The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is. -Nadine Gordimer, novelist, Nobel laureate (1923-2014)
While staying in Berkeley took the BART into SF, with our bikes, and then rode over the Golden Gate, through Sausalito and then to Tiburon where we caught a ferry back to Fisherman's Wharf. Glorious day so it was a wonderful experience. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Taken on ride over GG.
Hi O Susannah and Champagne Charlie! Trust you are both well. Just back from a bit of whirlwind trip to California with two friends, biking and wine-tasting! One of them was squash friend, Matt Garrey, originally from Glasgow, so I'm going to send him great joke about bagpipes! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Biker Bob! You folks up for bridge before the holidays with Dusty and partner? At our house with appies/dinner fare? Next week or the following? Charlie
Hi Champagne Charlie and Sweet O Susannah! Thanks for the bridge invitation BUT we think it is our turn to host so we propose a week this weekend, either Saturday the 29th or Sunday the 30th. We could start around 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm so that it wouldn't be too, too late and we might even get in more than two tables! Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Bad Boy Biker Bob!
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UK army personnel, Nov 28, 1939
Photo: Lt. Keating G.
noun: A period of war marked by little or no active hostilities.
Modeled after German
blitzkrieg, from sitzen (to sit) + Krieg (war). Earliest documented use: 1940.
In September, 1939, France and Britain declared
war on Germany, but didn't launch a major ground offensive until the
next year. This phase, from September 1939 to May 1940, came to be known as
sitzkrieg or the sitting war. It has also been
called by other names, such as the Phoney War, the Twilight War, and
the Bore War (a pun on Boer Wars). Hi Lads! Finally managing to catch up on some neglected messages so have been digging up some of the snaps from trip. Thought you might like to reminded of sunnier climes now that rain has returned! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Dinner with Pat and David! As well, have included the following, purloined from the travel newsletter the Pitchforks send out:
There was a young Scottish boy called Angus who decided to try life in Vancouver. He found an apartment in a small block and settled in. After a week or two, his mother called from Glasgow to see how her son was doing in his new life.
'I'm fine, ' Angus said. 'But there are some really strange people living in these apartments. One woman cried all day long, another lies on her floor moaning, and there is a guy next door to me who bangs his head on the wall all the time.'
'Well, ma laddie,' says his mother, 'I suggest you don't associate with people like that.'
'Oh,' says Angus, 'I don't, Mam, I don't. No, I just stay inside my apartment all day and night, playing my bagpipes.'
great pics and joke in poor taste regarding homesick angus.what happened in berkeley? matt
Hi Angus! Don't know the exact date of the accident but according to David he crashed their Honda. I think he was listening to Kenneth McKellar singing Scotland the Brave! Or else the bagpipes. Probably the latter. He thought a quick death was a viable alternative! Cheers, Patrizzio!
sorry to here of this but thank you for this. i will ignore the latter part of your
e-mail; kenneth
Hi David! Trust you are well and that the cruise was more than enjoyable. Look forward to hearing more about Billie when next we meet. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner with some of the necessary accoutrements of a great chef!
Yes, I didn't finish the stories about Billie...........Great pictures below, fond memories. The food and wine on the cruise was great. I only opened up one of our wines in our suite otherwise drank some nice wines at all the restaurants aboard. It has been raining here also..............Dave
Hi Patrizzia! Trust you are well and that you had a grand time on the cruise. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Trust you are both well. Have been meaning to send these links along for ages! Kathryn, Volunteer Coordinator at VWF, had given them to me on the chance we might have been able to take a look when in Berkeley:
"When you are in Bezerkeley, be sure to ride/walk by the corner of La Loma and ?.... The actual address is 1471 La Loma. To
see the garage Bernard Maybeck built in the 1920s, and which was
converted into a home for his son’s family. And which we stayed in the
summer of 2013
for 10 days (Air B&B).
The Matthewson house, in one of the photos, is the one our home is modeled on. One of my library pals once rented it, so we have actually been through it. Ours is much airier, partly because of the different relationship to the outdoors, etc. we fancy at the end of the 20th century. Interior of 1915 home is painted green, making it seem much darker than ours.
I crashed our Honda on Highway 80; drowsy in the mid-afternoon sun. We could have been killed (don't know why we were not) could have hit another car (can't explain why we didn't) but aside from a sprained thumb (me) and a very slightly stiff neck (Nancy) we are intact and fine. So thanks for those prayers, they helped! Cactus
Hello Lucky Stars People! What terrible/wonderful news! Terrible that the accident could have been far, far worse, as I need not tell you, of course but wonderful that you only sustained minor injuries! I trust Donna Florida's stiff neck isn't a symptom of something more sinister as "whiplash" can be nasty and lingering. I hope you can still pull a cork, in spite of sprained thumb, Vincenzo! Another good reason for Stelvin, (aka screw tops), enclosures! Perhaps Nancy should start riding. For all its own risks, perhaps safer than being chauffeured by Sherpa Davey! All Cora Lee's praying at Heartwood is obviously doing something! Please take care of one another, if not for your sakes, then for ours! Fondestos, The Truly Selfish Canadians!
Hi again, Cruise People! Pleased that you were able to enjoy some decent wines aboard. On a far more disturbing note, this just in from Berkeley, from David, aka Cactus. Not sure of exact date of accident. Quite a shock! Nothing is guaranteed!
Patrick, thanks for the update....was just thinking about all of you and hoping that you reached home safe and sound after your adventures in California, etc. I've also been remiss in wanting to write to Corinne and Chloe to thank them for the very nice gifts. Please tell Chloe (when you see her again) that I am truly enjoying the delicious chocolates - and even though I did not have the opportunity for a luxurious bath on the cruise, please let Corinne know that I am going to indulge here at home with the decadent bath salts soon!
The cruise itself was pretty wonderful! We had a such excellent service, great food, good wine, lots of other "hootch" and just about anything else you could want. Dave had some issues with having to get "dressed up" (long pants) to go out for dinner on the ship - which was required after 6:00 p.m. So we ended up having room service in our suite a couple of nights - and that was quite an experience too. Our "butler" served us a 4-course meal - course by course. So he kept popping in and out of our cabin for a couple of hours. We were able to read, watch tv, or drink in between courses - quite relaxing in a casual atmosphere! We just had to be sure that we remained fully clothed, as we were never quite sure when the butler was returning with the next course :-)!
The Los Horridos and certainly BIG fellows! Those are Ayn's two sons, correct? They make Corinne look like a dwarf. Do you have beds large enough to accommodate them? Will they all stay with you when they return for Christmas, or will some of them be able to stay with Chloe? Dusty and Clara will be there at the annexe then, too, I assume.
We're getting ready for our Thanksgiving here - which will be next week. Susie is flying down from Seattle, Kate will be back from her vacation (she went to Thailand and Cambodia with her boyfriend and is just in fact returning tomorrow) and the four of us will get together at Dave's mother's place in Millbrae, where Dave's sister and her family (3 daughters and some of their kids) will all meet up for the holiday. It sounds like a large group - but probably only about 12-14 people, depending upon who from Dave's sister's family will end up being able to attend. Then on to the Christmas season! Fond regards until next time, Pat
PS Did you buy that new bicycle apparatus? PPS Got your addendum about your Berkeley friends' accident - they were certainly lucky to have escaped with only minor injuries - thankfully!
Hi Alma! Trust things are going well with raising funds for Cuffed! I'll be "pushing" festival with friends and family. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello pdunn14,
Congratulations! You brought the
'Cuffed - Vancouver Crime Fiction Festival' team one step further to making their campaign happen! Here are the details of your contribution. Perk: The Crime Scene
Hello Lads: This from Alma Lee. She founded VWF. Please help if interested. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick: Did you get this
link? If not, here is the link about CUFFED, the crime fiction festival I
am trying to get started. Our Indiegogo campaign has almost reached
$10,000 - help us get there! Alma Lee Alma Lee CM, D.Litt (Hon) Producer
Thanks for your note Patrick. We have only five more days to go on our Indiegogo campaign so I am sending out nudges to some of my friends who said they would contribute, but have not yet! I just came back from Toronto attending a book fair. There was a good and big buzz about the festival. Publishers are keen and writers even more so. I am amazed at how many Canadian crime writers have surfaced in the past few years. Lonnie is the aficiando. I read the genre, but wouldn't say I was 'up on it'. I did come back with some money so that made the trip worth it. Alma
Hi again, Alma! Glad to hear that Toronto Book Fair was worth your while. I've sent out your notice to my Book Club and have asked Corinne to do the same for her group. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry if this seems cheeky, but did you encourage them to contribute to our Indiegogo campaign?! Only five more days to go. Alma
Hi Alma: I encouraged them, and forcefully so! Nevertheless, cannot say what the outcome will be. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Up fairly early, 6:15 am, to digitate with a steaming mug of java at my side. Loads to do until just after 9:00 am when I headed out to Go Green to return my accumulated recyclables. Back to The Islay Inn to mount my trusty Brodie to ride to Kits Library to collect The Islands of Crimea, next selezzione for NRBC.
Left my White Brodie at Reckless to have brake pads replaced. Errando ride stats: 12.40 km. Then to FCCC to use elliptical for 2 hours and 20 minutes, 1,700 calorifics/6.4 miles so pleased with workout. Think this form of exercise is really holding me in good stead as I didn't suffer even the hint or twinge of a cramp after yesterday's 107 km ride.
Back home to have a mug more of java and then rode my Green Brodie to Reckless to have back wheel looked at. When Brisbanites were here we rode through GI and on the planking leading onto island itself, my rear wheel slipped between the planks and I was suddenly arrested! Long and the short of it is that the wheel is now out of true so I wanted to have it looked at. Left it there and rode my now fully refurbished steed home to further digitate until 6:30 pm when I went to The Annexe. Rosita had invited me to dinner, a fabulicious stir fry. I took over a bottle of the Paul Mas 2011 Cabernet de Cabernet, 50% Cabbage, 50% Cabernet Franc, 14%, $12.90 as a WOW special at Marquis. Coriandre picked up four bottles, (two fro Rosita), this afternoon to see what it tastes like. Everyone was quite taken so think we'll pick up a case or two to have for Christmas parties and such.
Cora Lee was at a Friends of VPL meeting until 7:30 pm so she arrived as we were eating dessert, a wonderful pear pie. Thanking Clarissse for the delish meal, we returned to our place to watch the first episode of the last season of Breaking Bad. Wanted to watch more but CL was too, too sleepy so off to bed to read!
Morning, Just saw that at 10 am this Saturday the fire inspector is coming to each suite to look at the fire extinguisher and alarm. So not sure if it's possible for someone to be at my place??? Sorry I think we missed the last one so.......Chloe xx Your dad should be able to go over. Mom Hi Toronto Bound Person! I'll go over. Just leave plenty of beer in the fridge! Love and Cheers, Non-Secretary/Non-Emergency Tree Lot Contact Dad!
have at whatever you fined!! if you have time reycling is a mess :) feel free to clean/take xx "Fined" is what you will be if you continue to park where you ought not to abandon your non-car. "Find" is what you will discover at the bottom of your Christmas stocking: a lump of coal! thank goodness you have the time to correct me while I am still slaving away at work!! If you could spell correctly you wouldn't have to work as long or as hard! You could be my assistant with all the time you have. I am your de facto assistant and I don't have nearly enough time!
Patrick/Glasgow Sorry for the delay. I'm attaching the ever-growing anthology of Malcolm Miller's poems. There are a lot, I know--and I've only covered a handful of his 58 self-published books. There will be culling. I'd appreciate your letting me know whether some stood out especially.
Yesterday, at long last, his ashes were taken to the cemetery. I'm also attaching some photos of the event. A group of us recited his poems. Because he'd served in the Navy, an honor guard played taps on a bugle and passed a flag to the one relative, the poet's niece. Afterwards, some of us went out for coffee and sandwiches.
(Patrick--thanks again for the two bottles. I've put them aside for now but am anticipating their pleasures.) -Rod Patrick: I've evidently got the wrong email address for Glasgow. Can you send me the right one? Thanks, Rod
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