Wanting to meet an author because you like his work is like wanting to
meet a duck because you like paté. -Margaret Atwood, novelist and poet
(b. 1939)
Hi Paul and Diane! How wonderful to reconnect! Great to see you both. Needless to say, Clara and Dusty, not to mention Cora Lee and I, were absolutely delighted to have the visit, brief though it was. We certainly enjoyed the Christmas Market so congratulations on another terrific event. Cannot even imagine how pleased you both are that this year's Market is over!
At any rate, we do hope we can see you at some time in the not too, too distant future. At the moment, Pierre and Alexander are here with us. The Horrido Brothers came for the night yesterday, up from Everett where they flew to celebrate their Dad's birthday, (50th), this past weekend. They return to LA on Wednesday. They'll be back for Christmas, with Ayn, so will have a longer visit then. We are planning to have an Open House over the course of their visit so we hope you might be abe to drop by to say hello to everyone. Date is not set, (Had been December 22nd or 23rd but there are now some complications regarding seeing Melvin in Everett, in terms of timing, etc.) Will let you know when these arrangements have been made.
Must away as Dusty is making pancakes and Clara is fussing that I have to clear the table! Fondestos from all the Durstons. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: CCCM and The Lost Burritos with The Incredible Shrinking Nana!
Thanks for sharing all the great pics. Looks like you had a great visit. Ayn
Hello friends, This is just to say that Jane and I will be coming to North Vancouver the day after tomorrow, i.e. Thursday 20, staying for about a week. The main purpose is to empty the flat at Illahee (there is not much left) and take the furniture, minus a bed, over to the island.
The other reason, just as important, is we want to see our friends. Not necessarily the two of us together all the time. Jane has some fiends that are exclusively hers, and I myself wouldn't find it pointless to see some of you on my own.
My already booked evenings are Sunday 23 (dinner), and Wednesday 26 (concert). Otherwise I'm open for suggestions. BUT PLEASE don't feel pressured to see me/us!!! This is just for your information. I/we also vaguely plan to be back in The Big Stink for New Year and until I leave for Sweden on January 7. Needless to say, when we have got the beach cabin furnished by the beginning of December you will all be welcome to come and visit (bearing in mind it is a small cabin of 850 sqft), not all at once! All the best, Kjell
Hello Country Bumpkins! Looking forward to seeing you both on Sunday. We seem to have a full dance card until then but were wondering if perhaps we could arrange for a lunch sometime next week, depending on your busy moving schedules. We can chat about this at dinner unless you already know of a time that might work.
We are planning to have an Open House over the course of the Tinsel Towner's visit so we hope you might be able to drop by to say hello to everyone. However, from Kjell's message, I gather you may well be at the beach cabin for Christmas. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night before dinner, with a Bourbon vs Malt tasting!
Hello Cornwall! Trust you are feeling better Derek. Just had a "personal" message from Bob Lindo at Camel Valley saying that "Having enjoyed such a wonderful season and harvest, we would like to share our jubilance with you by offering you an increased discount of 10% when you beat the Christmas rush and buy 6 bottles of any Camel Valley wine before November 23rd!" Wouldn't want you to go dry at Christmas!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patriçio, FYI, I have my heart problem under control. Now I am available to accompany you to California anytime.
Hi Ragin'! Sorry to learn that your heart was acting up again. I didn't know about this latest episode but glad you have things under control. Give us a shout and perhaps we can stitch together a bridge game. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Corinne and Patrick, It will be great to see you on Sunday! Would you like to bring some appetizers? Cheers, Brenda
Hi Brenda: We'd be pleased to bring some appetizers. How many people are you expecting? I believe gathering is to start around 6:30 pm. Is that correct. As well, could you remind me of your street address. I think I could find your house but just in case! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi TNT! Trust you are both well. Must apologize for not being in touch sooner. Again, my standard rationalization: No excuses but plenty of reasons! Your album is fabulous! Congratulations on such a wonderful record! I'll ak eit with me as a guide boook if I ever return!!!
More recently, Los Horridos arrived, for the night, yesterday afternoon. Had a great meal together with Clarisse and Crusty. Chloë came over after work so it was loads of fun. After Rosita and Dusty went back to The Annexe we played Scattergories for an hour or so. Alejandro beat me by one point, the rotter! Chloë is off to Toronto for a workshop for non-profit organizations this Friday so she had to take off around 10:00 pm as she has scads to do before then. She is right in the middle of organizing volunteers for Aunt Leah's Christmas Tree, (their major fund-raising initiative), Lots so busy as hell, as you can well imagine!
Nevertheless, she and Cora Lee and Clara are off to Hycroft for the Annual Christmas Fair, (a Vancouver tradition), tomorrow evening. Lovely Shaughnessy mansion where VWF holds their Dram Come True in June. Only night she has free before leaving for Toronto. Last Friday C/D, CL and I had a wonderful time at the 41st Circle Craft Christmas Market at the Convention Centre. Xmas shopping time of the year! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, already in bed, curled up with a book! Cheers,Patrizzio!
Hello Brisbane, Granville Island Calling!Glad to hear that you are back in the saddle again! Must apologize for not being in touch sooner. Again, my standard rationalization: No excuses but plenty of reasons! Your package has not yet arrived but I'm sure it will. Indeed, very kind of you and if it is delivered before Christmas we'll put it under the tree! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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