No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels.
Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of
patriots. -Barbara Ehrenreich, journalist and author (b. 1941)
Woke up at 4:20 am was waiting in hallway when she came out of the elevator. Quiet streets so had here at YVR in little over 15 minutes, if that. Wished her Bon Voyage and was back in bed shortly after 5:00 am.
Corey WilliamPlease
keep my dad in your thoughts today after suffering a serious heart
attack yesterday morning. He's a tough man and I know he will pull
through. My hero!
Chloe Alexis Dunn He and you all are the only things I'm thinking about until he is back upstairs relaxing with Pat. Love you.
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland Wayne
still remains in critical but stable condition . We are hoping for some
better news this morning . Thank you for all your love and prayers .
While it is hard to respond to all of you know that your words and love
is surely felt.]
June 2014! |
I mention the last few facts as they are of critical importance, although I am no specialist, of course, as they would seem to indicate that there is no apparent paralysis, at least at this point. From what was able to be reconstructed, Sarge was in the gym at work. He often goes there, as early as 6:00 am, when he car pools with another friend and neighbour who lives in our building and whose shift starts even earlier. At any rate it is speculated that he collapsed while on a treadmill of elliptical machine.
There was another woman in the gym at the time but apparently she didn't witness his collapse and, in fact, thought he was actually doing stretches on the floor! This next part is really frightening as after she saw him on the floor she left the gym intending to take a shower. Before so doing she realized that she had left her name-tag, (I believe, or some such item), in the gym and returned to collect it. She immediately realized he had not moved and started to attempt to resuscitate him.
Whether she was the one who used a defibrillator on him or not, it was applied, at some point, as his heart had stopped. He was breathing on his own during ambulance ride to hospital and when he was being attended to in Emergency. He fought the tubes being inserted into his nose/throat and had to be restrained as a result.
I received a call from an almost hysterical Michele at about 9:00 am. Had she called but 10 or 15 minutes later I would not have been home. Corinne and Ayn were in Tofino, attending a Vogt Family memorial for her Uncle Erich and her biological father, John, scattering of ashes, etc. Ayn flew to Bellingham on Wednesday and they spent the night with Grogg/Lurch on Friday night, before driving to Tofino on Saturday. I had arranged with Whirlygig, (now living on Galiano Island, since July 15th), to ride to Squamish. We are doing the Whistler Granfondo on September 6th and this was to be part of our training/route orientation. Had arranged to stay with good friends, Ruthless and Ricardo, on Monday and Tuesday nights. On Tuesday we planned to ride to Whislter and back, (120 km round trip and same distance as GF but easier on return leg, at least to Squamish, as you might know), stay overnight, again, and then return to Vancouver on Wednesday.
[Marvin Angelo Mercado We are all with with you every step of the way. You've always taken care of us now it's time for us to care you.]
Those plans changed, as you would suspect. I called Chloë as soon as I hung up phone after talking to Michele. She had not yet left for work so she came to collect me and we drove to the hospital. (Under circumstances, Giorgio decided to return to Galiano after attending to a few things in city.) We discovered, to our relief, via a phone call with Rebecca, en route, that Sarge was in stable, though critical conditon, in Emergency. When I had talked with Michele she had indicated that it wasn't even know if he was alive when she was informed of what had happened!
Chloë stayed at the hospital for about an hour, helping out, fetching water and muffins, coffee and other snacks. Two of Sarge's colleagues were there as well. Corey was, coincidentally, passing the hospital, en route to an extra shift, when he received the news. He was actually in Emergency before ambulance and witnessed his father being wheeled in. Marvin and Nicole were there by the time we arrived and Marvin's parents, Bella and Bert, came shortly after we did. Ryan and Megan had been in Vancouver over the weekend but drove back to Merritt on Sunday evening. Initially they couldn't be reached but I overheard Michele talking to Ryan, at one point, in the waiting room, and they were just leaving Merritt. Ryan had been at work. Not sure about Megan. At any rate, we have not seen them as once Sarge was to be moved to ICU, to a so-called "cold room", to better continue process to lower his metabolic rate, I decided there wasn't much point in staying. Given the induced coma, there really wasn't anything to do but wait and see and hope!
[Corey William Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. Dad showed signs of progress today after a CT scan was negative to any spine/neck/head injury suffered from the fall (although his nose has seen better days) He remains in stable condition and we have yet to receive any negative news. Tomorrow he will go for an angiogram to figure out want caused his heart to suddenly stop. After that they will stop the sedation and start to allow him to wake up...Keep the positive vibes coming and we should be back on the golf course in no time.]
Apparently, obviously, a whole battery of tests will be run over next 24 to 48 hours to try to determine/assess just what happened, organ damage, further treatment, etc. As far as I know Sarge may have suffered a stroke rather than a heart attack but this is not at all clear, as of this writing, or at least as far as I, or anyone, for that matter, knows.
Michele had been collected at her place of work, near Chloë's loft, so Flamin' asked me to drive her car home. When we left, everyone was at Brown's Social House, just down from the hospital, having a bite to eat. Chloë collected me and dropped me off and then went to run a few work errands. She did stop in at her place to pick up a change of clothes for Nicole, sweats and such, as she had been dressed for work that morning and wanted to be in something more comfortable, with all the sitting around and emotionally draining, waiting, waiting, waiting."
[Rebecca Frazier Just
wanted to update as I'm receiving loving and supportive texts from our
friends and family. Wayne my father in law is in stable condition in a
medically induced coma. Waiting for an angiogram tomorrow sometime and
will hopefully have more news then. Thanks for all the love and support
for Corey and his family. It is very much appreciative.]
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland Wayne
continues in the coma but as the medical team says they are controlling
what they want to happen to give him the most positive outcome . He is
stable and sedated so comfortable for the night . Hopefully angiogram
tomorrow will give us better answers and outcomes. Thanks you everyone
for all the positive prayers and love we have been truly blessed with
the most wonderful family and friends.
We heard that Wayne is very ill. Can you pass on our regards to Michelle
please. We are thinking of them and hoping for the best. Claire and
Chloe Alexis Dunn Thinking about Wayne Sutherland and all the Sutherlands. Love you all. Michele Darrow-Sutherland, Corey William, Ryan Sutherland, Nicole Marie, Rebecca Frazier, Marvin Angelo Mercado and Megan Omasta.
Bella M. Mercado So
true, deep in our hearts we love you all so much. I wish I can take
some of your burdens for what you're going through now. I am praying
hard for all of you specially to your Father Wayne.
Ayn P We are all sending Wayne our love and healing thoughts xo
Ayn P So good to hear that Wayne is awake xoxoxo...thinking of you all and sending love.]
[Michele Darrow-Sutherland Wayne continues in the coma but as the medical team says they are controlling what they want to happen to give him the most positive outcome . He is stable and sedated so comfortable for the night . Hopefully angiogram tomorrow will give us better answers and outcomes. Thanks you everyone for all the positive prayers and love we have been truly blessed with the most wonderful family and friends.
We heard that Wayne is very ill. Can you pass on our regards to Michelle please. We are thinking of them and hoping for the best. Claire and Greg.
Chloe Alexis Dunn Thinking about Wayne Sutherland and all the Sutherlands. Love you all. Michele Darrow-Sutherland, Corey William, Ryan Sutherland, Nicole Marie, Rebecca Frazier, Marvin Angelo Mercado and Megan Omasta.
- Bella M. Mercado So true, deep in our hearts we love you all so much. I wish I can take some of your burdens for what you're going through now. I am praying hard for all of you specially to your Father Wayne.
- Ayn P We are all sending Wayne our love and healing thoughts xo
- Ayn P So good to hear that Wayne is awake xoxoxo...thinking of you all and sending love.]
Trust all goes well with your preparations for France. Nothing but green with envy! Must away as scads to do. Will keep you informed as we ourselves are given details. You might have seen this latest post from Michele. It arrived while I was composing this missive:
still remains in critical but stable condition . We are hoping for some
better news this morning . Thank you for all your love and prayers .
While it is hard to respond to all of you know that your words and love
is surely felt.
Fondestos from both Ayn and Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Fondestos from both Ayn and Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Sarge on Sunday morning. He took our friend Zircon, to YVR. That evening with Ragin' Bull and Whirlgig, playing bridge. Joanne this morning at YVR. Bed, reserved for you on next visit! Ayn promises to make it shortly!!!
I had a very good ride today and was happy to have cycled up Taylor Way on way to Upper Levels. Have never climbed that hill before and was pleased to find that it was not as daunting as I had expected. Still, a good climb but not something that will exhaust me before we really get going!
Loads of traffic on Upper Levels, as you can imagine, but only disconcerting when one approaches an off ramp as vehicles race by, making for exit. Had to be very careful about moving over when necessary to continue on 99. Had to laugh at the signs posted at such places: "Cyclists, Cross When Safe" (I told Ricardo about this last night and he chortled, "When? In three weeks!"
Other than this, everything went very well until I came to Westport Road and there was a detour for bikes at this point. Wasn't at all sure where I'd end up as I've never been on this road before. At any rate, followed the regularly posted Detour signs and after Westport loops back under highway, one descends, forever, (And quite steeply! I was praying I didn't have to cycle back up, let me tell you!), it seemed, and then I found myself back on Marine Drive, not far from the Thunderbird Marina, close to the base of the last hill one climbs to reach Horseshoe Bay. Once I knew where I was, felt much better, of course.
No difficulty returning to 99, out of HB, and once on highway, I knew, more or less, what to expect, having ridden back from Squamish last year. Only real challenge was climbing the hill out of Britannia Beach. It is a long, long, long grade, more demanding than ascent out of Furry Creek. Nonetheless, once the former was conquered, nothing but fairly smooth sailing until just before I reached the Squamish Waldorf! The hill up Highland Way S was the steepest by far, of the entire ride. Fortunately it isn't overly long but I was certainly huffing and puffing by the time I turned onto Kintyre Dr. (At one point Sarge was hoping to do the Squamish training leg.) Stats for ride, Islay Inn to Squamish Waldorf:
Ruthless was in the kitchen when I arrived and we chatted while I drank a few glasses of water. Once I'd re-hydrated I took a most enjoyable, long, hot shower and then cam e back downstairs to continue chatting. Ricardo arrived about 7:30 pm and Ruth put out some tasty cheeses with crackers. I opened a 2010 Township 7, Semillon, 12.7%, one of the bottles we'd muled up last Thursday, and it was very well received. For dinner, Little White had prepared a stir fry, chicken with delicious mixed vegetables and rice. 2009 Kokomo Zin, 15.5% went very well with spicy food! Dessert was her mouth-watering blueberry pie. We needed some Long Table Långbord Akvavit, 43%, and some 1997 Glenfarclas Family Casks, 56.3%, to make it even more palatable! Everyone toddled off to bed by shortly after midnight!
Pat I am looking for the contact information for Des Bulger? I think he is one of the few people who may not have yet heard. Ryan
Hi Ryan! You probably know I'm in Squamish. Just logged on to see if there was any more news about your Father. This is the address I have for Des. My love and concern to everyone, Patrick.
Hi Pat, Many thanks for the comprehensive report on Sarge’s condition – hopefully by the time you receive this email the situation will have settled and a more definite prognosis will have been made.
I have to say that the news really has rocked me to the core as Sarge is one of those larger than life characters who appear absolutely bullet proof – just goes to show that one can’t take anything for granted. I am sure that everybody is in a state of absolute shock – it’s one of those horrible situations where you can do absolutely nothing but wait and pray.
As a much loved couple, Sarge and Michelle (and their family) will receive all the support in the world from close friends like you and Corinne – just wish we could be there to help out but our love and best wishes is sent to them from afar.
On a lighter note, we head off for France on Saturday; overnight in KL and arrive in Paris then Montpellier and Neffies on Monday. Will await your next report that will hopefully contain positive news on Sarge’s condition. Love to Corinne, Ayn and Chloe (and Dusty and Clara). Ooroo for now. Tina and Trevor
P, I hope you are doing okay under the circumstances and that your evening went well with Ayn visiting and all. More importantly, I hope the gathering of the Sutherlands gave them some solace in this time of uncertainty. I wish them all the best. For myself I can only cling to the notion that Sarge will pull through and fully regain his health.
I regret that our ride did not happen as planned and expect you to make up for it today and tomorrow to Squamish and Whistler. Keep me posted. W
We heard that Wayne is very ill. Can you pass on our regards to Michelle please. We are thinking of them and hoping for the best. Claire and Greg.
Congratulations, Dear Choocheranian! Trust all goes well with you. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Ok. I've sent this to Pat Dunn who offered it to me. His # is 604 XXX-XXXX. Not sure if either of you are interested but a squash buddy just offered a free entry to the Whistler Fondo. I declined (not interested) but if either of you want in, let me know. Anyone riding tomorrow? Let me know and if my blister is healed I'll join you!
You forgot to drop by & pick up the pic of your mom & dad. Don't forget to watch "The Knick". I highly recommend you watch a new television drama series, set at a fictional New York hospital, (The Knickerbocker), in 1900.
It's directed by Steven Soderbergh & stars Clive Owen as Dr. John Thackery, a brilliant, innovative & cocaine-addicted surgeon, who has to overcome medicinal limitations & staggeringly high mortality rates. When presented with the script, Soderbergh was mostly retired & Owen was not interested in doing TV, but after reading the script, they changed their minds. The 10 episode series has already started on HBO. Unfortunately, it airs at midnight here, but Travis has found it ad-free & free of charge, on-line, at Shaw on Demand. Cheers! P.S.: Both Soderbergh & Owen have signed on for another 10 episodes, to be produced starting next year.
Mark Cothey and Krissy Seymour this is for you!!! xx
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Hey Hallmark, you might want to change the font on this card. |
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