Never lend books -- nobody ever returns them; the only books I have in
my library are those which people have lent me. -Anatole France,
novelist, essayist, Nobel laureate (16 Apr 1844-1924)
Hello Men-at-Work and Money-for-Nothing White Collar Worker! Great construction snaps although I was rather dismayed that the Site Foreman wasn't wearing a white safety helmet! Do the paws, chests and head stripe count with WCB?
Up at 5:45 am, before alarm went off, this morning to make a quick mug of java. Once I'd had my first sip I called Clarisse, as arranged earlier, to make sure they were up and getting ready to leave by 6:30 am. Put away last night's dishes and folded a bit of laundry with Cora Lee when she appeared just after 6:15 am. Went next door at close to 6:30 am to pick up the last bit of carry-on luggage. I'd loaded their other bags last night before we watched an episode of Elementary as I knew Dusty would be more comfortable knowing luggage was already stored. Didn't want him knocking on our door at 4:00 am!
Not too, too much traffic on the road so we had them at the airport by 7:00 am. Mme Coriandre accompanied them into terminal to help with check-in process. We hugged goodbye and I wished them a safe, comfortable flight, asking them to call when once back at Falcon. I only had to circle a couple of times before Lady Mary called to say she was ready to be picked up. Back home by not much before 7:45 am. Still hasn't really sunk in that Durstons won't be next door anymore. No more of Rosie's home-made soup or desserts or help/advice from Dusty for minor household repairs, etc. Guess we are experiencing the same sort of withdrawal symptoms that will afflict Chloƫ once we move to Penticton!
Will go for another ride shortly. Plan to dovetail it with a visit to Norm Cardinal's Sample Sale, even though it is on until Friday. Will have to stop at an ATM on GI to withdraw some cash in case I can persuade Cora Lee to allow me to buy a few more shirts! She is on a hyper-rant about de-cluttering not adding more possessions, insisting I'm showing classic symptoms of severe approach-avoidance syndrome! For my part I think we could pull an all-nighter the day before we have to vacate the premises. No difference between a move up-country and final exams, is there?
Ayn Rand Reviews Children’s Movies
“Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”An excellent movie. The obviously unfit individuals are winnowed out through a series of entrepreneurial tests and, in the end, an enterprising young boy receives a factory. I believe more movies should be made about enterprising young boys who are given factories. —Three and a half stars. (Half a star off for the grandparents, who are sponging off the labor of Charlie and his mother. If Grandpa Joe can dance, Grandpa Joe can work.)
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Codex Sancti Paschalis
Christopher John SSF
Do hope we will see you both in the not too, too distant future. Obviously, we both have our respective tasks well laid out before us. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night's farewell dinner!
Between this email and Chloe telling me about Grandpa in Kamloops I'm just sad and weepy xoxo Thanks for the memories. They will be missed.
Hi Patrice, I see you are a whirling dervish as usual! Apologies accepted for the non returned phone call but I'm extremely miffed at you not responding to the email I sent April 7th below! Have a re-read and let me know what you think. I have since talked to Paul anyway and he has a truck we could use depending on your needs. Must away for lunch but let's talk soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Patrice, No apologies required, i gathered you had a
lot on the go and i slipped through the cracks but didn’t take it
personally and was in jest of course!. See responses below
Hi Extremely Miffed Man and Alluring Cohort! I really do apologize for not picking up your message of April 7th. Bit
hard to reconstruct events of that week but I surmise with fall-out from
busy Easter weekend, on-going chaos of packing and getting ready for
Naramata run/Kamloops wedding, I simply missed
your email! So sorry but delighted that Paul can/will accompany you. We
plan to hire two people to unload heavy furniture in Penticton so you
two could go wine-tasting once truck is at Burns Street! Seriously.
Anyway, something to think about. Plenty of beds
even if place will probably be a bit of a mess for a few days. We'll
just get juiced and pretend we are camping!
If I understand correctly, Paul might drive his truck if we need it. Is this so? that was a potential plan depending on your requirements, I would need to check again with Paul on capacity of his truck and availability after you determine the size of truck you need. Next item on my moving check-list is to swing by rental company and take a look at the two trucks we might use: 20' and 26'. I'm inclined to book latter just to be sure we have enough room for everything. Do you feel comfortable with either? Sure, although given the large size and steep hills en route maybe Coquihalla would be best I can check with Paul on that as well
No air-brakes involved so that is a relief. I'll have a better idea of what our needs will be after I take a look at rental vehicles. I hope to be able to do that tomorrow and will certainly pass along my thoughts afterwards. Are you home this weekend? Unfortunately no as I have to take a run to the cabin and deliver my ATV which was in the shop in North van sorting out problems from being sunk at Christmas. Would have loved to of course otherwise. If so, and free, perhaps you could come over for dinner on Saturday. At any rate, let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
Not too, too much traffic on the road so we had them at the airport by 7:00 am. Mme Coriandre accompanied them into terminal to help with check-in process. We hugged goodbye and I wished them a safe, comfortable flight, asking them to call when once back at Falcon. I only had to circle a couple of times before Lady Mary called to say she was ready to be picked up. Back home by not much before 7:45 am. Still hasn't really sunk in that Durstons won't be next door anymore. No more of Rosie's home-made soup or desserts or help/advice from Dusty for minor household repairs, etc.
Guess we are experiencing the same sort of withdrawal symptoms that will afflict ChloĆ« once we move to Penticton! I understand and feel sympathy for you guys having Dusty and Clara going home which combined with the move is very emotional I am sure. I’m sure they will enjoy your new digs in Penticton as much or more. I’m also sure it is hard for Chloe anticipating your departure but as you said you need to live your life for you first and foremost .You have taken great steps to ensure her security and she of course will be fine in the long run. Pics: Last night's farewell dinner!
Went for another wonderful ride around noon. Dovetailed it with a visit to Sample Sale of former squash friend, Norm Cardinal, at the FX Building just behind Home Depot, off Terminal. Had to stop at an ATM on GI to withdraw some cash in case I could persuade Cora Lee to allow me to buy a few more shirts! She is on a hyper-rant about de-cluttering not adding more possessions, insisting I'm showing classic symptoms of severe approach-avoidance syndrome! For my part I think we could pull an all-nighter the day before we have to vacate the premises. No difference between a move up-country and final exams, is there? Lol!! I do my best work under pressure as well so can relate and concur!
At any rate, I dipsy-doodled my way around Kits Point and then hit the UBC Foreshore Hill with 21 km on the clock. Have most of the distances around campus pretty well calibrated so I knew precisely where I planned to ride once there: Main Mall to 16th/Imperial/Camosun/Marine and then back on Chancellor. Did a quick run around Little Australia, off Blanca, before zoomin' down 4th, managing to hit 54.6 kph without pedaling so had to be very alert for any cars, other bikers or pedestrians ready to dart out in front of me. Once back on Lamey's Mill Road I continued past Olympic Village and then crossed Main to dipsy-doodle around the industrial area parallel to Terminal. Passed the Rocky Mountaineer looking extremely spiffy. Guess the company is gearing up for coming onslaught of tourists.
[Union Street, 1972
Photo: Curt Lang (Leonard Frank Society of Documentary Photographers Project)]
Had logged 77 km when I reached the FX Building. Took my bike inside as I don't like to leave it unattended, even if locked. Had a great catch-up with Norm, telling him about our coming move, etc. Unfortunately, he is having the same sort of problems with his left hip as I experienced so I urged him to deal with replacement surgery as quickly as possible. Once again, squash is the culprit! Picked up six shirts so please don't tell Lady Mary! He and his wife, Janet, are very fond of the Okanagan so we'll probably see them in Penticton!
Retraced my steps back past the Rocky Mountaineer and then Olympic Village to The Heartbreak Hotel to find Mme Coriandre ready to leave, having prepared a brimming crock pot of delicious turkey chili. Must away as I have to shower and change and then make a salad. [I gave my bike a good scrub after ride and oiled chain as I hope to go for a long ride tomorrow, quite early, so that I can discharge all the errandos Cora Lee has set out for me!] She is at another meeting so we won't be eating dinner until 8'ish. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! to you and yours as well my friend! Stats for ride: I understand correctly, Paul might drive his truck if we need it. Is this so? that was a potential plan depending on your requirements, I would need to check again with Paul on capacity of his truck and availability after you determine the size of truck you need. Next item on my moving check-list is to swing by rental company and take a look at the two trucks we might use: 20' and 26'. I'm inclined to book latter just to be sure we have enough room for everything. Do you feel comfortable with either? Sure, although given the large size and steep hills en route maybe Coquihalla would be best I can check with Paul on that as well
No air-brakes involved so that is a relief. I'll have a better idea of what our needs will be after I take a look at rental vehicles. I hope to be able to do that tomorrow and will certainly pass along my thoughts afterwards. Are you home this weekend? Unfortunately no as I have to take a run to the cabin and deliver my ATV which was in the shop in North van sorting out problems from being sunk at Christmas. Would have loved to of course otherwise. If so, and free, perhaps you could come over for dinner on Saturday. At any rate, let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
You are right, it has been whirling dervish times, here at The Islay Inn!
Up at 5:45 am, before alarm went off, this morning to make a quick mug
of java. Once I'd had my first sip I called Clarisse, as arranged
to make sure they were up and getting ready to leave by 6:30 am. Put
away last night's dishes and folded a bit of laundry with Cora Lee when
she appeared just after 6:15 am. Went next door at close to 6:30 am to
pick up the last bit of carry-on luggage. I'd
loaded their other bags last night before we watched an episode of
Elementary as I knew Dusty would be more comfortable knowing luggage was
already stored. Didn't want him knocking on our door at 4:00 am!
Not too, too much traffic on the road so we had them at the airport by 7:00 am. Mme Coriandre accompanied them into terminal to help with check-in process. We hugged goodbye and I wished them a safe, comfortable flight, asking them to call when once back at Falcon. I only had to circle a couple of times before Lady Mary called to say she was ready to be picked up. Back home by not much before 7:45 am. Still hasn't really sunk in that Durstons won't be next door anymore. No more of Rosie's home-made soup or desserts or help/advice from Dusty for minor household repairs, etc.
Guess we are experiencing the same sort of withdrawal symptoms that will afflict ChloĆ« once we move to Penticton! I understand and feel sympathy for you guys having Dusty and Clara going home which combined with the move is very emotional I am sure. I’m sure they will enjoy your new digs in Penticton as much or more. I’m also sure it is hard for Chloe anticipating your departure but as you said you need to live your life for you first and foremost .You have taken great steps to ensure her security and she of course will be fine in the long run. Pics: Last night's farewell dinner!
Went for another wonderful ride around noon. Dovetailed it with a visit to Sample Sale of former squash friend, Norm Cardinal, at the FX Building just behind Home Depot, off Terminal. Had to stop at an ATM on GI to withdraw some cash in case I could persuade Cora Lee to allow me to buy a few more shirts! She is on a hyper-rant about de-cluttering not adding more possessions, insisting I'm showing classic symptoms of severe approach-avoidance syndrome! For my part I think we could pull an all-nighter the day before we have to vacate the premises. No difference between a move up-country and final exams, is there? Lol!! I do my best work under pressure as well so can relate and concur!
At any rate, I dipsy-doodled my way around Kits Point and then hit the UBC Foreshore Hill with 21 km on the clock. Have most of the distances around campus pretty well calibrated so I knew precisely where I planned to ride once there: Main Mall to 16th/Imperial/Camosun/Marine and then back on Chancellor. Did a quick run around Little Australia, off Blanca, before zoomin' down 4th, managing to hit 54.6 kph without pedaling so had to be very alert for any cars, other bikers or pedestrians ready to dart out in front of me. Once back on Lamey's Mill Road I continued past Olympic Village and then crossed Main to dipsy-doodle around the industrial area parallel to Terminal. Passed the Rocky Mountaineer looking extremely spiffy. Guess the company is gearing up for coming onslaught of tourists.
[Union Street, 1972
Photo: Curt Lang (Leonard Frank Society of Documentary Photographers Project)]
Had logged 77 km when I reached the FX Building. Took my bike inside as I don't like to leave it unattended, even if locked. Had a great catch-up with Norm, telling him about our coming move, etc. Unfortunately, he is having the same sort of problems with his left hip as I experienced so I urged him to deal with replacement surgery as quickly as possible. Once again, squash is the culprit! Picked up six shirts so please don't tell Lady Mary! He and his wife, Janet, are very fond of the Okanagan so we'll probably see them in Penticton!
Retraced my steps back past the Rocky Mountaineer and then Olympic Village to The Heartbreak Hotel to find Mme Coriandre ready to leave, having prepared a brimming crock pot of delicious turkey chili. Must away as I have to shower and change and then make a salad. [I gave my bike a good scrub after ride and oiled chain as I hope to go for a long ride tomorrow, quite early, so that I can discharge all the errandos Cora Lee has set out for me!] She is at another meeting so we won't be eating dinner until 8'ish. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! to you and yours as well my friend! Stats for ride:
Hi, trying to schedule a dinner before the departure for the interior. Here are some possible dates (weekends for the working stiffs)...May 1; May 2; May 3; May 8; May 9; May 10 Let me know which of these work...Lynn Hi, all May 10 doesn't work sadly. Here are a few more dates during the week since that seems not to be a problem for 'the workers': April 23, 27, 28 29, May 4,6,7 Lynn The Whitney's can't do Apr 23 or May 4. The other dates are open. Cheers...Paul
Hi Lynn et al! Social butterfly/Volunteer meeting addict and harsh task mistress, Mme Coriandre, has consulted her much pencilled calendar and it seems as if April 29th, May 6th and May 7th are commitment free. This being the case I am informed, as her hard-done by/much put-upon scribe/under-secretary, to say that we would be more than delighted, tickled pink, in fact, to join you and the rest of the Library Mafia on any, (perhaps all!), of these dates! Sincerely, As Ever, Yer 'Umble Servant, Obsequious Patrizzio! Pic: Lady Mary, this past weekend, praying for my black soul in the chapel at Downton!
OK folks. It'll be May 7, 630 pm...on W. 8 Ave., Looking forward. Sorry you can't make it Liisa. Lynn Hi Lynn, et al! Thanks for confirmation! Will be there with bells on!! Thanks and Cheers, Lady Mary's confidante, Mr Carson! Pic: Waiting, impatiently, for another pour! Got it. Lynn, can we bring a veg dish (asparagus?). Cheers....Paul & Joan Hi Lynn et al! Following up on Paolo's food contribution suggestion, can we bring along some appetizers? Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sure that would be great. Thx. Hi Lynn! Appetizers Indeed! Will do. Mrs Patmore is already thinking about what best to prepare! Cheers, Carson!
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