I think the environment should be put in the category of our national
security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense
abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend? -Robert Redford, actor,
director, producer, and environmentalist (b. 1936)
Dear Sir Pat and Lady Corinne. Sorry not to have been in touch for so long. Pressure of work singing Pat's Tales Of Opera trying to keep fit paper work etc and something always crops up when I set out to send you an email or phone you. By the time I want to phone and get you in it is late here and bed beckons!
Pat had a rather nasty fall. Thankfully she is recovering.A Letter and card will follow soon. All our love. Sir James and Lady P.
Hi Colin! One of the principal reasons I don't own a Smart Phone! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Long Lost Sir James! Distressed to learn about Lady Patrizia's nasty fall although we trust she is well on the mend as you suggest. Please give her our best wishes for a full recovery. Don't apologize for not being in touch sooner as I can well imagine how difficult it must be to use email if you don't have access from home
Has been a busy and full Fall for us. We both volunteered for the Vancouver Writers Festival, again, from October21st-26th, and on the 27th I took off for the wine regions of Napa/Sonoma/Amador with two friends, Glasgow and Whirlygig. [Cora Lee had too, too many meetings to join I Buffoni and her parents were arriving mid-trip so she needed to be here.] We took our bikes along and had some fabulous rides past vineyards and wineries. Even managed a glorious ride over the Golden Gate Bridge when staying with friends in Berkeley! Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Pat had a rather nasty fall. Thankfully she is recovering.A Letter and card will follow soon. All our love. Sir James and Lady P.
Hi Colin! One of the principal reasons I don't own a Smart Phone! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Long Lost Sir James! Distressed to learn about Lady Patrizia's nasty fall although we trust she is well on the mend as you suggest. Please give her our best wishes for a full recovery. Don't apologize for not being in touch sooner as I can well imagine how difficult it must be to use email if you don't have access from home
Has been a busy and full Fall for us. We both volunteered for the Vancouver Writers Festival, again, from October21st-26th, and on the 27th I took off for the wine regions of Napa/Sonoma/Amador with two friends, Glasgow and Whirlygig. [Cora Lee had too, too many meetings to join I Buffoni and her parents were arriving mid-trip so she needed to be here.] We took our bikes along and had some fabulous rides past vineyards and wineries. Even managed a glorious ride over the Golden Gate Bridge when staying with friends in Berkeley! Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Happy Christmas to you and Wally, Brenda Louise, especially to Kian and Dana, as well as Picasso! Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year! Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Hello Kamloops! Thank you for the lovely Christmas card! First one for us this season! In the spirit of same, this past Saturday we did a four hour stint at Aunt Leah's Tree Lot this past Saturday. Friends, Petros, and his wife, Lynne, have invited us to spend a week or so with them in Palm Springs. We will drive down in late January. Not quite sure how long we plan to be away, as of this writing, but probably not as long as I'd like. I had hoped we could visit friends in Dallas but Mme Coriandre doesn't want to leave her parents for more than two weeks or so. They might well fly down to Palm Springs to join us but that has yet to be decided. At any rate, Cheers to you both, (Three, four, five? Saw Birdman, [Enjoyed it immensely!], two nights ago so Picasso should be happy!), for now, Patrizzio!
Happy Christmas to you and Frank, Maggie, and entire family! Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year! Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Adeste fidelis! Joyeux Noel! Happy Christmas! to Patrizzio & Cora Lee et toute la famille. Hope it will be as festive & merry as your Christmas letter was. Thanks for this entertaining card! Happy New Year! May it be healthy, safe&prosperous!
Maggie & Frank from Yuma, AZ Thx for the pix, news update & e-card!! Maggie
Hello Yuma! Thank you for the lovely
Roadrunner Christmas card! Pleased to hear that you sold your condo.
Great that you, as parents, will be re-nesting, instead of the other way
Friends from Naramata, Jugos Dom Pedro, and his wife, Lynne, have invited us to spend a week or so with them in Palm Springs. We will drive down in late January. Not quite sure how long we plan to be away, as of this writing, but I'll let you know as plans evolve. If we go as far as Phoenix/Mesa perhaps we'll pop by to say hello. At any rate, Cheers and Na Zdorovie to you both, for now, Patrizzio!
Hello Salish Sea People! Thought
I'd share a little Big City culture with tree huggers. Took in Touch of
Evil last night and WOW, another stunner. Time to suit up for my Polar Vortex ride, followed by visit to
sheep-shearer! Cheers, Factotum Patrizzio, with malt, [Haven't forgotten
your imperious command, O Supreme Over Lord!], anti-freeze in my water
bottle! [Somebody's been putting water in my water bottle!]
Was suitably suited against the cold and ready to go by 11:30 am and made for Stanley Park. Just a mild head wind with bright blue sky and bright sunshine so zipped along enjoying slightly milder temperature. Still had to be on the look-out for any frost or icy patches, particularly in shaded areas. Not many other cyclists out, either on the Seawall or around SP itself. Mainly dog walkers and runners.
Had decided I'd do three Prospect Hill Loops and then make for UBC, via Spanish Banks, once I'd completed the circuits. Quite enjoyed the relative quiet of the park and the relative solitude it afforded this early afternoon. Was ready to make for home by about 2:00 pm and was soon sailing along Point Grey. Again, very little bicycle traffic so I was almost starting to feel lonely. Once past campus I did a quick Musqueam loop and then headed up Dunbar to make for 38th and across, towards Arbutus, as I wanted to have a haircut at 41st. Stats for ride:
When I arrived at Economy Barbershop, close to 3:45 pm, Dino was free so as soon as I took off my coat and helmet I was able to sit down and the shearing began. Interestingly enough, Dino had bumped into the son, Bill, of the owners of our favourite Greek restaurant, Vassili's, when we lived in Kits. Bill is now with VPD but when we frequented his parent's restaurant, he worked there as well. Dino ran into him at St. George's Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Arbutus and 30th a week or so ago.
Dino and I had often chatted about the family as he knew them well and also that we patronized the restaurant. Bill asked to be remembered to our family. When Chloë was a couple of years old we'd put two chairs together, at our table, and she'd go to sleep while we finished our meal. We had our mortgage burning party there and whenever there was a special birthday or celebration we'd often order a huge dish of Navarino, an incredible custard dessert, on a base of crushed walnuts, soaked in honey, topped with whipped cream, to have at the party at Hotel Kits!
Thanking Dino for the haircut, we wished each other Happy Christmas and I was off for home. Had started rid e with sunglasses and by the time I was making for The Heartbreak Terrace I needed my bike lights.
Mostly downhill so I made my way, pretty quickly, down Macdonald and then back to bike lane on Point Grey. Bit chilly after I left barbershop as I'd worked up a bit of a sweat on early part of ride and my two shirts were pretty well soaked through. Glad I'd worn a vest under my jacket as it kept me from cooling off too, too much. Hot shower, once back at The Islay Inn felt pretty good and steamin' mug of java didn't hurt either! Stats for ride:
After I'd changed, we enjoyed a tasty dinner of sausages and steamed cauliflower, with a carrot/cabbage and Moroccan olive salad while watching a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. Walt is really becoming a nasty character and it is chilling to see him become the person that Skylar now fears more than anyone else!
Was suitably suited against the cold and ready to go by 11:30 am and made for Stanley Park. Just a mild head wind with bright blue sky and bright sunshine so zipped along enjoying slightly milder temperature. Still had to be on the look-out for any frost or icy patches, particularly in shaded areas. Not many other cyclists out, either on the Seawall or around SP itself. Mainly dog walkers and runners.
Had decided I'd do three Prospect Hill Loops and then make for UBC, via Spanish Banks, once I'd completed the circuits. Quite enjoyed the relative quiet of the park and the relative solitude it afforded this early afternoon. Was ready to make for home by about 2:00 pm and was soon sailing along Point Grey. Again, very little bicycle traffic so I was almost starting to feel lonely. Once past campus I did a quick Musqueam loop and then headed up Dunbar to make for 38th and across, towards Arbutus, as I wanted to have a haircut at 41st. Stats for ride:
When I arrived at Economy Barbershop, close to 3:45 pm, Dino was free so as soon as I took off my coat and helmet I was able to sit down and the shearing began. Interestingly enough, Dino had bumped into the son, Bill, of the owners of our favourite Greek restaurant, Vassili's, when we lived in Kits. Bill is now with VPD but when we frequented his parent's restaurant, he worked there as well. Dino ran into him at St. George's Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Arbutus and 30th a week or so ago.
Dino and I had often chatted about the family as he knew them well and also that we patronized the restaurant. Bill asked to be remembered to our family. When Chloë was a couple of years old we'd put two chairs together, at our table, and she'd go to sleep while we finished our meal. We had our mortgage burning party there and whenever there was a special birthday or celebration we'd often order a huge dish of Navarino, an incredible custard dessert, on a base of crushed walnuts, soaked in honey, topped with whipped cream, to have at the party at Hotel Kits!
Thanking Dino for the haircut, we wished each other Happy Christmas and I was off for home. Had started rid e with sunglasses and by the time I was making for The Heartbreak Terrace I needed my bike lights.
Mostly downhill so I made my way, pretty quickly, down Macdonald and then back to bike lane on Point Grey. Bit chilly after I left barbershop as I'd worked up a bit of a sweat on early part of ride and my two shirts were pretty well soaked through. Glad I'd worn a vest under my jacket as it kept me from cooling off too, too much. Hot shower, once back at The Islay Inn felt pretty good and steamin' mug of java didn't hurt either! Stats for ride:
After I'd changed, we enjoyed a tasty dinner of sausages and steamed cauliflower, with a carrot/cabbage and Moroccan olive salad while watching a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. Walt is really becoming a nasty character and it is chilling to see him become the person that Skylar now fears more than anyone else!
Hope you have all recovered from the cold! Great Christmas spirit having to be ready in the wink of an eye!
You might have heard about the Kamloops' shooting. TV coverage right from the end of our street! It took us an hour to get up the hill home and we were the lucky ones . We had no trouble leaving. A policeman with a semi-automatic checked the back of our car on the way downhill. Our street and one other were the only ones open to residents for the return trip. Most of the residents had to turn around and go to a refuge center downtown. We were worried as we had left Pic in his cage downstairs. He had water but no food. We also left our slow cooker stewing some chicken when we went out for a few groceries for company tomorrow. We thought the drama was over as we had heard they had made an arrest. On our long wait we saw radio trucks, swat and dog teams, ambulance, fire truck, helicopter and police cars galore.
Hi Brenda Louise! I was wondering if the incident took place somewhere near you when I heard that the shooting had taken place to the north of the city. Wow! Glad you are fine. haven't heard any further reports
but I wonder if incident was drug related/prompted. Either that or some
deranged person, I can only surmise. A few weeks ago I attended a
number of films at VanCity's mini-festival, Crime Fest. First night
there was a member of the VPD in lobby with a table of equipment and one
could try on the sort of vest that SWAT team members use. Did so and
couldn't believe how heavy it was. At ant rate, I trust the wounded RCMP officer will recover fully.
Cora Lee still hasn't recovered from the cold and this gave her an excuse to buy a new coat. (See below!). Must away as it is time for more of The Island of Crimea. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: New jacket!
Hello Perth! Trust everyone is well! Chloë posted this video and I knew I had to send it along! Cheers and Na Zdorovie to you both, Patrizzio!
You might have heard about the Kamloops' shooting. TV coverage right from the end of our street! It took us an hour to get up the hill home and we were the lucky ones . We had no trouble leaving. A policeman with a semi-automatic checked the back of our car on the way downhill. Our street and one other were the only ones open to residents for the return trip. Most of the residents had to turn around and go to a refuge center downtown. We were worried as we had left Pic in his cage downstairs. He had water but no food. We also left our slow cooker stewing some chicken when we went out for a few groceries for company tomorrow. We thought the drama was over as we had heard they had made an arrest. On our long wait we saw radio trucks, swat and dog teams, ambulance, fire truck, helicopter and police cars galore.
Cora Lee still hasn't recovered from the cold and this gave her an excuse to buy a new coat. (See below!). Must away as it is time for more of The Island of Crimea. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: New jacket!
Hello Perth! Trust everyone is well! Chloë posted this video and I knew I had to send it along! Cheers and Na Zdorovie to you both, Patrizzio!
Dear Supporter and Friend of the Library,
are cordially invitedt to the Stay at Home and Read a Book Ball. Please
consider donating the money that you would have spent on a night out in
support of your library. This year we
are shining the spotlight on e-books and digital literacy so sit back
and check out an e-book from the
to Go collection!
a member or supporter of Friends you are well aware that the Vancouver
Public Library is a place where anyone, no matter what their
circumstances, can explore, discover, and learn.
Library programs show residents how to engage the digital world safely
and confidently and express and share the city's creativity through
digital technology.
new initiative is the VPL Inspiration Lab, a 3,000-square-foot hub at
the Central Library that will have recording studios and editing
stations for video and sound, digitization tools
to preserve and share stories, and workshops that spark the imagination
of all ages.
This year Friends raised
$36,500 for the Vancouver Public Library. This revenue from
memberships, donations, book'mark and used book sales has made possible a
wide range of programs and the purchase of new equipment, supplies and
artwork. Visit our
to see the complete
Our goal for the next year is to raise $50,000.
Your donation, large or small, will help us reach that goal. For every
donation of $50 or more, you will receive a $5 voucher good
for a used book from our great selection at book'mark, The Library Store.
want to acknowledge the work of more than a hundred fantastic
volunteers who help with our fundraising activities. Without their
commitment and long hours, we could not set such an
ambitious goal.
you for your support. And watch in the New Year for special
members-only Tech Café sessions to learn how to use those e-books!
Judith Neamtan, President, Friends of the VPL
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