When a nation gives birth to a man who is able to produce a great
thought, another is born who is able to understand and admire it.
-Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)
Thanks for supporting the VPL Foundation team in the Ismaili Walk today. The rain thankfully abated as the walk began and Joan and I had a pleasant 5 km walk along the Seawall. We are hoping that VPL will again be a beneficiary of the walk a year or two from now and it was good to connect with the organizers.
Thanks again for helping! Cheers....Paul & Joan

Sorry that you won't be able to join us with Nancy and David but certainly understand your chockablock schedule. With respect to VWF programme, was not aware of the contest. Seems as if the captions will only further tar my already blackened reputation! Have been so busy with recent round of visitors that I haven't even managed to confirm my volunteer shifts so please intercede, on my behalf, with Kathryn! Off to hike to Bald Range, outside Summerland, shortly so will try to attend to my horrendous email backlog once back!
Had a grand time visiting and wine-tasting with close friends, Penny and Mike, from London, from this past Thursday until Sunday. They left for Vancouver that morning and we joined Virginia and Jake Synder for a day at the Rock Creek Fall Fair. You might recall that this community suffered terribly from a devastating wildfire this past August. FF was loads of fun as it reminded us of the sort of thing we knew as prairie kids. Day was cool and cloudy when we left Penticton but as we approached Rock Creek, past Osoyoos, it became quite warm and sunny. Since I'd neglected to bring a hat, Jake very kindly offered me one he had in his car. Accepted gratefully and we proceeded to make the rounds of the various booths, midway and animal barns. We often split up as some wanted to watch riding events, others the vegetable exhibits, etc. Towards the end of the afternoon, I wandered over to the large animal exhibit area and was delighted to find a large pig-pen with two huge sows and their adorable piglets.
As I was chortling over the antics of the energetic squealers a strong gust of wind took Jake's hat off my head and into the pen it went! Well, you've never seen such a commotion. It immediately became a rollicking game of chase the hat and a rope-tug-of-war, all rolled into one, most of the piglets vying for the prize, trying to snatch the increasingly soiled chapeau away from each other, shaking it unbelievably vigorously whenever it was gripped in a greedy mouth. Must have been an expensive hat as it it didn't rip or tear in spite of such repeated, savage depredations. This hysterical activity soon attracted hordes of curious onlookers and I was forced to admit that the hat was mine, or at least on loan.
Feeling rather sheepish I returned to join the rest, seated in a shared picnic area and told them of the fate of Jake's hat, trampled by trotters and all. As I was finishing my sad tale, the hat of a woman sitting near-bye was blown of her head and landed on our table. As I returned it I mentioned that she was lucky not to have been near the pig enclosure and she replied that she knew all about the incident! I had already become an urban legend so I started signing autographs in order to raise money for the replacement! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Pig Fest!
Dear Corinne & Patrick, Hope you have enjoyed your daughters visit and no doubt you are now busily planning for your next adventure. We had a pleasant summer out at sea and wonderful visits from friends & family too. We had been planning to come out and see you in early October but dark clouds hung over me last week.
It was on another one of those days during this last week when Tess was having a multiple of seizures When the phone rang. My brother from Wpg. called saying that our ninety-nine year old Mom had fallen and was in the hospital It was also on this same day that my older sister in Toronto was having her second knee replacement done. It was also on this same day that her husband was told he had inoperable lung cancer that was spreading fast. My sister went into shock and cannot walk. My Mom cannot walk. A dark day to say the least.
So I will be heading east to both Wpg. and Tor. in October Have a wonderful trip to India and perhaps we will meet up in the new year. John continues to update the forward cabin on the good ship “Commitment II” So she might be ready to await your arrival for a cruise to Salt Spring in the summer. Much love, Jean & John
Hello Darling Jean! Thank you for inquiring about the visit we had from Ayn and Chloë. We spent a more than wonderful time together. Only wish it could have been longer. At any rate, very distressed to hear all the terribly sad, disturbing news about your family. Our hearts go out to you. It will certainly be a more than difficult time, over the foreseeable future, and know that our thoughts will be with you as you attempt to comfort and help your Mom, sister and her husband, let alone have to deal with Tess and her seizures.
Very sorry, it goes without saying, that you and John will not be able to visit, at this time but do hope we will connect as soon as possible. Once again, heartfelt sympathy for the difficult time ahead. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
First of all Mike and I want to thank you for such a lovely time in penticton and for your wonderful hospitality. The first part of the drive was beautiful - stunning scenery- but after a while the heavens opened and it was torrential rain for the last few miles.
Anyway we are safely ensconced in the Granville island hotel and the room is gorgeous - see pics. Mike took car back and they wanted to charge him $150 for late return but he convinced the guy to drop the charge and gave him $20 cash!
Do hope you have a wonderful trip to India - if you can get onto whatsapp messages and photos are free. Lots of love and again thanks for making our stay so enjoyable. P and M xxx
Hello Granville Island People! Pleased that you made it safely to Vancouver, in spite of the torrential rain! Glad that The Scam Artist Extraordinaire is still working his magic on car rental folks. Nice room indeed! Far better than staying in a construction zone in Penticton, I'm sure! Thank you both for the more than wonderful stay, the wine and all the lovely meals, not to mention the scintillating company! Only wish it could have been a tad longer as so much to see and do. Next time plan on a month!
Enjoy the rest of your stay in Vancouver and same goes for Toronto, of course. Travel safely. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Cora Lee, busy painting, putting finishing touches to both bathroom cabinets and the small vanity table to go in guest bathroom. Must away as I have to buy more milk, Madcap having taken my precious supply! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patriçio, If the chair is still available, I would be happy to join you for that charity even on October 17th. If my Yakima trip happens, I will simply work around that date. In any case, I would expect to be back before then anyway.
I hope the window has not fallen out yet and the shelves are still firmly attached to the walls! There is one semi-important detail!!!!! *** ALERT *** *** ALERT *** *** ALERT *** *** ALERT *** *** ALERT *** *** ALERT ***
When we put up the shelf in your bathroom, we did not secure the bottom from sliding out (away from the wall). Now this is completely unlikely to happen, but to be sure, you need to drive in a screw through the bottom into each of those triangular supports (one in each is ample). Whew! I believe I am now clear of all liability. Thanx again for the hospitality and the beer supply of which I have already sampled with positive reviews. Dennis and John are dropping in this week so I will get more expert opinions to pass on. ttys//bjp
Hi Ragin'! You are now an official member of the Burns Street Know-it-Alls! Glad you can join us. Wish I could go to Yakima with you. Thanks for the liability alert, as well. However, bit late, [Did you not receive the letter form my lawyer?], as yesterday, when Cora Lee was reading on the toilet, the shelf crashed down upon her and gave her a nasty blow to the head. Once back from Emergency she seemed to have become far more agreeable, confirming diagnosis that a quasi-lobotomy had been inflicted! While my life will be immeasurably easier as a result, our daughters insist I bring a law-suit against you as they don't think my life should be conflict free. Sorry, but at least you can use your coming inheritance and drown your sorrows with the Cannery supply. Hello to The Snozz and Dennisovitch. Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
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