For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been." -John Greenleaf Whittier, poet (1807-1892)
Watch out for deer! ouch!!
Hi Lads! No laughing matter as I'm sure we can all agree. I took a look at Google Maps and from what I can piece together seems that the incident took place not far from where Matt and I rode after we crossed Golden Gate. From look of roadway, prior to "deer bashing", I don't think we were on Alexander Avenue at this point as I don't remember the guard railing. Matt may remember differently. That being said, it could well have been the stretch of Alexander after East Rd, (which we were on after we cycled past the Presidio Yacht Club), merges into it.
At any rate, plenty of deer most everywhere in California and Corinne and I hit one, down near Paso Robles, in the early 90's. Fortunately, for us, we were going very slowly at the time, on a tertiary road, so car sustained but minor damage, a broken headlight which could be replaced quite easily and relatively inexpensively. The deer was another matter. It collided with the front driver's side of the car, flew over the windscreen and then down a very steep embankment. Although we stopped we couldn't see a trace of animal in the jumble of brush at the bottom of ravine so don't know if it survived or not. While cycling my dermatologist told me he hit a deer on Saltspring, a few years ago, and he said he counted himself very lucky that he wasn't badly injured or worse! When riding at Falcon, in Manitoba, there are deer everywhere but fortunately they seem content to graze on the grassy shoulders, of the roadways.
Guess I'll stick to the elliptical machine at FCCC! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Deer nibbling Dusty's flowers and then just across the way from their place!
No Doubt it will take the full 8 hour allotted time for the party to successfully empty the malt cabinet so perhaps we can arrange to have an hour overlap to catch up and tag team before changing shifts?
Hi Big Al et al! Unfortunately, after this past Sunday when Whirlygig and Jane were over for dinner they somehow managed to ravage the malt cabinet so what is left will hardly take 8 hours to drain, more like 8 minutes! Cheers, Patrizzio, Desperately Seeking Redress! Somehow I think you may be exaggerating! Although I do sympathize just in case. Very much Looking forward to your party!! Cheers, Al
P, Great idea to meet with Mark, Susan and Jane's friend Parry. Let's make that happen in the new year. W
Hi Kids! Trust you are both well. Do you have any sense, Giorgio, of what Mark and Susan will be up to with respect to travel plans in early 2015. We are hoping to drive down to Palm Desert to stay with Lynn and Peter in early February so if gathering is to happen beforehand we should start looking at possible dates. Perhaps you could mention what we have in mind if you are chatting before or over hols. Jane, what about your friend, Parry? Anyway, give it some thought and let me know when you've had time to think about what might work best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Frosty the Cyclist!
Hi Kids! Trust you are both well. Do you have any sense, Giorgio, of what Mark and Susan will be up to with respect to travel plans in early 2015. We are hoping to drive down to Palm Desert to stay with Lynn and Peter in early February so if gathering is to happen beforehand we should start looking at possible dates. Perhaps you could mention what we have in mind if you are chatting before or over hols. Jane, what about your friend, Parry? Anyway, give it some thought and let me know when you've had time to think about what might work best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Frosty the Cyclist!
Hi Pat, Ray Banks name is familiar to me. Could you ask him if you think of it, if he taught at Osler Elementary or Brock? Think he may know some friends of mine if so!! Jane 🐬 Hi Raymond! Jane Slinger mentioned that your name sounded familiar to her. She wanted me to ask you if you had taught at Osler Elementary or Brock? She thinks you may know some friends of hers if so! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello VSB Mafia! Here is Raymondo's reply: Pat, Yes, I did teach at Osler Elementary for some years, leaving in 1996. Ray
I'll let you two Up the Down Staircasers talk to one another. I happen to know of a good supply of fresh concrete should anyone need to "sleep with the fish!" Cheers, Patrizzio Heidelberg Cement and Ocean Pipe rep for North Van!
Hola Pat, George and Ray, Well, I thought your name sounded familiar Ray!
I am a good friend of Wendie Woo's and Era Hancock's. I have heard both George and Pat speak of you and today I thought I would investigate!
I did my practicum at Osler from 1999-2000 and then shared a position with Gwen Bartnik 2 years later in a kindergarten/grade one class.
I became a resource teacher and ended up back at Osler for 5 years and left 5 years ago. Wendie retired and Era is teaching French 1.5 days a week because of her MS.
Just heard back from Wendie Woo and she said Ray you worked with Elaine M., Don B. and Gordon upstairs when she first got to Osler. She said you were a pal she could always trust. She remembers you riding your bike to school. Graeme Fell took over for you I guess when you moved to secondary. She said you played soccer too with Rob Hancock, Era's husband. I love all these connections!
Anyway, Wendie says hello and I look forward to meeting you sometime in the New Year. Thanks Pat for inquiring! Hasta luego cyclists! Happy holidays, Jane Hi VSB Mafiosi! I certainly appreciate all the information I've gleaned from just this one email. Now I can concentrate on asking some really important questions now that we've cleared up much of Jane's sketchy background! See you in Interrogation Room #20, Heartbreak Terrace in early 2015, Inmate Slinger! Cheers, Warden Dunn!
I am a good friend of Wendie Woo's and Era Hancock's. I have heard both George and Pat speak of you and today I thought I would investigate!
I did my practicum at Osler from 1999-2000 and then shared a position with Gwen Bartnik 2 years later in a kindergarten/grade one class.
I became a resource teacher and ended up back at Osler for 5 years and left 5 years ago. Wendie retired and Era is teaching French 1.5 days a week because of her MS.
Just heard back from Wendie Woo and she said Ray you worked with Elaine M., Don B. and Gordon upstairs when she first got to Osler. She said you were a pal she could always trust. She remembers you riding your bike to school. Graeme Fell took over for you I guess when you moved to secondary. She said you played soccer too with Rob Hancock, Era's husband. I love all these connections!
Anyway, Wendie says hello and I look forward to meeting you sometime in the New Year. Thanks Pat for inquiring! Hasta luego cyclists! Happy holidays, Jane Hi VSB Mafiosi! I certainly appreciate all the information I've gleaned from just this one email. Now I can concentrate on asking some really important questions now that we've cleared up much of Jane's sketchy background! See you in Interrogation Room #20, Heartbreak Terrace in early 2015, Inmate Slinger! Cheers, Warden Dunn!

Hi boys, hope this fine Wednesday is lots of fun so far! Perry said he is available on either the 10th or 17th of January. Jane
Hello Cruise Ship People! Trust all goes/went well with Luxury, Sheer Luxury, cruise! In closing, want to send along our wishes to you both and all your extended family for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Hi Wednesday People! Cora Lee is not home at moment so I can't
give an absolute on either the 10th or 17th of January yet. Don't have
our 2015 calendar up until one of us receives one in our stocking! We
list coming social engagements so we can tell if we are busy or not, on a
given date. I assume both suggested dates might work but I'll confirm
once we've chatted. Perhaps you could ask Marcus about their
availability, Giggenheimer. Cheers, Trizzio Pics: Frosty's support vehicle for Whistler Winter Gran Fondo!
Hello to One Wise Man, perhaps, and a qualified "perhaps" at that, Grogg, and a Wiser Woman, certainly Claire de la Lune! Trust all goes well with our Favourite Brisbanites! Hard to believe that Christmas Eve is but a week away. Thanks for the cheeky Christmas card! However, I must tell you that I'm the one who actually wants to stop and ask for directions whenever we are lost, which never happens, of course, not the stopping but the "Lost" aspect, as I happen to know the world like the back of my hand!
Thanks again for the Christmas wishes and would like to reciprocate by sending along our wishes to you both all your extended family both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to our Favourite Brisbanites! Fondestos and Cheers from the Management, Mme Coriandre, Uppity Concierge, and the Selfless, Tireless Staff of the Islay Inn: Cheeky Chambermaid Chloë and Scullion Patrizzio!
Many thanks Corrine and Patrizzio. Hope you get a white Christmas. Love to one and all. Gudrun and Stephen xxxxx
Hi Gudrun! Don't know if we'll have a white Christmas or not but we watched it last night! Chloë came over after work to help her Mom with "snowball" production. Now all we need is enough discipline to make sure snowballs last until Christmas! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello to our Favourite Albertans and Jan and Zircon as well! Trust all goes well with you both. Great that you will soon have a provincial sales tax and have to live like the rest of your poor Canadian citizens! Luxury, Sheer Luxury no more for the Texas of Canada! In closing, want to send along our wishes to you both and all your extended family for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Clara and Dusty, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! You should know that I never exaggerate! Just spent a
wonderful few hours with Clan Sutherland. Mutual friends, Laurie and
Daniello. were over for dinner, as well as a colleague of Sarge's,
Terry. Coriandre was out for dinner at the VPL Board Christmas dinner so
when we went downstairs I ate overlefts at the Sutherland's table. A
number of very tasty wines so I enjoyed being a Freeloader for a change!
After legitimate dinner guests left we spent a good hour or so catching
up with Flamin' and Sarge as we really haven't spent all that much time
with them since they returned from Hawaii. Going to be a busy next few
days with last minute shopping and preparations for the arrival of
Tinsel Towners. Cheers for now, Patrizzio! Pic: Frosty The Cyclist and his support vehicle!
Hello to One Wise Man, perhaps, and a qualified "perhaps" at that, Grogg, and a Wiser Woman, certainly Claire de la Lune! Trust all goes well with our Favourite Brisbanites! Hard to believe that Christmas Eve is but a week away. Thanks for the cheeky Christmas card! However, I must tell you that I'm the one who actually wants to stop and ask for directions whenever we are lost, which never happens, of course, not the stopping but the "Lost" aspect, as I happen to know the world like the back of my hand!
Thanks again for the Christmas wishes and would like to reciprocate by sending along our wishes to you both all your extended family both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to our Favourite Brisbanites! Fondestos and Cheers from the Management, Mme Coriandre, Uppity Concierge, and the Selfless, Tireless Staff of the Islay Inn: Cheeky Chambermaid Chloë and Scullion Patrizzio!
Many thanks Corrine and Patrizzio. Hope you get a white Christmas. Love to one and all. Gudrun and Stephen xxxxx
Hi Gudrun! Don't know if we'll have a white Christmas or not but we watched it last night! Chloë came over after work to help her Mom with "snowball" production. Now all we need is enough discipline to make sure snowballs last until Christmas! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello to our Favourite Albertans and Jan and Zircon as well! Trust all goes well with you both. Great that you will soon have a provincial sales tax and have to live like the rest of your poor Canadian citizens! Luxury, Sheer Luxury no more for the Texas of Canada! In closing, want to send along our wishes to you both and all your extended family for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Clara and Dusty, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
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