Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, philosopher (1770-1831)
hopefully we will get a better understanding of what happened and more
important next steps. Nicole and I read to Wayne all of your thoughts
and prayers and we believe he heard every one.
Corey William Dad is awake and breathing on his own! Looks like he will require bypass surgery. We aren't out of the woods yet but I can see the road!
Hey Pat, Dad
just went for his angiogram. Will have an update soon. I found Des
late last night on Facebook and just got off the phone with him. Ryan Sutherland
Hi Chloë! I'm delighted to tour your new work space. Depending on
how Sarge is doing or where he is by then, perhaps we can even pop in
to see him. Talk soon. Love, Dad!
Hi Patrice, I know we are not supposed to apologize for tardy replies but never the less I am sorry for that and the blackberry/camel pack theft you endured . it really is a psychological kick to the crotch when that happens not to mention the actual physical loss of your personal property being disturbing as well. It would have been good to see the offender launched as you say into the brambles by Raymondo but he probably shouldn't be bring the kind of stress upon himself that would come from an altercation like that!
Reason for lack of reply has mostly been due to working dawn to dusk at the cabin trying to get a coat of paint on the back of the cabin facing the river as there is a narrow window of opportunity to get that kind of stuff done and it sorely needed it. Would have loved to take up your offer of Squamish ride but same excuse prevails as far as projects and lack of suitable long distance type of steed. i will definitely be getting something very soon and will join you before long.
Must away as I am going to set up scaffolding to reach the upper parts of the cabin and my neighbour was kind enough to lend the equipment to me which will make the rest of the job much safer and easier. have a great ride and say hi to the boys for me. Talk to you soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Al and Colleen! I rode to Squamish yesterday and plan to ride to Whistler and back today, then ride back to Vancouver on Thursday. However, terrible news here is that Sarge suffered a major cardiac arrest on Monday morning! I don't really have time to explain everything so I'm forwarding a message I sent to our Australian friends. You might be able to follow updates on Facebook as Michele is posting things as she and family learn more about Wayne's condition. I'll be in touch, perhaps later today or certainly once I'm back in Vancouver. Sadly, unfortunately, more of a waiting/praying situation at the moment. Take care of each other, Patrizzio!
hopefully we will get a better understanding of what happened and more
important next steps. Nicole and I read to Wayne all of your thoughts
and prayers and we believe he heard every one.
Corey William Dad is awake and breathing on his own! Looks like he will require bypass surgery. We aren't out of the woods yet but I can see the road!
Hey Pat, Dad just went for his angiogram. Will have an update soon. I found Des late last night on Facebook and just got off the phone with him. Ryan Sutherland

Hi Patrice, I know we are not supposed to apologize for tardy replies but never the less I am sorry for that and the blackberry/camel pack theft you endured . it really is a psychological kick to the crotch when that happens not to mention the actual physical loss of your personal property being disturbing as well. It would have been good to see the offender launched as you say into the brambles by Raymondo but he probably shouldn't be bring the kind of stress upon himself that would come from an altercation like that!
Reason for lack of reply has mostly been due to working dawn to dusk at the cabin trying to get a coat of paint on the back of the cabin facing the river as there is a narrow window of opportunity to get that kind of stuff done and it sorely needed it. Would have loved to take up your offer of Squamish ride but same excuse prevails as far as projects and lack of suitable long distance type of steed. i will definitely be getting something very soon and will join you before long.
Must away as I am going to set up scaffolding to reach the upper parts of the cabin and my neighbour was kind enough to lend the equipment to me which will make the rest of the job much safer and easier. have a great ride and say hi to the boys for me. Talk to you soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Al and Colleen! I rode to Squamish yesterday and plan to ride to Whistler and back today, then ride back to Vancouver on Thursday. However, terrible news here is that Sarge suffered a major cardiac arrest on Monday morning! I don't really have time to explain everything so I'm forwarding a message I sent to our Australian friends. You might be able to follow updates on Facebook as Michele is posting things as she and family learn more about Wayne's condition. I'll be in touch, perhaps later today or certainly once I'm back in Vancouver. Sadly, unfortunately, more of a waiting/praying situation at the moment. Take care of each other, Patrizzio!
Trice! Patrick James Dunn Just returned from riding to Whistler and back. Checked my email to find out how your Dad was doing! What wonderful, wonderful news. I was thinking about him there and back and we had discussed route, terrain, distances, etc., he having traveled it so often for skiing, on Sunday night. Tell him he's a great coach, among other things, and I'd really like him to be up and about and be my "domestique" for the Granfondo on September 6th! Of course I know it is far too early for that but at least he has shown everyone what a fighter he is. Love to your Mom and everyone else and tell Sarge that Ricardo and I will be lifting a glass of malt to him this evening in Squamish!
Hey D, can you add David Kessler to your Wayne emails as he facebooked me and was very concerned. How was your ride up? Be careful. Love you.C
Hi Cactus and Donna Florida! Chloë sent me a message asking to include you in updates. I'll be in touch as soon as I know more. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you for the news which we will digest (I printed your message) along with dinner, which I wish you were here to share with us, Eggplant Parmagiana after salad along with some Jacuzzi Sangrantino. We were up in lower Sonoma visiting wineries just two weeks before the earthquake. I have no detailed news from Jacuzzi and other places about how they fared. Not good for us all, just before harvest. Happy wheeling...Cactus
Patrick, We were able to meet up with Corinne today for coffee at Granville Island. We had a good chat catching up on our summers etc. We were shocked to hear about Wayne's heart attack and hope he has a good recovery. Please let us know how he is doing. And, you are going to challenge the Gran Fondo to Whistler. Good for you. Let us know how that goes too. We head home tonight to cooler temperatures. Cheers, Dawn
Hi Donna Maria and Herardo! Very disappointed that I keep missing you two but pleased you were able to connect with Cora Lee! I just checked my email to see if there was any change in Sarge's condition. Wonderful news inasmuch as this is what Flamin' posted: Michele Darrow-Sutherland
Good news finally. Wayne is breathing without a ventilator and is responsive to questions. He is going to be awaiting bypass surgery . But for today we rejoice!
- Patrick James Dunn Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
- Bev Power I am joining Patrick in the cheering section!!!!! Hope you find a few minutes to get some rest. Thank you for keeping us posted!
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Prince Valiant! Glad you were able to contact Des. I've been following the posts so I know Sarge is breathing on his own and responsive to questions. Is he able to speak or just nod and squeeze? No matter, of course, just terrific that he is conscious and able to have the necessary tests. I probably don't have to say this but I know it has been a more than harrowing time for the family so please try, as best you can, to make sure that everyone from your Mother to Nicole to your Grandmother, (I understood that Vivacious was to arrive today. Is this the case?), and everyone in between, don't collapse themselves, with all the stress and worry and lack of sleep.
I plan to ride back to Vancouver tomorrow morning so will find out if your Dad can have visitors. At any rate, I presume I'll see you either at the hospital or at home. Fondestos to Megan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Goils! Thanks for letting me know about David. I've sent him a detailed message and have heard back from him. They were planning to read it over dinner as he printed it off!
Didn't stir until 8:30 am and Ricardo was already in kitchen when I came downstairs. He left for his office shortly before 9:00 am and I looked at email for a bit before Ruth made me a java and I had four pieces of toast with peanut butter and honey, fuel for ride ahead. I was sun-screened and suited, ready to leave by 10:30 am, so Ruthless took a few snaps before we hugged and I took off. She was planning to leave as soon as she'd finished what needed to be done as far as what she was taking for coming weekend at their place on Little Shuswap so I thanked her for her wonderful hospitality, knowing she'd be gone when I returned.
However, I slogged on, Dear Reader, and made the outskirts of Whistler about 1:00 pm. At this point I still had about 10 km to go to the Village and the remaining distance was nothing if not more of a damnable, roller-coaster, uphill battle, literally, for the most part, very much psychologically frustrating for I felt I had reached my goal, yet it still eluded me. At long last I reached the turn-off for the Village and took a quick loop there to return to 99 as soon as I could. Immediately noticed that the going was far easier, heading south, in spite of the ferocious headwind. I'd struggled to maintain an AVG of 18.5 km/hr on way to Whistler and I was soon at 19.5 km/hr and gaining on 20 km/hr.
Must admit that I enjoyed the return leg as it was much easier, overall, given the descent to sea level as opposed to the unrelieved climb to Whistler itself. Had passed three heavily laden cyclists, panniers on both front and rear wheels, just before the Village, heading south. Wondered, at teh time, if I would catch up to them on my return. Did just that just before ascent to Tantalus lookout and was exceedingly pleased I didn't have to haul all that weight up the long, fairly steep grade. Once that major climb was behind me I still ahd a number of lesser hills to deal with but once I was close to Brohm Lake I was laughing all the way to the bank. Managed to push my AVG to 20.3 km/hr on the last 10 km of 99, although by this time, I was feeling tired enough that I was more than happy to let gravity do most of the work.
Wasn't looking forward to the climb back up Skyline Drive but, again, not as bad as I'd feared, so I pulled into the Squamish Waldorf with and AVG of 20 km/hr. Pleased as punch! Stats for ride, Waldorf to Whistler and back:
Once back I made myself a pot of java and enjoyed a prolonged shower. Downstairs to digitate before embarking upon some fridge management for Little White. Was able to rescue enough vegetables to throw together a pretty tasty saladin. Ruth had left plates of lasagna for us so once Ricardo walked in the door at close to 9:00 pm we sat down to a wonderful meal. I opened a 2010 Domaine de Babio, 15%, and Ricardo was much impressed with this full, rich red from Minervois. Dessert was a fruit cocktail of red grapes and nectarine slices, marinated in a late harvest Zin that I found in the fridge. Rikki was beat so he retired shortly after midnight. Time for me to hit the hay as well so Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Trice Hamlin is having a work anniversary.
3 years this August at System One Services.
Congratulations, Patrizzia! Trust you are well! On the travel front, still hoping for a trip to California, certainly after October 26th when Vancouver Writers Festival, (We both volunteer.), ends. Need to dovetail, as well, at greater length, with friend, Whirlygig, who would like to come along to cycle Sonoma. Will be in touch to see if we can arrange a drink or meal. Fondestos from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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