parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are striking. In each instance
there were warning signs before the attack, and in each instance our
government failed to connect the dots. Diane Watson
By the time I was up sun was shining. Ruthless and Ricardo had stayed overnight and they, along with Cora Lee, were still snoring away when I tip-toed into kitchen at 9:00 am to put on a pot of java and do remaining dishes from last night's feast. Little White was first to surface at 10:00 am followe din short order by Coriandre. Then Rikki Ricardo, suffering, it would seem, froma very serious overhang. Cora Lee's scrumptious omelet, fried overleft spuds and mushrooms from the fab espresso steak sauce, along with numerous cups of java soon helped to clear his pounding head.

After tasty breakfast Clara and Dusty came over to sign the Power of Attorney papers Rick had drawn up for them, giving both Corinne and I the authority to act on financial matters, on their behalf, should this be required, at some point, while they are living in The Annexe. George, their son, at Falcon, has the same authority but these new papers will make things possible and more efficient should events require action in Vancouver. Once deeds were signed by all parties, C/D returned to theur place and we played a few hands of bridge. Bourbon intake obviously clouded Ricardo's bidding skills as he managed to go down on each and every contract he won. Not much better for The Sisterhood as our staunch defense put them down each time they were awarded a contract. Only one able to make two contracts was yours truly! Still loads of fun.
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Thanks
for your most recent message and photos. I also read the message
from Vishal at the end -- it looks as if your itinerary is shaping
up nicely. I support his advice to drive from Agra to Jaipur, as
Fatephur Sikri really is worth seeing and you can have a good visit
there and still get to Jaipur comfortably, the same day. (I did this
route on my first trip, and we managed it in one
day with a stop (around 2 hours) at a bird sanctuary too. In my view,
though, unless you are keen birdwatchers, I would not include the bird
to see Corinne briefly at VPL Central the other day. I survived the
meeting about which I was so apprehensive. I can't say that my
of it was stellar . . . but we got through it, and achieved some
resolution. There is a longer continuing story there, which if you are
lucky, you won't hear too much of!
Corinne mentioned your gathering on the 23rd, and I am hoping to join you - thanks for the invite.
we have talked about before, I would be delighted to commission a
Christmas painting from Dusty for my front door, if that is still on
What I have in mind is a woodland scene with robins and hedgehogs.
found the following three images to convey my very rough idea. The
first is only the general composition - not the content, which I
wouldn't anticipate to be as photo-realistic or to include as many
animals. Basically, I'm wondering if it could be two robins on the
bough, in the foreground (both with wings folded - no fluttering!), and
perhaps a sprig of holly in there as well. Take
away all the other birds and animals. Add a hedgehog family, roughly
where the deer, squirrel and pheasant are now. The hedgehogs could
possibly be wearing Santa hats! And maybe there could be a few
Christmas decorations on the tree in the background. The
second image is a hedgehog family, which might be useful as a model.
The third image is just another hedgehog, for reference.
hope I am not being too particular! From what I saw, all of Dusty's
oeuvre looks great, so I am sure that whatever he might produce would be
delightful. Of course, I do realize that it is getting a bit close
now, so if it has to wait for next year, that is fine.
Hope you are enjoying the season (sounds that way) and look forward to seeing you soon. JanetHi Patron of the Arts Person!
Sorry I've not replied sooner but it was a full day on my birthday, this past Saturday, as well as the following day. I have sent your images to Chloƫ as she has a colour printer and Dusty can paint from them more easily. Not sure if he will have time before Christmas this year as he is busy with various other family "commissions" but one never knows. Look forward to seeing you on the 23rd. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Stephen Carthew Hows about I move to Herd Island for your longevity?
Patrick James Dunn Make sure you take plenty of malt to keep warm and to keep you company, especially if it is to Heard Island you are referring! Apparently the island is among the most remote places on Earth, approximately 4,099 km (2,547 mi) southwest of Perth, 3,845 km (2,389 mi) southwest of Cape Leeuwin, Australia, 4,200 km (2,600 mi) southeast of South Africa, 3,830 km (2,380 mi) southeast of Madagascar, 1,630 km (1,010 mi) north of Antarctica, and 450 km (280 mi) southeast of the Kerguelen Islands. The islands are currently uninhabited.
Wait til you get to 70 candles! You won’t be able to lift the cake (in more ways than 1)! C Hi Champagne! Don't know about the heavy lifting but as far as bridge goes, I'm not doing too, too badly. Cheers from an Older if Not Wiser Bidder! Pics: 67 Candles and counting!
Close to 1:00 pm the Squamoids took their leave as they wanted to put up Christmas lights at home, given that the day was so dry. Helped them to the car with their bags and waved goodbye as I let them out of the garage. Back inside, I suited up for a ride as I wanted to take advantage of the weather as well. Day before had been so miserable that gym was the only option but now that the sun was shining I knew I had a great ride ahead. Left Cora Lee reading her book, in the living room, around 1:30 pm and had decided that I was going to make for Iona, via UBC. Weekends are usually fairly quite on Marine so I prefer this route. However, I wasn't aware of the closure between 49th and Granville, due to new water-main construction.
At 49th Marine was barricaded, (even had an RCMP cruiser there to enforce closure), so I had no choice but to head east on 49th. Couldn't believe that Marine would not be passable for the entire section listed. What about local traffic? This being the case, a few blocks later I took Marine Crescent back to Marine and sure enough it was wide open. Was able to have most of the thoroughfare to myself until just before Angus Drive when construction well and truly blocked road. Had to double back and take 64th to connect with bike route we take when coming down Cypress, one on Adera and then Cornish to cross 70th.
From here on in it was smooth sailing and I simply followed my regular route fro getting to CSTB. Was 3:30 pm when I landed in Richmond so I figured I wouldn't be out at Iona much before 4:00 pm. Fading light was going to be an issue but I had anticipated this and had my trusty LED's already mounted on my handlebars. Quite a bit of traffic as I think many people were out taking pictures of the spectacular sunset as well as the incredible views of the mountains. What a fabulous day to ride to Iona. Silhouetted mountain ranges were simply breathtaking, looking back towards Vancouver. Furthermore, earlier in ride when I was dipsy-doodling back and forth along 75th, it was so clear one could see the snow-covered peaks on Vancouver Island as well as Mount Baker. Truly stunning. Yet the temperature was almost mild compared to frosty days of past few weeks.
![]() |
Art: Leah Palmer Preiss |
Very, very pleased with my first ride after turning 67! What a truly wonderful post-birthday outing! Didn't hurt that it helped to clear my head as well!
Cora Lee was still at Heartwood when I returned but when she walked in the door she informed me that we had been invited to The Annexe for dinner so that was a delight as Clara was serving scalloped potatoes, ham and green beans! (Matt should have come over!) Since dinner wasn't until 7:00 pm we collapsed the Murphy bed and rearranged a few pieces of furniture in the guest bedroom.
Then made our own bed as I's stripped it before leaving for my ride. I did a quick vacuum while Coriandre made a delish buffaloe mozzarella, tomatoe, fresh basil saladin to next door. This done she went next door to show her parents a few pictures she had on her iPad and I hopped into shower. Squeaky clean and changed, I went next door with the remains of the last bottle of wine Mme Coramandel had opened in the wee smalls.
Had a more than tasty meal and loads of laughs while eating. No dessert, Clara announced, but the main course was really more than enough so no complaints, not even from Dusty who is a dessert fiend! Thanking them for such a delicious meal we bade goodnight and went back to our place. I thought we might watch an episode of something but Cora Lee claimed she was too, too sleepy so we both brushed and flossed and went to bed to read for a bit before turning out our bedside lights at 10:00 pm. Busy, busy, full, full wonderful birthday weekend.
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Ukrainian sausage?" The clerk asks, "Are you Ukrainian?" The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something.
"If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
"Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
"Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
"Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
"Or if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?"
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Ukrainian sausage?" The clerk asks, "Are you Ukrainian?" The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something.
"If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
"Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
"Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
"Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
"Or if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?"
The clerk says, "No, I probably wouldn't." The guy says, "Because I asked for Ukrainian sausage, why did you ask me if I'm Ukrainian?" The clerk replied, "Because you're in Home Depot..."
Hi Big Al! Great joke but I'm "doubly offended" being of Iro-Ukranian descent! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Yup I laughed!! Yeah but-its an Alzheimer's joke! Now I'm really confused or am I just forgetful. Can't remember! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for a lovely time! It took us longer than usual to get home because unbeknownst to us there was a Santa Parade downtown so we had to
circumnavigate downtown to get out of a traffic mess and then drive across town to Second Narrows. Luckily, it was a nice afternoon to enjoy the views of Vancouver. Ruth P.S. I found the site where I saw your picture. Look up Winter Harp 2012 - Vancouver Events Oops! I think I left my blue and green bracelet somewhere at your place. If so, I'll pick it up next time I see you. Thanks, Ruth
Hi Ruthless! Sorry I've not replied sooner but don't seem to have stopped ever since I waved goodbye to you! Remember I told you that events never really unfold as one imagines they will. Santa Parade, who would have imagined that! Did you manage to put the lights up? I did take a look at the site and I think that somehow it must be linked to Facebook as that is the picture I use. With respect to your bracelet, unfortunatley we can find no trace of it anywhere. We'll keep a lookout, however, in case it had somehow slipped somewhere.
Again, thank you both for all the wonderful wine and marvellous home-made jam and baking. Sadly, I must report, the haystacks are no more! Delish beyond belief! While you were threading your way to the Second Narrows, I was suiting up for a ride. Wonderful birthday thanks to such good friends like you and Ricardo! Look forward to seeing you on the 23rd if you can fit it in to your busy schedule. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers from an Older but not necessarily Wiser Patrizzio!
Yup I laughed!! Yeah but-its an Alzheimer's joke! Now I'm really confused or am I just forgetful. Can't remember! Cheers, Patrizzio!
- Krissy Seymour Happy belated birthday Patrizio! Xxxxxxxxxx
- Patrick James Dunn Hi Krissy! Thanks for birthday wishes, belated or otherwise! Hope we'll get to see you and Mark over hols. Cheers!
- Maggie Carr Happy belated bday Patrizzio!
Thanks for a lovely time! It took us longer than usual to get home because unbeknownst to us there was a Santa Parade downtown so we had to
circumnavigate downtown to get out of a traffic mess and then drive across town to Second Narrows. Luckily, it was a nice afternoon to enjoy the views of Vancouver. Ruth P.S. I found the site where I saw your picture. Look up Winter Harp 2012 - Vancouver Events Oops! I think I left my blue and green bracelet somewhere at your place. If so, I'll pick it up next time I see you. Thanks, Ruth
Hi Ruthless! Sorry I've not replied sooner but don't seem to have stopped ever since I waved goodbye to you! Remember I told you that events never really unfold as one imagines they will. Santa Parade, who would have imagined that! Did you manage to put the lights up? I did take a look at the site and I think that somehow it must be linked to Facebook as that is the picture I use. With respect to your bracelet, unfortunatley we can find no trace of it anywhere. We'll keep a lookout, however, in case it had somehow slipped somewhere.
Again, thank you both for all the wonderful wine and marvellous home-made jam and baking. Sadly, I must report, the haystacks are no more! Delish beyond belief! While you were threading your way to the Second Narrows, I was suiting up for a ride. Wonderful birthday thanks to such good friends like you and Ricardo! Look forward to seeing you on the 23rd if you can fit it in to your busy schedule. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers from an Older but not necessarily Wiser Patrizzio!
Hi Kjell, Could you coordinate with Corinne and Pat about meeting before you return to Stockholm, if you are available? I spoke with Corinne last Monday, on Granville Island, and suggested inviting you ALL out to New West, for a dinner or some other meal. My calendar is wide open after New Years Day but i forget when you are leaving. Pat's email address has vanished from my computer, which is odd, but of course he is included in the invite.
Also, want to send you and Jane a card. Which address? If you are up near Comox till Xmas, could you send me the new one please, otherwise i will mail it to Jane's condo. Attached is a photo from the foyer of the Salt Spring Island Library, in keeping with the season. bob
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