A brother is a friend given by nature. -Gabriel Legouve, writer (1807-1903)
Dear Gayle and Derek! Must apologize for not being in touch sooner. Again, my standard rationalization: No excuses but plenty of reasons! Absolutely delighted by Marnie's Lion King so thanks for sending snap along, Gayle. My past effort have been even more laughable than your "rubbish" Gayle so you should feel good on that account! Great good fun, I'm sure, in spite of pathetic results, at least on my part. Ayn sent one of a VW pumpkin which was simply delightful.
[Chloe Alexis Dunn Beach time on Bowen...sitting on a log and lovin it!!]
Found the Remembrance Day British Newspaper Article about Canada quite moving so thanks for that as well. I had hoped to see a number of screenings this past Sunday but just couldn't squeeze everything in:
In this special Remembrance program, we are pleased to show two short documentary films by the Academy Award-winning Vancouver-based filmmaker Jonathan Kitzen.
Last year Jonathan won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short with The Lady in Number Six: Music Saved My Life (which he produced), a portrait of 109-year-old pianist and Holocaust survivor Alice Herz Sommer, who studied with Artur Schnabel and who knew Franz Kafka as a child. Jonathan will also be presenting his new film Soldiers' Stories, in 3D.
100 years ago the greatest battle the earth has ever seen began in the Somme region of France. More British and Canadian soldiers would die in this one single battle than in all of World War II, yet it is a relatively unknown event today. Soldiers' Stories brings a "grunt eye view" of battle to life using original, never before seen 3D stereoscopic images from the time. Painstakingly remastered for 15/70 mm film format these powerful and haunting images are brought to the screen for the first time ever. The Soldiers' Story is a universal and timeless story. In the film the realities of war are retold by modern combat veterans who relay their own stories of today in order to speak for the veterans of the past.
Back in time, had a good chat with Krissy on October 18th when she and Mark attended the Trivia Night Chloe had organized as an Aunt Leah's fund raiser. Learned about your change of plans as far as where you intended to move. Had hoped to be in touch shortly thereafter but then the VWF was on and it was attending sessions and volunteering all the following week, basically from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
On Monday, October 27th, day after Festival was over, I left for California , with two friends, Whirlygig and Glasgow. Had a marvellous time. We took along our bikes and when not riding consoled ourselves with wine-tasting! Back home on Friday, November 7th, after staying in Portland, with friends, Marilyn and Mike, in Portland on Thursday night. No rest for the wicked as Big Al and I attended a malt tasting at Fell Armoury in North Van Saturday evening.
P, thanks for the invite. We will come by Wednesday evening after 8PM if that still works for you? Will respond more fully later. Internet is intermittent. W
Hello Intermittent Republicans of Galiano! Just a quick edit: your connectivity may well be intermittent but the Webnet, (as Greg, from Brisbane, would have it), is a constant in our lives, I might well remind you, Good Sir! Nonetheless, I trust you are both well and we will be delighted to receive you, after 8:00 pm, on Wednesday eve. I gather you will be eating sustainables elsewhere, earlier, so will only be wanting porch climber! Talk soon. Greetings and Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Snapolas: Bruce Cockburn event.
Hello Sunshine Valley People! Great that we could have a visit/meal, brief though it was. Glad you enjoyed nosh. Thanks again, Big Al, for tasting! Great good fun. Talk soon. Greetings and Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Intermittent Republicans of Galiano! Just a quick edit: your connectivity may well be intermittent but the Webnet, (as Greg, from Brisbane, would have it), is a constant in our lives, I might well remind you, Good Sir! Nonetheless, I trust you are both well and we will be delighted to receive you, after 8:00 pm, on Wednesday eve. I gather you will be eating sustainables elsewhere, earlier, so will only be wanting porch climber! Talk soon. Greetings and Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Snapolas: Bruce Cockburn event.
Hello Sunshine Valley People! Great that we could have a visit/meal, brief though it was. Glad you enjoyed nosh. Thanks again, Big Al, for tasting! Great good fun. Talk soon. Greetings and Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Kids! Just wanted to send along some of the snaps from Saturday, as well as ones from last night's event. Cheers, Trizzio! Oops, almost forgot Big Al's sculpture! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Glasgow! Thanks for joining me last even. I enjoyed it thoroughly. You may well have seen, I've sent along some thank you cards. I don't have Barbara Smith's actual street address but if you plan to send something to Nancy and David I'm sure David would drop it off. Addresses: Cheers, Patrizzio!
hi patrick, thankyou for last night. just a reminder for the addresses; matt
what do you mean you did not know the red tartan.thats my tartan-The Royal Stewart.who is the guy on the right in first pic. looks familiar. from matt
thanks for sending that card.very nice.matt
Hi Glasgow: Sorry, I didn't get the names of many people attending so I can't help on that score. With respect to kilt colours, I had never seen the ones in the second pic, the ones with orange in them. Do you know the name of those tartans?
This is message I had back from Cactus:
Thank you for being such extraordinary guests (both of you). Not often do I end up with more wine than I started. Although we feel deprived not to have had your company more during the hours at home. Next time we'll have less congestion I hope.
Just had an Armistice Day swim and am enjoying an Armistice Day wheat ale after which I'll have an Armistice Day avocado lunch. I plan to celebrate by walking this afternoon with nurses striking at Kaiser Hospital. Best to Corinne and the rest of the crew (although I think Chloe is off on an island....) Cactus
I think he forgot the Armistice Malt! And this just in from Barbara: There is no need to thank me. I just threw out the flowers this a.m. They were beautiful and lasted this long. You can come and stay any time you wish - with men friends or women friends and/or either!!!!! Barbara
I plan to tell her we will be back in January/February with six couples: Glasgow/Catherine; Mick/Pollyana, Sylvia/Robo Man, Me Jane/Whirlygig, Flamin'/Sarge and Cora Lee and I! She may well have to rethink her offer or at least evict Raoul! Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Snappage: Berkeley and Plymouth, Shenandoah Inn, sans bagged lunches but with bagged wine-tasters! Sigh!!!
Hi Vincenso! Thanks for your kind words. I shared your message with Glasgow.
Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Glasgow! Thanks for joining me last even. I enjoyed it thoroughly. You may well have seen, I've sent along some thank you cards. I don't have Barbara Smith's actual street address but if you plan to send something to Nancy and David I'm sure David would drop it off. Addresses: Cheers, Patrizzio!
hi patrick, thankyou for last night. just a reminder for the addresses; matt
what do you mean you did not know the red tartan.thats my tartan-The Royal Stewart.who is the guy on the right in first pic. looks familiar. from matt
thanks for sending that card.very nice.matt
Hi Glasgow: Sorry, I didn't get the names of many people attending so I can't help on that score. With respect to kilt colours, I had never seen the ones in the second pic, the ones with orange in them. Do you know the name of those tartans?
This is message I had back from Cactus:
Thank you for being such extraordinary guests (both of you). Not often do I end up with more wine than I started. Although we feel deprived not to have had your company more during the hours at home. Next time we'll have less congestion I hope.
Just had an Armistice Day swim and am enjoying an Armistice Day wheat ale after which I'll have an Armistice Day avocado lunch. I plan to celebrate by walking this afternoon with nurses striking at Kaiser Hospital. Best to Corinne and the rest of the crew (although I think Chloe is off on an island....) Cactus
I think he forgot the Armistice Malt! And this just in from Barbara: There is no need to thank me. I just threw out the flowers this a.m. They were beautiful and lasted this long. You can come and stay any time you wish - with men friends or women friends and/or either!!!!! Barbara
I plan to tell her we will be back in January/February with six couples: Glasgow/Catherine; Mick/Pollyana, Sylvia/Robo Man, Me Jane/Whirlygig, Flamin'/Sarge and Cora Lee and I! She may well have to rethink her offer or at least evict Raoul! Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Snappage: Berkeley and Plymouth, Shenandoah Inn, sans bagged lunches but with bagged wine-tasters! Sigh!!!
Hi Vincenso! Thanks for your kind words. I shared your message with Glasgow.
Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Barbara! Glad the flowers lasted so long. I've already told Matt. He's the flower expert in the peloton! Thanks for your kind words but I you may well come to regret them as we will be back in January/February with six couples! Just kidding, of course, but Coriandre and I do hope to stop by en route to Palm Springs. Perhaps we can, together with Donna Florida and Vinnie the Baker, all have a drink together. Until then, best wishes to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Snappage: Where have all the flowers gone?
Very blustery, cool Fall day but bright and sunny so I took my Brodie out for a spin to UBC, via Spanish Banks. Glad that I did as it was a glorious, invigorating ride. Usual Crown Loop and then back through campus to hit Chancellor and then home. Stats for ride: 51.20 km over about 2.45 hours. Odometre for this bike doesn't give many detailed stats but since I was out, more or less, to enjoy the day, wasn't worried about precise AVG.

Jack taking the easy way to The Ruddy Potato!!
- Patrick James Dunn Movember Man has all the Babes!
Michele Darrow-Sutherland Wow ! I didn't know you had that awesome!! I think he gave me a medal one time but I lost it so glad you were able to preserve it !!

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