We are reformers in spring and summer; in autumn and winter we stand by
the old -- reformers in the morning, conservatives at night. Reform is
affirmative, conservatism is negative; conservatism goes for comfort,
reform for truth. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher
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Happy 102nd Mom! |
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: I guess you will be off to India in just about a month. In the meantime, I am looking forward to seeing you during the week-or-so
before. Two things about that:
-- The trivia night on the 17th. Is our table full? Just wondered since I can think of a couple of friends who might like to join us. Haven't mentioned it to them, so I'm not 100% sure of their interest or availability. But thought I'd ask on the off-chance.
-- Would you be available to come over for dinner on the 18th or 19th?
No doubt you will have lots to do, with the Writers' Festival and
preparations for India. But it would be great if we could squeeze in a
visit. All the best and bye for now . . .Janet
Hi Janet! Thanks very much for dinner invitation. Sunday, the 18th, would be best for us if that is still fine with you. Please ask your friends if they are interested in Trivia Night. We already have 8 confirmed but I'm sure we can "squeeze" more people in. If not, we can certainly "populate" an adjoining table as "moles" and make sure rest don't answer correctly to guarantee our victory! The more the merrier and more money for Aunt Leah's, of course. At any rate, let me know about your friends and TN nd we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Although the actual moment of the Equinox happens on Wednesday, early morning, (1:22 am), our hiking group will celebrate it at sunset tonight, at Giant's Head Park, near Summerland. But a short hike to the top, so I'll introduce Cora Lee to The Babes in the group, as we dance, (me in my Fritz's finest hiking boots, she in stilettos!), nekkid under the rays of the first quarter of the Moon, drinking from large tankards of Nighthawk Syrah! Go Druids!!!
Patrick, This is just a friendly reminder from the Vancouver Writers Fest to please CONFIRM your shifts a.s.a.p.! We are nearly finished scheduling returning volunteers and if you can't take the shifts you've been assigned, we need them for first-time volunteers.
Please check into your myVolunteerPage.com profile. Click on the Assignments tab to see your Festival Volunteer Schedule and then click on CONFIRM. Don't rely on the info on your home page...it will list only the first three shifts. If you are having any trouble confirming, please email or phone me! Many thanks, I look forward to receiving your confirmations very soon. Once you confirm 12 hours of shifts, I can send you an invitation to Volunteer Orientation and the Volunteer Ticket Lottery. Kathryn
Hello Darling Kathryn! Trust my schedule has been updated successfully and hope all goes well with pre-VWF activitiy/planning, etc. Crazy time for one and all, I'm sure. Not like relaxed life here in the sunny Okanagan. As we were walking to an All Candidates Meeting last night, at the Lakeshore Hotel/Casino, in the still of the evening, we wondered if you had all been blown away in latest hurricane force winds!
Not long before we become indentured volunteers so will be relishing our freedom for next few weeks! Fondestos from Cora Lee, busy painting, putting finishing touches to both newly, self-installed bathroom cabinets and the small vanity table to go in guest bathroom. Must away as I have to collect, finally, promised floor mats from car dealership and then pick-up latest wine club release from 8th Generation, our most recent spate of Freeloaders having almost drained our wine cellar! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Only one shift is confirmed! Please go back into your My Volunteer Page and click at the bottom CONFIRM ALL. Don’t forget to SAVE. THANK YOU! Kathryn Hello Harsh Task Mistress!
Trust all shifts are now confirmed. Might have to try to leave a tad earlier, with respect to last shift at PW on Sunday but I'll let you know as soon as I know from friends who have tentatively invited us for dinner that evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
G, unbelievable and he drinks two bottles of wine a day while swimming: http://t.usnews.com/Zd5876
P, I think you should be swimming next to this guy...W
Hi Calamity and Giggster! Thanks very much for the swimming invitation! I do plan to join the Slippery Slovenian. However, I'll be drinking two bottles of malt per day while in the water! Wondering if either of you or your new roof had been blown away in latest hurricane force winds! Grogg and Lurch to stay overnight later this week!) Cheers, Il Conduttore/Il Pescatorre!
Hi Virginia and Jake! Thanks again for the terrific day at the Rock Creek Fall Fair! As well, glad we were able to sit together last night. On a pagan note, back from sun-worshiping about 7:30 pm this evening. Met at IGA in Summerland and carpooled to bottom of road to top. Al Tinka suggested that those interested might want to celebrate the Autumn Equinox at sunset tonight, atop Giant's Head Park. But a short hike to the top, from park gate, as you probably know so a number of us hiked up. Cora Lee started out but her found even the road too, too taxing. Her asthma left her short of breath. Luckily, Mike was driving up and offered her a lift to parking lot near the summit.
Absolutely gorgeous evening and some stunning views of Okanagan Lake, Summerland, Naramata , etc, on way up, as you can well imagine. She was pleased to meet many of those I've hiked with already. Watched the magnificent, fiery globe of a sun set over the western hills, sipping wine, nibbling cheese and crackers, along with wonderful home-dried fruit, and some of Al's Sliivovica, apparently distilled by his sister back in Slovenia! Fab hootch indeed! (I did mention Ragin' Bull's generous gift and he'd like to try it sometime!)
Once Bacchanalia was over, short hike down to upper parking lot and then we car-pooled back to our respective vehicles below. Quite a drive downhill I noted, sitting in the back seat of Pam's car. Funnily enough didn't seem all the much of a climb on way up. Nevertheless, a wonderful evening with more than wonderful people so thanks, again, for introducing me to this energetic, terribly interesting group. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Serious political discussion and Rocky Raccoon waiting for us along Penticton Creek on our walk home!
Hi again, Kids! Snaps from this evening's hike. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Fellow Hikers! Snaps are for those of you who didn't make this evening's hike and thanks, again, everyone who did for this energetic, terribly pagan outing! Fondestos from Cora Lee to one and all. Cheers, Paparazzo Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick and Corinne Great to hear from you!! Terrific pictures as well.
Busy with fall instruction--good and bad all in one go. Fringed out at the Fringe Festival. Only saw a couple of good things though--especially loved "God is a Scottish Drag Queen", a gut breaker. Take care and will be in touch. Cheers for now Jo-anne
Hello Fall Instruction Blues Person! Pleased to hear you Fringed! Wonder if my good friend, Matt, originally from Glasgow, took in "God is a Scottish Drag Queen", as it sounds pretty interesting, as you mention. Not sure if he was in town or not as he was driving cross-country, to Halifax, with his daughter and stopped at Falcon to have an overnight visit with Cora Lee's parents. Unlike you, he is a terrible correspondent so I don't know his travel dates! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Colin. Cheers, Paparazzo Patrizzio!
Patriçio, Lo siento, pero mi inheritance is already in my Swiss account, untouchable by a mere Pentictonoid - even a lawyer. As for my tfsa, you’re welcome!
Let me know the details of the charity thing as the time draws near. When are the next mayoral elections in Penticton? If Clint Eastwood can become mayor of Carmel, "Dunn for Penticton” should be a slam dunk. Go for it! //bjp PS I need to pass this on … Lionel Jinks sends this stuff around. He is now 90 btw. I like this one.
Hello Swiss Bank Account Person! Devastated to learn that your $US are untouchable as I was thinking of picking up, at Rona, a DEWALT compound mitre saw, 10", regularly $299, on sale for $239, or the "house brand", HAUSSMANN 12-in mitre saw, similarly, regularly $299, $269 on sale, with which one can make larger cuts, obviously. Any suggestions? My feeling is that the DEWALT would be fine, for my purposes, but I defer to your expertise and experience. Sale is over today so if you could let me know as soon as you are able, I'd appreciate it muchly. (You can find these items online if you need more specs.) Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Paparazzo Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, A truly tragic story about the hat made all the more poignant by the graphic photos. As for the donation misdirect - no worries at all. It's all going to the same place and of course it is the thought that counts.
I've passed on the word to the Writers Fest that you will be in town and ready and willing to work like a dog for 12 hour shifts for the week.
Liisa Tella is hosting a farewell dinner for Kjell with Jane and the usual suspects on Sept 29th and then he boards Iceland Air on the 30th for the flight "home". Saw them both in Comox a couple of weeks ago and all is well. Trust all is well (hats aside) in the Okanagan. Cheers....Paul
Hello Lower Mainlanders and Salish Sea People! Devastated to learn that you are cracking the VWF whip, along with Kathryn, Seven Years a Slave Plantation Paul! Sorry, as well, to miss farewell send-off for Dom Marcello. Cora Lee will be in Vancouver, staying with friend Robyn and Chloë, this weekend, (busing in on Friday), for a Book Club gathering on Monday, returning Tuesday. I know she'd like to say hello and goodbye to Kjell if you folks will be around before the morning of 29th. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Friends, It has been three months since Pat Placzek left us. As his family and close friends begin the process of making peace with this loss, we would like to update you and provide you with some options regarding the generous contributions you made toward our fundraising efforts. You helped us raise more than $216,000, a truly astonishing amount.
The Placzek family and friends plan to create a Pat of Hearts Foundation, which would not only support cancer research and treatment, but also support causes and projects close to Pat's heart, such as music and urban design. There are also plans to create a legacy bench near Spanish Banks overlooking the place where Pat's ashes were scattered in the waters. Your options, with regard to your donation, are: to take no further steps and allow the funds to be redirected into this foundation; to have your donation refunded, minus the processing fee of 2.9 per cent. When making your decision, please consider that all funds raised through YouCaring are not eligible for a charitable tax receipt. Should you wish to have a charitable tax receipt for supporting the Pat of Hearts Foundation, you will need to request a refund from the YouCaring fundraiser, and then donate directly to the foundation upon its formation.
All those requesting refunds should send an email either through the YouCaring fundraising contact link which is near the bottom of this page: https://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-pat-placzek-get-life-saving-cancer-treatment-/326039
Alternatively, you can contact Jessica Werb directly via email: jfwerb@shaw.ca with the subject line: PAT PLACZEK FUNDRAISING REFUND
Thank you all for your tremendous support, which brought so much comfort to Pat and his family. We will continue to keep you informed of all further developments. With love, Friends and family of Pat
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