I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it. -Edith Sitwell, poet (7 Sep 1887-1964)
Busy day yesterday so I slept like a log last night, not leaping out of bed until 8:00 pm as I had to be on the road by 8:30 am if I was to meet up with hiking group at Home Hardware. Bade a quick, fond farewell to Sukey Tawdry, (Heraldo was in shower.), and after Bates laced up my spiffy new hiking boots I took off. Dashed out of the house right on schedule to make for HH. Nobody from hiking group there so I continued on to the IGA parking lot, just off 97, in Summerland. Many of the regulars there so I hitched a ride with Jimbo and Michaelo, (I'd not met him before.), to a fairly new housing development about 10 minutes way. Parked the vehicles by the side of the road here and headed up into the hills. Michaelo lives quite near here and even takes his electric assist bike to the top of Cartwright Mountain, (our destination), so was the team leader for today's hike.
[Patrick James Dunn Couldn't agree more even if my b/w snap was taken on today's hike to Cartwright Mountain, up above Summerland, for recreation as opposed to having to endure terrible, unjust conditions in the coal mines! Chair was brought there by a chap, Michaelo, who lives not far away, relatively speaking, and he regularly comes to sit and enjoy the spectacular view. Forgot to ask him if he brings along a snort of malt! Tia belongs to one of group members and she is a lovely, lovely pooch, always "herding" me when I fall behind. I gave her a few slices of Gala apple and a number of carrot sticks from my lunch and she was very appreciative!]
Climb was perhaps the steepest, from the very beginning, of all the hikes I've been on so far, but am pleased to say that my muscles seem to be adjusting quite nicely, so I was not the last in line by the time we reached the first patch of level ground. Am sure my biking helped in this regard. Anyway, am still one of the last on the descents but that might even change as the weeks go by. At any rate, we walked, much of the time, along ridges which afforded simply spectacular views of both Summerland and Okanagan Lake. Quite interesting to see so many of the orchards, vineyards and large-scale nurseries from this vantage point. Can understand how the first individuals to farm here selected the flat, fertile land. One of our group, Ken, actually grew up in an area called Prairie Valley, spread out below us, bounded by one of the water reservoirs for Summerland, as well as the landfill site and a gravel pit!
[Hi y'all Sorry again that we will miss our Summerland visit. We had a birthday celebration with family arriving so had to cancel. The weather is not that conducive to sitting around the kitty pool anyway but a massage at the Spa would have been very welcome.
If you like Mead at all, try out the Honeymoon Meadery at the Planet Bee store in Vernon. We sampled quite a few at the tasting bar and ended up buying the sweetest one. It is very much like an ice wine . The great thing is that the honey must mitigate the digestion of the 14.5% alcohol because I have had no adverse reaction. We ordered a few more online and the delivery arrived the next day! Now that is trouble! Something different for guests to sample.
Our Fall is not forecast to be all that warm but we will have a mild winter ahead. This will be your first experience without a rainy winter. ... Or are you heading off again to tropical climes? Cheers
Hi Brenda Louise! What wonderful, wonderful snaps of Kian and Wally! Kian looks much more mature than a one year old! Must take after you, although really love the matching chapeaux and shirts! Delightful indeed! Sorry we won't connect just yet.
Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, just off to run a few errands before we head to travel clinic. Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Kian! Hic and Cheers, Patrizzio!]
His grandfather, father and three uncles started orchards there and Ken pointed out their houses, from the top of Cartwright, as well as one where he grew up. Not far away, back towards Summerland itself, we could also see Michaelo's home. From our perch, fabulous view of Giant's Head as well. After a spot of lunch at the summit we made our way down, following a slightly different route. For part of the time I was walking with Elly, someone I'd not met before, and we were last two. Just as we were crossing a fairly open patch of slope she was stung by a wasp and had a number of others buzzing around her. We think we might have disturbed a nest. When we reported this to rest of group Olga Polga told us about a hike a few months ago where most of the group had been stung, one person receiving five bites, another three. Two of the group, Mother Teresa and Olga Polga carry epinephrine in case they are stung, both being quite allergic.
Other than these wasps, a number of group saw a coyote dashing across one of the ridges above us shortly after we started to climb towards the peak. Quite cloudy and cool at the start but sun came out near the top so a wonderful outing all around. Thursday's hike with be from near the ski village at Apex so really looking forward to that as I've not been there before and want to scope out the road with an eye to biking it, at some point. Stats for hike:
Unfortunately I forgot to turn on my odometre until about an hour into hike so stats are off. Michaelo reckoned that we hiked for about 6 km, not the 2 km I recorded. Thursday's hike with be from near the ski village at Apex so really looking forward to that as I've not been there before and want to scope out the road with an eye to biking it, at some point.
After coffee, for most, Dr Pepper for me, at The Beanery Cafe in Summerland, back home to an empty house. Cora Lee is volunteering at our NDP candidate's office, just down the street from us. [There is a fund raiser for Richard Cannings this coming Friday, in Kaleden, and Lady Mary has tickets for us.] Still scads to do around the house but I need to spend a substantial amount of time trying to answer messages I've simply not been able to get to over last week or so. The Great White Hunter, Henning, arrives tomorrow, en route to McBride, where he will hunt for a couple of weeks. Bit of a break until Saturday when Ragin' Bull arrives to spend four or five days. He needs to be back before the 19th for a Whitecaps game.
Hi Calamity and Whirlygig! Wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for the great snaps! Any pictures of Ukiyo and luxurious guest quarters? Sorry, but have literally been too, too busy to even think about ex-friends across the Salish Sea! Pesky Lower Mainland Freeloaders manage to get in the way of just about everything important. Be glad you live on an island! Always wondered why you moved there! Now I know, in spades, of which you seem to rather displeased with handling if your Mr Potatoe Head snap is any indication!
The 2015 Naramata Wineries Association Tailgate Party is on this coming Saturday, hosted at Red Rooster, with 24 wineries participating so I don't think there will be much shelving erected on Sunday! We've a ticket for Admiral Barnacle as part of thanking him for coming up to help. Well, this is pretty much all the news that fit to print, other than to say I don't think we'll be mainlining until around October 17th unless we have to make a quick trip beforehand, to obtain our visas for India.
Still wading through the forms and the bureaucracy! Might try to dovetail my annual physical, (Haven't been able to find a Family Practitioner taking new patients here in Penticton!), with our doctor in Vancouver on same trip. If all is well, rate for extended travel insurance is cheaper. Need to have it anyway. Better safe than sorry as hardly needs to be said.
Let us know what your plans might be. Fund raiser for Aunt Leah's on Saturday, October 17th. Chloë is organizing it again, this year. It is Trivia Night and we have bought a table so if you two are interested, please join us. We need your wealth of knowledge! Janet Tomkins, our India expert, will join us, as well as Sara and Dermot, I'm hoping. Latter did so last year. Flamin' and Sarge will probably have a Clan Sutherland table so we need to outsmart the Newfies! Take care of each other. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, basking in the late afternoon sun, reading the National Post! Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi Sara Jane and Dermot! Trust you are well. Doing any cycling? How is your Mom? Before I go further, fund raiser for Aunt Leah's on Saturday, October 17th. Chloë is organizing it again, this year. Trivia Night again and we have bought a table so if you two are interested please join us. Janet Tomkins, our India expert, will join us, as well as Whirlygig and Calamity Jane, I'm hoping. Anyway, please let me know if you are interested and able to join winning team!
Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Changing of The Freeloader Guard! Gran Duggaccio/King David, Cora Lee, Sukey Tawdry/Herardo; Freeloaders bellying up to the bar!
Hi Pat, I'm so glad to hear from you by email, in addition to seeing your Facebook posts. Oh my goodness, you are a busy retired couple!! Clearly, your pals have had no trouble finding you in the wilds of the Okanagan. I was recently thinking fondly of the Trivia Night and how much fun it was. We would love to accompany you and will try hard to be very, very clever.
Exciting for you to have a trip to Chennai planned. I trust that you will send travel stories and photos by Facebook. At this point, armchair travelling is my only travel but I do enjoy it, and will augment your stories with a bit googling to round out my knowledge of the places you visit. Ack, that sounds a bit pathetic but I really do enjoy learning about places even if its not me visiting them. Nice that you are making g friends with the market merchants - shopping is fun that way and they make sure that you get the best of what they're selling!
All for now as I have to get up to face the first day of classes mob at UBC. One nice thing is that the folks at St Helens church (on the bike route) always give granola bars and juice boxes to all the cyclists. They do this all of the first week of classes so I always have snacks ( which is good because the line ups at the food outlets are atrocious). Thanks so much for inviting us to the Trivia nigbt. It'll be wonderful to you both, and Chloe too of course. I think of her often as I have the aunt Leah's on my Facebook. Will reply about cycling separately (no dramatic pause there, I'm typing on my phone which is a royal pain in the area). Will send a picture that I know you're going to like!!). Sara. PS: Jake starting grade 12 tomorrow.
Hi Pat and Corinne. We would love to have dinner with you before the Trivia Night. Would you be able to come to our place? I will do extensive research to discover the best brain food. See you next month. Sara
Hi Janet! Trust you are well. How is your Mom's purple finger? Before I go further, fund raiser for Aunt Leah's is on Saturday, October 17th so delighted you will be able to join us for Trivia Night. Anyway, let''s try to figure out when we might squeeze in a visit. Thanks, as well, for info on driver you used and visa application, by the way! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wayne Sutherland I am looking for Dusty and Clara's address as Nicole wants to send them a picture of Jaxon.
Hi Sarge!Cora Lee sent along the Durston's address to Nicole, on FB, a number of days ago. On another matter, we phoned Grog/Lurch tonight. Nobody in. Did Grog have his surgery today? Chloë mentioned you had been over this weekend. How is he doing?
As well, will you be attending Trivia Night on October 17th? We will be there and am trying to determine if you plan to attend as well. If so, will you have your own table or do you wish to join us? Let me know as I'm in the process of asking other friends. So far we have ourselves and Janet Tomkins. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre, watching Bletchley Park on Netflix. (We've already seen this particular series but I think she feel asleep through much of it! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Famiglia Coffaro! Trust all goes well. First of all, we would be extremely disappointed if you didn't stay with us, for a few days at least, en route to Banff. It really isn't out of the way and we have plenty of room as you will discern if you read on! Patrizia, how can you even begin to think about not travelling to Banff and staying in Penticton!!! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. All the best to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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