Language is like soil. However rich, it is subject to erosion, and its
fertility is constantly threatened by uses that exhaust its vitality. It
needs constant reinvigoration if it is not to become arid and sterile.
-Elizabeth Drew, author (1887-1965)
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Arugam Bay, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka |
Nadienka Wyss We finally made it!
- Patrick James Dunn Hi Nadienka! Not sure where you are but it looks simply fabulous. Don't want to spoil your holiday but have some shocking news! Sarge suffered a massive cardiac arrest early this past Monday morning! Wonderful news is that he survived and is now awaiting open-heart, triple by-pass surgery!
I must admit I find it strange that the hospital allowed so many people into his room so soon after, what appears to have been, a major heart episode. I would have thought quiet and rest would be the order of the day. Please send Wayne our best wishes for a speedy recovery and also our best wishes to Michele. Must have been a great shock for her.
We are off to Southampton in a couple of hours. We weren't planning on going up again until returning from Vancouver but I managed to get tickets to see the Lion King at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton so thought we would go up for a couple of days. Gayle has always wanted to see the production (not me particularly!) and we missed out on tickets when the show came to Plymouth.

I had my first physiotherapy on my back on Friday. She did some deep massage and a number of exercises, which I am supposed to do a couple of times a day, and it has appeared to help. Went on a long walk yesterday but after two and half hours my back was aching pretty badly so I guess I will have to settle for more frequent shorter walks for a while. Unfortunately, it also aches after being on the bike but it could be the bent over position I have to take while cycling.
Anyway, the X-rays showed no deterioration of the spine except for the healed cracked vertebra I sustained when I fell off the ladder a few months ago and the evidence of the broken ribs I had when I fell while on skies in Vancouver that winter when I foolishly raced Mark down a x country hill in Whistler! None of these injuries would relate to my back problems they tell me!
I just finished my breakfast of poached eggs on toast so will now go and throw a few things in my overnight bag before heading off. Hoping the traffic will be fairly light. Will stop at Honiton on the way up for coffee and a pastry. Honiton is about half way so good stop off for some refreshments. Fifty percent of the shops in Honiton are antique shops so a nice place to browse.This is pretty much the last week for visitors since the schools are back next week. Cornwall should return to a more peaceful state! Best wishes to all, Derek
Michele Darrow-Sutherland Wayne
feeling back to normal self - trying to figure out how to get sprung
out of hospital - also he's trying to find a bridge game among the
other patients on the unit!!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Did you call Dad?
- Nicole Marie Tell Pat to come and play some bridge.
Tomorrow morning at 9am - Patrick James Dunn Let's talk later today but otherwise I'll be there! Four No Catheter!
Sylvia and I are staying in Vancouver, Washington with our very good friends, Lesley and Bob. Great time in Oregon and I'll give you the details when I return later in the week. Ray and Sylvia
Patrick, Thanks for the e-mail. Please convey our best wishes to Sarge, Michelle and their family. This is truly difficult for them. From the tone of your letter, it appears that there is reasonably good hope for a good outcome. We wish him all the best.
I didn't follow much of the details of the other people you mentioned. One of these days I want you to send me a crib sheet of the real names of all of the people you refer to by their nicknames.
I will write or call another time about our good visit to Vancouver in early August. Except for the customs both ways and the traffic around Seattle going back, it was very nice. Again, our best wishes to Sarge and his family. Best wishes, Mike
Hi Ski and The Great Ronaldo! Trust all goes well with you two. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Some of the trophies in Abbotsford Hunting Lodge!
Trust all goes well with you two. Still hoping for a trip to California. Fondestos and warm regards from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Zircon! Cora Lee and Chloë took of for the PNE this afternoon. They wanted to see The Pointer Sisters on stage this evening and were planning to wander the grounds until show at 7:00 pm. I just returned from a great ride, (left at about 1:15 pm), out to UBC along Spanish Banks and then, via Marine, on to Kent Ave to Boundary and Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park. From there it is but a relatively short jog to the Queensborough Bridge. Crossed over it to land on River Road in Richmond. Took it back to Cambie kyTrain Bridge and once back in Vancouver retraced the route back along Marine to arrive home at 6:44 pm. Very pleased with my AVG over the same distance as the Whistler Granfondo but I know that the terrain will be far more difficult this coming Saturday. Nonetheless, a good training outing and a dry one. The rain just poured down between 10:00-11:30 am so I didn't think I was going to be able to ride at all, at one point. However, once truly heavy downpours ended, sky turned blue, although there was quite a bit of cloud cover, with the dark ones, fortunately, for me, over the North Shore mountains. Stats for ride:
Quick shower, some digitating and then a bite of supper. Cody, Cora Lee's nephew from Winnipeg arrived at around 9:00 pm so we visited before he showered. He left about 10:00 pm to go downtown with friend he had driven with from Kelowna. Cody will be here until Tuesday or Wednesday so that means Whirlygig will have the Murphy bed in Cora Lee's office when he comes to town on Friday! We now spit on inflatable mattresses here at The Islay Inn! Perhaps we can persude Robo Man to ride over to Convention Centre with us when we register on Friday. I'll be keeping well back from him, coming and going, as we collided last time we went to the VeloSpoke Bike Expo, pre-GF, two years ago and I went down near Admiral Barnacle's moorage at the time!
Shortly after Cody left to go carousing I talked to Megan, Ryan's girlfriend, (He was driving as they had been at the hospital. All well on that front.), and confirmed that I was to be at Royal Columbian by 9:00 am on the morrow to play bridge! Apparently Sarge's boredom quotient is very, very high! A good sign, inasmuch as he is obviously feeling much better. However, I certainly hoped process to assign surgery date wouldn't drag on for weeks and weeks. As you might recall, Paul Whitney had to wait for over three weeks or so! Unlike me, or you, Sir, Sarge, is not a patient person!!!!
A few minutes later, Chloë phoned. She and Coriandre had had a wonderful day at PNE and Pointer Sisters were terrific. However, when they returned to the car, it was gone! Had been towed! Glad I had decided not to celebrate my ride with some hefty snorts of porch cleaner so I piled into Titanium Green right away and as I was parking in front of loft, The Sisterhood were close to the entrance of the building. They had walked along Wall from the PNE. They clambered into the car and related their tale of woe as we made for City Impound Yard at 425 Industrial Ave, not all that far from where one crosses Main at the end of Olympic Village. I've ridden past it many times when dipsy-doodling, en route to pick up my car at Coastal Ford. At any rate, I counted three Buster's towtrucks bringing in their haul in the time it took to have the car released. A license to print money: $91 for towing charges, $50 for ticket, too close to sidewalk, whatever that means!
On way back to our place, Chloë called to say that bridge was off as Sarge had been scheduled for surgery at 11:00 am on Monday! He will do almost anything to get out of having me for a partner!!! Had a message from Ryan that night but didn't actually read it until next morning: "Pat, Dad saw the surgeon late tonight. His surgery is tomorrow. He is second on the list. 11 am or thereabouts. So no bridge. Ryan" Of course this is simply wonderful, wonderful news. Don't need to tell you that the sooner the better for all sorts of reasons. Still, a serious operation and Sarge will not be out of the woods until it is over. Barring complications we all trust it will be as Corey posted: "Dad is scheduled for open heart surgery this morning at 11. Piece of cake!"
Trust all goes well with you. I was planning to send you this message when I finished my ride and noticed, via an email notification, that I had you as a new follower on Twitter! I thought we were already connected on that system. Anyway, not much to follow, on my part, as I just subscribed to see what all the fuss was about, a year or more ago. I can barely keep up with my traditional email and simply cannot be bothered to text. Fondestos, in absentia, from Mme Coriandre to you, James. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Whistler Wonder Woman! Trust all goes well with you and arrangements for your Dad. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Dermot. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kjell and Gianna! Jane will know some of this but here is the rest. Trust all goes well with everyone. Buona Fortuna with move, Gianna! Fondestos, in absentia, from Mme Coriandre to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Patrick, Just a quick reply early in the morning. (I got the gist of the message on the phone from Jane before reading your email.) What a miracle Wayne is still alive! What a thin line between life an death! Every day is a gift. And we're getting reminded of it ever more often (I'm thinking of Paul, and others I know). Comes with the age, I suppose. Anyway, please give my deeply felt get-well-wishes to Wayne, and give Michele a hug from me. I suppose you have now heard all there is to hear about Jane's move to the island. For myself, I plan to come over in the first half of October, to stay for a couple of months. Hope to see you then. Fondestos & bestestos, Marcello
Hi Pat: Thank-you for the email, I am so surprised to hear about Wayne. I guess we are all subject to our bodies breaking down. Wow! Imagine if the lady in the fitness room had not gone back for her nametag!!! Well it sounds from your email, that he is stabile and waiting for the next step - is it still triple bypass surgery?
I am glad you were able to fit in your ride, you are in shape! Ron and I golfed today in the most beautiful place, Baddeck Forks. He golfed in Dundee yesterday which has vistas of West Bay on th Bras d'or lake. The weather and scenery are so beautiful. I love every day looking out at the Bras d'or. I am heading out for a swim soon, the water is pretty nice, but still a little chilly.
Keep me in the loop and thanks for the email. I want to see your Murphy bed when it is installed, it sounds really nice. Take care, Rhoda
Hello, This is a friendly reminder of your bicycle service appointment booked
at West Point Cycles on West 10th. Ave. for, Tuesday the 2nd of September .
As long as your bicycle is delivered anytime before 11am on Tuesday, we will have your service completed by 5pm. You are welcome to drop it off today if that is more convenient. We will be closed on Monday 1st September for Labour day. Our hours of operation are 9:30am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 11am to 5pm on Sunday. If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment, please email us at: or call the shop, 604-224-3536. Thank you and we'll see you soon. West Point Cycles