Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye
level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. -Henry
David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)
Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid
undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity. -Socrates,
philosopher (469?-399 BCE)
Must away as I want to go for a ride and be back in time to shower and change. We have a lunch date with a very close friend, Noreen, at noon. Fondestos from Cora Lee, (still sleeping!), to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio The Saturated, (with malt, not water, fortunately!)
Pics: Thursday at Falcon: Patti, Cora Lee's sister, with her daughter Rebekah; Cora Lee, Chloë and a snoozing Rosie-The-Riveter; Chloë and Dustan, Spumoni's youngest, perusing family photo albums!
Hello FB! Yes, both my Mom's memorial service and 69th anniversary bash went very well indeed. For latter, Cora Lee's eldest niece did most of pre-planning but Spumoni and Giorgio, her two siblings that live in Winnipeg, Falcon Lake, respectively, also handled many of the arrangements, etc. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Colin and Jo-Anne! Lots of rye bread in Winnipeg so I'll be bringing back a carload since we drove into Winnipeg yesterday! Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi Kathryn! Will do, regarding Studio 1398 and 2014 registration. We will be back in Vancouver by then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vailites! Glad to hear all goes so well with everyone, (Sorry to hear about Miranda's break with Eduardo, however!), pooches included! We will definitely try to co-ordinate a visit with you in Vail as we've never seen that part of the country before and I'm sure your wine cellar is more than impressive there!
Sunday, before returning to Falcon, we will probably have brunch with Chloë. She flies back to Vancouver on Monday. We plan to stay with Zircon, (Jim Hillson), again, in Medicine Hat, on return drive. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Glasgow! Just to clarify, it wasn't either the Petit Verdot or the Bruichladdich that caused the temporary laps in memory, but rather Dusty's inferior 1.74 L bottle of Captain Morgan Rum! How goes life in Vancouver? Cheers, Patrizzio
Hello to Our Favourite Naramatians, (As opposed to "Martians"! See below for explanation!): Delighted to learn that you are taking full advantage of the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer to do nothing but loll and enjoy wonderful food and left-over wine! Sorry to report that we haven't had a moment, what with all our own lolling and sunning and riding and imbibing and feasting, to take a close look at last Inja link. Will promise to do better with "homework", Cruel Task Mistress Lurkin'! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Quad People! Very sorry to here about thefts of bicycles. A drag, no matter how one looks at it. Gather dental "fix" will be more expensive. Very pleased to learn that Colleen's surgery has been scheduled. We'll be leaving for Vancouver a few days afterward, so trust you'll be "in the pink" by the time we are home, Marilyn. Grand pitturas so thanks very much for the off-road vicarious holiday!
Here are a few silly things to keep you occupied when you aren't having so much fun! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you four. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Executive Search People! How much is our Finder's Fee? Here are a few silly things to keep you occupied when you aren't scanning job postings! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from the Republic of Galiano. The next NRBC will be Sunday, 28 September. Venue TBA. The book we will discuss at the next gathering is Decoded, by Mai Jia (Mark). To follow that: The Island of Crimea (Ostrov Krym)', by Vasili Aksenov (Misha). Moe and then Pat are next up to recommend more un-reading for us.
Hello Lads! Trust everyone is well. The Islay Inn is probably available but I'll need to find out if I'm volunteering at VIFF before I commit. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Fellow Ambassador! Trust "un-settling" in continues. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and other citizens of the Republic of Galiano. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patricio, Sounds like a fabulous time...we have been enjoying all the pictures from Falcon lake posted on FB and it looks like you had a wonderful celebration for Dusty and Clara...give them our love.
Al and I are preparing to attend the Burnaby Blues Festival today at Deer Lake...what a spectacular day for it!!! We are taking a cooler in with us with a lovely picnic that we will enjoy as we sway to the music. Watermelon and feta salad with fresh mint, spring salmon salad sandwiches ( left over salmon which we bought from the back of a truck last weekend in S.V. which was absolutely delicious ) ( btw we bought and cleaned two...would be willing to save the second one to enjoy with you guys when you get back as it is frozen at the PEAK of freshness and one of the best fish I have ever eaten ) For dessert an assortment of fresh fruit which we brought home from the Okanogan last week...peaches, blueberries and some freshly picked blackberries which we picked last night at Deas Island park where my sister is park patroller.
I intend to fill up my trusty " bar-noculars" which are actually clevery concealed flasks which have removable eye pieces which allow us to fill them up with some hard stuff...probably chilled vodka :) All in all it stands to be a fantastic day as some of our favorite bands will be playing and we have managed to get ourselves free tickets as the M.C. of the festival happens to be one of our neighbors from the Sunshine Valley who was happy to get us on the will call list....wish you were here to enjoy it with us.
When will you be home? I am having my surgery next Friday and hope to be discharged by Monday. As soon as I am able my mom and dad will take me up to the cabin so that I can recuperate and be waited on hand and foot until I am able to get back to my usual routines. Hoping to see you soon....have a safe trip back to town and we will try and get together asap. Lotsa Love Colleen xoxoxo
Patrick James Dunn, Stats for ride:
Garmin Connect

Cora Lee sitting out back, sipping a chilled glass of 2012 Trivento,
Mendoza, Saugignon Blanc, 13.5%, very crisp and clean, and reading
Saturday's Globe & Mail!
Was up at just after 7:00 am, to a lovely cool, fresh morning. Overhead fan in bedroom kept us comfortable, without air conditioning, so made for a restful sleep. I relished my cup of java while answering a plethora of messages that I'd not been able to respond to at Falcon, problematic connectivity being what it was. Had three overleft perogies for breakfast as I didn't want to have too, too much as we were meeting our close friend, Noreen, Maya's grandmother, for lunch at noon.
Coriandre was up by 9:00 am and we both worked at our laptotps until around 11:00 am. She is busy looking for motel/hotel bookings for our trip to Dauphin/Clear Lake this coming week. She went to shower first, to beautify and clothify, and when she was picture poifect, I was allowed access to the bathroom, my apparel chosen for me, and laid out on the bed, once I'd emerged, squeaky clean and "shining like a National Guitar." (Identify line, Dear Reader!). The Devil who wears Prada was afeared that I'd put on an ensemble that would embarrass her, more so than I usually do, simply be existing!
At any rate, we bundled ourselves into Titanium Green at 11:45 am and made our way to River Heights, bumping along the winter ravaged streets of poor old Winnipeg, forced to take innumerable detours to avoid on-going construction, even on the weekend, dodging cenote-sized pot holes at times and just generally rattling the filings in our molars!. Noreen lives on a lovely. lovely tree-lined street, Harvard, and it is delightful to simply look at all the wonderful homes in this very desirable part of the city, Winnipeg's "Shaughnessy", if you will.
Cora Lee went to collect Noreen and once we'd greeted one another, we made for Cafe Carlo, only a few blocks away, on Lilac, part of my wild and wooly stompin' ground back in the '60's when a number of student friends lived in a house on Dorchester, almost kitty corner to the bistro, then a barbershop, I believe. Turned out that CC was closed for lunch/brunch on Saturday so we simply walked across Corydon, half a block away, to Mise, haute prairie cuisine, according to the sign which now adorns what was once a bank and then Santa Furs and then a Japanese sushi restaurant. ( According to Noreen, chef at latter moved to Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics and never returned, "no he never returned and his fate is still unlearned!" (Another blog quiz, Dear Reader!).
Coramandel decided upon the patio and we were seated there, in much comfort, under an umbrella, as the sun was beaming, in the very attractively landscaped and appointed space. Much to choose from on the interesting menu but I settled upon a Monte Cristo. Ham, Cave Aged Gruyere, Dijon, Creme Fraiche, on Cranberry Brioche. Maddeningly tasty, it came with a small Cesaere so I couldn't have been happier. Noreen ordered a Salmon Omelette which, once it arrived, I eyed rather enviously. Although it was quite large, she managed to deal with it, to my gannet/seagull dismay! Cora Lee, true to form, ordered Cornmeal Crusted Pickerel, as she had been suffering withdrawal ever since the last filet from Gimli Fish had been devoured days ago at Falcon!
By the time we had forced ourselves to eat dessert, (Lemon Tart with Creme Fraiche, for CL, Peach Pie for Noreen and a wedge of Mango Papaya Wensleydale with Mango Jalapeno Jelly, together with a cappuccino, for yours truly!), visiting and catching up, all the while, it was almost 3:00 pm! The company was so congenial, the food so delicious that time simply flew. Nevertheless, all good things must end and after the bill was settled, (Noreen insisted on paying so I ordered three more desserts!), we strolled back to The Saunamobile and once the inside temperature was below 40º C we drove Noreen home.
As is obvious, it was a wonderful visit. Thanking her muchly for the lovely, lovely time, we made tentative plans, sometime the following week, to try and get together again, before leaving for Vancouver. Waved goodbye and drove back to St Michael Road. Once there, I suited up as I wanted to go for a ride. Cora Lee returned to search for accommodation, planning to take a jaunt, at some point, to local mall to for a few things for night's meal.
By the time I was ready to ride it was about 4:40 pm. Having explored this part of St Vital and adjoining Fort Garry, across the Red, I knew where I wanted to go. Started off heading down St Michael to River Road, then west, past St Vital Park to Victoria Crescent. Once this loop was completed, back the way I'd already cycled to cross the Fort Garry Bridge and make for the University of Manitoba campus. First building, and it is truly gargantuan, one sees, on approach, is the new Bomber Stadium, (actually, Investors Group Field!), site of the team's recent, much lamented loss to Saskatchewan, this past Thursday, if I recall correctly.
Took Dysart Rd to skirt campus core and ended up on King's Drive, which turns into Killkenny Dr, which itself becomes Cloutier Dr, to its end near Pembina Highway. Turned around here and retraced my steps but this time did some extended dipsy-doodling around the Smartpark, (Research and Technology), on campus before leaving U of M behind. Made for Pembina Hwy again and was pleasantly surprised to find a dedicated bike lane along this very busy, main arterial thoroughfare, although street was quite quiet, it being just before 6:00 pm on a weekend when city is usually rather empty anyway, everyone at the lake or cottage or cabin. Interesting design, inasmuch as at each bus stop the path curves up onto an enlarged sidewalk area, behind the shelter, so cyclists don't have to move out into traffic to pass buses taking on passengers.
Zipped along, following two other riders until I turned off onto Crescent Drive and took me all the way, following the meandering Red, to Wildwood Park where my cousin and family live. Once in this neck of the woods, so to speak, I wasn't far from Kingston Crescent, on the opposite side of the river, so a short jog along Jubilee to cross over by the Bridge Drive-In, a Winnipeg landmark, famous for its ice-cream. Once on Kingston Crescent I made for Kingston Row and engaged in some more dipsy-doodling on the streets north of Osborne before making for Dunkirk Drive which would take me back to St Vital Road. From there but a short distance to River Rd and then north on St Michael Rd and I was almost home.
Finished at just before 7:00 pm to find Cora Lee sitting out back, sipping a chilled glass of 2012 Trivento, Mendoza, Saugignon Blanc, 13.5%, very crisp and clean, and reading Saturday's Globe & Mail. Not many mosquitoes so she was happy as a clam! I poured myself a glass of wine and went to shower and change. Smelling alluringly of Acqua di Gio, (Giorgio Armani, Dear Reader!), I found Cora Lee had already put the Farmer's Sausages in the frying pan so I made a tomatoe/cuke salad while they sizzled.
Flipping channels, Coriandre came across Eastern Promises, (it had just started), so we decided to watch it. Although we had already seen it, on the silver screen, I liked it so much that I was happy to revisit Cronenberg's gritty portrait of Russian career criminals in London. To my mind, Viggo Mortensen gives a simply superb performance as the driver/undercover agent, as does Armin Mueller-Stahl as a seemingly benign restauranteur, in reality, a chilling vor, (don), in the Russian Mafia. Needed to open a 2013 Bodega La Flor, Mendoza, Malbec, 14.5%, in order to get through some of the scenes, especially one in which Nikolai, (Viggo), in his "cleaner" role, snips off the fingers of a murder victim. Into bed around midnight, Dustan his friends still sitting outside in the back yard, around a small fire-pit, braving the mosquitoes.
Sally has spent her summer vacation re-organizing all the stuff in our basement, including sorting through 1000's of photographs, mostly taken by her dad.Today she discovered this 1, which you might like to have. Obviously, we have the original print which you can pick up here @ your convenience. Otherwise, we can mail it to you. Cheers.
Patrick, You are astounding with your email tales of your adventures. We have just come up from the pool where we had a couple of good swims, some wine ( hidden in a Starbucks mug ) and some glorious sun. We went to the Farmer's Market in Kerrisdale then down to Granville Island to eat our bread and fresh goat cheese and to check out the sights today.
Gerry played golf yesterday at UBC with Mag's son Scott. Gerry came home feeling very good as he had his best game in quite awhile and won $10 off Scott. They walked the course and got in 18 holes despite starting at 5:40. Scott has taken up biking so Gerry was telling him about you. In fact he was doing a little bragging about your prowess on your bike. Scott tracks his course like you do. We are off to dinner. Cheers, Dawn
Gerry played golf yesterday at UBC with Mag's son Scott. Gerry came home feeling very good as he had his best game in quite awhile and won $10 off Scott. They walked the course and got in 18 holes despite starting at 5:40. Scott has taken up biking so Gerry was telling him about you. In fact he was doing a little bragging about your prowess on your bike. Scott tracks his course like you do. We are off to dinner. Cheers, Dawn
Name: | Patrick Dunn |
Country: | Canada |
Category Or Device: | Edge 200 |
Problem Description: | Since August 5th I have not received any email links to the rides I have uploaded/synced |
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