Hello Low Profile, (perhaps, Invisible!), People! Trust all is set for this aft and this even. No word on numbers for dinner or transportation arrangements. At your earliest convenience, let us know so that we can attempt to plan accordingly! I'm planning to go for a ride around 10:00 am and will see if Robo Man is up for a jaunt to Iona. Chat soon, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hark! The East Van Choirs Sing!
Today at 19:00
Rio Theater in Vancouver, British Columbia Patrick James Dunn Buy bulbs, Baby, buy bulbs!
Hello Sunshine Valley People! Trust all goes well at the cabin! Not sure if you are there or in town. Off to listen to Jill Barber at VPL this afternoon. She will be reading from her newest children's book, Music is for Everyone! Then we have to dash to Dunbar to take in a singalong put on by a choir, at St. Phillip's Anglican Church, on West 27th. Jane has some friends who are singing in concert. Afterwards, Whirlygig, Jane, Amira and Jake are all supposed to come for dinner but not sure about Jake, as of this writing!
Today at 19:00
Rio Theater in Vancouver, British Columbia Patrick James Dunn Buy bulbs, Baby, buy bulbs!P, thanks for the film and series reviews and the festive pics. Look forward to seeing you all this afternoon. If you are passing by 3rd and Balsam on your way to the church-on-time, there are two passengers that would get on the peace train. Please say hi to Robo man if you see him. It should be a good morning for a ride. Fond regards to all, W
P, Thanks for including Jake and Amira in the dinner plans. Amira stayed on the island and Cobby has another commitment. If it is okay with you, may I suggest 3:30 at the corner of 3rd and Balsam. If this is inconvenient in any way, please let us know. We can meet ya at the church of what's carolling now. W
Jane will fill you in on this friend and his recent cycling trip in Vietnam and his intention to ride in the Czech Republic. W
Cycling North Vietnam:
Patriçio, Well, since I helped you with your technical issues, I request a favour in return. This is in strictest confidence, as I want to avoid public humiliation if it is a flop.Greetings:
Tom Ulitz, Katarina Kostarova (the lady leading the Czech Republic and Slovakia bike trips next June) and I just got back from bicycling in the northwest corner of Vietnam. This was one of the best bicycle trips I have ever been on so while I am still excited about it I thought I would send you a link to the pictures.
I do not edit or delete any of my pictures (every picture good or bad represents a memory for me and goodness knows at my age I need to exercise that part of my brain as much as possible). If a picture catches your attention just click on it and you will get a large version of it. Perry
Vietnam Nov. 14 - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzT6Q2AXQ7gtdkdCcnRPWXh5anM&usp=sharing
The background is this … my uncle is feeling better, and has thus began acting like a ass again. I should know better, but our last exchange caused a bad night’s sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, and instead of simply making a hot chocolate and playing solitaire for a while, I wrote something. Took 20 minutes to write, about 2 hours to tweek. It’s mostly about my uncle, but it also refers to some of my general life experiences … Your opinion will affect the price of the next bottle of hooch I bring over! Branko, [*] Depression is just anger without enthusiasm [*]
Hi Ragin'! Sorry I've not answered sooner but it was a busy day today. Before I go into any details just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Time. From my point of view, very, very well crafted, (I'm no expert on anything, let alone free-verse, if this piece falls into something like this structure.), insightful and deeply moving. From my point of view you move from the deeply personal to the universal, grappling with emotions and difficult social situations that we all experience/feel if we feel at all. There are a few lines I would re-work but these are just niggling observations about a powerful, heart-felt work. I might steal it and present it as my own! Bravo! Keep writing. You express yourself in a tellingly direct, unsparing, yet sparing fashion. I feel touched that you have seen fit to share it with me. Good work. Onward! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Went for a grand ride out to UBC and then along Marine once past campus. Not sure if you are aware of it or not but SW Marine is closed from 49th to just before Granville due to water main construction. I discovered this last weekend. However, there is, as you can probably imagine, local traffic access as well bike access for most of thoroughfare. This being the case I wanted to take a jaunt out to Iona. However, once I was over CSTB, given time I had before I needed to be back home, [By this point I knew it was completely unrealistic, on my part, to attempt to take in Jill Barber's reading at VPL.] I realized that I could either ride to Iona and then return via Cambie or else just retrace my steps via Marine. No need to worry about the "Dreaded Burning Ground" as all the significant intersections were barricaded and had police cruisers with flashing lights as well. Even chatted, in passing, with officer at 49th, on way out, and he said I could travel beyond, on Marine, but to be aware of any temporary paving, etc. Stats for ride:
Really enjoyed having Marine, virtually to myself, so almost a private road! Sailed home by 2:30 pm to keep Mme Coriandre happy as we had to collect Whirlygig and Jane at 3:30 pm. Four of us were attending a Christmas carol singalong at St Phillips Anglican in Dunbar. It was a lovely program with two sessions by a recorder group, interspersed with singing. Many of Cora Lee's favourites so she was pleased. Rector, John Stephens, did a masterful job of providing a bit of historical background for each carol before we sang it. I knew but a few snippets so quite enjoyed hearing more. After the program everyone was invited to stay for hot choclate and shortbread so we had a great time nibbling and visiting with people. A number of Jane's close friends attended so it was a good chance to get to know some of them a bit better.
Made for home about 6:00 pm as we were dining at 7:00 pm. J/W brought some delicious cheese, (a Blue that was divine!), so we started out with that and beer, for Giorgio, white wine for the rest of us, enjoying chatting about pre-Christmas activities and everyone's plan for hols.
Clarisse and Dusty joined us as soon as the hockey game was over and we continued visiting until dinner was ready. Coriandre made a wonderful crock pot chicken curry, in coconut milk, and served it with Jasmine rice. Rosita had made her famous turnip puff and, under Die Direktoren's supervision, I put together a tomatoe, buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil salad. Opened a bottle of 2010 Coffaro Neighbor's Zin, 15.9%, as I wanted Jane to taste some of the wine we'd brought back this past November. Smash hit and I'm sorry to say that everyone wanted more. Unfortunately, last bottle left. Rest are languishing in Portland!
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