You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. -Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India (1917-1984)
Hi Patrick, We are back into riding mode over here up at 0530 to ride otherwise it’s just too hot to survive. We only do about 20k in the morning so we don’t cook or get killed by commuters off to work. Claire and I are back into retired work mode. I have done 10 days’ work out of the last 12 days and am off to Melbourne again next week for five more days. Tomorrow I get my First Aid Qualifications updated its never ending really. Claire is getting right into her role with her ex company and trying to get their leadership team into focus. The one bright thing on the horizon is Belgium and UK next year.
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From the book Regionalwährungenby Margrit Kennedy & Bernard A. Lietaer Cartoon: Walter Wesinger |
I have sent a sculpture to the “skip” of the Curley team just for fun and for her patience with me on the night. My next project I think will be a stand on paddle board of ply and about 2.7 metres long. All I need is the time to do it given my commitment to keep engaged in the work place.
“RIP” Something we noticed as we walked around Paris, there are odd pieces out of bicycle parts attached to the sides buildings like handle bars, bits of bent frames and so on with “RIP” underneath and no its not “Rest in Peace” its “Ride in Peace”. So Ride In Peace. Cheers From Greg and Claire
The next gathering will be on 11 Jan, 2015 -- venue TBA. We need Moe and Pat to recommend the next two books. The book we will discuss in January is: The Island of Crimea (Ostrov Krym)', by Vasili Aksenov (Misha). Moe and then Pat are next up to recommend more un-reading for us.
[Wayne Sutherland — at Kauai Coast Resort at the Beachboy
Sitting on the beach after an early morning bike ride]
Hello Lads: Mme Coriandre, Mistress Quickly of The Islay Inn, has given her consent for the NRBC to meet on "her" premises should that be the will of the assembled company. I have a plethora of suggestions for next recommendation but will wait until Moe has had his say. Cheers, Patrizzio! Snap: Alan Doyle, with Lisa Christiansen, being interviewed/reading, from Where I Belong, last Thursday.
Sounds good to me. When is it my turn??? Promise no more Ellroy Why not Perfidia? At any rate, it is always your turn to bring Malt! Cheers, Patrizzio!
After Moe and Pat get their shit together and choose a book -- you are next. The timer is on and the fines are burgeoning.
Dear NRBC Secretary, Pro Tem, and Piggy Bank Enforcer Extraordinaire:
I'm ready with a long list of suggestions. If you had bothered to read my earlier message you would have discerned this fact. However, I suppose it is more than difficult for you to pay particular attention to such mundane matters as NRBC book selection when the heady perfume of love rages through your Galiano veins! Don't think you should visit the Blood Bank for a bit as you might start a pandemic of alleycatitis! Cheers, Saltpetre Patrizzio!
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Dear Social Whirlygigs! Talk about full dance cards! Think it might be easier if we make the trek across The Salish Sea to meet on The Republic of Galiano! Too, too bad about Friday even. Mme Coriandre volunteers at The Bookmart, at VPL downtown, until 6:00 pm, that afternoon. Sunday we are at Dim Sum with friends, probably from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. St Coramandel has church at Heartwood at 4:00 pm so there might be a small window of opportunity earlier that afternoon, your schedules allowing. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
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Riding with Robo Man this morning, at 10:30 pm. Meeting on the Skalbania Corridor and then making for UBC. I assume you will be squashing when not otherwise gainfully recreating but you are more than welcome to use your expired Peloton card anytime it suits! Cheers, Desperately Seeking an Audience with the Ever Elusive Ones, Patrizzio! Snaps: The Lost Burritos visit with Rosita and Chloë before/after dinner.
P, see you Sunday afternoon after 1PM. Will connect on Sunday morning. Give my fond regards to Ray and all the long suffering administrative staff at the Islay Inn, W & J
Hello Sunday Socialites! Sent along your regards to Robo Man but he didn't know who you were! As for the long-suffering staff at The Islay Inn, it is only the underpaid, overworked scullions that are suffering, and horribly so, I might add, not the Upper Crust Management Fops with unlimited expense accounts and life threatening shopping addictions! Welcome to the real world. Life in Nirvana ill-equips you for Mean Streets of GI!
Given your naïveté, sounds as if you both need to take a holiday from Lotus Land so I thought I'd let you know about the riding trip from Belgium to Portugal, or parts thereof, next year, which Greg and Claire, from Brisbane, are trying to stitch together. Jane can drive support vehicle if she doesn't wish to cycle. She and Cora Lee can fill it with shoes! Would really like to join group if I can swing it, both chronologically and financially. Have to see what trip to Inja is going to cost before I can commit.
Talk Sunday morn if not before. 1:30 pm is probably better although you
could mooch over at The Annexe with Rosita and Dusty until we are back
from knawing chicken feet. Fondestos to you both. "SIP", Squash in Peace
and/or Sip in Peace! Cheers, Patrizzio!
After fueling up on yogurt and banana, as well as two of Clarisse's baking powder biscuits, slathered with Durston Buckwheat Honey, I met Robo Man on the Skalbania Corridor around 10:30 am and we proceeded out to UBC via Spanish Banks. Not a ripple on English Bay as I came around Kits Point so I suggested we ride along the water instead of climbing the 4th Avenue hill as I thought we might as well enjoy the wonderful panorama.
Raymondo wanted to take a look at some of the new construction taking place in Wesbrook Village so after we looped through Musqueam we rode back along Marine and up Wesbrook Mall to scope out some of the buildings under construction. Retraced our steps down to Marine and then up 16th. Stayed with Robo Man until Imperial. He carried on, homeward bound. He is so busy tutoring that he has had to tell a number of students that he simply, literally doesn't have the time to take on any more people. I had decided that instead of heading to Stanley Park after UBC I'd do a number of Imperial/Camosun/Marine/16th loops to give me distance I required for a 100+ km ride. Added advantage was that I didn't have to negotiate any hills like the Prospect Point climb.
Anyway, I ended up doing four loops as by that time I had logged what I wanted before making for Chancellor and home. Must say it was a wonderful, wonderful ride. Only flaw was that I had assumed it would be very overcast so I neglected to bring my dark glasses along. Certainly could have used them as the sun was beaming for most of the ride! Slight headwind which did pick up a bit towards the end of the outing but nothing to really fuss about. Other than that, I had dressed well for the weather and everything was toasty, from my sock-clad feet to my well-gloved fingertips. Stats for ride:
back I enjoyed a large mug of steaming java and a hot shower. Squeaky
clean and changed I answered a few messages before it was time to
chauffeur Lady Mary and her mother to Christmas at Hycroft. Chloë was
meeting them there. As a member of the University Women's Club, Her
Ladyship had tickets for the Members and Guests Only, Advance Viewing,
day before what has become, for Vancouver, a pre-Xmas tradition, and much more than a craft fair, given the setting, the beautiful Edwardian mansion, dressed to the nines with Christmas decorations.
home to concoct a dinner of overlefts. Will beaver away at messaging
until Coriandre returns and then we will start to watch the last season
of Breaking Bad! So many great features/series on Netflix, so little
time! Team Curley seem to be enjoying themselves in Hawaii. I think they
needed the respite after having you on team!!! Back this coming Monday.
Will offer to collect them at YVR or Olympic Village Station, if easier.
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Given your naïveté, sounds as if you both need to take a holiday from Lotus Land so I thought I'd let you know about the riding trip from Belgium to Portugal, or parts thereof, next year, which Greg and Claire, from Brisbane, are trying to stitch together. Jane can drive support vehicle if she doesn't wish to cycle. She and Cora Lee can fill it with shoes! Would really like to join group if I can swing it, both chronologically and financially. Have to see what trip to Inja is going to cost before I can commit.
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After fueling up on yogurt and banana, as well as two of Clarisse's baking powder biscuits, slathered with Durston Buckwheat Honey, I met Robo Man on the Skalbania Corridor around 10:30 am and we proceeded out to UBC via Spanish Banks. Not a ripple on English Bay as I came around Kits Point so I suggested we ride along the water instead of climbing the 4th Avenue hill as I thought we might as well enjoy the wonderful panorama.
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Hi Mimi and Terry! Trust you are both well! It was lovely to meet you both at Tiburon and have a chance to chat while waiting in the ferry line as well as on board. We had some other great rides in Amador as well as Tahoe. Stats for those rides, including GG, if interested: Golden Gate:
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Hi Patrick, That's great! There will be nine of us for dinner. Do you and Corinne have any food allergies or dislikes? Cheers, Brenda
Hi Brenda! Thanks for the numbers! Cora Lee is highly allergic to both gluten and Patrizzio! Other than that, we can eat most everything. Cheers, Deadly Anaphylactic Shock Patrizzio!
Hey can I have an email for Ted Keating and maybe another number there is no answer at their house? Hi Chloë! I don't have any other numbers for Keatings other than home. We are going there for dinner on Saturday so I can ask then. I don't think they are away, probably just busy grand-parenting! Cheers, Dad!
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Got him for two shifts!! Thanks Dad!! ;) and thanks Ted!! Does that mean I have to do one less shift? Thanks Theodorakis!!! Nope you have not even seen your list of shifts yet!!! You haven't even seen my list of bills yet!!! Can I please get the mailing addresses for the following people? One, (?), more thing from another Non-Secretary! and another...Al Waldrons cell # Dawn and Gerry’s mailing address And another...and another...and another! I want a very large raise!
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Fondestos to you both. "SIP", Sculpt in Peace and/or Sip in Peace! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some snaps from Golden Gate Junket. Last shot is as far as we cycled along Paradise Drive. Next time I'd like to go all the way to Larkspur, (Not that far from San Quentin!), and then back to Embarcadero in SF. Roughly a 100 km ride, I think. Climb out of Sausalito up to bridge deck will be challenging!
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There is a reasonably good chance that Cora Lee, my long-suffering wife, and I might be in England next July +/-. If so, we'd like to visit 3rd cousins in Somerset again. If you are around, perhaps we can arrange to meet, at some point. Anyway, all the best to everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some snaps from Soda Rock and then Dry Creek where we stayed with friends, Pat and David Coffaro. Note solar panel. David runs all of the winery and their home from solar generated power! Dinner at Ralph's, in Healdsburg, that evening.
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