The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy. -John Galsworthy, author, Nobelist (1867-1933)
Hello again, ICBC: Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your message but we are away on holidays in Manitoba and without Internet access, for the most part. Will be back in Vancouver by August 20th, or so. COuld you please advise me how to proceed to inquire about Roadstar benefits. Thanks very much. Cheers, Patrick Dunn.
- Patrick James Dunn I'm only the 5th shortest!
- Pierre Prince The camera angle is very flattering lol
- Chloe Alexis Dunn we are all very short, well besides the two giants!!
- Patrick James Dunn At least everyone has a big mouth!
[Hi Patrick, I am not sure of the electrical situation and if this is a result of an insurable loss or not. If so then roadstar would have benefits in there to assist you.]
Cheers, Mick
Hi Polly and Mick!
Glad things are working out at The Island Inn. Once again, trust weather cooperates on day of the wedding. Forecast here for family wedding on Saturday seems to be for sunshine but with very high humidity.
[Stop the hatred!
Patrick James Dunn And your great-grandparents on your father's mother's side are Ukrainian!]
Had a grand ride today, one of my regular routes. Made for tiny hamlet of Rennie which is about 45 km away so rode through centre of town, (gas station, hotel/beer parlour, convenience store and a small boat dealership), for another 5 km to give me 100+km by the time I was back at The Fontainebleu. Sign one encounters when entering Rennie from the west reads: "Rennie, Home of Somebody Famous, Someday, Maybe!" Even had to ring my bell at a fairly large deer when I was but one bay from home. (I was afraid doe on the grassy verge might have dashed across the road and forced me to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground before ride was "official"!) In the end, silly creature paid me no never mind, gave me a look as if I was titched and kept on munching the flowers in the neighbour's garden! Stats for ride:
Distance 105.04 km |
Time 4:11:41 | Avg Moving Pace 2:24 min/km | Avg Speed 25.0 km/h |
Elevation Gain 188 m (Still no direct email links from Garmin, [Am in
process of backing and forthing with
Amy, Customer Care - Fitness Team, Garmin International, about this.],
so I have to post ride on Facebook and take basic stats from there.) Fierce headwind on way home but I persevered and managed to keep AVG from falling below 25.0 km/h so pleased as punch!
Just a reminder that should I detect any drop in levels of malt in cabinet, or, indeed, any missing bottles, I have engaged the services of the two "enforcers" shown below. Freeloaders Beware!!! Greetings and best wishes from all the gang here. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
PS: Sorry I didn't address message to you yesterday, Pauline. Access was very problematic last night and I couldn't open my address book. Pic: Los Horridos! Brass knuckles are not visible!
Hello Lethargico! I trust that this messagio didn't cause you to abandon your torpor! I'm quite worried that you will join Carlos and renege on ride as well. Fortunately, having just returned from Dauphin, and environs, I picked up a few cattle prods which Dusty has shown me how to use, with great good effect, I hasten to add. Seems The Sisterhood repsonds well to Pavlovian conditioning with 9,000 volts. Shoe purchases have dropped dramatically!
How are things working out on Galiano? It need not be said but you are more than welcome to stay at our place whenever you need a crash-pad. I gather "estrangement" continues. Are you talking, at least, or is this a mini Israeli/Palestinian standoff? Trust weather cooperates on day of the Carter wedding. (Cousins from Philadelphia are currently inhabiting The Islay Inn.) Greetings and best wishes from all the Falconeers. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pic: The Good Life in Clear Lake, Monday evening. Durston farm, elevator and home, owned by Dusty's Uncle Howard, just outside Dauphin, in Durston School District, as it was called when Dusty was growing up.
Hello Raccoon People! I trust that this messagio finds you well, if poorer, after your excursion up an down the ailses of Kitsilano Market. Must say I am not familiar with this high class establishment as I tend to frequent Young Brothers on Broadway, near the now closed Hollywood. We too, have raccoon problems but fortunately we simply bbq them! Greetings and best wishes from Coriandre! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Durston Fans! Just a quick message to thank you, Marlo, for posting Dropbox photos. I'm afraid I haven't had time to add ones I took but will do so as soon as I'm able. Thought everyone might enjoy some of these snaps taken on Trip Down Memory Lane. Greetings and best wishes from all the Falconeers. Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio!
Hi Ski, Flamin' and Sarge! Sorry that I've not replied sooner, to those who have sent messages. Just a friendly reminder to any Vancouver based Sutherlands or MacCormicks not to even contemplate a B&E while we are still away! Greetings from The Falconeers. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Any chance of a mid-week ride, Sarge, before 29th? As well, I told Dusty that you liked his shirt and he said he was lucky to have one at all! PPS: Dear Tennis Bum, slow down and don't type so quickly! PPPS: Flamin', Ski wanted your email address so that is why you are receiving this missive!
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