Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. -Christina Rossetti, poet (1830-1894)
Patrick, Thank you for your long detailed note about your daily lives - very busy lives I must say. Gerry and I would be delighted to come to your Open House on the 23rd. How lucky for us to be in town then. Thank you for inviting Jeff and Stacee too and we will pass on your invitation. We look forward to seeing Ayn and the boys as it has been many years, possibly not since your 25th Anniversary.
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Orion Test Flight! |
I gather Gerry told Corinne that we would call once we are in Vancouver so we will see you soon. Cheers, Dawn of the North
Dear Dawn of the North, (Great name, bye the bye. Cora Lee want to be Mid-Morning Riser of the South!), and Proof-Reader Herardo of inna you Typeface!
I know you live miles from nowhere but I did think you had some connectivity! Do you still rub two sticks together to start a fire? This message is same one I sent initially so you better check out your computer from the '80's! However, Heraldo was right, I did not send Ms Fashionista as a way to see if you followed the minutia of our dreary lives. No, we don't have to fight wolves and live off cedar boughs like some of the hardier folk up country but we do treat our friends with respect, unlike the rough frontier manners we seem to encounter from those who live north of the Arctic Circle! As punishment, you must re-read this epistle, three times, before opening attachments, all the while repeating: " Patrizzio is a fine young man!", (Sharktooth Annie always said this about Grog, never me, as I was the "perfect son!), ad infinitum if not ad nauseam!
Nevertheless, delighted you will be able to attend our Open House. Will chat anon. Cheers, an older, but wiser, Fine Young Man!
Patrick, Such a snappy response - I could not compete with you! Thank you
for adding the photo of Corinne in her very warm looking jacket. I
realized that Frosty's were the painting by Picasso aka Corinne's dad.
Guess I was a bit slow on that one. Dawn Hi Slow On The Uptake Dawn of the Not So Early Bird North! We
still love you even though you are not the brightest light on the
Chritmas tree! Off to take Mme Coriandre downtown to work at the Friends
of VPL Annual Christmas Book Sale.
I'll pop in to Marquis after wards to pick up some WOW, (Wines of the Weekend), hootch. Usually some pretty good deals. I generally buy a bottle or two to sample and then buy a case if we deem it of interest. Last week I scored a Paul Mas, (Winery we visited in Languedoc, near where I had rented place in Neffiés.), 2011 Cabernet/Cabernet Franc, 14%, for $13, ($17 regulare!), which will be even better over next year or so, if it lasts that long! Might even let you try some at Open House! Fondestos to our Favourite Turtle. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I'll pop in to Marquis after wards to pick up some WOW, (Wines of the Weekend), hootch. Usually some pretty good deals. I generally buy a bottle or two to sample and then buy a case if we deem it of interest. Last week I scored a Paul Mas, (Winery we visited in Languedoc, near where I had rented place in Neffiés.), 2011 Cabernet/Cabernet Franc, 14%, for $13, ($17 regulare!), which will be even better over next year or so, if it lasts that long! Might even let you try some at Open House! Fondestos to our Favourite Turtle. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ski, (and Janet!)! Thanks so much for your lovely call! Great to chat. As you can tell, I've included Janet in the conversation! Janet, Ski would like to ask some things about Inja and since you are our resident expert, I'll let the two of you converse when most convenient! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Beth! We met on The Streets of San Francisco, on Saturday, November 1st, just at the bottom of Powell, near the cable car turntable. My friend and I, (Glasgow), were walking towards Nob Hill and you were heading to pick up a fur coat. We had a grand time while staying in Berkeley and visiting your fabulous city. On Sunday we cycled over the Golden Gate and returned via ferry from Tiburon.
While in line there we met a lovely young couple who co-own the Stone Korean Kitchen at Four Embarcadero Center. We hope to eat there this coming February as we will be driving down to Palm Springs to spend a week or so with other friends who have rented a place there for six weeks.
If you are ever in Vancouver, give us a shout. We live but two minutes from the Granville Island Market and we'd be delighted to have you over for a coffee or something stronger, depending on your predilection! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Golden Gate ride; Terry, (Co-Owner and Executive Chef), and Mimi. PS: I think i mentioned our close friends, Susan and Charlie Pitchford, who run their own travel business:
What a lovely surprise, as I almost deleted as "unknown sender".
I am so glad you enjoyed "the City". I think you dont know I live in Oakland, but I claim SF as I am a native of sorts.
There is lots more to do here, and hope you will be back again. Often people get to Carmel/Monterey from here, or to Lake Tahoe, which I claim to be the most beautiful place on earth (after Switzerland in May). I thank you for the kind invitation, but not likely that I will be in YVR anytime soon. Enjoy your travels, and thanks for the contact re the Pitchfords. Best regards. Beth
Hi Again, Beth! I'm glad I didn't end up in the trash, so to speak! Our friends, Nancy Mennel and David Kessler, live on Vicente, as I might have mentioned. While they technically live in Oakland, their mail address is Berkeley! They lost their original home in the terrible fires of 1991.
On a brighter note, we drove to Calaveras County after we left Berkeley, to ride and wine-taste. Thence to Tahoe where we rode around some of the bike trails at the southwest end of the lake. Even "bumped" into two bears when exploring Tahoe Keys!
You really need to visit our Okanagan Valley, near Naramata/Penticton, if you think Tahoe is gorgeous. Know what you mean about Switzerland, of course. We have quite a few close friends in Berne, Zurich and Lucerne. Last visited in 2010. Had a number of Swiss university students as boarders back in the '70's and '80's and have since hosted their children here in Vancouver! Organize a tour to Vancouver. You, if anyone, should be able to do that in the twinkling of an eye! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Amador County, near Plymouth; Just before Tahoe; bruins; view from Naramata Bench over Okanagan Lake.
in a grumpy mood just had my bike stolen. so with nothing to do i may head to oakland; sour faced matt
Hi Glasgow! What a complete drag! How did it happen? I went over to FCCC to use the elliptical and had a very good session. When back home I took my Trek onto patio and gave it a good cleaning, oiled chain, etc., as it was pretty gritty after last ride, although roads were reasonably dry. (Lots of snow in bike lane on Marine past campus.) At any rate, I kept a close watch on it whenever I went inside to fill up a pail of water. (Outside system has been shut off for winter.), as I know it only takes a second and poof! No bike! This happened to my camel pack knapsack this past summer, as I think I mentioned at one point during our road trip.
At ant rate you are more than welcome to use my Brodie until you replace your bike. Heavier than your very nice unit but at least you can get around in the interim. I really though it was a great bike from just seeing it and putting it on/off car rack. Shall I call Barbara and Raoul and tell them to expect you? How many bag lunches should Cactus make? Say hello to Mimi and Terry at the Korean Stone Kitchen. Wait a minute, I'll come with you! We can spend New Year's Eve on the Golden Gate. Think Whirlygig has a ball and chain around his left ankle and his love-stricken heart so he won't be going anywhere. We'll still charge him a third of expenses however. That should drop the unit cost of all the wine we'll be buying.
Seriously, I'm quite upset by the theft. Again, please don't hesitate to use my bike if it suits. I'd be happy to pop it on the car rack and drop it off or you could come by our place, have a ham dinner and drown your sorrows in malt! Onward!! Fight!!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Happier days!
Hi Vinnie: Just had the above message from Glasgow. Trust all is well with Vicentians. Cheers, Rizzzzzzzo!
Christina Tassell Patrick James DunnHappy
birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to dear Patrick ,
Happy birthday to you. Lots of love Tina and Trevor
Patrick James Dunn Hi
TNT! Thanks for birthday wishes and chorus! Great to have boithday
greetings from Oz as they are always a day early. This way I'm able to
celebrate twice. Where are the expensive presents?
Christina Tassell Hi
Patrick, Better than the other way round, when I receive mine a day
late, but like you it lasts twice as long, presents are in the post!!
Patrick James Dunn Along with the cheque?
Christina Tassell Of course, but if it doesnt appear blame Canada Post:)
Patrick James Dunn Next you'll be saying that parcel has been lost in Christmas mail rush!
Stephen CarthewPatrick James Dunn You don't seem that old.
Patrick James Dunn The closer you live, the older I become!
Patrick James Dunn Agree?
Patrick James Dunn Thanks for the kisses, Antonio! Elly's hugs are almost as good! I used to be jealous! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, Holder of Plot 320708 Best wishes and many happy returns of the day! (Please see birthday card attached) To celebrate your birthday (and your 7 years of being a Friend of Laphroaig!) we would like to offer you a small online present from all of us here at the distillery. The code below will be valid for three months at the Friends of Laphroaig online shop. You can use the code to receive a one-off 10% birthday discount in addition to your usual FOL discount* on any purchases that you make. Just make sure that you're logged in to FOL so that we recognise you.
Your birthday code is 079B53 Dear Patrick Dunn, Thank you for your recent purchase at Your order will be delivered as follows: UK - up to 7 working days
Hello Hale Grove Gardens, Vancouver Calling! Dearest Penelope, trust you are well! Haven't heard from you in aeons. Suppose now that you are jet-setting with Madcap, you have forgotten all about your former friends! Just to make sure you still live in Mill Hill I've sent a bottle of Laphroaig to # 37. Distillery seems to think I deserve a treat for my 67th! Anyway, I do hope you still live there and do remember Canada, at the very least! Had
a brief message from Jamie and apparently Patrizzia had a nasty fall.
Don't know any of the circumstances but seems as if she is recovering.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to
you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Star atop our tree. Not yet
fully decorated so Kommandant Coramandel had forbade any pictures until official unveiling!
One of my young pool friends had a bike crash yesterday, was sore and
bruised in spots and had a $2,000 bike totaled. Not a good day for
It was a good day for dinner here, birthday bash for our friend Sarah
Trejo who remembers you (young beautiful Latin-looking beauty, swimmer)
down from Santa Rosa with fiance Matt, dinner for 8 at a great
restaurant near College and Broadway, Marica.
with hooch provided by we the celebrants (I supplied the bread to the
approval even awe of wait staff). Time for a bit of the barley! Cactus
[maricaoakland Marica Restaurant
love breaking into the top layer of a creme brulee, one of our favorite
French desserts! Our Orange Grand Marnier Crème Brulee topped with
fresh berries.]
In more seriousness, send my condo's to Glasgow. One of the worst
feelings ever and alas I'm one of the far too many who knows exactly the
cocktail of anger and emptiness. Cactus
Hi Vincenzo! What a great idea to take along your own bread! Together with waived corkage, restaurants will now have to start paying you whenever you are out with Donna Florida and cohorts!
Sounded like a wonderful celebration! However, sorry to hear about your pool friend's accident. Guess better his bike than his noggin'!
I will certainly pass along your very apt comments to Glasgow. I've not heard from him since he sent message. I assume he is somewhere on I 5, probably somewhere near Shasta! I gather he'll want a container of loaves so that he can take them to every eatery he frequents! Cheers, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzo!
Hi Sour Puss! I forwarded your tale of woe to Cactus and this was his reply. (see above) My reply, (see above)! Say hello to the Coffaros when in Sonoma. Let me know if Stone Korean Kitchen are fussed about you bringing your own bread and wine. You could always claim a religious exemption although I gather you usually celebrate communion with malt! Sláinte/slàinte, depending on which way the wind is blowing! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Tollund Man
"A picture of the head of Tollund Man, whose remains had been found in a
bog in Denmark. A 2,000-year-old man (or perhaps a bit older), Tollund
like other bog bodies, appeared in a state the reverse of most corpses:
although his skeleton was dissolving, his body tissue remained, stained
brown but otherwise in remarkable condition. You could see the stubble
on his chin and his puckered forehead. His
expression was peaceful, in spite of the braided leather rope around
his neck." From: Lives in Ruins: Archaeologists and the Seductive Lure of Human Rubble, Marilyn Johnson, HarperCollins, 2014
Christina Tassell Hi Patrick, Better than the other way round, when I receive mine a day late, but like you it lasts twice as long, presents are in the post!!
Patrick James Dunn Along with the cheque?
- Christina Tassell Of course, but if it doesnt appear blame Canada Post:)
- Patrick James Dunn Next you'll be saying that parcel has been lost in Christmas mail rush!

Dear Patrick, Holder of Plot 320708 Best wishes and many happy returns of the day! (Please see birthday card attached) To celebrate your birthday (and your 7 years of being a Friend of Laphroaig!) we would like to offer you a small online present from all of us here at the distillery. The code below will be valid for three months at the Friends of Laphroaig online shop. You can use the code to receive a one-off 10% birthday discount in addition to your usual FOL discount* on any purchases that you make. Just make sure that you're logged in to FOL so that we recognise you.
Your birthday code is 079B53 Dear Patrick Dunn, Thank you for your recent purchase at Your order will be delivered as follows: UK - up to 7 working days
Hello Hale Grove Gardens, Vancouver Calling! Dearest Penelope, trust you are well! Haven't heard from you in aeons. Suppose now that you are jet-setting with Madcap, you have forgotten all about your former friends! Just to make sure you still live in Mill Hill I've sent a bottle of Laphroaig to # 37. Distillery seems to think I deserve a treat for my 67th! Anyway, I do hope you still live there and do remember Canada, at the very least! Had a brief message from Jamie and apparently Patrizzia had a nasty fall. Don't know any of the circumstances but seems as if she is recovering.
Pic: Star atop our tree. Not yet fully decorated so Kommandant Coramandel had forbade any pictures until official unveiling!
One of my young pool friends had a bike crash yesterday, was sore and
bruised in spots and had a $2,000 bike totaled. Not a good day for
It was a good day for dinner here, birthday bash for our friend Sarah
Trejo who remembers you (young beautiful Latin-looking beauty, swimmer)
down from Santa Rosa with fiance Matt, dinner for 8 at a great
restaurant near College and Broadway, Marica.
with hooch provided by we the celebrants (I supplied the bread to the
approval even awe of wait staff). Time for a bit of the barley! Cactus
[maricaoakland Marica Restaurant
We love breaking into the top layer of a creme brulee, one of our favorite French desserts! Our Orange Grand Marnier Crème Brulee topped with fresh berries.]
[maricaoakland Marica Restaurant
We love breaking into the top layer of a creme brulee, one of our favorite French desserts! Our Orange Grand Marnier Crème Brulee topped with fresh berries.]
In more seriousness, send my condo's to Glasgow. One of the worst
feelings ever and alas I'm one of the far too many who knows exactly the
cocktail of anger and emptiness. Cactus
Hi Vincenzo! What a great idea to take along your own bread! Together with waived corkage, restaurants will now have to start paying you whenever you are out with Donna Florida and cohorts!
Sounded like a wonderful celebration! However, sorry to hear about your pool friend's accident. Guess better his bike than his noggin'!
I will certainly pass along your very apt comments to Glasgow. I've not heard from him since he sent message. I assume he is somewhere on I 5, probably somewhere near Shasta! I gather he'll want a container of loaves so that he can take them to every eatery he frequents! Cheers, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzo!
Hi Sour Puss! I forwarded your tale of woe to Cactus and this was his reply. (see above) My reply, (see above)! Say hello to the Coffaros when in Sonoma. Let me know if Stone Korean Kitchen are fussed about you bringing your own bread and wine. You could always claim a religious exemption although I gather you usually celebrate communion with malt! Sláinte/slàinte, depending on which way the wind is blowing! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
"A picture of the head of Tollund Man, whose remains had been found in a
bog in Denmark. A 2,000-year-old man (or perhaps a bit older), Tollund
like other bog bodies, appeared in a state the reverse of most corpses:
although his skeleton was dissolving, his body tissue remained, stained
brown but otherwise in remarkable condition. You could see the stubble
on his chin and his puckered forehead. His
expression was peaceful, in spite of the braided leather rope around
his neck." From: Lives in Ruins: Archaeologists and the Seductive Lure of Human Rubble, Marilyn Johnson, HarperCollins, 2014
Hi Vincenzo! What a great idea to take along your own bread! Together with waived corkage, restaurants will now have to start paying you whenever you are out with Donna Florida and cohorts!
Sounded like a wonderful celebration! However, sorry to hear about your pool friend's accident. Guess better his bike than his noggin'!
I will certainly pass along your very apt comments to Glasgow. I've not heard from him since he sent message. I assume he is somewhere on I 5, probably somewhere near Shasta! I gather he'll want a container of loaves so that he can take them to every eatery he frequents! Cheers, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzo!
Hi Sour Puss! I forwarded your tale of woe to Cactus and this was his reply. (see above) My reply, (see above)! Say hello to the Coffaros when in Sonoma. Let me know if Stone Korean Kitchen are fussed about you bringing your own bread and wine. You could always claim a religious exemption although I gather you usually celebrate communion with malt! Sláinte/slàinte, depending on which way the wind is blowing! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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Tollund Man |
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