Anyone who wishes to become a good writer should endeavour, before he
allows himself to be tempted by the more showy qualities, to be direct,
simple, brief, vigorous, and lucid. -H.W. Fowler, lexicographer (10 Mar
Dear Friends and Family! Well, it's official, now! The Islay Inn will be relocating to Penticton as of May 16th/2015! You are all invited to join us in our new digs at 611 Burns Street as soon as we move in. (Recruiting "mules" as of this writing!) Last day at The Islay Inn is May 29th so we hope to have everything moved beforehand. Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Dear Corinne & Patrick: Congratulations on successfully negotiating the contract to buy your new home! Our offer has now been accepted! The excitement continues now, as we start through the process of removing the conditions precedent on this agreement. We have a long list of things to accomplish now. These things are necessary to the successful completion of the contract to buy your new home.
The following list is certainly not all inclusive, but is a good start for your planning purposes. We will convey, by phone, a detailed schedule of events with a plan to completing these tasks as soon as possible.
"FFFFFF95 Apply for Financing/Verify Source and Availability of Down Payment "FFFFFF95 Select Inspectors/Coordinate with Lender "FFFFFF95 Schedule the Following: Appraisal, Survey, Home Inspection, Property Insurance
As you can see from this brief list we will be very busy for the next couple weeks, however it will be a worthwhile endeavor to take care of these matters early on. You will be glad you did. We will be working with all necessary other parties to make sure they have all the information required for you to purchase your home and move in on the dates we have all agreed.
We are looking forward to the successful completion of this contract for you to buy your new home and we hope you are just as excited as we are. If at any time during this process you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us. We will be happy to explain the remaining points to cover or answer any questions you may have.
We trust your home buying experience and all the services that we have provided thus far have met and hopefully exceeded all your expectations. Now we need your help! We are sure you have spoken to others who may be thinking of buying or selling either in the near or distant future. While this experience is still fresh in your mind, it would help us tremendously if you would pass our names along to them, or call us, so that we can follow-up with them. We appreciate your help too! Respectfully, Gil Szabo
Hi Gil, thanks for the letter detailing what needs to be done. Some questions arise, do we need an appraisal and survey? Also are there documents to be sent to our lawyer who is handling our sale? Thanks with your help on changing the dates. Talk soon, Corinne
Dear Pat & Corinne, I am so excited to read about your relocation. Will try to locate the place at Google Maps. And look forward to seeing you, in Penticton and on the island, in the near future. WARM CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!!! Marcello
Congratulations Patrick ! That was quick - if only Britain was the same. Will look up Penticton as no idea where you're moving to. Will miss your old pad though. Love from the laphroaig mules! Xx
Best wishes with your move, hope all goes well. Sorry I cannot offer a hand, the commute is a killer. Anne Porter Sarty
congradulations patrick and Corrine, our move was disastourous hope yours goes well. well Patrick I just want to tell you that this Friday is friday13th so no bike riding, so take care and keep in touch from kev and bev
Hi Patrick and Corinne, How exciting, many thanks for invite, are our plane tickets in the mail:) Do you have photos of new place for us to choose our bedroom? Los of love Tina and Trevor
Dear Patrick and Corinne, Unbelievable, you really have done it! A change and how sweet the new digs with lots of cozy rooms. You both are I am sure very excited. Change is good. Will have to venture that way this summer. Know you are busy and will be inundated with friends. My Conservatory of Music garden tour is May 9th & 10th and I am now officially finished all my big projects after being in the garden for 220 consecutive days. Oh dear just a little crazy I am sure. You are welcomed to pop over to see my creation. Thinking of you always and very happy for you. Much love, Jean & John
Hi Corinne and Pat, It feels like the end of an era, at the Islay Inn, but then new adventures and activities await. Hope the move goes as smoothly as possible and that you enjoy your new life, up in the Okanagan Valley. All the Best and Happy Trails, bob
Congratulations!! Cant wait to check out the new digs!. Not too far from the cabin which is a bonus. Cant wait to hear more when you get home. Ttys soon xo, A, C, J &J
Onwards! Hope you wills end post codes and new phone numbers once you have them! And... Congratulations! Deborah
Congratulations! Wally has a good friend who lives there having just moved from Burnaby last year! They love it. Wally grew up in Penticton. You will be close to the vineyards!! Send us complete address later
Friends in Penticton Doug and Nelma Lacina Carmi Ave (just off Government)
Have been meaning to write to you but there is a lot happening. It looks like you are in the same position. Let's agree to catch up as soon as the dust settles, OK? Love to know what made you decide. Is it because of friends being there or are you ready to hand in urban lifestyle? Love Brenda
Patriçio! Hmmm … I checked out that address on Google maps. Didn’t see exactly what house it was, but none of the houses there had a swimming pool!!!! Close to the lake though. Sorry that we will be some distance apart … fewer bridge nights I am afraid. But looking forward to visiting (hear they upped the speed limit on the Coquihalla … W.r.t. “muling”, my load limit has somewhat diminished over the last 30 years, but happy to pitch in. Keep us informed on progress and plans! cheers///bjp
Fabulous planning. Can't wait to visit, and good luck with the move. Am very busy these days with working at Elections Canada, but will write soon.
Hi Guys, Well done I went to the shed to get our Mule traces and other tack alas it was missing. So no help here. If we were not in Europe we would have come over. Looks great on Google hope it all goes well and we will have a drink to celebrate in May in our absence. Cheers Greg and Claire
Congratulations! I must say you are 'fast movers'. Great to have things settled. I will start looking up the address in Google Earth! Unfortunately I have no mules to send forward. XO Margareta
Hi Patricio, Wow, big news for sure. We're delighted to have you in the Okanagan. Corinne will add a real touch of class to the valley, and you will make a special contribution too Patrick. Best wishes for great happiness with your move. I look forward to any heavy lifting needed to help with the move.
Lynne and I are having a quiet final week in Coachella Valley, enjoying upper 80's temperatures. Tomorrow and Thursday we're going to the big Indian Wells tennis tournament. Fondly, Peter and Lynne
Congratulations to you both. A great time of the year to move there. You'll have a wonderful summer. Will try and make it up for a ride at some stage. Ray and Sylvia
Glad to know it's official! Enjoy your last few weeks in civilisation before heading off to your rustic paradise! We'll pop some Eberle to celebrate your transition..... Cheers!
Hi Patrizzio and Cora Lee, Wow, that was fast, but not surprising. Congratulations on the big move and change of scenery. We wish you all the Best in your new Penticton Digs. We'll be going up to the interior once or twice in May so we'll have to check out your new home. Hopefully, we can time a visit when you are there. We'll talk closer to the time of the big event. Sincerely, Ruth
Wow, you did it. Very courageous of both of you. We will dearly miss you in Vancouver. We will connect when we are down in a week. Cheers, Dawn
all the best to you Terry and Mary While I'm very excited for you both, this makes me very sad. Congratulation Your are now a multi millionaire From sunny and warm Florida Best
end of an era! all the best with the relocation planning and execution! we will have to bring Noreen for a visit and all drink wine in Naramata! look forward to seeing you in Penticton, but hopefully sooner! peace, colin and gail
big news patrick.congratulations.i hope your body has recovered from your fall.i am available as a mule.hope to see you soon;matt
Hi Pat and Corine I still am in shock that you are leaving town, but an exciting change for you both. I have always really liked Penticton, lovely location between two beautiful lakes, nice size town with all the essential amenities and of course , right in the middle of wine country ! We must try and get together for a final bridge evening before you leave. Cheers Mick
Hi Patrick Our good wishes on your move. We hope it goes smoothly and you enjoy the new location. Best wishes Jim and Chris
Congrats! Where exactly is this address in P? What type of home did u buy, apt/condo, patio home, RV, ????? If in P, we'll be sure to call or email to alert of visit. What tel # can we use? Maggie
What is "Sarge" to do now? Without question you will be missed and the place will never be the same. We wish you a happy transition from the coast to the mainland. Des & Sheila!
Greetings! What a surprise to hear you are moving - any particular reason for picking Penticton - certainly a much smaller city than Vancouver. Trust you have recovered from your last bike mishap -maybe you'd better stick to walking!
All is fine here - we've a new granddaughter born on Friday. Haven't seen her yet other than in pics and on skype but will trek off to New Jersey either later this month or perhaps for Easter.
Good luck in all your packing as I would expect you have a lot to move since you've lived so many years in Vancouver though I know you haven't lived in the same house all those years. Best Wishes - Roma & Leonard
Sir Patrick and Lady Corinne Thanks so much for your 2 recent e cards and a longer letter is on the way!Sounds marvellous your impending move. Will you be keeping the same phone number? I am so sorry not to have communicated properly for such a long time.Basically we have been kept occupied,market research, singing,walking the dog,some swimming and Pat's Tales of Opera.My back is not great.Muscle spasms and wear and tear.Physio has helped,but at the moment it is causing me problems.However let us be optimistic and hope for improvements in the spring!Pat is getting better and hope we will be better soon to clear up the spare room!I only know Penticton by name.It sounds lovely.
All our love to you all.Sir James and Lady Patrizia.
Congrats on finding a new place in Penticton. I'm sure your more than ample DIY skills will be put to the test in the future Patrick! We look forward to visiting you in your new home in the not too distant future. Unfortunately, because of distance we are unable to be one of your mules! Best wishes Gayle and Derek
Hi Pat, Thanks for sending the news of your moving to Penticton. Darn it, I will miss you two! Dermot had said something about it as it was mentioned in an email about the book club. What made you want to leave your lovely place at Granville Island?
My news is not good at all: my Dad passed away last week. He was in the hospital with a serious but treatable auto-immune disease/condition. He had been sick and getting weaker by the day prior to starting the treatment, and had a cardiac arrest a few days after going to the hospital. It was a terrible day - waiting to learn news of his condition, and then finding out that he was truly gone. He slipped away later in the day of the arrest. This is terribly sad for my family but what is worse, is planning for my Mom.
Thanks for your message. I'll make sure that we can get together before you leave. Hello to Corinne from me. Sara
Congratulations! I expect Pat will create his own wheel rut cycling from between home and Naramata to the North and Osoyoos to the South. Careful moving the malt cabinet. Dermot
Hi Sara: Again, deeply saddened to learn of your Father's death. Will be a very difficult time for you all, over the next little while, especially having to arrange things for your Mother, as you mention. We trust things go as well as can be expected under such trying circumstances.
Won't go into many details about how and why of moving as it hardly seems sensitive to talk about our new adventure when you are in mourning. Suffice it to say, we have been "mulling" for some time now. Combination of lease hold question, (Ours is paid until 2040 so best time for buyers, now, in terms of obtaining a mortgage), hefty assessments, (aging building syndrome!), over next three to seven years and simply time for a change. The Okanagan has always been attractive to us, for obvious reasons.
Send along a message when you have had time to recover, as best you can, and have managed to sort out some of the things that will be needed to be arranged with respect to your Mom. Again, sincere sympathy, Corinne and Patrick.
Thanks, Pat. I'll be in touch again in a couple of weeks - will
certainly be time for a fun dinner (and I'll try not to weep too much
after a drink or two). Your move sounds great (except for the part when
we won't be nearly-neighbours anymore). Nice
cycling for you around there. Thanks. Sara
Hi again, Sara! Know you are probably very busy with all sorts of details but I wanted to say that if you feel you might like to go for a ride, at any time, give me shout. Ironically, you certainly need to get some exercise to help you deal with all the stress that has inundated you of late, precisely when you probably feel you simply don't have the time to do so. Anyway, let me know if something, no matter the distance or route, is a possibility.
Really liked Dermot's remark about "wheel rut" from home to either Naramata or Osoyoos. However, he forgot to mention ancillary dipsy-doodle ruts to various wineries en route, although, as you know, I won't be able to stop to taste, Dreaded Burning Ground! Trust you are coping or better. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I think that you'll need a new bike. A bike for wine tasting - big comfy seat, sturdy paniers for wine purchases and a festive baguette for enroute nourishment. Dermot and I are both concerned about your drinks cabinet and what is in it. Perhaps you shouldn't transport it until winter road hazards are gone. You could store it our place quite safely if you like. (ha). Thanks, Pat. I'll let you know about a ride, soon hopefully. Sara
Hi again, Sara! Know you are probably very busy with all sorts of details but I wanted to say that if you feel you might like to go for a ride, at any time, give me shout. Ironically, you certainly need to get some exercise to help you deal with all the stress that has inundated you of late, precisely when you probably feel you simply don't have the time to do so. Anyway, let me know if something, no matter the distance or route, is a possibility.
Really liked Dermot's remark about "wheel rut" from home to either Naramata or Osoyoos. However, he forgot to mention ancillary dipsy-doodle ruts to various wineries en route, although, as you know, I won't be able to stop to taste, Dreaded Burning Ground! Trust you are coping or better. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I think that you'll need a new bike. A bike for wine tasting - big comfy seat, sturdy paniers for wine purchases and a festive baguette for enroute nourishment. Dermot and I are both concerned about your drinks cabinet and what is in it. Perhaps you shouldn't transport it until winter road hazards are gone. You could store it our place quite safely if you like. (ha). Thanks, Pat. I'll let you know about a ride, soon hopefully. Sara
Hi, once more, Sara! Thank you and Dermot for your generous offer to store malt cabinet. Probably a good idea as would only have to "mule" cabinet itself once we ice and snow are off roads! Have been looking at the possibility of exchanging my Trek for model attached! Like minds think alike, obviously. Cheers, Patrizzio Pinot Gris!
Nice bike! I love the leather bags and bottle holders. Seriously, you need this and the Trek. Recall, if you will, the equation used to determine the correct number of bikes to have in your stable: Where x equals the correct number of bikes: And n equals the number you currently have: x=n+1 There is another formula (one which indicates the number of bikes that would cause you to lose your spouse) but I can't remember it right now. Don't worry - you're no where near that (yet). Sara Cono Sur Viognier (cheap and cheerful and has a bike drawing on it).
Hi Bike Formula Woman! Simply loved your calculus even though you couldn't remember the most important equation! Way ahead of you on the Cono Sur Viognier, however. Have been using it, in my camel pack, for ages. Wonder if there is a direct correlation between such usage and my accidentos! Will have to do a detailed statistical analysis, controlled study and the like, malt vs wine vs water + Nuun tablets, and let the chips, or the rider, fall where they/he may! Cheers, Crash Test Dummy Poteen Patrizzio!
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Sara's Dad! |
Hello Corinne and Pat, Thank you for the card. It does help to receive kind words from
friends. Here is a picture of my Dad, probably 25 years ago. No
photo-shopping then, that truly was a big fish!! Sara
Hi, there . . . got your note . . . that's a huge change coming. Exciting! I went to look at the new place on Google Street View -- is it the one with the gravel front yard? You're in for a busy time before you head off to the interior . . . but
somewhere, sometime, we will have to squeeze in an "India night" before
you leave.
Before, in fact, April 27th -- as my mother, brother and I are off to northern Spain. We'll be doing the last bit of the Camino (quite inauthentically, staying at comfortable country inns and having our luggage taken ahead.) After that, Mum and I will go to England, where we'll spend some of our time together, some separate. For the "solo" part, I am planning to visit Lindisfarne / Holy Island in the north, which has long been on my bucket list.
Hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, I better get ready to jump back on the
work-treadmill. (Big changes at Dunbar, essentially good.) Bye for now, Janet
Hey Patrick,Friday is wide open for me – how about 11 am? Or anytime before 5:00 if that doesn’t work. Ann Hi Ann! Great to bump into you! Friday is fine but around 2:00-2:30 pm would be best for me. Let me know if this is convenient and we'll plan accordingly. Hello to VWF gang. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
dear bill and denise, well what is reticulation in laymans terms, in perth we don't get much rain so all the houses here have retic. which means we are on water rationing for gardens. it basically is a water sprinkler system underground run automatically from a sensor system from your garage and every week it comes on twice a week to water usually for 10mins. but the good news bill its going to rain this Saturday( first rain since last nov.) but before then on thurs and Friday its going to be 36 and drops to 30 on Saturday. don't forget to tell pat no bike riding Friday as its the 13th. I hope you guys are in good health
and keep in touch from bev and kev
If we had sent down just 10% of the rain we’ve had since November you would be practically swimming! We must arrange for a rain sharing program. Good idea about Pat not riding on the 13th- I hate getting emails from him about his latest bike accident! cheers, Bill.
Hello Perth and Lower Kitsilano! Great idea about rain sharing program! How about Canadian water for Australian wine? Didn't realize Wild Bill was such an authority on pythons and anacondas! Appreciate everyone's concern about riding on Friday 13th. Don't think I can remember when there were two such dates so close together. Nevertheless, think I'll push my luck and see if I can avoid the jinx, in spite of your Beware The Ides of March!
Had a grand outing today. Terrific ride in the fog! Sun never really broke through for most of the day and it was pretty chilly with a fierce head wind, WNW at 11kph, with gusts to 22.5 kph, to contend with. I dispsy-doodled my way around Olympic Village and then made for Stanley Park, doing three Prospect Point Hill loops, with a corresponding Lost Lagoon circuit between each longer circumnavigation. The Lions Gate was almost completely shrouded in mist, just the support pillars visible. Magical indeed!
Once I had about 65 km on the trusty odometre I wended my way back towards home, planning to finish off ride with seemingly unending gerbil treadmill loops of Kits Point. [Couldn't face the wind I knew would be blasting me in the face if I logged necessary distance along Spanish Banks!] Did just that and wheeled home a few minutes before 4:00 pm. Quite pleased with 21.6 kph AVG given unrelenting, maddening wind. Stats for ride:
Cross your fingers for me, one and all, on Friday! Won't be heading back up to Penticton this weekend, Wild Bill, so let me know what time you'd like to make for Marquis on Saturday. As I mentioned, if you are driving down, give me a shout when a few minutes away and I'll let you into parkade. Buona Fortuna with the Pseudonaja, commonly known as the Reticulated Brown snake! Cheers, Crocodile Patrizzio!
Pics: Cora Lee, asleep while on duty, guarding my Trek, at The Spanish Villa in Penticton! Our new run-about now that we are Okanagan Lake People; view from Folkstone Way, in West Van, yesterday evening, where I was playing bridge with friends. Needed a better telephoto lens to do justice to the magnificence of Mt Baker but nevertheless a stunning vista.
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My girls near the tiny town of Shirley which is just west of Sooke BC |
How does that sound. Bill.
Hi William: Took a look at forecast for weekend and it seems to be rain-free on Saturday so should make the outing conducive for Aquabus/walk. This being the case I'll probably go for a short ride beforehand so 2:00 pm rendezvous time works well. Enjoyed the pic of you and your "girls". Cheers, Patrizzio!
To my Darlin’ Friends Corinne & Patrick, When I first received your letter Patrick I was stunningly impressed with the magnificent rocks You encountered in Palm Desert Being a rock hound I loved their curved rounded sensuous forms As all my rocks in my garden are round and sensual no sharp edges. But secondly I was disappointed thinking that you were continuing to travel
When in your last breadth you had said you would be House hunting in the Okanagan. Wow! Were we surprised Such fast movers indeed. Your house is beautiful and the furnishings are so west coast, so country, cozy and inviting It has been tastefully decorated to suit all your needs. I love all the colors on the walls and the kitchen is beautiful I can only say you will be so very happy living in the country
When you are there you will realize why you did not make the move earlier. Beautiful fresh air, pleasant walks along the water, no heavy traffic Here time stands still allowing you to take it all in You will find here you are completely in control of your time Where in the city it controls you, devours you, suffocates you I look forward to coming out for a visit.
My Japanese garden is finally finished. After 220 days in the garden I can only say I am both Relieved and exhausted. Who could ever be so consumed, driven as me Cutting myself off from the world. But you know that is okay When one has experienced so much Living in the moment, being in nature There is an absolute calmness about life
Should be expecting fifteen hundred for the tour on May 9th & 10th The Conservatory was over last week and said in all Honesty it is the most beautiful garden they have ever Come upon and they expect there will be write ups in magazines Fame for a day!!
Japanese gardens are sensual and everything is a metaphor Rocks are really mountains, pea gravel is really water Azaleas are really clouds, boxwoods are really hills Round curving gardens are islands and the grass That flows in and amongst the islands is a river Not to mention my sixteen ft. Red Japanese bridge that passes over Huge boulders. Passing from one life to the next Into paradise.
You must come out if you can In the meantime enjoy your next adventure And we will see you soon. Much love, Your old friends, Jean & John
Hi Jean, thanks for the email. We really enjoyed Palm Desert, great weather and interesting scenery. Glad you like the house. It is small but comfortable. The furniture in the pictures belongs to the present owners not ours. So will look different when we get in there. We move in at the end of May. I really hope you and John can come for a long visit. Your garden sounds amazing I'm sure it will be popular on the garden tour. Lots to do here. Have to get Mom and Dad really to move back to Manitoba. They leave on April 16 and will be shipping some things. Love to you and John, Corinne
Hi, there . . . got your note . . . that's a huge change coming. Exciting! I went to look at the new place on Google Street View -- is it the one with the gravel front yard?
You're in for a busy time before you head off to the interior . . . but somewhere, sometime, we will have to squeeze in an "India night" before you leave. Before, in fact, April 27th -- as my mother, brother and I are off to northern Spain. We'll be doing the last bit of the Camino (quite inauthentically, staying at comfortable country inns and having our luggage taken ahead.) After that, Mum and I will go to England, where we'll spend some of our time together, some separate. For the "solo" part, I am planning to visit Lindisfarne / Holy Island in the
north, which has long been on my bucket list.
Hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, I better get ready to jump back on the
work-treadmill. (Big changes at Dunbar, essentially good.) Bye for now, Janet
Hi Work-Treadmill Woman! Trust you are well. Glad to learn changes at Dunbar are positive. You'll be busy, yourself, with your fab trip Spain and then England. After Lindisfarne/Holy Island and the Camino you'll be a righteous pilgrim indeed! No need to return to the Ganges! Yes, our new home has a gravel pit in front yard. What does your schedule look like over next week or so. Perhaps we can finally arrange to squeeze in an India night, as you say. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Doug and Nelma Lacina, Carmi Ave (just off Government) Have been meaning to write to you but there is a lot happening. It looks like you are in the same position. Let's agree to catch up as soon as the dust settles, OK? Love to know what made you decide. Is it because of friends being there or are you ready to hand in urban lifestyle? Love Brenda
Hi Brenda Louise! Trust you are well. Thanks for sending along names of your friends. I see from a quick Google Map search that they are up above Penticton, to the south-east of us, I believe. Be terrific to meet them at some point. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and Wally and Picasso. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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