The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one
of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions. -Robert Lynd,
writer (20 Apr 1879-1949)
Up at just after 7:00 am as Lady Mary was doing a rather good imitation of a Manitoban Elk call and the bedroom windows were shaking as a result! Almost as loud as the cacophony created when a chunk, (RCMP are saying that the estimated size of the rock slab which fell is 1000 cubic metres.), of the iconic Stawamus Chief crashed down, shaking Squamish on Sunday. The rock-slide occurred in the North Walls area of the north peak near a climbing route.
Hello Squamish Waldorf! Just wondering if your grand establishment has been shut-down as a result of the unbelievably rowdy patio party which caused Sunday's spectacular rock-slide on Stawamus Chief! Sarge had inside information from Squamish RCMP detachment which indicated that officers attended your place following notice of a complaint regarding noise levels which caused neighbours' windows to shake out of their casings, causing untold damage on Kintyre Drive. Guess you learned well from your former landlords at Hotel Kits!

On another matter, I had occasion to attend a memorial service for a former colleague at UBC this past Saturday. Margaret Friesen, my boss at ILL at the time, was there. Over the course of the afternoon I discovered that she is writing a family history. She also mentioned that since retiring she has been drawn back to playing the piano and I seem to remember that there was a connection between Ricardo, or, more likely his dad, who took piano lessons, at some point, from her father, in Abbotsford, if memory serves me well. Out of interest, just wondering if The Grumpoid might be able to clarify.
Must away as I've have been charged by Mme Coriandre to go to U Haul on SE Marine shortly to determine which size truck, (20'-26'), we should rent. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and Corinne, Yes, we've had lots of big news stories coming out of our small enclave. First, the big port fire which required us to keep all of our students indoors for a day at school and now the Chief Slide. We actually celebrated David Dunkley's 60th on the weekend with a very loud but excellent band. Perhaps we exceeded the limit for vibrations with the music and our lively dancing and caused the rocks to shift and fall. Quest University also had live bands playing all day to celebrate the end of the term and there was a huge soccer tournament in town. It turns out that we are a pretty happening town now so maybe it was too much for the ground. Who really knows what the scientific evidence will show!! Ha Ha! However, things often come in threes so stay tuned and we'll see what comes next.
Anyways, I'm sure you're all very busy packing and moving. We see exciting new changes on the forefront with some exhaustion from the move, but happily you'll be settled early enough to enjoy most of the summer and we look forward to visiting you in your new digs.
We returned from Peru just in time to host Easter for 17 of my family and then jump back into work so it's been a bit of a whirlwind of activity and I am now training to do the Westcoast Trail in a month, but we'll have to get together to exchange stories of our excellent trip to Peru and your big move. Good Luck with all of it! Ruth
Hi Machu Picchu People! Sorry I confused Brazil with Peru! Can hardly wait to hear how Riccardo managed to survide the fall after he was "accidentally" pushed over the edge by an as yet unidentified red-head!
When he does regain consciousness, please ask him about piano lessons and Margaret Friesen's father. I gather he may well be pretty busy working on your defense for the rave which has been linked directly to the fire and landslide! Must away as I'm off for a ride shortly. I packed my first box of clothes, (sweaters and such), earlier today and Lady Mary has lifted my house arrest, temporarily, as long as I'm not away all afternoon! Ball and chain if I don't comply. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Good to see you Saturday even though it was brief. Regarding David T, his retirement date is May 1st so his last day in the office is April 30th. I am not involved in the planning of this celebration so have no details to share. Contact David Winter for details. Hugs to you and Cora Lee. Liz
Hi Liz! Yes, wonderful to see you on Saturday, even if under such sad circumstances. Josie and Atsuko walked back with me to our place after we left Millyard and stopped for glass of wine. [At first Atsuko said no thanks but when I opened a Riesling from Orofino, Similkameen, she had a thimbleful!] Enjoyed a brief visit and caught up on some Library politics!
Thanks for info on David's retirement. I will call The Wintry One. Hope we'll have a chance for a longer visit/chat then. Fond regards from Corinne to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Any special orders from Blue Star Sushi on West Fourth for tonight? I'll arrange delivery for about 8pm. Suggested "Special Sushi Bridge Rule": heavy "post mortems" on 2/1 and other bidding not to be encouraged!! Byronic/Cavalier Noblesse Oblige is the jovial poetic style encouraged in Sushi Bridge I believe -- from my 2/1 Bible!! David Hello Fellow Samurai Slammers! Just extra wasabi and ginger! Kanpai, Patrizzio-San!
In my most elderly judgement the key in 2/1 Sushi Bridge is not to try too hard (as indeed is the case in sex and rugby): we are all on a downward slope and it's best to "slide easy" from our hey-days of years past. Only "Young Yorkshire Roger" is trying to "better himself" on whose sterling efforts we all indulgently smile. Especially our kindly true poetic champion, Byron, whom we all miss on his Parisian Sabbatical with the lovely Anne of Innishfree. Sushi Bridge is thus tonight I hope! David...tastebuds aflame. I'm a bit of a sushi hound. :-) Winston I'm a great lover of Toro and Uni. Are those sushi rolls? Is that Bull Shit?
Dave T/Winst, 4,680, Patrick/Robert 3,700 Hi Great night of Bridge. I look forward to a re-match with the four of us next week at Robert's. Sam can guide us through the labyrinths. All Best David
Giant comeback by the Dream Team - behind all night, but came through in the final period to ice the trophy. Many thanks to David; magic sushi feast and a great evening. Roll on the 27th. Winston (PS: Sorry for the copy David, but I only replied to you the first time)
Hello Mr T, et al! Thank you for hosting last night and providing such wonderful fare. The Sushi was fabulous indeed, the company beyond compare, the evening gloriously soft and warm, a hint of more such weather to come we trust.
Thank you, as well, for being such a courteous winner, apologizing, profusely, (and somewhat disingenuously I suspect, but I carp, ungraciously, if bitterly and honestly!), to the last, for turtling your way to victory after Robert and I rabbited into a seemingly insurmountable lead, early on, only to be cheekily outbid and cleverly outplayed in the home stretch. So well done, Wince-ton and Mr Tea! If you read your morning cuppa you will discern that you'll need to gird your loins for next week's encounter as Robert will not smarm our way to victory, preferring non-duplicity to the mantle of "villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!" Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night's gathering!
'Twas indeed a great evening and the sushi was superb. Thanks again David.
Dear Patrick Lord Byron would be especially proud of your poetic report of a
grand night indeed. Winston's appointment with the 84 bus was the only
thing stopping Robert and yourself overtaking us I am sure. To be
continued. All Best
Hello again, Mr T! Certainly appreciate your back-handed compliment since I was aiming for Shakespeare! Nevertheless, to address your comment about surety of Robert and I overtaking you and Winston, I happened to stroll past Ceili's Irish Pub on the corner of 7th and Burrard, on my way home. Rather taken-aback, let me tell you, to see aforementioned Fleet-of-Foot Winston sitting at the bar, knocking back Guinness after Guinness, regaling other patrons with how he and his Machiavelian partner outwitted their two yokel opponents by claiming he had to run, when ahead, to catch a bus!
Had I my broadsword with me I would have run the knave through, willingly flying Narmata Peter to town next week to be your partner. While the Naramatian is of questionable character, he is not quite so unabashed about his ungentlemanly behaviour. I trust your hollow victory sits well on your questionable collective conscience. Cheers, Will! The dastardly cads.
Hello again, Mr T! Certainly appreciate your back-handed compliment since I was aiming for Shakespeare! Nevertheless, to address your comment about surety of Robert and I overtaking you and Winston, I happened to stroll past Ceili's Irish Pub on the corner of 7th and Burrard, on my way home. Rather taken-aback, let me tell you, to see aforementioned Fleet-of-Foot Winston sitting at the bar, knocking back Guinness after Guinness, regaling other patrons with how he and his Machiavelian partner outwitted their two yokel opponents by claiming he had to run, when ahead, to catch a bus!
Had I my broadsword with me I would have run the knave through, willingly flying Narmata Peter to town next week to be your partner. While the Naramatian is of questionable character, he is not quite so unabashed about his ungentlemanly behaviour. I trust your hollow victory sits well on your questionable collective conscience. Cheers, Will! The dastardly cads.
Hola Pat, how are you? I thought if you had nothing to do you could join Perry for a ride! Thanks for updates. You and Corinne are very busy. Hope it is all going really well. Glad to hear your social lives aren't suffering with everything you have to do to get ready!! The wedding sounded like lots of fun. Thinking of you both. All the best, Jane
Hi Calamity and Blood, Sweat and Tears Navvy! Thanks for notice of Perry's ride. However, I didn't look at my messages in time to respond. In any case, Lady Mary wouldn't have let me join group as she has become a packing tyrant of late! Furthermore, she was incensed that I broke curfew to play bridge with the lads tonight, even though she and Robyn were out to see Woman in Gold at Fifth Avenue. Want to see it myself. Helen Meurens is wonderful according to The Sisterhood.
Finalized our truck rental today. Went to U Haul on SE Marine to take a look at both 20' and 26' trucks. Decided on latter as we will certainly need the space! Picked up a number of mattress covers, packing tape, etc., as well, so no excuses now! Fondestos from The Warden to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Piling Man and some snaps from the night's evening of bridge. David lives one block west of Burrard of 5th. Sushi was delish! View from patio back towards downtown; David and Robert, my partner; Robert and Winston; David, smiling mischieviously, as his partner makes yet another dastardly contract! In spite of the fact that we were ahead for a goodly part of the evening, they kept plugging away to emerge as the eventual victors. Rats and Double Rats! Nonetheless, we plan sweet revenge next week. Onward!! Fight!!!
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