Pick a flower on earth and you move the farthest star. -Paul Dirac, theoretical physicist (1902-1984)
Hi patrice, First of all , I have to say what fabulous pictures! How fortunate to have such a lovely day to celebrate that very special event. I’m very happy for you that you had such a nice tribute and I’m sure it must feel good to have finally done it in such a fine manner and for everyone be able to move on and have some closure.
We came back from the cabin late Tuesday and had a very busy few days catching up on all the “stuff” that accumulates when one is away. I for one had a 2 hour dentist appointment to look forward to on Wednesday and poor Jess has been suffering with an infected wisdom tooth which needed extracting . Unfortunately he is not on my dental plan anymore and we have said he is on his own to deal with dental issues. Our family dentist was not able to see him until next week but Jesse couldn’t wait as in his words he was in the most pain he has ever experienced. Fortunately my friend Jim has a landscaping client who has a dental office right near here and they were able to get him in yesterday and get the tooth pulled which has given him instant relief.
We came home to find that two of our bikes had been stolen from underneath the deck which was very disconcerting. Jacobs BMX bike which I had put $150.00 towards the $250.00 price had been taken as well as my lotus. both were not locked up but i guess we have grown complacent as there is very little crime in our immediate area. Although Jesse did have his bike taken about ten years ago from the backyard. I am of the opinion that somebody who knew Jake knew we were away probably through social media and took advantage to come by. I say this because there was absolutely nothing else taken including a pressure washer and about 6 large bins of cans and bottles which would have been the target of your typical opportunistic “alley rat” as i refer to them. i phoned the police and told Jake to keep an eye on craigslist but of course I have no expectations that we will see either of them again. Such is life and if that is the worst that happens well then I feel very fortunate.
Good news for Colleen as I don’t know if I told you but she is scheduled for her surgery on August 15th and is obviously somewhat stressed as one would expect before such a thing but also very relieved to have it imminent. I will also be very happy as I have seen the pain and suffering she has endured for a very long time.
We had an absolutely fabulous time on our holiday as the whether was fantastic and enjoyed seeing a lot of people we had not seen in a long time. Friends of ours bought a cabin on Otter lake in Tulamene and we stopped in there for a couple of hours on the way home from Osoyoos which we went to for a couple nights after Shuswap. Their place is the old train station on the kettle valley railway and was moved onto the property after the railway was closed down many years ago. it is a beautiful spot but there are some issues such as the water being contaminated due to all the septic fields and they are on a well so they have to bring in drinking water. Another drawback is the very long and winding road from highway 3 at Princeton for about 26 kms. which even in the best whether is fairly treacherous and not one I would care to navigate in the winter so I don’t know how much use they will be able to get from it . never the less it is lakefront and a good investment to be sure.
Hope the rest of your trip goes very well and will look forward to seeing you and catching up more on your return. When are you back?. take care for now and love to the family.
Pics: Quading with Maureen and Colleen Up to silvertip at the Sunshine Valley, Happy fat cat at the cabin, cool valley sunset and the boys hanging out with friends at Osoyoos.
Ok you two, who know everyone. Could you please keep your eyes peeled for me and Bruno for jobs? He could be a translator or editor and I could do almost anything in education, linguistics or second language instruction. I have decide we are the masters of our own universe and Vancouver is calling me home again! Thanks! Don't put anything on Facebook as I want it to be hush, hush until we have a done deal! xoxo
Drove into Winnipeg, around noon today as we wanted to visit a few friends and family
over the weekend. Arrived at Cora Lee's sister's place in St Vital,
around 2:20 pm, after stopping briefly at Simply Computing, down St
Mary's Road from where they live. Unfortunately, Coriandre dropped her
iPad, a week ago today, and dented the frame so that she cannot plug it
in to recharge. Apparently nothing to be done other than to exchange it,
albeit for a new one, for $350, or thereabouts. Have a friend, Ragin'
Bull, back in Vancouver who is has had advanced Mac training so will
have him look at it first before Butterfingers decides what to do.
we'd unloaded our bags, Grogg, Cody, (his eldest), and I set off to
collect a large glass sliding door, in frame, Groggage had found on
Cagigi. Greg had been unable to load it into the small utility trailer
himself, day before, as it was simply too heavy to handle, even with the
chap selling it. Of course his van didn't hav enay gas so we had to
wait at service station, just around the corner, for an interminable
length of time, in 30º C humidity, at pumps as everyone in city was
filling up before heading out to lake country. Once tank was full
another stop at HOme Depot for a number of 2 by 4's to shore up frame
for transport. More waiting in the hot sun but I pretended I was
enjoying a sauna so al was well!
we actually arrived at our destination, things went pretty smoothly.
With the four of us each taking a corner, moving the unwieldy,
surprisingly heavy piece to the trailer wasn't difficult. Placed the 2
by 4's across the trailer and laid the frame down on them and Gregg
snugged the load securely with straps that one can cinch into place.
Back home to put the trailer in place in the driveway so that Grogg can
build a frame to support it in an upright position for haulage to War
Eagle. He wants to transport it this way as he is afraid that the panes
may otherwise crack. Piece is worth over $700 and he only paid $100 so
well worth the time and effort. Eventually, it will go into the
extension that is planned for the front of the cabin. They look out onto
a fabulous view of the water and sheer rock cliffs, about half a km
across lake, so it is a million dollar setting to be sure!
had phoned my cousin, Sally, earlier, to say we would pop around after
errand was done so did just that. They only live about 10 minutes away,
in Wildwood Park. We dropped Cody off, en route, as he was meeting
friends for a bbq. Spumoni and Grog were heading out to stay with their
friends at a cabin on Lake Winnipeg, near Grand Beach, with a wedding,
close by, the next day. Had a lovely visit with Sally, Filmer and
Travis, their youngest. They have finished most of the landscaping
around their house and it is lovely indeed. Filmer has a remarkable eye
for design and it shows in everything he does. His tomatoe plants are
thriving and far, far more advanced that ones in Dusty's garden.
Unseasonably wet summer has seriously affected most everything across
After a couple of hours, we said goodbye. Hope to see
them again before we return to Vancouver. Back to 33 St Michael Road,
first stopping for hootch at Banville & Jones and a few salad
fixings at store across the way from wine shop. Cora Lee made a mixed
green salad and we re-heated some pulled pork overlefts we'd brought in
form Falcon. Usually, there are plenty of "overlefts" in Pam's fridge
but she has been at lake for last three weeks so Mother Hubbard's
cupboard was bare! Enjoyed a 2012 Don David, Argentina, Cafayate
Valley, Torrontes, 14%, fabulous floral aromas, and a 2012 Doña Dominga,
Chile, Colchagua, Shiraz, 14%, but found it flabby with little to
recommend it. Tad disappointing as I usually like most of the product
from this region.
We happened across a movie, Fire in the Sky, "a 1993 science fiction horror drama film based on an alleged extraterrestrial encounter, based on Travis Walton's book The Walton Experience."
It was a terrible, terrible movie but so silly we couldn't stop watching
it simply
to see where it would lead and how it would be resolved. James Garner
played the lead investigator so it was fun to see him, especially since
he himself was recently snatched by aliens!
Pick a flower on earth and you move the farthest star. -Paul Dirac, theoretical physicist (1902-1984)
Hi patrice, First of all , I have to say what fabulous pictures! How fortunate to have such a lovely day to celebrate that very special event. I’m very happy for you that you had such a nice tribute and I’m sure it must feel good to have finally done it in such a fine manner and for everyone be able to move on and have some closure.
We came back from the cabin late Tuesday and had a very busy few days catching up on all the “stuff” that accumulates when one is away. I for one had a 2 hour dentist appointment to look forward to on Wednesday and poor Jess has been suffering with an infected wisdom tooth which needed extracting . Unfortunately he is not on my dental plan anymore and we have said he is on his own to deal with dental issues. Our family dentist was not able to see him until next week but Jesse couldn’t wait as in his words he was in the most pain he has ever experienced. Fortunately my friend Jim has a landscaping client who has a dental office right near here and they were able to get him in yesterday and get the tooth pulled which has given him instant relief.
We came home to find that two of our bikes had been stolen from underneath the deck which was very disconcerting. Jacobs BMX bike which I had put $150.00 towards the $250.00 price had been taken as well as my lotus. both were not locked up but i guess we have grown complacent as there is very little crime in our immediate area. Although Jesse did have his bike taken about ten years ago from the backyard. I am of the opinion that somebody who knew Jake knew we were away probably through social media and took advantage to come by. I say this because there was absolutely nothing else taken including a pressure washer and about 6 large bins of cans and bottles which would have been the target of your typical opportunistic “alley rat” as i refer to them. i phoned the police and told Jake to keep an eye on craigslist but of course I have no expectations that we will see either of them again. Such is life and if that is the worst that happens well then I feel very fortunate.
Good news for Colleen as I don’t know if I told you but she is scheduled for her surgery on August 15th and is obviously somewhat stressed as one would expect before such a thing but also very relieved to have it imminent. I will also be very happy as I have seen the pain and suffering she has endured for a very long time.
We had an absolutely fabulous time on our holiday as the whether was fantastic and enjoyed seeing a lot of people we had not seen in a long time. Friends of ours bought a cabin on Otter lake in Tulamene and we stopped in there for a couple of hours on the way home from Osoyoos which we went to for a couple nights after Shuswap. Their place is the old train station on the kettle valley railway and was moved onto the property after the railway was closed down many years ago. it is a beautiful spot but there are some issues such as the water being contaminated due to all the septic fields and they are on a well so they have to bring in drinking water. Another drawback is the very long and winding road from highway 3 at Princeton for about 26 kms. which even in the best whether is fairly treacherous and not one I would care to navigate in the winter so I don’t know how much use they will be able to get from it . never the less it is lakefront and a good investment to be sure.
Hope the rest of your trip goes very well and will look forward to seeing you and catching up more on your return. When are you back?. take care for now and love to the family.
Pics: Quading with Maureen and Colleen Up to silvertip at the Sunshine Valley, Happy fat cat at the cabin, cool valley sunset and the boys hanging out with friends at Osoyoos.
Ok you two, who know everyone. Could you please keep your eyes peeled for me and Bruno for jobs? He could be a translator or editor and I could do almost anything in education, linguistics or second language instruction. I have decide we are the masters of our own universe and Vancouver is calling me home again! Thanks! Don't put anything on Facebook as I want it to be hush, hush until we have a done deal! xoxo
Drove into Winnipeg, around noon today as we wanted to visit a few friends and family over the weekend. Arrived at Cora Lee's sister's place in St Vital, around 2:20 pm, after stopping briefly at Simply Computing, down St Mary's Road from where they live. Unfortunately, Coriandre dropped her iPad, a week ago today, and dented the frame so that she cannot plug it in to recharge. Apparently nothing to be done other than to exchange it, albeit for a new one, for $350, or thereabouts. Have a friend, Ragin' Bull, back in Vancouver who is has had advanced Mac training so will have him look at it first before Butterfingers decides what to do.
Once we'd unloaded our bags, Grogg, Cody, (his eldest), and I set off to collect a large glass sliding door, in frame, Groggage had found on Cagigi. Greg had been unable to load it into the small utility trailer himself, day before, as it was simply too heavy to handle, even with the chap selling it. Of course his van didn't hav enay gas so we had to wait at service station, just around the corner, for an interminable length of time, in 30º C humidity, at pumps as everyone in city was filling up before heading out to lake country. Once tank was full another stop at HOme Depot for a number of 2 by 4's to shore up frame for transport. More waiting in the hot sun but I pretended I was enjoying a sauna so al was well!
Once we actually arrived at our destination, things went pretty smoothly. With the four of us each taking a corner, moving the unwieldy, surprisingly heavy piece to the trailer wasn't difficult. Placed the 2 by 4's across the trailer and laid the frame down on them and Gregg snugged the load securely with straps that one can cinch into place. Back home to put the trailer in place in the driveway so that Grogg can build a frame to support it in an upright position for haulage to War Eagle. He wants to transport it this way as he is afraid that the panes may otherwise crack. Piece is worth over $700 and he only paid $100 so well worth the time and effort. Eventually, it will go into the extension that is planned for the front of the cabin. They look out onto a fabulous view of the water and sheer rock cliffs, about half a km across lake, so it is a million dollar setting to be sure!
I had phoned my cousin, Sally, earlier, to say we would pop around after errand was done so did just that. They only live about 10 minutes away, in Wildwood Park. We dropped Cody off, en route, as he was meeting friends for a bbq. Spumoni and Grog were heading out to stay with their friends at a cabin on Lake Winnipeg, near Grand Beach, with a wedding, close by, the next day. Had a lovely visit with Sally, Filmer and Travis, their youngest. They have finished most of the landscaping around their house and it is lovely indeed. Filmer has a remarkable eye for design and it shows in everything he does. His tomatoe plants are thriving and far, far more advanced that ones in Dusty's garden. Unseasonably wet summer has seriously affected most everything across Prairies.
After a couple of hours, we said goodbye. Hope to see them again before we return to Vancouver. Back to 33 St Michael Road, first stopping for hootch at Banville & Jones and a few salad fixings at store across the way from wine shop. Cora Lee made a mixed green salad and we re-heated some pulled pork overlefts we'd brought in form Falcon. Usually, there are plenty of "overlefts" in Pam's fridge but she has been at lake for last three weeks so Mother Hubbard's cupboard was bare! Enjoyed a 2012 Don David, Argentina, Cafayate Valley, Torrontes, 14%, fabulous floral aromas, and a 2012 Doña Dominga, Chile, Colchagua, Shiraz, 14%, but found it flabby with little to recommend it. Tad disappointing as I usually like most of the product from this region.
We happened across a movie, Fire in the Sky, "a 1993 science fiction horror drama film based on an alleged extraterrestrial encounter, based on Travis Walton's book The Walton Experience." It was a terrible, terrible movie but so silly we couldn't stop watching it simply to see where it would lead and how it would be resolved. James Garner played the lead investigator so it was fun to see him, especially since he himself was recently snatched by aliens!
Habe 2 tickets zu vergeben fürs white dinner in zürich am 10.8.2014 - wär het interässe?
Have 2 tickets up for grabs for the white dinner in Zurich at the 10.8.2014 - about het interässe? :) (Translated by Bing)
- Patrick James Dunn Will take them. Please send two tickets, First Class, on Swiss Air, from Winnipeg to Zurich! Cheers Cruel Host Daughter!
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