When you say that you agree to a thing in principle, you mean that you have
not the slightest intention of carrying it out. -Otto von Bismarck
Hi GiggenFlugelheimer and Carlos The Jackal! I spoke to Margot yesterday and clarified registration. She sent me last registration number so all is well on the Fondo Front. I will forward number to Peter Bourne.
Plan to go for a short ride out to UBC shortly. This afternoon we are off to Abbotsford to see The Great White Hunter, friend Henning, now despoiling the jungles of the Philippines, here for a couple of months to have his teeth cared for and replenish ammo supplies! Long back-story so will save it for some of the punishing grades to Whistler! Trust all goes well with the younger members of Team Jackal! (Thanks again, Carlos, for the tickets and Margot's support.) Talk soon. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: Raccoon Man with Zoo Keeper!
Hi Peter and Piston Man: Sorry you can't ride, Dionysios! Here is the code required to register:GFWGF-BTWW BoniMaddisonArchitectsXXXX The entire string, as is, needs to be entered. Let me know who will be the fifth member of Team Jackal! Buona Fortuna and Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: Taken last Wednesday just before leaving Squamish for Whistler and back! Stats for today's ride:
Hi Patricio, So relieved to hear that Sarge is going to be o.k....WOW that was really unexpected although these things often are.
Anyway we are back in Burnaby for the weekend as Jake is in a soccer tournament which starts today and runs all weekend. I will taking my folding chair as I am fairly certain that I will not be up to standing for the whole
game...still treading the road to recovery very slowly and cautiously. They really werent kidding when they told me my procedure recovery requires 6 - 8 weeks.....the last laugh is on me who was certain the I would be able to defeat the odds and be back to my old self in half the time....just past the two week mark now and far from recovered but feeling better each day and grateful that I have the liberty to lay around and not have to be back at work or really do much of anything except whine lol
If you happen to be in town Monday one of our all time favorite bands Trooper ( who rumour has it that they used to reside in this VERY house back in the 80s ) is playing a FREE concert at Swanguard Stadium at Central Park here in Burnaby from 11 - 3 if you would like to join us...please let us know. In the meantime give our love and support to Michelle and to Wayne as well....we are so glad that things are going so well. Lotsa Love, Colleen
Hello Sylvia and Raymond! Shocking news! Plan to go for a short ride out to UBC shortly. This afternoon we are off to Abbotsford to see The Great White Hunter, friend Henning, now despoiling the jungles of the Philippines, here for a couple of months to have his teeth cared for and replenish ammo supplies! Long back-story so will save it for next ride together. Trust all goes well with your Oregon holiday. Talk soon. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore
Thanks for the update Patrick. It is pretty amazing what the medical people can do nowadays so I am sure Wayne will be okay in due time. I checked your stats for your test runs to Whistler and must say I am impressed. Mags' son Scott is going in the same race and it is his first. His name is Scott Gingles if you happen to meet him. He is the fellow we bragged about you to.
It is pouring rain here so not too good for the Farmer's Market but we will head off anyway as the produce is at its best right now. Cheers, Dawn
Hello Claire de la Lune and Groggage! As you discerned, shocking news indeed!
Hello Digitale and Fingare! Shocking news that you both can relate to!
Hi Gayle and Derek! Shocking news! Trust all goes well with you two. I apologize for not addressing your full and newsy message. Will do so when things settle down a bit. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Laura, thanks for a lovely evening and all the wonderful food. It was great to connect with Tommie, Min and to meet Edi. Hope to see you soon, Hugs Corinne
I'm passing along the attached invitation from Shelter Point to their "open house" planned for Saturday September 13, 2014. So if any of you are planning to be in Campbell River and would like to attend please RSVP to Patrick as soon as possible and let him know.
Our groups cask # 188 continues to age gracefully at the distillery. Its hard to believe that its nearing its 3rd anniversary. I have a small sample that was extracted on March 2014,so I think we should have a little tasting opportunity next month. ( details to follow) Kevin
"Far and away the most candid diarist among the singer-songwriters who... brought confessional poetry into popular song...Mr. Wainwright wrings more human truth out of his contradiction than any other songwriter of his generation." ~New York Times
With 22 albums to his name, a Grammy win, two Grammy nominations, and countless roles in TV and films under his belt there isn't much that this veteran entertainer can't do. With his sharp wit and shrewd lyrics he moves his audiences from laughter to tears and back again. From his humble beginnings as "the singing surgeon” on M*A*S*H to his 1972 hit novelty song, "Dead Skunk" and a role as the original musician/sidekick on The David Letterman Show to the musical success of his children, Rufus and Martha Wainwright you could say he has become a bit of a household name."
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