"Don't think of it as dying," said Death. "Just think of it as leaving
early to avoid the rush." -Terry Pratchett, novelist (Apr 28 1948-2015)
Hola Patricio, It sounds that under the stern direction of Cruella Coriandre you are going to have a well-organized move. You will be quite welcome to bring us more valuables. We did quite well with the first batch at the Big Naramata Yard Sale last weekend. Unfortunately I won’t be here on the 14th. I’m travelling to Cuba May 8 to 16 – a long time for a relatively simple site visit.
Anyway, I’ll organize a space for you in one of the garages and Lynnie will be here to supervise. She will also welcome your company for the night or as long as you want to stay. You will be forced to drink the newly bottled 2014 Two Petes Riesling, which might shorten your desire to stay longer!
I’m busy building new raised garden beds this week, in between golf and consulting engineering. Gail Nixon and I had a good result, 3rd last Wednesday night at duplicate, and will try again tomorrow. Cheers, happy packing and have a good bridge night on the 1st. Peter
Hi Ruthless! Delighted that you will be able to make our Farewell Blast! Just the beginning of a new start, a la your decamping to Squamish!
Just heard back from friends in Naramata and everything works as far as dropping off our next load of boxes and tubs/overnighting. This being the case, when will you and Super Grump be arriving at the cabin.? If Friday, we will probably head up to the Okanagan on Thursday, spend the night and then continue to your place. We can certainly adjust our schedule to suit yours so let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
[Chloe Alexis Dunn "Round Here" with Robbie — at Orpheum. Joanne McCuaig Are you at a counting crows concert?!?!?! Chloe Alexis Dunn We are! Patrick James Dunn Nice life! We are huddled around our small screen TV watching House of Cards, through a magnifying glass, dreaming of going to live concerts! Oh to be young and have plenty of disposable income unlike your Mother who has to pay the taxman! But please don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Had a wonderful dinner as I just enjoyed a peanut butter sandwich with some dry bread that your grandparents left with us a week ago and Nana brought me a glass of water so all is well. Enjoy the evening and have a few drinks for us but certainly don't feel guilty, at all costs, on our account!

[Chloe Alexis Dunn Robbie and "Mr. Jones" Patrick James Dunn Look Ma, no cavities! Chloe Alexis Dunn Patrick James Dunn simmer down, draw yourself closer to the malt cabinet and know that people like Robbie and I can't feel guilt Robbie Romu Patrick James Dunn I didn't realize you were so hard done by...Patrick James Dunn I've been weeping oceans of tears and "sanging" my broken heart out knowing that you and Robertito can't even begin to feel even a modiucum of redemptive guilt or nagging remorse for your careworn parents!]
Hi Ruthless! Delighted that you will be able to make our Farewell Blast! Just the beginning of a new start, a la your decamping to Squamish!
Just heard back from friends in Naramata and everything works as far as dropping off our next load of boxes and tubs/overnighting. This being the case, when will you and Super Grump be arriving at the cabin.? If Friday, we will probably head up to the Okanagan on Thursday, spend the night and then continue to your place. We can certainly adjust our schedule to suit yours so let us know and we'll plan accordingly.

Anyway, let us know about the lake as soon as you have a moment. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, off to volunteer at Chloë's office, stuffing envelopes for next fund-raising campaign, and then to about seventeen more meetings!
With rainy day, I plan to head over to FCCC to use ellipticizer and later this afternoon I will take Aquabus across False Creek to walk to Homer to take in an exhibition of 80 original prints by Andy Warhol at MAISON AI. The collection has travelled from California and it is the largest collection to have ever visited Canada, apparently. The Different Idea of Love exhibit is a collaboration between Revolver Gallery (out of Los Angeles) and the above-mentioned gallery. It is free, so even better! More money for malt! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge last night. Sam is Robert's son, four years old. David and Winston, with beer, our cunning opponents!
Hello Strangers! Trust you are both well. Seems forever since we were last in contact. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Not sure if you might have heard, through the Agneta Grapevine or not, but we are moving to Penticton on May 29th! Long story so will wait until we have a chance to meet to provide details. Am hoping that we might see you over the coming Victoria Day weekend, if you will be around. We thought we might pop in, en route to Little Shushwap, to say hello and have a visit over rich coffee, fortified with 18 year old rum, home-baked cookies and cakes, topped with whipped cream and fresh berries, sprinkled with small diamonds and various other semi-precious jewels, before we take a doggy bag and continue on to Toews' cabin! Don't fuss, emeralds will be fine!
At this point we don't know when our hosts at LS will be arriving there so thought I'd send along this message to see if you will even be at home, and if so, how best to juggle schedules. Be grand if we could see you, if only briefly. As I've already said, we will soon be your Okanagan neighbours so if this proposed visit doesn't transpire, trust there will plenty of other opportunities, in the not too, too distant future, to have a reunion. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. This past February we drove down to Palm Desert to spend a week with Lynne and Peter, staying with Ayn, in LA, coming and going. She is very well and hopes to drive up to Penticton this August so perhaps we could arrange a Guayabitos reunion! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and Barb, Lynn. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Agneta's sons, Matt and Ezra, along with Ezra's wife, (They met in La Peñita!), and daughter, and Matt's daughter, came over from Roberts Creek, this past Saturday, to collect all the furniture and kitchen ware from Annexe that Clarisse and Dusty, or other family members, did not want. C/D left for Winnipeg mid-April. They will be looking for a place in Winnipeg once the sell their home at Falcon Lake but we hope they will continue to visit/stay with us in Penticton over some of the fall/winter months.
Dearest Friends and Family! The Management and Staff of the Islay Inn would like to invite you to a Farewell Bash, Saturday, May 23rd, from 3:00 pm until the neighbours call the cops! Both a Pot-Luck and a BYOB gathering, we hope, finally, to turn the tables on all the Freeloaders we have come to know and love over these past wonderful 16 years! No tears allowed but plenty of laughs, (and hootch), expected! Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio! [Draft only. Send your comments back.] Hey D, This looks great!!
About time Hi Glasgow! Nice drop! Trust you are both well. I'll be hosting regular bridge gathering next week so I plan to put some arsenic in the hootch I serve to our opponents!
Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, off earlier to volunteer at Chloë's office, stuffing envelopes for next fund-raising campaign, and then to about seventeen more meetings! I'm heading out myself, shortly to take Aquabus across False Creek to walk to Homer to take in an exhibition of 80 original prints by Andy Warhol at MAISON AI. The collection has travelled from California and it is the largest collection to have ever visited Canada, apparently. The Different Idea of Love exhibit is a collaboration between Revolver Gallery (out of Los Angeles) and the above-mentioned gallery. It's free, so even better! More money for malt! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Exhausted Mme Coriandre relaxing with a book and a bottle of Poplar Grove Viognier, Sunday evening, before Game of Thrones! You are not the only one to self-medicate! thanks patrick
Although I had expected to go to the gym this afternoon, by the time I was ready to leave the weather seemed to have cleared up si I decided I'd run a few errands first to see if a ride was going to be possible. This being the case I strolled over to Cheap Thrills for a few groceries and much needed packing tape and scored three boxes, as well, poifect for books. back home I had quick shower and when changed, walked over to the VWF office to give the donation I had promised to kick-off new Volunteer Giving Program. had a pleasant visit with all of the permanent staff, except Hal, who was in a meeting.
Waved goodbye to The Gals and walked over to Aquabus dock and took fery to foot of Hornby to walk to Homer to Maison AI to take in the Warhol exhibit. Much to my dismay, it was over, according to sign posted on the door. Nothing to be done although I was rather annoyed at myself for not having made the effort earlier. Enjoyed the walk back to the Aquabus marveling at some of the tulips still in bloom, in front of some of the apartment buildings on Seymour Mews and fascinated by the huge construction project just underway between the various on/off ramps at the north end of the Granville Bridge.
I didn't know any of the staff on duty but one of them knew Chloë so she said she would stock the coolers in order to empty some containers and I could collect them later. Did just that, thanking everyone, and continued on across the wooden bridge by the pond. To my delight I noticed two turtles sunning themselves on a rock close tot he southwest bank so I walked to a spot which gave me an opportunity for a few close-up shots. As I was clicking away I noticed two ducklings paddling past the turtles so enjoyed the sight of these tiny, still-fuzzy creatures. Almost immediately their two concerned parents zipped, over quacking noisily, letting me know not to interfere with their off-spring, I assume!
What a lovely, peaceful tableau, almost right in the heart of a busy, noisy, construction-filled city! Collecting my boxes I returned home and checked the forecast. Showers were predicted until 4:00 pm so as it was only around 3:30 pm I decided to do a bit of packing to give sky time to clear. Ended up, I'm more than pleased to say, with managing to fill five boxes of books and then followed with two larger boxes of my clothes and most of my shoes, as well as a host of small ornaments, using patio cushions as fillers so as not to make containers too, too heavy.
By the time I had applied the last strip of tape it was close to 6:00 pm and sky looked pretty blue so I suited up and headed out, making for Science World. Knew I'd have until about 8:30 pm before sun set so just enough time for around 50 km. By now the Seawall wasn't overly busy so the Olympic Village to Granville Bridge loop was pretty empty, much to my relief. In between I introduced a slight variation to my regime by doing sprints in the Concord Pacific parking lot, cycling pretty much as quickly as I could manage on the relative straightaways. 31 kph was speed I opted to try to maintain over distance at my disposal.
Would rest and catch my breath on the turns and wherever else I needed to circle to complete the large figure eight, more or less, that I described, looping the lot. This variation broke the monotony of simply going around in circles and I trust, will hold my legs and lungs in good stead, as far as strength and endurance are concerned.
Shortly after 8:00 pm I had logged the distance I knew I needed to reach my goal by the time I was back home so made my way towards Science World as the light was beginning to fade. Stats for ride:
Mme Coriandre returned a few minutes after I did and as she had eaten at her last meeting I took a shower before I made a salad for myself and re-heated some overlefts for my dinner. We proceeded to watch two episodes of House of Cards before it was time to read in bed. At Cora Lee's suggestion I'm now enjoying Linden MacIntyre's Punishment. Have not read any of his work before and must say, so far, I do like his style. He was here a few months ago at Incite, a VPL/ VWF event but we were not able to attend. I think we were in the Okanagan at the time, making our first foray into the housing market there, along with Rosie-the-Riveter and Coat-Hanger, NG, (Norman Glen, aka No Good), Durston! And now we are immersed in packing furiously to be ready to move to Penticton! Arrivederci!!!
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