A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed -- I well know.
For it is a sign that he has tried to surpass himself. -Georges
Clemenceau, statesman (28 Sep 1841-1929)
Sara Jane McGillivray Cheers!! How is the malt cabinet holding up in light of the hordes of visitors? See you in a few weeks. Sara.
Sara Jane McGillivray Cheers!! How is the malt cabinet holding up in light of the hordes of visitors? See you in a few weeks. Sara.
Patrick James DunnHi
again, Super Sara! In fact, in a strange turn of events, I just had a
bottle of Laphroaig, Triple Distilled, 48%, for the UK market, "muled"
from London by friends, Penny and Madcap, who were here last weekend. I
had actually purchased it online as distillery gives one a 10% discount
birthday break on anything from their store. Had it delivered to Mill
Hill Broadway, North London, as it is simply impossible to have it sent
to Canada, as you well know. So,
malt cabinet had an addition, as opposed to serious depredations while
Ragin' Bull was in town helping put in shelving in garage and changing a
window. Would probably have been less expensive to hire a carpenter
than to to keep the Croatian Sensation in hootch, but not as much fun,
of course!
Looking forward to seeing you and dinner before Trivia Night. Will be in touch closer to date to confirm details, etc. I trust you have been eating nothing but food certified by Mensa. For our part we are sticking to the Opimian Society Diet! With respect to latest acquisition and diet, for breakfast I usually have a Fruit Gum, (More "muleage" as I've never found them here and they were my favourite as a child growing up in Cyprus. Unfortunately, Cora Lee steals all the black ones!), and then wash it down with a stiff drink! Cheers!
Looking forward to seeing you and dinner before Trivia Night. Will be in touch closer to date to confirm details, etc. I trust you have been eating nothing but food certified by Mensa. For our part we are sticking to the Opimian Society Diet! With respect to latest acquisition and diet, for breakfast I usually have a Fruit Gum, (More "muleage" as I've never found them here and they were my favourite as a child growing up in Cyprus. Unfortunately, Cora Lee steals all the black ones!), and then wash it down with a stiff drink! Cheers!
Test My IPad is up and high speed internet connected!! Clara Sent from my iPad
Hello Rosie-the-Riveter, and Uncle Giorgio! Lovely to hear from you! Welcome to the 21st Century! How long have you been planning this? At any rate, I expect you'll be on Facebook soon, if not already! How are things at the Falcon Lake Fontainebleu? Did Matt and Alexa stay with you?
Had another fabulous hike today, near a spot called White Lake. Roughly about halfway to Oliver but west of highway 97. Gorgeous weather and the unrestricted views, from the various hill tops, of surrounding countryside, were nothing short of spectacular. Annoyed with myself as I've taken to bringing my GPS odometre along on these hikes but I forgot to turn it on until we had reached the top of where we had planned to trek! Stats for hike:
(Click on or "paste" above link to see map of where we went.) Still, link will give you some idea of area. Double the distance. Time was about 3 hours and AVG is lower as one listed represents coming downhill. Drowned my forgetfulness with a blackberry Italian soda, with whipped cream on top, at Opus, back in Penticton, after hike, one of our regular spots to meet once trek is done. Take care of yourselves. Hello and Love to all in Falcon. Chat soon, I trust. Fondestos from Lady Mary, in absentia, to you and Dusty. (Do she and Chloë and Ayn know you are connected?) Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Rosita! I neglected to include the link for today's hike. Album below shows our group and countryside. On another matter, could you please forward the snaps of Betty, when we stayed, on way back from Falcon, to her. Have been meaning to try to send them for ages. No excuses but plenty of reasons! As well, have attached a number of shots of Zircon, on his way to Victoria; new bed; back patio, flowers on right belong to Lynne and Peter as we were plant-sitting! Shower door, in our bedroom, almost ready. Works well, I'm extremely pleased to say! New "used" car, with new hitch! Come and visit. We have high speed internet as well! Love to you and Dusty. Cheers, your favourite son-in-law, Patrizzio!
Hi John! Trust your ride, with mates, went well. I'm free all day tomorrow so if you would like to go for a jaunt together just let me know what time, etc.
For my part, I enjoyed another wonderful hike this morning, near White Lake, just south of the Radio Observatory. Looked down on both Mahoney Lake and part of Willowbrook, both of which we rode past/through on Friday, from spot where we had our lunch of sandwiches, fruit, etc. Drowned my forgetfulness, to turn on my odometre, with a blackberry Italian soda, with whipped cream on top, at Opus, back in Penticton, after hike, one of our regular spots to meet once trek is done. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Snaps from Saturday; today, looking down at Mahoney and "outskirts" of Willowbrook.
Hello Fellow Hikers! Just a quick thank-you to Colonel Colleen for leading such an exemplary expedition, and to everyone else for the splendid company. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi good friends and pets, Despite the fact that the founding fathers of OF are braving Frosty in Manning (... and as such may or may not not return if they get arrested in the US ...), we shall not be held back and continue to hike on our traditional Thursday with or without "creative blundering" (we cannot
seem to go without Al's wisdom) !
Our mountain hulk Kenneth Mayert has graciously offered to be the
fearless leader for a hike in the Dark Lake area and explore the surrounding hills (plenty creative blundering that is ...). Meet as usual at the Summer Fair, Summerland IGA parking lot at 9:00 am. Pentictonites can meet at 8:40 AM at the HH parking lot and carpool if so desired. Hope to see you in Summerland, Aart Bart, your faithful Dutch servant

falling in the shadows of Patricio's 500 page love novel! Will do 2 emails, one will be too large. Enjoy! Aart # 2 ... enjoy .... what a day it was!
Hello Dear Faithful Dutch Servant, lurking in the shadows! Lovely snapolas. Thanks very much. As well, thanks for taking the initiative for the Thursday hike. Wonderful news that Bad Boy, The Hulkomaniac, will lead us, cross-county, across precipices, scaling un-scaleable rock faces, creatively blundering our way to becoming hopelessly lost in the wilds of Dark Lake, (O for the joys of White Lake!), abandoned and crying in the wilderness!
I will collect Mme Coriandre from the bus depot tomorrow evening so I'll let you know about Saturday's arrangements as soon as I've presented my ideas for riding to Keremeos! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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