Hi Burnaby Blues festival People! Never ending merry-go-round of fun-filled activities with you folk, that's for sure! Your picnic sounded more than wonderful. Loved your "bar-noculars" and might have to borrow them for next year's Folk Fest! As I mentioned, in last message, pleased to hear that your surgery is scheduled. Perhaps we'll come up to Sunshine Valley afterwards, to be waited on, hand and foot, along with you! We are back on August 19th or 20th, depending on Cora Lee's tolerance for long drives.
Must away as I'd like to go for another ride before we get ready to meet Chloë and her cousin Marlow, and family, for lunch. Then back to Falcon. Clarisse is expecting us for dinner at 6:30 pm so just bouncing from one table to the next. Fondestos from Cora Lee. (She just confirmed a cabin at Clear Lake, for Monday night, so we'll need to stop at Banville & Jones for celebratory hootch. Clara and Dusty spent their honeymoon there, 69 years ago!) Cheers, Bar-Nocular Envy Patrizzio!
Pics: Noreen and Cora Lee at Mise; various shots of restaurant, including one of tomatoe plants in small garden on patio; CL back at Spumoni's, being waited on "hand and foot"!
Hi Vietnamese Coffee People! Really enjoyed the visit, yesterday, though relatively brief! Thanks again for wonderful java! Thanks, also, for sending image of my parent's wedding picture. If it is fine with you both, we'll swing by sometime this coming week, probably after we return from Dauphin, to collect photograph. Much appreciated, it goes without saying! Apologize for not answering sooner as time simply seemed to evaporate! Will be in touch in a few days. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Just a quick note to say how much we enjoyed lunch today and having chance to visit. Trust everyone made it home safely. We did and were treated to wonderful, wonderful beet greens and green beans from Dusty's garden, along with a fab turkey pie and spinach salad. No room for dessert which we certainly didn't need anyway! Must away as I need to repack for Dauphin Expedition! Fondestos from everyone who isn't snoring in front of the TV! Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio! Pics: Pizza People and Falcon Lake Freeloaders!
Hi Kerrisdale Farmer's Market and PGA People! Never ending merry-go-round of fun-filled activities with you folk, that's for sure! Congrats on your golf round, Herardo. well done putting the young whipper snapper in place!!! Trust your dinner was as delicious as ours.
Up at about the same time this morning and worked away at more email until about 10:30 am when Chloë phoned to tell us that we were to meet her at 1:00 pm for lunch, together with her cousin, Marlo, and family. Once I had my parameters, I suited up and went for another ride. Followed almost the exact same route as yesterday, and was absolutely delighted that I managed the same distance but with an AVG of 25.5 km/hr, my best ever for this distance!
Patrick James Dunn Fab, fab ride in Winnipeg!

Garmin Connect Distance 52.10 km | Time 2:02:37 | Avg Moving Pace 2:21 min/km | Avg Speed 25.5 km/h | Elevation Gain 53 m
Quick shower and change and then we headed to Corydon to park just across the street from Colosseo Ristorante Italiano. Gang were already seated and after joining them we ordered pizza and salads and pickerel, (for Cora Lee, of course), and enjoyed the patio ambiance as we visited and ate. After the meal we transferred Chloë's bags to our vehicle as she was staying at Spumoni's that night. Photo session in front of a small fountain behind restaurant and then we bade fond farewells to Famiglia Jurkowski. Will see them next weekend at a family wedding so wasn't a sad parting.
Sals for supper!!! Yup!!! If you know what I'm talking about your mouth is watering!!!
- Patrick James Dunn After the movie? Where?]
Chloe Alexis Dunn With Pam. After I came home from the movie! Got in my Nip!]
Back to Falcon just in time. Clarisse was expecting us for dinner at 6:30 pm so just bouncing from one table to the next. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Public Service People! How is your back, Derek? How went Southampton? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Delft claims smallest art museum in Europe! if only more publishers would take this approach fewer book group members would be exposed to fines angst. I aspire to attend on the 28th, but may be in Victoria scrounging off relatives in attempt to avoid work house committal after nonpayment of past fines due to dissolute summer in Europe. If bailiff permits, see you in September.

Pics: Local wildlife this evening, just in front of Durston's cabin! Have seen this doe and her fawn quite a few times, over the course of our stay. This evening they were "munching" on the neighbour's trees, lower branches, and shrubs. Last week it was Dusty's flowers that were targeted. Both mother and offspring were nibbling through the large mesh fence to enjoy the blossoms on the lilies! Dustan, Corinne's nephew, last night with his "beer belt"!
Hi Laury and Nora, Gail and Jack! Trust everyone is well. Have been in Manitoba since July 25th.Cheers,
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