It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years
to make the stars and planets, but five billion years to make man!
-George Gamow, physicist and cosmologist (4 Mar 1904-1968)
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George Gamow |
["Massive plumes of smoke that smothered parts of the city after a chemical fire broke out at the Port of Metro Vancouver contained a respiratory irritant dangerous to breathe in large quantities, according to health officials.
Vancouver Coastal Health said a container that went up in flames Wednesday contained an industrial disinfectant and bleaching agent called trichloroisocyanuric acid, exposure to which can be similar to breathing in bleach. The compound is often used in water treatment and swimming pools.
Some people in the area reported symptoms of burning throat and eyes, but Coastal Health said the chemical's effects are short-term and were expected to dissipate when the smoke cleared.
The blaze broke out at around 1:40 p.m. Wednesday in a shipping container buried six-deep and two-high in the Centerm terminal, according to fire officials. The terminal has since been shut down and evacuated.The fire was eventually upgraded to a four-alarm and officials reported that up to three containers were aflame. More than three hours after it began, fire officials said the blaze had died down slightly and no injuries have been reported.
At least one West Coast Express departure was cancelled after authorities closed the rail tracks around the port, and TransLink told riders to find alternative transit to get home. Further delays and cancellations were expected."]
You didn’t mention what the pictures were of but I am assuming it is some pace you looked at to stay for the interim? I enjoyed the stories of being young and stupid! although stupid is perhaps a bit harsh, maybe insert young and carefree instead? we were all like that to some degree I think and remember them as the “good times” although these are also the good times that we are making now for our future!.
Really looking forward to acquiring a new two wheel mode of transport and getting out again soon. talking to Jesse yesterday and he has a scheme with his friend Steven to start putting together these two stroke motorized bicycles. they have both had one and they are amazing!. it’s a kit you can get that adapts to most bikes and costs about $150.00, it comes with everything including gas tank, levers, brackets etc. and the boys can put one together in a couple of hours. Seems like a pretty good plan considering the price and potential cost savings for people who want to commute by bike but just aren’t motivated to go a long distance. these things get over 150 mpg! and do around 60 kmh!!. I’m sure you’ve seen them buzzing around somewhere but nobody is really offering a ready made unit so who knows ..might be a niche market there. let me know your thoughts on the weekend and good luck with the house hunting! Cheers, Al
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George Gamow |
Motorized bikes sounds like a great project! maybe Jesse will become the Steve Jobs of Two-Stroke! The pictures attached to last message were sent by Ayn, her new sofa and fold-out couch/bed, purchased after our last visit or we might still be in Tinsel Town! Fondestos from Corazon, just off to West Van to lead her Elder College Book Club. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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#nationalgrammarday |
Today is National Grammar Day. Don't forget to thank your local semicolon. |
Busy morning answering messages and then enjoyed my breakfast of overlefts shortly after Corazon left around 9:30 am, for her Elder College Book Club in West Van. Had just sent off a message to Kjell and Jane when Jane called! She was in town dealing with the last few remaining details having to do with the sale of her condo so we had a great catch-up chat. Unfortunately, given everyone's busy schedule we couldn't squeeze in even a short visit. Still, hope to have the chance to see her new place outside Courtenay in the not too, too distant future.
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Deep Cove Brewers and Distillers |
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Storm Brewing |
Home by just after 5:00 pm and as I was opening the door to storage room to stow my steed, met Sarge. Last night he had offered to help me bring the King mattress back from storage unit so I had a quick rinse and change of clothes and we set off. Managed to empty locker of last few tubs and bed frame. Mattress went on roof rack and after Sarge tied a rope around it, he climbed into the passenger seat and held it tight as we drove slowly back to The Islay Inn.
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Yellow Dog Brewing |
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Postmark Brewing |
When Corazon returned from her interminable meeting we went downstairs to say hello and goodbye. Sarge is leaving tomorrow, for Vegas, for weekend, for Ryan's stag. About twelve lads will be attending. They will take two cars and drive to Bellingham to take advantage of cheaper flights. He will be back on Sunday so we are both booked in for bridge following day at Big Mac's place, Byronator to chauffeur.
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Strange Fellows Brewing |
Get good genes so that you don't need doctors - and radiation and surgery and such in fact! And now we rely on our beloved Welsh Brothers to win in Cardiff against Ireland! Backward and Downward with a Smile David
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Steel & Oak Brewing |
Come on Kevin, don’t you guys do a little due diligence down there? By the way, what in the heck’s “reticulation" -some sort of Aussie snake investigation? Patrick you are a man of the world, you can explain it to me. And Kevin, you are right -this seller guy is certainly older than Patrick who isn’t totally geriatric -yet.
Patrick, I love your plan about going down to the Marquis on the 14th but no worries, if you got go up to the OK I can understand -you have a lot of work and decisions to make over the next few months. cheers, Bill.
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Brassneck Brewery |
Hello Reticulation Experts and Aussie-in-the-back-of-your-minds-People! What a nightmare it must have been, Kev/Bev. Trust all is sorted now. Nothing but sympathy, unlike insensitive Wild Bill! For his information, "reticulation" is Strine! Used chiefly in Australia/NZ to describe a network of pipes used in irrigation and water supply as opposed to snake investigation!
Will be in touch about Marquis once were back, Wild Bill. Certainly be thinking of everyone when we are wine-tasting between viewing properties! Bestestos from Lady Mary to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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