The willow which bends to the tempest, often escapes better than the oak
which resists it; and so in great calamities, it sometimes happens that
light and frivolous spirits recover their elasticity and presence of
mind sooner than those of a loftier character.
-Walter Scott, novelist and poet (1771-1832)
Inside Vancouver 7-Storey Graffiti Mural Coming to Vancouver’s Granville Island
World-renowned street artists Osgemeos are using the silos as a 23,500-square-foot canvas for their latest work. It’s all part of this year’s Vancouver Biennale, the outdoor sculpture and art exhibition that sees dozens of monumental works of art installed on the street, parks and buildings of Metro Vancouver.
The rainbow-coloured strips on the mural are just the base coat. In the weeks ahead, Osgemeos – Brazilian brothers Gustavo and Otavio Pandalfo – will get to work with spray paint (lots of spray paint) and transform the backdrop into a massive piece of graffiti art. There’s no word yet on what the final creation will look like, but – given the size of the canvas – it will be hard to miss.
Osgemeos (literally “The Twins,” in Portuguese) have created street murals around the world and have even been exhibited in London’s Tate Museum and Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Art. Most recently, they applied their graffiti skills to creating a customized Boeing 747 for the FIFA World Cup.
The Granville Island project – whose final price tag will be around $175,000 – is being partially paid for by a Vancouver Biennale crowdfunding campaign (Osgemeos have largely donated their efforts). Some donors are given the chance to help apply the base coats to the concrete silos in anticipation of the artists’ arrival. Thus far, the hardest part has been power washing the enormous structures, which were caked with more than a half-century of grime."
Hello Southampton Balustradeer and Teeter-Tooter People!
You certainly have a new career as a plate glass installer, Derek! Fabulous job on the balustrade. Bring your tools as Cora Lee would like the one on our patio replaced. Gayle can play at the water park on GI while you slave away. I'll be riding and Coriandre will be at meetings!!! Maggie used to stay under the bed in our bedroom whenever we had friends with a dog visiting as well. Obviously a cousin of Spudnik's! At any rate, glad time in Southampton went so well.
I trust that this messagio finds everyone well! No sore backs, I hope! Sorry that I've not replied sooner but just back, Wednesday, from a three day trip to Clear Lake/Dauphin. Gorgeous countryside as well, not what one thinks of as a typical prairie landscape, at all, with relatively deep valleys and gorgeous rolling, heavily treed hills of the lovely Riding Mountains. Greetings and best wishes from all the Falconeers. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
PS: Have just the thing to get you into the water with Whistler. Fortunately, having just returned from Dauphin, and environs, we picked up a few cattle prods which Dusty has shown me how to use, with great good effect, I hasten to add, so watch out Reluctant Swimmers!
Pic: Started packing Titanium Green yesterday! Cora lee is already complaining about having to ride on roof rack. Time for the cattle prod! (You might notice that the last snap has a different number sequence. On Tuesday, while visiting the Fort Dauphin Museum, my camera lens locked in the open position. Took it to a number of camera shops in Winnipeg when we passed through on way back to Falcon but looks like it may well be beyond repair. Had an extra chip along so have borrowed Dusty's pocket Pentax for rest of stay.)
Hi Las Vegas High Rollers! Sounds as if you have plenty of travel plans on the go as well. Greetings and best wishes from Cora lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vittorino and Olso Man! I trust that this messagio finds both student and chef well! Give us a shout anytime after the 19th as no dinner parties planned! Greetings and best wishes from Imelda to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Kjell! I trust that this messagio finds you well! From the newsy email sounds as if you and Jane have both been very busy with your respective abodes. Not sure if I mentioned that Whirlygig uprooted to Galiano last month so obviously a move back to the land is afoot, although Anna is bucking the trend! Please pass along fond regards to her and her new beau, when you finally meet him! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Glasgow! I trust that this messaggio finds you well! Sounds as if you have been busy with Alexa and Sascha, golf and work, dare I say it! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Meant to say that Van in not correct! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Zircon! I trust that this messagio finds you well! Just back, Wednesday, from a three day trip to Clear Lake/Dauphin so haven't had a moment to answer email. Noticed that you think we will be in The Hat on Tuesday, the 19th, rather than Sunday, the 17th. Not sure how this affects stay and bridge with Mary Ann, The Georgia Peach! I'll let you try to sort things out with her, if you don't mind. I'm hoping we will pull into your parking spot close to 7:00 pm, local time! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sunday Aug 17 ETA 7 pm confirmed. Bridge with Mary Ann is probably off the program. Next year! Drive safely.
Hi again, Zirc! Thanks for reservation! Too, too bad about bridge but certainly understand! We will call if we are behind schedule. Once again, thanks so much for agreeing to house the Dunn/Durston Traveling Road Show! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Groggster! I trust that this messagio finds you and Lurch well! Guess visit will have to wait until September. Depending on weather, I will probably cycle over a day or so before you leave. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the family memories. Good day for sharing such things,. Today I received word that Gerald Obrey died (Glen's partner). I will probably go for Gerald's service. Anyway and evening of lots of memories of Glen and Gerald and sadness that another chapter ends. Have a safe trip.
Hello from Nanoose, Thanks for the note, and great pics! All is well here-our 16th anniversary today. Heading down to Sooke for the weekend, where I play in a slo-pitch tourney-6 games in 2 days. Save the hamstrings! Staying in a Best Western right on the harbour, and booked a small Bistro for a nice dinner this evening to celebrate. Safe travels home, and we'll see you soon! Grog
Hi Newly Weds! (Compared to Rosita and Dusty, that is!) Sooke sounds like fun. Buona Fortuna with slo-pitch tourney. Cora Lee took off for War Eagle to visit with Pam this afternoon. Wonderful day to lounge on dock there and cool off in lake. I wanted to have one last long ride so decided not to join them. (Was also worried I'd get shanghaied by Greg to help with myriad tasks that need doing on cabin!) Left at about 10:30 am and made for Rennie again, although this time I wanted to explore countryside beyond Brereton Lake. Had never ridden past BL so was curious to push the known boundaries. Very good road surface and little traffic so am pleased as I'll certainly use this route on future visits.
Kept going until I had 60 km on the clock as I wanted to log the Whistler Granfondo distance, (120 km. Whirlygig and I will ride it together on September 6th), by the time I was back. Another really fierce head wind to battle on last 40 km so I was unable to push my AVG to 25 km/hr but was still quite pleased with ride. Stats:
Distance 121.32 km | Time 4:55:42 | Avg Moving Pace 2:26 min/km | Avg Speed 24.6 km/h | Elevation Gain 239 m
Back home to find Clarisse putting the finishing touches to a potatoe salad and Dusty shelling peas from his garden. Cora Lee, once back from War Eagle, will bbq steelhead trout. Bit of last minute packing after dinner. Have already loaded car with most of return "muleage": Large round coffee table that we hauled out here years ago and Dusty refinished. Chloƫ now wants it for her place. All the pictures belonging to Durstons, as well as ourselves, that we brought for exhibit. Sale raised about $1,400 for West Hawk Church so everyone pleased about that. Wine box full of jam, beets and ripe tomatoe pickle as well as another wine box full of malt! Might have to wear all the clothes we brought as don't think there will be room for our bags!
Won't drive into Winnipeg for family wedding until about 1:00 pm tomorrow so I plan to go for one last ride before loading bikes and cycling gear. Hope to leave Winnipeg quite early on Sunday morning as we are staying overnight with Zircon, (aka Jim Hillson), in Medicine Hat that night.
Once again, Happy Anniversary! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Pump, (at Ukrainian village outside Dauphin), like one in my grandparent's yard. I used it as a kid and even lost the skin on my tongue one winter when I licked spout, not listening to Grandmother! Historic plaque outside Uncle Bill's, ("Old Bill", senior of three other "Bills"!), lovely home.
Durston Honey Farm just down the road, started by Uncle Walter. Duston family no longer own it but there are usually a number of Durstons, students, working there for summer. Interestingly enough, the bees are wintered in Cawston. Two semi's are loaded with all the hives and are driven out in early November. Earlier start in BC enables greater production once hives are back in Manitoba. Facility employs about six beekeepers, five from Nicaragua, (used to dealing with killer bees/Africanized Bees!), and one from Uzbekistan. Latter works almost exclusively on genetically improving and breeding queen bees. A true "honey wagon"!
Duplex in Dauphin which Dusty built with his Dad in 1946. His parents lived in #34, to left, Clarisse and Dusty in #32. Cora Lee was born while they were living here. Auditorium in Dauphin Town Hall where Clarisse acted in plays and participated in fashion shows. Headstone for Clara's parents and marker for her two brothers. Jim died during WW II and is buried in Germany. Sam's ashes were scattered in Vancouver.
Hi thanks for the email and address. I love the sign in Rennie! I want to use it. We are heading out with Sam to hike 4 -5 hr hike along North River, beautiful walk ending at a sensational waterfall and a large pool of freezing, pristine water. I might go in but it has to be sunny! Right now it is cloudy and 20C.
I laughed when I read your comment about not trusting your good friends taking care of your whiskey. I heard an amazing story the other day about a caretaker drinking whiskey bottled in 1912. "Mansion Caretaker Sued for Drinking $102,000 of Historical Whiskey" Do you have any historical whiskey in the Dunn whiskey collection? I will care take of it for you ! Well off we go on our hike.
My emails are not as long as yours, it is too risky to write too much. I don't have an Editor that is, except you! Keep up the writing, it is fun to read! Ski
Hi Somebody Famous! Thanks for the offer to take care of my malt collection, Ski! However, I cannot think of anyone less able to do so than you, Baby Cakes. Not that you'd drink any of malt but I'm sure you would somehow manage to break, spill or misplace entire collection! Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts! Once again, Happy Hiking. Hope you enjoyed ice-cube dip! Cheers, your long-suffering Editor, Patrizzio!
P, thanks for the update and the pics. I look forward to hearing more about the trip to Dauphin.
I have abandoned even the thought of a malt heist. Thanks for the heads up. Has the Cudgel provided the elite training?
Also grateful for the invitation to crash at the Islay Inn. Much appreciated -- a generous offer you may regret.. With the exile by the sisterhood in full affect and the Carlos bunker in full reno mode (he and Kate now live temporarily in the suite below my former digs) I am hurting for a place to crash over the next while. In fact, I had a nice lunch visit with Kurt in Victoria lasterday and we may both be looking for a place to crash for the NRBC.
I intend to ride the Whistler Fungu regardless of what shape I am in -- hoping my cycling condition is slightly better than it is now. I have been caught up in renos, upgrades and a never ending number of projects here at Ukiyo (so named by Amira). My intention is to do some regular rides over the next few weeks. Maybe you will come over and join me? That invitation is always open by the by. We will converse when you are back in the rain forest -- and it feels like one today after many weeks of heat.
Fond regards to everyone there. Safe travels home, W
Hi Samurai-San or Pleasure-Seeking Man! Did you move to Galiano or Japan? I'm sure we can manage to put you and The Wrathful One up for next NRBC. We can confer in a sweat-lodge once back in the rainforest, sipping on porch cleaner! Sayonara! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sylvia and Raymond! I trust that this messagio finds you both well! Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Wanted to send along a few more snaps so this is reason for second missive! Once again, all the best from The Falconeers! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, Thanks for the note and photos. No danger of me breaking into the malt stash, although I Sylvia and I went to Brassneck Brewery at 2100 Main this afternoon to pick up some pale ale for our trip to Savary tomorrow to stay with Ken and Lisa. Ken will certainly enjoy the beer, I'm sure. We've packed a cooler full of fresh garden produce also. I'm looking forward to the company and to the swimming which I haven't done so far this summer.
The 25Km/h average looks pretty ominous especially as I haven't ridden any real distance recently. Did a short ride to Canada Line last Sunday where I picked 5 cartons of great blackberries which I've enjoyed all week, especially the ones in the crumble Sylvia made.
Watched some of the Women's World Cup of rugby this week which I found quite interesting. The calibre of the women's game has improved significantly since last I watched and it's outstanding for Canada that they have reached the final against England. They deserve so much more publicity than they have been receiving. Nice to see women from across the country enjoying the sport. The final is on Sunday at about 9am Pacific time.
Probably see you later next week, although we are off to Oregon early the following week. Ray
Patrick James Dunn Last long ride at Falcon, but a good one to Red Rock Lake and back!

Hells Yeah!!! Pig on the street is the place to be!!!!
Vancouver Cheap Eats: Food With Bacon If
you love bacon and you’ve got five bucks, we suggest you take note of
these spots serving some conventional and not-so-conventional dishes
with these strips of heaven. From
Though their sandwiches look amazing, at $10 they’re double our budget.
However, there are some sweet treats you can indulge in, including the
Bacon and Cheddar Twisty Bread or the Bourbon, Bacon & Caramel
Brownie Bite, both three bucks a pop.
Hello Cornwall! The Piggsters seem to be receiving pretty good press! Cheers, Patrizzio "Middle Man" Dunn!
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: I am (desperately!) recruiting attendees for an author reading here at Dunbar tomorrow. Given that it's on a Saturday afternoon in August, I'm a bit anxious! So I wanted to let you know about it on a just-in-case basis: just-in-case you're in town, just-in-case you are able to attend, just-in-case you would like to attend.
It's a Canadian mystery writer, R.J. Harlick -- most of whose books are set in Western Quebec, although her most recent (the one she is promoting) is set on Haida Gwaii. It's the latest in her First Nations-themed "Meg Harris" series.
The reading is tomorrow (August 16th) here at Dunbar, 2 p.m. Would absolutely be DELIGHTED to see you there. That said, I am fully aware that you may not be in the city or even the country at the moment, and that in any case, you lead very busy lives!
Hope to see you soon. Janet R.J. Harlick website
Hi Janet! I trust that this messagio finds you well and less anxious about Harlick reading at Dunbar. Would certainly have attended if in town but won't be back until August 19th. I'm sorry I've not been in touch sooner but life on the road has been a whirlwind of activity/magical mystery tour combined! Buona Fortuna with event. (Being Branch Head has it's own set of particular challenges, I'm sure!) Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Cornwall! The Piggsters seem to be receiving pretty good press! Cheers, Patrizzio "Middle Man" Dunn!
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: I am (desperately!) recruiting attendees for an author reading here at Dunbar tomorrow. Given that it's on a Saturday afternoon in August, I'm a bit anxious! So I wanted to let you know about it on a just-in-case basis: just-in-case you're in town, just-in-case you are able to attend, just-in-case you would like to attend.
It's a Canadian mystery writer, R.J. Harlick -- most of whose books are set in Western Quebec, although her most recent (the one she is promoting) is set on Haida Gwaii. It's the latest in her First Nations-themed "Meg Harris" series.
The reading is tomorrow (August 16th) here at Dunbar, 2 p.m. Would absolutely be DELIGHTED to see you there. That said, I am fully aware that you may not be in the city or even the country at the moment, and that in any case, you lead very busy lives!
Hope to see you soon. Janet R.J. Harlick website
Hi Janet! I trust that this messagio finds you well and less anxious about Harlick reading at Dunbar. Would certainly have attended if in town but won't be back until August 19th. I'm sorry I've not been in touch sooner but life on the road has been a whirlwind of activity/magical mystery tour combined! Buona Fortuna with event. (Being Branch Head has it's own set of particular challenges, I'm sure!) Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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