as a king was not yet over. The British needed a monarch for
Iraq, another new state, this one to be formed out of three former
provinces of the Turkish empire. Political stability in the area was
not only by the prospect for oil, but also for defense of the Persian
Gulf and for the new imperial air route from Britain to India, Singapore
and Australia.
![]() |
Coronation of Prince Faisal as King of Iraq |
The British did not want to rule the region directly;
that would cost too much. Rather what [Winston]
Churchill, then head of the Colonial Office, wanted was an Arab
government, with a constitutional monarch, that would be 'supported' by
Britain under the League of Nations mandate. It would be cheaper. So
Churchill chose the out-of-work Faisal as his candidate.
Summoned from exile he was crowned King of Iraq in Baghdad in August
1921. ...
"Faisal's task was enormous;
he had not inherited a well-defined nation, but rather a collection of
diverse groups -- Shia Arabs and Sunni Arabs, Jews and Kurds and Yazidis
-- a territory with a few important cities,
most of the countryside under the control of local sheikhs, and with
little common political or cultural history, but with a rising Arab
nationalism. The minority Sunni Arabs held political power, while the
Shia Arabs were by far the most numerous. To complicate
things further, the Jews were the largest single group among inhabitants
of Baghdad, followed by Arabs and Turks."
The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power, Daniel Yergin, Free Press, 2008
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