We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem." Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes. -Fred Rogers, television host, songwriter, and author (20 Mar 1928-2003)
An equinox occurs twice a year, around 20 March and 22 September. The word itself has several related definitions. The oldest meaning is the day when daytime and night are of approximately equal duration. The word equinox comes from this definition, derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night).
The equinox is not exactly the same as the day when period of daytime and night are of equal length for two reasons. Firstly, sunrise, which begins daytime, occurs when the top of the Sun's disk rises above the eastern horizon. At that instant, the disk's center is still below the horizon. Secondly, Earth's atmosphere refracts sunlight. As a result, an observer sees daylight before the first glimpse of the Sun's disk above the horizon. To avoid this ambiguity, the word equilux is sometimes used to mean a day on which the periods of daylight and night are equal. Times of sunset and sunrise vary with an observer's location (longitude and latitude), so the dates when day and night are closest together in length depend on location.
The other definitions are based on several related simultaneous astronomical events, and refer either to the events themselves or to the days on which they occur. These events are the reason that the period of daytime and night are approximately equal on the day of an equinox.
An equinox occurs when the plane of Earth's Equator passes the center of the Sun. At that instant, the tilt of Earth's axis neither inclines away
from nor towards the Sun. The two annual equinoxes are the only times when the subsolar point—the place on Earth's surface where
the center of the Sun is exactly overhead—is on the Equator, and, consequently,
the Sun is at zenith over the Equator. The subsolar point
crosses the equator, moving northward at the March equinox and southward at the
September equinox.
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland
The Bel Ayr Girls first night in Cancun]
Hi All, Bridge, chez moi? (2158 West 8th Avenue) Who's in? Cheers, R. Desole, non. Je retournerai la troisieme d’Avril. Roger I’m in! Clive Hi Robert et al! Not sure if anyone read the message I sent this past Tuesday but in it I mentioned that Sarge had volunteered to host, if that was fine with you, Robert. Wayne may well be away for the following two weeks or so. Not a big deal, obviously, or a fight to host, but just want to confirm where game will be played so group can plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I am also available Regards: David
I would really like to host this week as I will be unable to host again for a few weeks... And it's my turn. Hi Robert et al: It's settled. Bridge at Robert's place. Sarge and I will attend. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland
The Bel Ayr Girls first night in Cancun]
Hi All, Bridge, chez moi? (2158 West 8th Avenue) Who's in? Cheers, R. Desole, non. Je retournerai la troisieme d’Avril. Roger I’m in! Clive Hi Robert et al! Not sure if anyone read the message I sent this past Tuesday but in it I mentioned that Sarge had volunteered to host, if that was fine with you, Robert. Wayne may well be away for the following two weeks or so. Not a big deal, obviously, or a fight to host, but just want to confirm where game will be played so group can plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I am also available Regards: David
I would really like to host this week as I will be unable to host again for a few weeks... And it's my turn. Hi Robert et al: It's settled. Bridge at Robert's place. Sarge and I will attend. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gil: Here are my thoughts on the report and how we might proceed. As I mentioned on the phone, very glad that we had the inspection done. Quite impressed with the thoroughness and highlighted pictures. Makes sense to have visual evidence. While the deficiencies noted are not such that we would not wish not buy place, they obviously need to be addressed, some more quickly than others, obviously.

- Patrick James Dunn You should see the Belle Ab Boys at Harbour Terrace!]
1) Cracked chimney flue crown mortar to be repaired. Plan to use chimney flue for wood burning fireplace, in near future, so do not want it capped. Bent counter flashing around chimney flue, and missing flashing to be repaired/replaced.
2) All asphalt roof surface deficiencies and loose gutters noted to be repaired/corrected.
3) Vapour barrier in crawl space under master bedroom and front entrance to be installed and sealed to the joists and foundation.
4) Master bedroom electrical panel to be inspected to code and labeled correctly.
5) Replace all faulty 110 VAC GFCI outlets, and/or replace GFCI's at any outlets 5' or closer to water sources, and 110 VAC lighting circuit, open neutral, as noted in report. Move wiring away from sheathing in main attic.
6) Correct or replace shower diverter as noted in report.
7) Enure caulking is applied to siding cladding and other materials as noted in report.
If owner does not wish to undertake to resolve such matters, we would expect cost of addressing these functional masonry, roofing, electrical and plumbing issues by outside contractors, to our satisfaction, to be deducted from sale price. If current owner agrees to address the minor points, (Are screens included?), sticking door, front patio bricks, gutter extensions and some of the minor painting/caulking, that would be appreciated.
If owner wishes to do everything then we would want another inspection, after work has been completed, as mentioned in our telephone call. At any rate, these are our initial concerns. Talk soon, I presume. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
David Kessler Sam
Charters found America's lost music and gave it back to all of us to
enjoy; We owe a debt of gratitude toward this great man who brought the
artistry to be found among the poorest, humblest and most forgotten
Americans to the attention of the world. His contribution to
scholarship, the Civil Rights movement and the struggle for racial
justice was enormous. And his legacy lives in our music everywhere
Hi Gil: Sorry, but I did not receive email with documents to sign! Please advise. Thanks, Patrizzio! I sent both copies to corinnes email Did you get only one copy? Hi again Gil! The Sisterhood managed to overlook the second email but process is now complete! Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
bro-roy and linda live in victoria, 25 yrs maybe. love their place there. roy still working, 63. use killwinning in p as family holiday home for now, aunt and uncle gone 2 years. only visit part of insurance agreement now, up keep, etc.
do remember paul hart. was a friend of co-worker of frank at great west life, bob pruden. paul a member of herb's 9, at united college with herb robertson, bob pollock, ken frederickson-deceased sev yrs, dave somebody, forget other guys, paul wld recall. wasn't a friend of harriet but do remember her. we know another couple, friends of friends who sold everything to move to lake chapala, they had no kids.
The Arrow, made for TV movie in 1996, came out 1997. Robin was an extra. Came out again as part of a 4 part mini series in 2012 I believe. U can google it.
Hi again, Maggie! I thought that the Penticton place might have been a holiday home, of some sort. Did, in fact, Google movie, before I sent last message just to see who else was in film.
Since last email we have already signed, electronically, most recent conditions we want addressed by sellers. Will be curious to receive response. Off to gym shortly as still cool and rainy here. Cora Lee is curled up in armchair, next to electric fireplace in living room, reading a book! Plan to replace similar fixture in living room of Burns Street with an efficient wood-burning unit of some sort. Chimney and flue are functional so just need to have fireplace and flue inspected/cleaned before using. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, Thanks very much for generously agreeing to take the lead on our 2015 Volunteer Campaign. We are very grateful for your support of this new
initiative, which will inspire other volunteers to deepen their involvement
and show their support for the Festival's mission.
Here is a pledge form for you to fill out and sign. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great weekend. See you soon. Cheers, Ann
Hi Ann: I'll drop off pledge form and letter as soon as I've had time to work on latter, early this coming week, I expect. No questions at this time. Trust your weekend is enjoyable as well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you Patrick. Ann
Didn't think I would be providing an update this quickly but hey, stuff happens.
We arrived at the airport late morning to find our Lufthansa flight cancelled (a pilot strike - who knew). Long line-ups and not much happening. Folks being referred to a Lufthansa number and put on hold forever. I got on the phone right away to our travel agent who within 15 minutes had us on an Air Canada flight to London and an onward flight to Amsterdam on KLM. We'll sort out the $ with Lufthansa later but should get the cost covered.
To complicate matters we were flying on an Aeroplan points ticket. Found out that within 15 minutes of our booking on AC the flight was overbooked. Our travel agent got us assigned seats but when we checked in with AC they said we were on standby. Got back to her and she said it was BS that we wouldn't get our seats and called AC direct and got a reconfirmation of our seat booking. Back to AC check-in and they assigned us seats albeit not as good as the ones she had booked for us. At this stage we are just happy to be on the flight even though we will be arriving 6 hours later than planned. Another reason we always use a travel agent for international travel. Meanwhile we are killing 4 hours at YVR hence this rambling message.
Now for the happy coincidence - wandering aimlessly around the departure area Joan ran into Jane who is on the same London flight as us on her way to Stockholm to rendezvous with you know who. She had just flown in from Comox and walked (!) from the south terminal in the rain. We will now happily get to spend a couple of hours with her over a glass of wine or 2 before boarding. I hope this is not a harbinger for the rest of our travels (i.e. the flight screw-up, not running into Jane). Onward.....Paul
Hello Traveling Whitneys and Salish Sea Woman! Cora Lee listened to your message this morning, Paolo! Sorry I didn't manage to connect before you made for YVR. Trust all goes well for rest of trip! Great that you have a chance to visit with Jane.
Since your email we have already signed, electronically, most recent conditions we want addressed by sellers. Will be curious to receive response. Off to gym shortly as still cool and rainy here. Cora Lee is curled up in armchair, next to electric fireplace in living room, reading a book! Plan to replace similar fixture in living room of Burns Street with an efficient wood-burning unit of some sort. Chimney and flue are functional so just need to have fireplace and flue inspected/cleaned before using.
On the VWF front have just agreed to take the lead on their 2015 Volunteer Campaign. Was happy to support this new initiative, which, we trust, "will inspire other volunteers to deepen their involvement and show their support for the Festival's mission."
So lots to talk about upon everyone's safe return. We both wish you wonderful times abroad. Fondestos to one and all, (to Kjell, as well, Jane), from the people packing boxes while the rest of you lollygag, holiday or otherwise enjoy your lives! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Goodness gracious! Best of luck, Kjell PS South Terminal, huh; don't think Jane counted on that; hope walking in the rain didn't give her a cold (why walk??). DSWood-burning fireplace!! Thought you tree-huggers hadn't heard of them. Congrats!
/kMy goodness never a dull travel moment. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves in an eclipsed Europe by now. On the other front I've had long experience with wood stoves and we all know they 'warm twice' -- when chopping and when burning. So enjoy Holland and Sweden and all the other places.
Greetings from The Tree Huggers at the Islay Inn! Hi Kjell and Jane et al: Trust flight went well and the Akvavit and Jenever are now flowing freely! Don't think I can chop wood just yet, however, Lynn! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, back napping in front of the electric fireplace! Cheers, Patrizzio!
After spending most of the day answering messages and preparing a reply to present to the current owners of Burns Street property, after receiving the detailed inspection report we had commissioned, I ventured out into the rain to walk over to FCCC to elliptisize my net cobwebs away. Very pleased with effort:
1123 calorifics in 70 minuten, (60 workout, 10 cool-down), for 3.48 milos and 15,073' worth of climbage. Back home to be told by Lady Mary to open a bottle of wine, exhausted, frustrated and kranky as the poor dear is, from writing minutes and other church-related correspondence! Will do her every bidding, as is my wont, Dear Reader, as you well know, to keep Lady Mary happy, at all times, forever and a day, if not longer, unto eternity, and then shower for dinner!
do remember paul hart. was a friend of co-worker of frank at great west life, bob pruden. paul a member of herb's 9, at united college with herb robertson, bob pollock, ken frederickson-deceased sev yrs, dave somebody, forget other guys, paul wld recall. wasn't a friend of harriet but do remember her. we know another couple, friends of friends who sold everything to move to lake chapala, they had no kids.
The Arrow, made for TV movie in 1996, came out 1997. Robin was an extra. Came out again as part of a 4 part mini series in 2012 I believe. U can google it.
Hi again, Maggie! I thought that the Penticton place might have been a holiday home, of some sort. Did, in fact, Google movie, before I sent last message just to see who else was in film.
Since last email we have already signed, electronically, most recent conditions we want addressed by sellers. Will be curious to receive response. Off to gym shortly as still cool and rainy here. Cora Lee is curled up in armchair, next to electric fireplace in living room, reading a book! Plan to replace similar fixture in living room of Burns Street with an efficient wood-burning unit of some sort. Chimney and flue are functional so just need to have fireplace and flue inspected/cleaned before using. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, Thanks very much for generously agreeing to take the lead on our 2015 Volunteer Campaign. We are very grateful for your support of this new
initiative, which will inspire other volunteers to deepen their involvement
and show their support for the Festival's mission.
Here is a pledge form for you to fill out and sign. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great weekend. See you soon. Cheers, Ann
Hi Ann: I'll drop off pledge form and letter as soon as I've had time to work on latter, early this coming week, I expect. No questions at this time. Trust your weekend is enjoyable as well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you Patrick. Ann
Didn't think I would be providing an update this quickly but hey, stuff happens.
We arrived at the airport late morning to find our Lufthansa flight cancelled (a pilot strike - who knew). Long line-ups and not much happening. Folks being referred to a Lufthansa number and put on hold forever. I got on the phone right away to our travel agent who within 15 minutes had us on an Air Canada flight to London and an onward flight to Amsterdam on KLM. We'll sort out the $ with Lufthansa later but should get the cost covered.
To complicate matters we were flying on an Aeroplan points ticket. Found out that within 15 minutes of our booking on AC the flight was overbooked. Our travel agent got us assigned seats but when we checked in with AC they said we were on standby. Got back to her and she said it was BS that we wouldn't get our seats and called AC direct and got a reconfirmation of our seat booking. Back to AC check-in and they assigned us seats albeit not as good as the ones she had booked for us. At this stage we are just happy to be on the flight even though we will be arriving 6 hours later than planned. Another reason we always use a travel agent for international travel. Meanwhile we are killing 4 hours at YVR hence this rambling message.
Now for the happy coincidence - wandering aimlessly around the departure area Joan ran into Jane who is on the same London flight as us on her way to Stockholm to rendezvous with you know who. She had just flown in from Comox and walked (!) from the south terminal in the rain. We will now happily get to spend a couple of hours with her over a glass of wine or 2 before boarding. I hope this is not a harbinger for the rest of our travels (i.e. the flight screw-up, not running into Jane). Onward.....Paul
Hello Traveling Whitneys and Salish Sea Woman! Cora Lee listened to your message this morning, Paolo! Sorry I didn't manage to connect before you made for YVR. Trust all goes well for rest of trip! Great that you have a chance to visit with Jane.
Since your email we have already signed, electronically, most recent conditions we want addressed by sellers. Will be curious to receive response. Off to gym shortly as still cool and rainy here. Cora Lee is curled up in armchair, next to electric fireplace in living room, reading a book! Plan to replace similar fixture in living room of Burns Street with an efficient wood-burning unit of some sort. Chimney and flue are functional so just need to have fireplace and flue inspected/cleaned before using.
On the VWF front have just agreed to take the lead on their 2015 Volunteer Campaign. Was happy to support this new initiative, which, we trust, "will inspire other volunteers to deepen their involvement and show their support for the Festival's mission."
So lots to talk about upon everyone's safe return. We both wish you wonderful times abroad. Fondestos to one and all, (to Kjell, as well, Jane), from the people packing boxes while the rest of you lollygag, holiday or otherwise enjoy your lives! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Goodness gracious! Best of luck, Kjell PS South Terminal, huh; don't think Jane counted on that; hope walking in the rain didn't give her a cold (why walk??). DSWood-burning fireplace!! Thought you tree-huggers hadn't heard of them. Congrats!
/kMy goodness never a dull travel moment. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves in an eclipsed Europe by now. On the other front I've had long experience with wood stoves and we all know they 'warm twice' -- when chopping and when burning. So enjoy Holland and Sweden and all the other places.
Greetings from The Tree Huggers at the Islay Inn! Hi Kjell and Jane et al: Trust flight went well and the Akvavit and Jenever are now flowing freely! Don't think I can chop wood just yet, however, Lynn! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, back napping in front of the electric fireplace! Cheers, Patrizzio!
After spending most of the day answering messages and preparing a reply to present to the current owners of Burns Street property, after receiving the detailed inspection report we had commissioned, I ventured out into the rain to walk over to FCCC to elliptisize my net cobwebs away. Very pleased with effort:
1123 calorifics in 70 minuten, (60 workout, 10 cool-down), for 3.48 milos and 15,073' worth of climbage. Back home to be told by Lady Mary to open a bottle of wine, exhausted, frustrated and kranky as the poor dear is, from writing minutes and other church-related correspondence! Will do her every bidding, as is my wont, Dear Reader, as you well know, to keep Lady Mary happy, at all times, forever and a day, if not longer, unto eternity, and then shower for dinner!
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